Please, Republicans, tell us ONE "1" thing you would CUT from the budget....

Here are recommendations to cut spending and raise revenue to start paying down the $27T Debt

  • A. Hire another "Grace Commission" to audit and fix the Federal budget deficit

  • B. Cut Spending: [CUT $625b a year]
    1. Cut defense to 2017 levels of $600b until the Debt is reduced, saving $150b
    2. Cut foreign aid $55b (until Debt is paid we can't borrow to give money away)
    3. Cut Welfare $200b & Medicaid $200b (about half)
    4. Cut education $20b (state responsibility)

    US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a briefing
    Current US Defense Spending:
    Year Military Veterans Foreign Aid Total Defense
    2017 $598.70 billion $178.00 billion
    $46.30 billion $823.00 billion
    2018 $631.20 billion $180.40 billion $49.00 billion $860.50 billion
    2019 $684.60 billion $202.10 billion $54.30 billion $941.00 billion
    2020 $737.90 billion $219.20 billion $53.10 billion $1.00 trillion

  • To cover the $900b budget deficit the following taxes need to be raised:
    1. Raise the top tax rate about 7% above 2016 levels +$400b
    2. Implement a new 3% Fed sales tax +$400b
    3. Implement a new transaction tax on all stocks & bonds
    Impose a Tax on Financial Transactions | Congressional Budget Office +$100b
    4. Implement a new remittances tax/fee on all money sent out of the US
    Taxing Remittances Can Build the Wall 2% of $140b is +$3b a year

  • Reform entitlements, Medicare & Social Security, currently projected to be insolvent:
We don't need to raise any taxes, moron.
Cut the House of Representatives, install AI, keep some form of Senate for oversight. Incredible savings of money, time and frustration.
Debt ceiling is closed. No mas. Enumerated powers restored and executive branch cut into oblivion
how about hold the spending where it is?

Think the Democrats would ever do that? I didn't check into it yet, but evil right-wing television was saying Dementia's budget proposal was over 5 trillion dollars. I don't think it would get past Congress but it goes to show you where their mentality is at.
I think you could slash spending on every department and agency in the government they are all bloated and overfunded. I don’t think any politician Republican or Democrat will do it but they should.

Don't place all the blame on them. The late Walter E Williams put it best: I'm going to run for an office in Congress. My platform will be I will bring no federal money to our state. Would you vote for me?
GOPers have never cut a budget or eliminated a program. Don't hold your breath in hopes that will ever change.

Your remark prompted me to write my Ray From Cleveland Raccoon theory.

You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can. You go in the house to fetch that meaty ham bone you were going to throw away at the end of the week. The animal eats in delight. Now give it about 20 seconds and try to take your bone back and see what happens to you.

By nature, once you give people something, it becomes their rightful property in their eyes. Democrats and Republicans are quite aware of this. So Democrats try to create more social programs and the Republicans can't remove least not without getting their hand chewed up.

That's the problem.
I would cut much of the foreign aid we send around the world.

We've got our own problems to deal with, and that money would help...

Yeah but that money gives us some say-so how other countries conduct themselves. Trump told Mexico to stop migrants from crossing their country to get to our borders if they want to see our foreign aid again. They did it and was instrumental in the illegal crossing reduction in 2019.
Newt Gingrich spelled out what he wanted to cut.

Why can't the GOP today do that?

Rick Scott came out with a "plan" that cut precisely nothing.

We need to CUT SPENDING.

That is what produced the prosperity of the 1990s - FISCAL CONSERVATISM
What 1990s prosperity?
We had a recession until AOL gave us a peek into the Internet in the late 1990s.
Newt Gingrich spelled out what he wanted to cut.

Why can't the GOP today do that?

Rick Scott came out with a "plan" that cut precisely nothing.

We need to CUT SPENDING.

That is what produced the prosperity of the 1990s - FISCAL CONSERVATISM
To make an educated decision I would have to read the budget.
Newt Gingrich spelled out what he wanted to cut.

Why can't the GOP today do that?

Rick Scott came out with a "plan" that cut precisely nothing.

We need to CUT SPENDING.

That is what produced the prosperity of the 1990s - FISCAL CONSERVATISM

Instead of a page or two of copy and paste, I'll just give you this link. Every year Rand Paul spells out wasteful spending in the federal government. Here is his latest list. I'll post a few for you to get an idea:

Among funds spent on the environment, energy, and scientific research, more than $1 million was spent walking lizards on a treadmill, nearly $200,000 was spent studying how people cooperate while playing e-sport video games, and more than $2 million on developing a wearable headset to track eating behaviors.

Other eyebrow-raising expenses included more than $4 million spent on spraying alcoholic rats with bobcat urine, more than $10 million spent on would-be coronavirus test tubes that turned up as used soda bottles, and nearly $6 million spent building three bicycle storage facilities at Washington, D.C. Metro stations.

Cut spending 25% across the board. Cut Amtrak completely, cut foreign aid completely, cut corporate welfare completely. We need to keep America strong, not the rest of the world. Other countries take care of their selves first, as should we.
OMG seriously? Okay for starters the heaping pile of PORK in the so called infrastructure bill that has absolutely nothing to do with infrastructure. Want an example? Gobs and gobs of billions for administrative government jobs, oversight, R&D, research grants that bill is full of PORK government patronage jobs, pay offs, bribes for votes it's about growing the size and spending of government.

There I bitch slapped spend-o-holic government.
I actually think the f14 was the world's best.
F22 are the newest tech..........and it is very costly...........But it can't be seen and can take out older aircraft before they even know it's there.

A small group of these can change the whole War with hitting others jets without being able to detect them.

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