Please read this link, it's short.

Study: Dementia care costs more than cancer, heart disease - Apr. 4, 2013

Put your bias aside and consider the micro cost (to a family) and the macro cost (to the nation) for the care and treatment of those who suffer these maladies.

We hear often that the GOP's intent is to repeal Obamacare. Now, few of us understand the ACA details but many of us have watched our costs for health care grow every year for decades.

We know the cost to care for this set of disease is immense and yet research into the causes and treatment has been cut 5% do to the sequester; the vast majority of our citizens believe the Congress is broken.

Does anyone know what the GOP's plan for health care is if they are able to repeal Obamacare? And how will such a plan - if it exists - effect you, your family and your local government?

If/When ACA is repealed there will be a plan presented to counter it and Congress (aka our representatives) will vote for the better approach.

Research monies were merely not increased as much as previous years. That's not a "cut".

Also, who decides if a patient is suffering Dementia? The doctor or a board of bureaucrats??

I can't trust our IRS to be non-partisan.
How can I trust them to NOT throw Granny off a cliff?

I have medical insurance through my employer, but in order to keep my portion of the premiums low enough to afford them, I have a $4000 deductible for my husband and I. We have to meet the entire $4000 deductible before the insurance starts paying anything for either of us. My portion of the premiums for medical, dental and vision coverage is $155.24 every two weeks. That's $4,036.24 per year. And my poor employer's share is quite a bit more than that.

I go in for checkups every year or two, and those are covered 100%. But other than that, neither my husband nor I have had any medical costs in at least the past 10 years.

I recently woke up in the early morning hours one Saturday with severe pain in my upper right side. I called a nurse hotline and was advised to go the the Emergency Room.

Long story short, they did an ultrasound and couldn't find anything wrong. They didn't keep looking when the ultrasound didn't turn up anything, they just told me to go see a doctor on Monday.

Doctor suggested a cat scan because it might be kidney stones. The symptoms were nothing like kidney stones. I told him I would agree to a cat scan if I had another attack, but

Anyway, I owe that doctor $365, the emergency room $960, the ER doctor $195, the doctor who read the ultrasound $175, and apparently there is a $5000 bill coming for other ER services (the ultrasound itself, I believe). I can't imagine what the cat scan would have been!

So I'm out of pocket $4000+ right off the bat, with no diagnosis. I'm in a bit of a financial bind right now, already, as my husband was unemployed for several months and his new job doesn't pay all that well, so this is really a problem. Next time I have a need to go to the ER, I'm going to think twice. I wonder how many people die because of that.

Something has to change. Do we want to be a country where decent, hard-working people die because they can't afford the exhorbitant medical costs? I don't think so.
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Study: Dementia care costs more than cancer, heart disease - Apr. 4, 2013

Put your bias aside and consider the micro cost (to a family) and the macro cost (to the nation) for the care and treatment of those who suffer these maladies.

We hear often that the GOP's intent is to repeal Obamacare. Now, few of us understand the ACA details but many of us have watched our costs for health care grow every year for decades.

We know the cost to care for this set of disease is immense and yet research into the causes and treatment has been cut 5% do to the sequester; the vast majority of our citizens believe the Congress is broken.

Does anyone know what the GOP's plan for health care is if they are able to repeal Obamacare? And how will such a plan - if it exists - effect you, your family and your local government?

If/When ACA is repealed there will be a plan presented to counter it and Congress (aka our representatives) will vote for the better approach.

Research monies were merely not increased as much as previous years. That's not a "cut".

Also, who decides if a patient is suffering Dementia? The doctor or a board of bureaucrats??

I can't trust our IRS to be non-partisan.
How can I trust them to NOT throw Granny off a cliff?


Who decides if a patient is suffering from dementia? Good question, research is needed. Though in many cases the family knows first.
I have medical insurance through my employer, but in order to keep my portion of the premiums low enough to afford them, I have a $4000 deductible for my husband and I. We have to meet the entire $4000 deductible before the insurance starts paying anything for either of us. My portion of the premiums for medical, dental and vision coverage is $155.24 every two weeks. That's $4,036.24 per year. And my poor employer's share is quite a bit more than that.

