Please provide evidence that Colin powel and Condi Rice used a personal server

Show where both Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used a private server as Hilary (worse than Bush) has?
Ffs, you unbelievably dumb fuck rightard, Powell used a public server.
Translation: Other people broke the law so Hillary should be allowed to do it too.

However none of them had their own personal server, that si the point of the thread..

The far left can not understand such things..
For gods' sakes, Powell used a public server.

Wrong...he used a public server for his private email because at the time he was in there the State Department servers did not connect to the outside.......he asked the techs at state to enable him to send private email when he was working...

She didn't ask anyone anything, and set up a private server to avoid freedom of information requests and government scrutiny of her selling access and the state department through contributions to the clinton foundation and her rapist husbands speaking fees......

big fucking difference....
They did NOT conduct official business on their private email, they did NOT mail Government documents on private email. They used Government sources for those transactions.

Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used private accounts for classified emails

Classified Data Found in Personal Email of Colin Powell and Aides to Condoleezza Rice

yeah...nice try but you failed...

“None of the material was marked as classified, but the substance of the material and ‘Nodis’ (No Distribution) references in the body or subject lines of some of the documents suggested that the documents could be potentially sensitive,” Linick wrote in the memo obtained by NBC News and the Associated Press (AP).
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They did NOT conduct official business on their private email, they did NOT mail Government documents on private email. They used Government sources for those transactions.

Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used private accounts for classified emails

Classified Data Found in Personal Email of Colin Powell and Aides to Condoleezza Rice

And a double fail...

Mr. Powell, in a telephone interview, disputed the department’s designation, saying he had reviewed the two emails with the inspector general’s office and responded incredulously, “What are you talking about?” The emails, he said, were sent by two career ambassadors and forwarded to him by his executive assistant, something he encouraged for important matters. One involved a kidnapping in the Philippines, the other general views on the situation in the Middle East. Both, he said, were now considered “confidential.”

“That is an absurdity,” he said. If two seasoned diplomats could not discuss their views with the secretary in unclassified emails, he said, “we might as well shut the department down.”

Ms. Rice, now at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, was not available to comment, but her chief of staff, Georgia D. Godfrey, said that she did not use email or have a personal email account while secretary. She noted that the inspector general said the email in question involved “diplomatic conversations” sent to her assistants and contained “no intelligence information.”

Nothing they did compares to hilary attempting to conceal illegal activity involving her selling her office through the clinton foundation....
To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line. My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries into the 186,000-miles-per-second world.

- Colin Powell, Worked For Me: In Life And Leadership, published 2012.

STEPHANOPOULOS: OK. So we'll cut back to you on that later on.

But I do want to ask you one final question on this Hillary Clinton e-mail controversy. Which, of course, put you back in the news a bit this week, as well.

You were secretary of State during the early days of e-mails. You were one of the first secretaries, I believe, to set up a personal e-mail account. And you pushed to modernize the State Department's system.

Based on your experience, what do you make of these revelations this week and what would you recommend that she do now?

POWELL: I -- I can't speak to a -- Mrs. Clinton and what she should do now. That would be inappropriate.

What I did when I entered the State Department, I found an antiquated system that had to be modernized and modernized quickly.

So we put in place new systems, bought 44,000 computers and put a new Internet capable computer on every single desk in every embassy, every office in the State Department. And then I connected it with software.

But in order to change the culture, to change the brainware, as I call it, I started using it in order to get everybody to use it, so we could be a 21st century institution and not a 19th century.

But I retained none of those e-mails and we are working with the State Department to see if there's anything else they want to discuss with me about those e-mails.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So they want...

POWELL: (INAUDIBLE) have a stack of them.

STEPHANOPOULOS: -- they've asked you to turn them over, but you don't have them, is that it?

POWELL: I don't have any -- I don't have any to turn over. I did not keep a cache of them. I did not print them off. I do not have thousands of pages somewhere in my personal files.

