Please, Republicans, tell us ONE "1" thing you would CUT from the budget....

I think you could slash spending on every department and agency in the government they are all bloated and overfunded. I donā€™t think any politician Republican or Democrat will do it but they should.
neither party would indeed. repubs or demofks, hate and do not respect american citizen.
Newt Gingrich spelled out what he wanted to cut.

Why can't the GOP today do that?

Rick Scott came out with a "plan" that cut precisely nothing.

We need to CUT SPENDING.

That is what produced the prosperity of the 1990s - FISCAL CONSERVATISM
pay raises for our representatives
all pet projects from all sides
seriously reduce money sent to other countries
Newt Gingrich spelled out what he wanted to cut.

Why can't the GOP today do that?

Rick Scott came out with a "plan" that cut precisely nothing.

We need to CUT SPENDING.

That is what produced the prosperity of the 1990s - FISCAL CONSERVATISM

Back a few years years ago Ron Paul came up with a good way to cut a trillion dollars out of the Federal budget without harming the Federal government at all. Keeping SS, most of the filthy welfare, Medicare and adequately funding the military.

Nowadays those cuts would probably be $1.5 trillion or more.

We sure as hell don't need a $6 trillion a year Federal government budget as proposed by President Potatohead. That is greater than the GDP of all but two or three other countries.

Ron Paulā€™s ā€˜Plan to Restore Americaā€™

Presidential candidate Ron Paul has released a fiscal reform plan that would dramatically cut spending and rein in the size and scope of the federal government. My reaction to the proposal can be summed up in one word: hallelujah.

The following are some of the planā€™s highlights:

  • Paul would immediately eliminate five cabinetā€level departments: Commerce, Education, Energy, HUD, and Interior.
  • Paul says his plan would cut spending by $1 trillion in the first year alone, and balance the budget in three years without increasing taxes.
  • Funding for the wars would end. Thatā€™s not isolationism ā€“ itā€™s a common sense position that also reflects popular opinion. In addition, foreign aid spending would be zeroed out.
  • Intelligent government reforms are proposed, including privatizing the Federal Aviation Administration and repealing costly Davisā€Bacon rules.
  • On entitlements, younger people would be given the freedom to opt out of Social Security and Medicare. Spending would be frozen for Medicaid and other welfare programs and they would be converted to blockā€grant programs.
im for backing it down, reviewing all spending, keeping core like social sec and medicade/medicare, and all else up for re-evaluation.
I don't disagree. but at the least while doing that, stop any increases. This monthly budget increase is fking stupid.
Newt Gingrich spelled out what he wanted to cut.

Why can't the GOP today do that?

Rick Scott came out with a "plan" that cut precisely nothing.

We need to CUT SPENDING.

That is what produced the prosperity of the 1990s - FISCAL CONSERVATISM

Fuck off.

The prosperity of the 90s was directly related to:
A. Reaganomics
B. The tech explosion &
C. Opened Chinese trade
I don't disagree. but at the least while doing that, stop any increases. This monthly budget increase is fking stupid.
yep. you can't claim to care about future generations while saddling them with this debt. it's like putting a child $100k in debt as soon as they're born and making them figure out how to pay it off.
Fuck off.

The prosperity of the 90s was directly related to:
A. Reaganomics
B. The tech explosion &
C. Opened Chinese trade

Reagan tried to cut both spending and taxes.

Newt did cut both spending and taxes.

1990s were awesome because of that.

More government - less American prosperity
Reagan tried to cut both spending and taxes.

Newt did cut both spending and taxes.

1990s were awesome because of that.

More government - less American prosperity
I don't think Newt cut spending.
A huge chunk of "defense". Much more can be done with much less. There is far too much emphasis on big targets and not enough on numerous, cheap, small, highly destructive devices. Anyone notice what's happening in Ukraine? $35 billion for a single weapon (the F35), is totally absurd.
Actually about $335 million.
Here are recommendations to cut spending and raise revenue to start paying down the $27T Debt

  • A. Hire another "Grace Commission" to audit and fix the Federal budget deficit

  • B. Cut Spending: [CUT $625b a year]
    1. Cut defense to 2017 levels of $600b until the Debt is reduced, saving $150b
    2. Cut foreign aid $55b (until Debt is paid we can't borrow to give money away)
    3. Cut Welfare $200b & Medicaid $200b (about half)
    4. Cut education $20b (state responsibility)

    US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a briefing
    Current US Defense Spending:
    Year Military Veterans Foreign Aid Total Defense
    2017 $598.70 billion $178.00 billion
    $46.30 billion $823.00 billion
    2018 $631.20 billion $180.40 billion $49.00 billion $860.50 billion
    2019 $684.60 billion $202.10 billion $54.30 billion $941.00 billion
    2020 $737.90 billion $219.20 billion $53.10 billion $1.00 trillion

  • To cover the $900b budget deficit the following taxes need to be raised:
    1. Raise the top tax rate about 7% above 2016 levels +$400b
    2. Implement a new 3% Fed sales tax +$400b
    3. Implement a new transaction tax on all stocks & bonds
    Impose a Tax on Financial Transactions | Congressional Budget Office +$100b
    4. Implement a new remittances tax/fee on all money sent out of the US
    Taxing Remittances Can Build the Wall 2% of $140b is +$3b a year

  • Reform entitlements, Medicare & Social Security, currently projected to be insolvent:
I would cut ()biden.


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