I go in for checkups every year or two, and those are covered 100%. But other than that, neither my husband nor I have had any medical costs in at least the past 10 years.

I recently woke up in the early morning hours one Saturday with severe pain in my upper right side. I called a nurse hotline and was advised to go the the Emergency Room.

Long story short, they did an ultrasound and couldn't find anything wrong. They didn't keep looking when the ultrasound didn't turn up anything, they just told me to go see a doctor on Monday.

Doctor suggested a cat scan because it might be kidney stones. The symptoms were nothing like kidney stones. I told him I would agree to a cat scan if I had another attack, but

Anyway, I owe that doctor $365, the emergency room $960, the ER doctor $195, the doctor who read the ultrasound $175, and apparently there is a $5000 bill coming for other ER services (the ultrasound itself, I believe). I can't imagine what the cat scan would have been!

So I'm out of pocket $4000+ right off the bat, with no diagnosis. I'm in a bit of a financial bind right now, already, as my husband was unemployed for several months and his new job doesn't pay all that well, so this is really a problem. Next time I have a need to go to the ER, I'm going to think twice. I wonder how many people die because of that.

Something has to change. Do we want to be a country where decent, hard-working people die because they can't afford the exhorbitant medical costs? I don't think so.

Q. "Do we want to be a country where decent, hard-working people die because they can't afford the exhorbitant medical costs?"

A. Apparently CrusaderFrank, Mitch McConnell, Speaker Boehner and the conservative wing of the GOP do.
Study: Dementia care costs more than cancer, heart disease - Apr. 4, 2013

Put your bias aside and consider the micro cost (to a family) and the macro cost (to the nation) for the care and treatment of those who suffer these maladies.

We hear often that the GOP's intent is to repeal Obamacare. Now, few of us understand the ACA details but many of us have watched our costs for health care grow every year for decades.

We know the cost to care for this set of disease is immense and yet research into the causes and treatment has been cut 5% do to the sequester; the vast majority of our citizens believe the Congress is broken.

Does anyone know what the GOP's plan for health care is if they are able to repeal Obamacare? And how will such a plan - if it exists - effect you, your family and your local government?

You put up a link asking people to read it. They comment and those you don't agree with you immediately jump on with responses like You're stupid. Your also a blank. Next guy? Same thing. You are so stupid, attack, attack, attack. Why did you put the thread up if you couldn't legitimately defend your position without attacking, Wry? You're funny! Go back and read through the thread and you'll have a good laugh. At yourself. :eusa_angel:

- Jeri
Study: Dementia care costs more than cancer, heart disease - Apr. 4, 2013

Put your bias aside and consider the micro cost (to a family) and the macro cost (to the nation) for the care and treatment of those who suffer these maladies.

We hear often that the GOP's intent is to repeal Obamacare. Now, few of us understand the ACA details but many of us have watched our costs for health care grow every year for decades.

We know the cost to care for this set of disease is immense and yet research into the causes and treatment has been cut 5% do to the sequester; the vast majority of our citizens believe the Congress is broken.

Does anyone know what the GOP's plan for health care is if they are able to repeal Obamacare? And how will such a plan - if it exists - effect you, your family and your local government?


There is no "plan". White trash don't plan. That would take critical thinking.

The white trash world is a halflit dystopia of disappointment in which reaction is the primary operations mode for everything bigger than a child's birthday party, fear and resentment are the primary emotions beyond the front door, and religion represents the ultimate lottery - and, hilariously, among the "us" element is the moral hidey hole for epic fails in every direction, while providing the basis for loathing the "them" element.

Okay, maybe the last couple of clauses are more pathetic than hilarious. One's feelings can be mixed.

You missed Paul Ryan's plan, amiright?
I have medical insurance through my employer, but in order to keep my portion of the premiums low enough to afford them, I have a $4000 deductible for my husband and I. We have to meet the entire $4000 deductible before the insurance starts paying anything for either of us. My portion of the premiums for medical, dental and vision coverage is $155.24 every two weeks. That's $4,036.24 per year. And my poor employer's share is quite a bit more than that.