And, in fact, a lot of the e-mails that came out of my personal account went into the State Department system. They were addressed to State Department employees and the domain. But I don't know if the servers the State Department captured those or not.

And most -- they were all unclassified and most of them, I think, are pretty benign, so I'm not terribly concerned even if they were able to recover them.

'This Week' Transcript: Former Secretary of State Colin Powell is nothing he did that compares to what hilary did......he set up personal email so he could send personal emails out of his office when he was working...something that was not possible when he came in because the State Department system was a closed couldn't email out of it...

So he consulted with the techies and set up a way to send private email.....and used official State Department Servers for official business...

She set up a secret server, with no connection to the State Department, with no oversight from the Department so she could hide all of her activities from the government and from FOIA requests........

I guys have to pretend it was all the same because she and her husband are your personal saviors....but normal people understand the truth.....
They didn't.

Next stupid thread.....

So if they didn't why must she persist with the false equivalence?

She has never said that they used a private server. They didn't use the government email system. That's all that she has said about them.

Quit whining.

She has repeatedly brought up her predecessors to deflect from criticism for her circumventing the rules (and breaking the law mind you) in a way which no one has. If you were as honest as you claim to be you would concede that fact.

You are making assumptions not in evidence. I honestly replied to the dopey question asked by the OP. For the MILLIONTH time.....Hillary did something shady here. But it wasn't illegal and it is not to the level of corruption. It is simply being secretive. It's not going to sink her candidacy.
Start talking issues is you want to beat her.

it was all illegal...every last thing she did......from setting up a secret server that the governemnt didn't know about to destroying her emails...all illegal....
They didn't.

Next stupid thread.....

So if they didn't why must she persist with the false equivalence?

She has never said that they used a private server. They didn't use the government email system. That's all that she has said about them.

Quit whining.

She has repeatedly brought up her predecessors to deflect from criticism for her circumventing the rules (and breaking the law mind you) in a way which no one has. If you were as honest as you claim to be you would concede that fact.

You are making assumptions not in evidence. I honestly replied to the dopey question asked by the OP. For the MILLIONTH time.....Hillary did something shady here. But it wasn't illegal and it is not to the level of corruption. It is simply being secretive. It's not going to sink her candidacy.
Start talking issues is you want to beat her.

it was all illegal...every last thing she did......from setting up a secret server that the governemnt didn't know about to destroying her emails...all illegal....

Oh. OK. Then the indictment is going to be issued today, right? Oh...wait! It's Sunday. Tomorrow. Yeah.....yeah.....yeah. That's it. The indictment will be issued tomorrow.
So if they didn't why must she persist with the false equivalence?

She has never said that they used a private server. They didn't use the government email system. That's all that she has said about them.

Quit whining.

She has repeatedly brought up her predecessors to deflect from criticism for her circumventing the rules (and breaking the law mind you) in a way which no one has. If you were as honest as you claim to be you would concede that fact.

You are making assumptions not in evidence. I honestly replied to the dopey question asked by the OP. For the MILLIONTH time.....Hillary did something shady here. But it wasn't illegal and it is not to the level of corruption. It is simply being secretive. It's not going to sink her candidacy.
Start talking issues is you want to beat her.

it was all illegal...every last thing she did......from setting up a secret server that the governemnt didn't know about to destroying her emails...all illegal....

Oh. OK. Then the indictment is going to be issued today, right? Oh...wait! It's Sunday. Tomorrow. Yeah.....yeah.....yeah. That's it. The indictment will be issued tomorrow.

yeah...the democrats control the Justice no...she won't be indicted...not because she is innocent...just because the democrats won't enforce the law......
Stored in a bathroom, and that they paid off a State Dept cronie to set it up without security. You people can not even begin to comprehend that a personal email is not a personal server. But that's OK you are just Democrats after all.

