Please provide evidence that Colin powel and Condi Rice used a personal server

Neither bass not gunny are acceptable sources on this.

They are citing themselves and their opinions, nothing more.
Markle the sock used to cite himself as evidence in his old guise.

Did not work then will not work now.
You have not shown (1) they were changed and (2) they were changed in the way you say they were changed.
Stored in a bathroom, and that they paid off a State Dept cronie to set it up without security. You people can not even begin to comprehend that a personal email is not a personal server. But that's OK you are just Democrats after all.

Colin Powell and Congolia Rice lied us into an unnecessary war that cost America tens of thousands of unnecessary casualties.

Their crimes win the evil award.

Funny how liberals forget all the lies by every top Democrat including the Clintons. Between BJ's Billy boy was telling everyone that would listen that Sadam had WMDs.
They did NOT conduct official business on their private email, they did NOT mail Government documents on private email. They used Government sources for those transactions.

Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used private accounts for classified emails

Classified Data Found in Personal Email of Colin Powell and Aides to Condoleezza Rice
Got something from a credible source?
Those sources are credible, while your persona here has never been such. You are a far right loser whose candidate is going to lose this fall.
Would you accept something from WND? Case closed, asshole.
They did NOT conduct official business on their private email, they did NOT mail Government documents on private email. They used Government sources for those transactions.

Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used private accounts for classified emails

Classified Data Found in Personal Email of Colin Powell and Aides to Condoleezza Rice
Got something from a credible source?
Those sources are credible, while your persona here has never been such. You are a far right loser whose candidate is going to lose this fall.
Would you accept something from WND? Case closed, asshole.
The Guardian and the NYTimes are reputable, whereas the WND is not, and only assholes do not know that.
They did NOT conduct official business on their private email, they did NOT mail Government documents on private email. They used Government sources for those transactions.

Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used private accounts for classified emails

Classified Data Found in Personal Email of Colin Powell and Aides to Condoleezza Rice
Got something from a credible source?
Those sources are credible, while your persona here has never been such. You are a far right loser whose candidate is going to lose this fall.
Would you accept something from WND? Case closed, asshole.
The Guardian and the NYTimes are reputable, whereas the WND is not, and only assholes do not know that.
Um, no they're not, moron, unless you're a left wing hack (like you).
Those sources are credible, while your persona here has never been such. You are a far right loser whose candidate is going to lose this fall.
Would you accept something from WND? Case closed, asshole.
The Guardian and the NYTimes are reputable, whereas the WND is not, and only assholes do not know that.
Um, no they're not, moron, unless you're a left wing hack (like you).
"left wing hack" to you means anyone to the left of Scott Walker and who is not a racist.

Yes, they are credible, and you are not.
Stored in a bathroom, and that they paid off a State Dept cronie to set it up without security. You people can not even begin to comprehend that a personal email is not a personal server. But that's OK you are just Democrats after all.

They likely had emails for personal use, but had more respect for national security than Hillary. Their emails were set up on secure servers. Hillary did everything on her own, against the rules, and it proved to be a security risk. The stupid bitch even made official phone calls on her insecure phone. She should be in jail, not campaigning. Anyone who would put her own convenience above the country isn't fit to be president. Seriously, if she thought logging onto to the State Dept's secure server was too difficult, then she is too stupid to handle anything important.

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