I go in for checkups every year or two, and those are covered 100%. But other than that, neither my husband nor I have had any medical costs in at least the past 10 years.

I recently woke up in the early morning hours one Saturday with severe pain in my upper right side. I called a nurse hotline and was advised to go the the Emergency Room.

Long story short, they did an ultrasound and couldn't find anything wrong. They didn't keep looking when the ultrasound didn't turn up anything, they just told me to go see a doctor on Monday.

Doctor suggested a cat scan because it might be kidney stones. The symptoms were nothing like kidney stones. I told him I would agree to a cat scan if I had another attack, but

Anyway, I owe that doctor $365, the emergency room $960, the ER doctor $195, the doctor who read the ultrasound $175, and apparently there is a $5000 bill coming for other ER services (the ultrasound itself, I believe). I can't imagine what the cat scan would have been!

So I'm out of pocket $4000+ right off the bat, with no diagnosis. I'm in a bit of a financial bind right now, already, as my husband was unemployed for several months and his new job doesn't pay all that well, so this is really a problem. Next time I have a need to go to the ER, I'm going to think twice. I wonder how many people die because of that.

Something has to change. Do we want to be a country where decent, hard-working people die because they can't afford the exhorbitant medical costs? I don't think so.

Q. "Do we want to be a country where decent, hard-working people die because they can't afford the exhorbitant medical costs?"

A. Apparently CrusaderFrank, Mitch McConnell, Speaker Boehner and the conservative wing of the GOP do.

I support robust MSA accounts and real insurance and the voucherization and eventual elimination of all government "Health Car" Plans
Study: Dementia care costs more than cancer, heart disease - Apr. 4, 2013

Put your bias aside and consider the micro cost (to a family) and the macro cost (to the nation) for the care and treatment of those who suffer these maladies.

We hear often that the GOP's intent is to repeal Obamacare. Now, few of us understand the ACA details but many of us have watched our costs for health care grow every year for decades.

We know the cost to care for this set of disease is immense and yet research into the causes and treatment has been cut 5% do to the sequester; the vast majority of our citizens believe the Congress is broken.

Does anyone know what the GOP's plan for health care is if they are able to repeal Obamacare? And how will such a plan - if it exists - effect you, your family and your local government?


There is no "plan". White trash don't plan. That would take critical thinking.

The white trash world is a halflit dystopia of disappointment in which reaction is the primary operations mode for everything bigger than a child's birthday party, fear and resentment are the primary emotions beyond the front door, and religion represents the ultimate lottery - and, hilariously, among the "us" element is the moral hidey hole for epic fails in every direction, while providing the basis for loathing the "them" element.

Okay, maybe the last couple of clauses are more pathetic than hilarious. One's feelings can be mixed.

You missed Paul Ryan's plan, amiright?

I didn't. Here's ONE of SIX critiques of his *cough?* "plan":

Jim Pethokoukis on Paul Ryan: A smart six-point critique.
If you're going to be the party of tax cuts, then you have to have a tax-cut plan that cuts most people's taxes. Ryan's plan is going to lead to tax increases for a broad swathe of middle-class Americans and do absolutely nothing for low-wage workers.
Study: Dementia care costs more than cancer, heart disease - Apr. 4, 2013

Put your bias aside and consider the micro cost (to a family) and the macro cost (to the nation) for the care and treatment of those who suffer these maladies.

We hear often that the GOP's intent is to repeal Obamacare. Now, few of us understand the ACA details but many of us have watched our costs for health care grow every year for decades.

We know the cost to care for this set of disease is immense and yet research into the causes and treatment has been cut 5% do to the sequester; the vast majority of our citizens believe the Congress is broken.

Does anyone know what the GOP's plan for health care is if they are able to repeal Obamacare? And how will such a plan - if it exists - effect you, your family and your local government?

