Please Remember the January 6 Political Prisoners and their Families This Christmas

I wouldn’t act so arrogant given that’s infinitely more than you could do.
LOL....Arrogant? Look man, I'm just responding to your bs...

But, did you ever ask yourself why it is that there is no reporting on these people? Surely they aren't all "Oath Keepers", and "Proud Boy's"....?

Why is it that Elizabeth Warren, among others have voiced concerns for these people's civil rights, and was joined by the ACLU in their opposition to their detention, then was all of the sudden dismissed and forgoten?
LOL....Arrogant? Look man, I'm just responding to your bs...

But, did you ever ask yourself why it is that there is no reporting on these people? Surely they aren't all "Oath Keepers", and "Proud Boy's"....?

Why is it that Elizabeth Warren, among others have voiced concerns for these people's civil rights, and was joined by the ACLU in their opposition to their detention, then was all of the sudden dismissed and forgoten?
Nothing I said was BS. You just didn’t like it.

There is a torrent of BS on the right about this issue. I can’t tell you how many times people on the right have claimed that non-violent people are being held without bail. Or how they’re being held and not charged. Or how they’re being held with only misdemeanor charges.

Then you ask them for a name or anyone they describe and they just never answer.

It’s so much BS.
Explain to the forum just how hard you've looked for such reporting?
I've searched for a week now, and although NPR has a data base on those arrested, and their disposition, it does not say anything about whether or not they are still held, refused bail, sitting in solitary confinement, or anything like that...

Maybe the avatar Chillicothe will be so kind as to provide these details, but probably not, because we know Chilli isn't about providing facts, merely poking holes in conversations....
this is a great thread because prayer is very powerful.

We should also pray "for"... those involved in cruelly punishing them
Nothing I said was BS. You just didn’t like it.

There is a torrent of BS on the right about this issue. I can’t tell you how many times people on the right have claimed that non-violent people are being held without bail. Or how they’re being held and not charged. Or how they’re being held with only misdemeanor charges.

Then you ask them for a name or anyone they describe and they just never answer.

It’s so much BS.
Like I said, how in the hell are we supposed to give you names? That's kind of how political imprisonment works, media silence on their condition....
Like I said, how in the hell are we supposed to give you names? That's kind of how political imprisonment works, media silence on their condition....
How do you know there’s a problem if you can’t even tell me who is being harmed?

Every legal proceeding is public information.
How do you know there’s a problem if you can’t even tell me who is being harmed?

Every legal proceeding is public information.
But their treatment is not…’s one from early on in ‘21…

And another from October’21



Should I go on?
But their treatment is not…’s one from early on in ‘21…

And another from October’21



Should I go on?
So much for being “silenced”.

I’m sure this is the first time an inmate has ever complained about their treatment. Those that were treated badly were heard in court and if their claims were reliable, got relief. US marshals already investigated the DC jail and found that conditions were fine for the rioters but substandard for other inmates who were transferred out.

This has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with how our justice system treats people.

But it also totally dodged the point I made.
the name of the Lord, where is the crime for most of these people? If

Yes may they rot in prison through every Christmas until every last Trump voter on the outside begs Jesus for forgiveness for voting for a self proclaimed pussy grabber in the first place
Prayer is powerful

Remember the story of the Battle of Lepanto when the Muslims were fighting the Christians and the Christians were outnumbered. the pope asked Catholics to pray the rosary and

well, you know the rest

"Maybe the avatar Chillicothe will be so kind as to provide......."

Well, for one poor avatar is unconvinced there are ANY J6 perps who are in 'solitary confinement'.....or without legal representation. So, without credible sourcing from those alleging there are 'solitary confined' prisoners.....I ain't gonna work too hard to make their case for them.
If you allege prove it. It's Adult Swim, you know.

Still, in the spirit of trying to be helpful to all contributors here...well, I will offer the following links with the sincere hope some here will find them 'value-added' to their understanding.

ps....I would recommend that for those who go to the 'Sedition Hunters' link.....well, once you are in to the site go to the pull-down tab for 'The Protectors'.

I found those pics useful in offering a degree of pushback to those Dicks & Karens who try to suggest J6 was a tourist event, or accepted political discourse. Those pics seemingly contradict that claim, in my opinion.

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Well, for one poor avatar is unconvinced there are ANY J6 perps who are in 'solitary confinement'.....or without legal representation. So, without credible sourcing from those alleging there are 'solitary confined' prisoners.....I ain't gonna work too hard to make their case for them.
If you allege prove it. It's Adult Swim, you know.

Still, in the spirit of trying to be helpful to all contributors here...well, I will offer the following links with the sincere hope some here will find them 'value-added' to their understanding.

ps....I would recommend that for those who go to the 'Sedition Hunters' link.....well, once you are in to the site go to the pull-down tab for 'The Protectors'.

I found those pics useful in offering a degree of pushback to those Dicks & Karens who try to suggest J6 was a tourist event, or accepted political discourse. Those pics seemingly contradict that claim, in my opinion.