You haven't accepted the overwhelming evidence they are both complicit in war crimes through their involvement in the conspiracy to move citizens and legislators into supporting an unprovoked, unnecessary war with manufactured intelligence and outright lies. Compared to that crime which caused maybe one million innocent deaths and the loss of 5,000+ American soldiers lives plus tens of thousands of horribly wounded and maimed of their brethren your Server/Email "scandal" is petty grievance. Grow up and try to learn a little perspective.
She has never said that they used a private server. They didn't use the government email system. That's all that she has said about them.

Quit whining.

She has repeatedly brought up her predecessors to deflect from criticism for her circumventing the rules (and breaking the law mind you) in a way which no one has. If you were as honest as you claim to be you would concede that fact.

You are making assumptions not in evidence. I honestly replied to the dopey question asked by the OP. For the MILLIONTH time.....Hillary did something shady here. But it wasn't illegal and it is not to the level of corruption. It is simply being secretive. It's not going to sink her candidacy.
Start talking issues is you want to beat her.

it was all illegal...every last thing she did......from setting up a secret server that the governemnt didn't know about to destroying her emails...all illegal....

Oh. OK. Then the indictment is going to be issued today, right? Oh...wait! It's Sunday. Tomorrow. Yeah.....yeah.....yeah. That's it. The indictment will be issued tomorrow.

yeah...the democrats control the Justice no...she won't be indicted...not because she is innocent...just because the democrats won't enforce the law......

Ohhhhh! She's guilty of a crime and you know it. But....every LEO in the justice department is crooked, so they will look the other way. The FBI is crooked too. Their investigation of this matter has been a dog and pony show and was corrupt from the start.

OK. Cool. What's your next story gonna be about? The fake moon landing?
Those sources are credible, while your persona here has never been such. You are a far right loser whose candidate is going to lose this fall.
Would you accept something from WND? Case closed, asshole.
The Guardian and the NYTimes are reputable, whereas the WND is not, and only assholes do not know that.
Um, no they're not, moron, unless you're a left wing hack (like you).
"left wing hack" to you means anyone to the left of Scott Walker and who is not a racist. Yes, they are credible, and you are not.
Credible to you (the left wing hack).
Credible to any common sense rational American citizen, which you are not.
Watching far right drones run around in circles flapping their hands like 2aguy and kosh is simply priceless.
No evidence ANYWHERE, just RW BS repeated ad infinitum...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Silly far left drone can not provide evidence to prove others have done what Hilary did.

But then again what do you expect, these drones will always support worse than Bush and the illegal wars of Obama and Clinton..
Nobody is worse than W. Allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence the stupidest wars ever, AND a corrupt GOP WORLD DEPRESSION.

Those aren't wars, and not illegal except in Pub Dupe World, ignorant dupe.
The Google Server is a private server.
The Yahoo Server is a private server.
If you have to buy or apply for an email account outside of the government, it's on a private server.

Who doesn't know that. It's only not private if it's a government server.


You can spin anything for Democrats, that's hilarious. You don't even have your own set of testicles, do you?
Stored in a bathroom, and that they paid off a State Dept cronie to set it up without security. You people can not even begin to comprehend that a personal email is not a personal server. But that's OK you are just Democrats after all.

You haven't accepted the overwhelming evidence they are both complicit in war crimes through their involvement in the conspiracy to move citizens and legislators into supporting an unprovoked, unnecessary war with manufactured intelligence and outright lies. Compared to that crime which caused maybe one million innocent deaths and the loss of 5,000+ American soldiers lives plus tens of thousands of horribly wounded and maimed of their brethren your Server/Email "scandal" is petty grievance. Grow up and try to learn a little perspective.
Look numbnuts, NY Senator Hillary Clinton had all of the intelligence information at her disposal, and her decision from that information was to VOTE YES TO GO TO WAR WITH IRAQ. So according to your moronic theory, Clinton herself is guilty of war crimes.

la di da da da

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