Are you trying to tell me that the only source of funding for disease research is the government? Are you aware that the government is actually spending more money this year than last year despite the sequester? If you aren't willing to put aside you partisanship and deal with facts as they really are is there some specific reason I should feed into your fantasy?
Study: Dementia care costs more than cancer, heart disease - Apr. 4, 2013

Put your bias aside and consider the micro cost (to a family) and the macro cost (to the nation) for the care and treatment of those who suffer these maladies.

We hear often that the GOP's intent is to repeal Obamacare. Now, few of us understand the ACA details but many of us have watched our costs for health care grow every year for decades.

We know the cost to care for this set of disease is immense and yet research into the causes and treatment has been cut 5% do to the sequester; the vast majority of our citizens believe the Congress is broken.

Does anyone know what the GOP's plan for health care is if they are able to repeal Obamacare? And how will such a plan - if it exists - effect you, your family and your local government?

You put up a link asking people to read it. They comment and those you don't agree with you immediately jump on with responses like You're stupid. Your also a blank. Next guy? Same thing. You are so stupid, attack, attack, attack. Why did you put the thread up if you couldn't legitimately defend your position without attacking, Wry? You're funny! Go back and read through the thread and you'll have a good laugh. At yourself. :eusa_angel:

- Jeri

CrusaderFrank is both stupid and an asshole. That's not based on anything he posted on this thread, though what he posted was stupid. Comments of substance are treated by me with deference, assholes are never treated in any manner other than what they deserve.

Do you have a point other than to attack me? Explain what plan the GOP has to replace Obamacare? What I see is the GOP leadership has no interest in reform, they care only to protect the special interest who profit by the misery of ill Americans.
You missed Paul Ryan's plan, amiright?

Ah yes, Paul Ryan's plan!

Let the Debate Begin
By Rep. Paul Ryan and Rep. Devin Nunes

June 8, 2009 [...]

To ensure affordable, quality coverage for all, we propose real insurance reforms that reorient the incentives of these companies so that they jibe with patients. Our bill encourages state-based solutions - in the form of voluntary health exchanges. These exchanges will prevent cherry-picking against those deemed uninsurable and will be made possible with risk adjustment mechanisms and other state-level options such as reinsurance and risk pools. We also include common-sense reforms to expand coverage through auto-enrollment for individuals who do not select a plan at the start of the year.

To ensure that market forces can actually work in health care, patients must know what services cost and who provides the best service. We propose an industry-based Healthcare Services Commission that will bring much-needed transparency to the currently opaque health care market.

This comprehensive reform legislation includes concrete prevention and wellness initiatives, health information technology, long overdue entitlement reforms, and more.

That sounds like a great plan: exchanges, price and quality transparency, wellness, health information technology, entitlement reform. Why did he back off of it?

Oh, right. Someone else got there first.

Premiums drop, coverage expands in Washington's exchange

Despite predictions of rate shocks, most consumers in Washington state will actually see lower premiums and enhanced coverage when they buy insurance through the state's health insurance exchange.

Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler on Tuesday released rates proposed by insurers, including Premera Blue Cross, Lifewise, Group Health Cooperative, BridgeSpan and Molina Health Care of Washington, for health plans they will sell on the state-run online marketplace, called the Washington Health Plan Finder, reported the Spokesman-Review.

And those prices don't include federal subsidies available to consumers, so the premiums that consumers will pay actually will be less than the rates proposed.

"We're pleasantly surprised with the individual rates we've seen so far," Kreidler said. "In many cases, people will get better benefits and pay less--especially if they qualify for subsidies."

Pricing transparency:
Additionally, with the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) in 2010, hospitals operating in the United States are required annually to make public and update a list of their hospital’s standard charges for items and services provided by the hospital.

Public reporting on quality and costs:
The Affordable Care Act also called for public reporting of performance measures on quality, cost, and other metrics. Public reporting will be used for insurance plans that will be offered through new state-level health insurance exchanges starting in 2014. Reports will also be prepared on hospitals, physicians, and other health care providers who participate in Medicare's new "value-based purchasing" program, which will base hospital payment in part on whether providers achieve targets for delivering higher-quality care. These performance data are also to be posted at For Medicaid, the law required HHS to adopt an initial core set of quality measures; develop a standardized format for reporting by states; and make the information publicly available annually, beginning in 2014.