Again, no one says that they shouldn’t be held accountable…But, why should I, or anyone rely on sourcing that refuses to name who is doing the “investigating “, or give a full accounting of the 40 or so still sitting in jail?

if we on the right tried to offer you sourcing like that you’d reject it out of hand.
January 3 through 5..a fasting and prayer for the J6 Political prisoners. ArchBishop Vigano has called for this. If you can find it in your heart to do this...join many of us who will be doing it.
"Again, no one says that they shouldn’t be held accountable…But, why should I, or anyone rely on sourcing that refuses to name who is doing the “investigating “, or give a full accounting of the 40 or so still sitting in jail?"
Is there a credible source other than Gateway Pundit that enumerates that there are, indeed, 40 perps still in jail? And does any source state what the charges are for those jailed ---- after recent capture, or captured earlier but not yet released? Are there issues with making bond? With violating terms of release? Of posing threats?
I'm asking if there is reportage detailing arrest, charging, and arraignment records?

Are all of these alleged has been asserted here ----in 'solitary confinement'?
How would that be known by the individual offering us details?

Sure, my questions sound skeptical. And ....they are. Gateway Pundit and it's owner, Jim Hoft, ain't exactly known for their veracity (go ahead read their ratings on those sites that rate media).

So any allegation sourced out of the Pundit....garners not unwarranted skepticism.

So, who is gonna vet this information asserted here?
Is there a credible source other than Gateway Pundit that enumerates that there are, indeed, 40 perps still in jail? And does any source state what the charges are for those jailed ---- after recent capture, or captured earlier but not yet released? Are there issues with making bond? With violating terms of release? Of posing threats?
I'm asking if there is reportage detailing arrest, charging, and arraignment records?

Are all of these alleged has been asserted here ----in 'solitary confinement'?
How would that be known by the individual offering us details?

Sure, my questions sound skeptical. And ....they are. Gateway Pundit and it's owner, Jim Hoft, ain't exactly known for their veracity (go ahead read their ratings on those sites that rate media).

So any allegation sourced out of the Pundit....garners not unwarranted skepticism.

So, who is gonna vet this information asserted here?
Well, you seem to be a smart guy, with resource to get to the bottom of this. Why don’t you use that big brain of yours and tell me? Instead of constantly trying to belittle everyone?

Oh, and be sure to use “credible” sourcing Chilli…

i for one can’t wait to see a real master at work on this…That is if you’re as smart as you think you are…
"Well, you seem to be a smart guy, with resource to get to the bottom of this."
You, poster j-mac, are the one promoting this 'due process', 'wrongful incarceration' canard.
It is your responsibility to offer persuasive and credible information that vets or substantiates your claims.

To date, you have refused, or been unable to.
At any rate, you have failed.

So if you say you have a hand strong enough to scrape in the gotta show it.
That is Adult Swim.
It works here the same as it works at the poker table.
Your hand has been called.
Or go.
You, poster j-mac, are the one promoting this 'due process', 'wrongful incarceration' canard.
It is your responsibility to offer persuasive and credible information that vets or substantiates your claims.

To date, you have refused, or been unable to.
At any rate, you have failed.

No, I have said previously that I have searched, and can not find what is demanded by the left in this thread...That's being honest...But, to that end, there is nothing that you would accept as your so called "credible" information standard, and you know it...

So if you say you have a hand strong enough to scrape in the gotta show it.
That is Adult Swim.
It works here the same as it works at the poker table.
Your hand has been called.
Or go.

LOL, to think you are arrogant enough to believe that I answer to you, or need to prove anything at all to you is laughable....

You're a clever guy there Chili, sometimes to clever for your own good, especially when you start to believe your own bullshit.....

Your condescending tone you are so proud of, is the sign of an immature mind...

I asked you, since you were so condescending, to show your thoughts, and use your obviously over inflated sense of self intellectualism to provide what I am obviously failing at in your eyes....You can't, because you're a one trick pony. Only able to insult, and flame, never actually show your perceived superiority....

So, if it's "Adult Swim" you're interested in, you've failed to meet your own standard....And why would I engage with someone that can't live up to what they demand....?
The allegation presented and promoted by the poster J-Mac about 40 wrongfully incarcerated J6 attackers is not credible.

Given what little facts poster J-Mac is able to present to date.....I believe it is fake news. A canard.
But am open to vetted reportage from credible news organizations that offers more information.
The allegation presented and promoted by the poster J-Mac about 40 wrongfully incarcerated J6 attackers is not credible.

Given what little facts poster J-Mac is able to present to date.....I believe it is fake news. A canard.
But am open to vetted reportage from credible news organizations that offers more information.
Name your "credible news orgs".....

And while I am replying, This is what I am talking about with you...I challenged you to do the work I did in trying to find out who the 40 are, and nothing...No reporting on them, no mention of them, like they never existed....But, instead your answer to that civil request is to mock me, talk about me, rather than to me...You pissy little puke....You sir are outed as a lightweight, a nothing in this world by your approach in here....

Again, you act as though those of us on the right, who are here to discuss politics somehow owe it to you to do as you demand...Well you can shove that right up your non binary ass....And notice how I am talking to you child....not about you....That kind of shit in the RW would get your ass kicked.

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