Prevention and wellness:
Prevention and wellness are major components of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA makes prevention affordable and accessible for all Americans through a number of different ways, including the elimination of cost sharing for preventive services, expanding preventive services for seniors through Medicare, issuance of grants to reduce chronic disease, the development of a National Prevention Strategy, grants to small employers for wellness programs, and providing resources to States to promote wellness and prevention.

Health information technology:
The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act seeks to improve American health care delivery and patient care through an unprecedented investment in health information technology. The provisions of the HITECH Act are specifically designed to work together to provide the necessary assistance and technical support to providers, enable coordination and alignment within and among states, establish connectivity to the public health community in case of emergencies, and assure the workforce is properly trained and equipped to be meaningful users of electronic health records.

Entitlement reform:
The Affordable Care Act is an important factor contributing to slow growth in [Medicare] spending per beneficiary in 2011 and 2012, and is the primary cause of the projections of continued slow growth over the next decade. The Affordable Care Act restrains the rate of growth of payments to Medicare Advantage plans, restrains the rate of growth in unit payments to hospitals and other providers, promotes value-based payment systems, and makes major investments to reduce fraud and abuse. . . Both the CBO and OACT estimate that the Affordable Care Act will reduce the rate of growth of spending per beneficiary by approximately 1 percentage point per year over the ten year budget window.

In addition, the Affordable Care Act provides CMS the flexibility to implement a wide range of innovations designed to transform the delivery system by paying for value not volume. These innovations include fostering the growth of Accountable Care Organizations, Primary Care Medical Homes, bundled payments for acute and post-acute care, reducing the frequency of readmissions, reducing hospital acquired infections, and reducing fraudulent activity. These innovations are in the early stages of development, but they have the potential for reducing expenditure growth below projected levels.

I guess that explains why the GOP never came up with a new plan. Job well done, fellas.
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Study: Dementia care costs more than cancer, heart disease - Apr. 4, 2013

Put your bias aside and consider the micro cost (to a family) and the macro cost (to the nation) for the care and treatment of those who suffer these maladies.

We hear often that the GOP's intent is to repeal Obamacare. Now, few of us understand the ACA details but many of us have watched our costs for health care grow every year for decades.

We know the cost to care for this set of disease is immense and yet research into the causes and treatment has been cut 5% do to the sequester; the vast majority of our citizens believe the Congress is broken.

Does anyone know what the GOP's plan for health care is if they are able to repeal Obamacare? And how will such a plan - if it exists - effect you, your family and your local government?


There is no "plan". White trash don't plan. That would take critical thinking.

The white trash world is a halflit dystopia of disappointment in which reaction is the primary operations mode for everything bigger than a child's birthday party, fear and resentment are the primary emotions beyond the front door, and religion represents the ultimate lottery - and, hilariously, among the "us" element is the moral hidey hole for epic fails in every direction, while providing the basis for loathing the "them" element.

Okay, maybe the last couple of clauses are more pathetic than hilarious. One's feelings can be mixed.

You missed Paul Ryan's plan, amiright?

Yeah. Post it!
The really sad/annoying thing is the RWers are too stupid and/or too scared to examine what was and what is. Though they deny it, there every complaint is framed in words first issued by the Propagandists - Limbaugh, Hannity and other 'conservative' broadcasters, as well as politicians. Conservatives in single quotes because they are entirely self serving individuals whose only allegiance is to their bank account and celebrity.

Your hatred of anything to the right is quite evident, but you hold your allegiance to the worst propagandist ever created, Obama. If it were not for his teleprompter, he would have nothing to say. He is solely dependent on whatever his puppet masters write on his teleprompter.
The really sad/annoying thing is the RWers are too stupid and/or too scared to examine what was and what is. Though they deny it, there every complaint is framed in words first issued by the Propagandists - Limbaugh, Hannity and other 'conservative' broadcasters, as well as politicians. Conservatives in single quotes because they are entirely self serving individuals whose only allegiance is to their bank account and celebrity.

Your hatred of anything to the right is quite evident, but you hold your allegiance to the worst propagandist ever created, Obama. If it were not for his teleprompter, he would have nothing to say. He is solely dependent on whatever his puppet masters write on his teleprompter.

I don't hate "the right"; I pity you and others who parrot the propaganda which the special interst on the right spew. The "right" are motivated by greed and the lust for power; hence, they are against all policies which benefit the many vis a vis the few. I pity you because you are stupid, one of the many parrots who have no ability to think critically and yet are one of the few.
Republicans have always been welcomed to repeal the ACA provided they immediately replace it with something that ensures every American is covered with health insurance and health costs are addressed.

Explain to the class why our federal government, or any of it's swinging tentacles, should have a role in it's citizens' health care.
They should eat more coconut oil. :)

coconut oil: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings - WebMD

There is the school thought that wants to give everyone equal access to the $500 band-aid, whether they need it or not, whether they can afford it or not.

There is a school thought that questions why that band-aid is valued at $500. Why do we assume that the costs have any relation to the expense of making them available? We have Administrators making decisions that should be between the Patient and Doctor. We punish Doctors for going against the current. Why is that? Why should we not expect more layers of Bureaucracy to increase cost? We should be simplifying the process, streamlining it, not obstructing treatment and charging more for doing less. Just a thought.

I suggest you read Time Magazine special report, "Why Medical Bills are Killing Us" issued early this year. Particular attention is paid to "how outrageous pricing (see "Chargemaster) and egregious profits are destroying health care", by Steven Brill.

The propaganda by those who make the egregious profits has taken all intelligent debate out of the issue of health care reform and stupid assholes like the CrusaderFrank continue to parrot the hate and fear of special interests.

One very real benefit of ObamaCare seems to be that costs are much more in the open and should be even more so in the near future. That providers will now have to compete will cause prices to go down.

Ignore Frank, katznen, stephanie. They never actually know anything about the subject at hand. Seriously, all they post are their nasty lies.
Republicans have always been welcomed to repeal the ACA provided they immediately replace it with something that ensures every American is covered with health insurance and health costs are addressed.

Explain to the class why our federal government, or any of it's swinging tentacles, should have a role in it's citizens' health care.

We pay for almost the identical coverage for congress. They're working 125 days a year, make $200THOUSAND A YEAR but we pay for their health insurance.

In spite of that, they fight us having the opportunity to buy our own insurance at a lower rate.

They're in the pocket of big insurance, big pharma. THAT is why they don't like ObamaCare. That and the fact that there's an uppity nigra in the White House.

And, government will not have a role in our health care. Or would you like to post the exact part of the bill that says that?

There is no "plan". White trash don't plan. That would take critical thinking.

The white trash world is a halflit dystopia of disappointment in which reaction is the primary operations mode for everything bigger than a child's birthday party, fear and resentment are the primary emotions beyond the front door, and religion represents the ultimate lottery - and, hilariously, among the "us" element is the moral hidey hole for epic fails in every direction, while providing the basis for loathing the "them" element.

Okay, maybe the last couple of clauses are more pathetic than hilarious. One's feelings can be mixed.

You missed Paul Ryan's plan, amiright?

Yeah. Post it!

Gotta admit that LyinRyan's "plan" is a lot shorter than ACA.

Heck, the GObP/teepubs "plan" can be fully explained in three letters.

Republicans have always been welcomed to repeal the ACA provided they immediately replace it with something that ensures every American is covered with health insurance and health costs are addressed.

Explain to the class why our federal government, or any of it's swinging tentacles, should have a role in it's citizens' health care.

Well class, the American People are the recipients and beneficiers of those known as the founding fathers, individuals who risked their lives to ordain and establish a constitution to form a Union and to establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence and to promote the general Welfare.

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