Plot Twist: Trump says his lawyers had 'productive' meeting with DOJ about Jan 6 - "explained I did Nothing wrong!"

Doj better get real smart real quick because it's looking like come 2024 their going to have a new hand that feeds them.
After the witch hunt you loons has done against Trump for the past 10 years. I believe Trump, you loons lie.

Not to mention, as I said in the OP - he normally goes in guns a blazin' when he knows he's about to be indicted.

But the Leftbots on here just keep ignoring what I actually posted.

They can only win debates with strawmen.
They are absolutely scraping the bottom of barrel at this point.
Having a "productive meeting" of any kind is absolutely a plot twist. Unless of course they think that playing nice will get Trump to "admit" to something. That of course would be plain stupid but they've attempted far more brainless things before.

Why do I bother with you fucking idiots?

OK, I will slooooooowly walk you through it - but only this once, so do try and put on your thinking cap:

The first time Trump was about to be arrested he warned about it well in advance and told the World that Alvin Bragg was coming for him .

When Mar A Lago was raided he had warned they were coming after him over the documents.

And even on this latest J-6 BS, he has recently heralded the fact that he believed he was about to be indicted again.

Now, as of a couple hours ago, he just put out a statement that he met with the DOJ and they are telling him he did nothing wrong. Furthermore, he characterizes the pow-wow as "productive".

That is a massive departure from recent history, and most certainly a plot twist given what has been building regarding this potential indictment over the past week or so.

Now, I'll be the first to say it could play out differently - but it is most certainly a plot twist - whether your neurons are capable of comprehending it or otherwise.
The DOJ told Trump he did nothing wrong? Your quote in the title says that Trump said he did nothing wrong. If trump did put out a statement saying the DOJ told him he did nothing wrong, you actually believe this? Holy shit that's hilarious. I mean there are some gullible trumpanzees on here, but if you believe that line you're hopeless. And trump met with the DOJ personally? You actually believe that as well? How can you people be this stupid?

Back to reality, the DOJ just added on another charge against Trump today.
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You don't believe your eyes. There are videos exonerating J 6 people. There are videos of obvious election fraud. You do not believe your eyes. More projection.
There is????....does it show them walking peacefully inside the capitol, just after they broke in and just before they entered 'restricted' areas.

Your videos of obvious election fraud have yet to be shown.
If it's obvious, then just show it.

Gawd you're dumb.
D'Souza and Kerik are both convicted Felons...... LOLLOLLLL
The DOJ told Trump he did nothing wrong? Your quote in the title says that Trump said he did nothing wrong.

No, it says the DOJ explained to him he did nothing wrong.

Now, do I believe the DOJ put it in those precise terms?

Not bloody likely.

But as one of many "Trump whisperers", I strongly suspect it means he believes they told him they're not coming after him with J-6 charges.

Whether he is correct or not only time will tell.

But for the billionth fucking time: Given Orange Man's initial reaction to previous law enforcement encroachments, it is certainly a stark departure on this occasion.




Or CANCELED and off to the woke gulag with ya.
It accomplished the same thing. Removing about 1,000 trumpanzee animals from society. I hope you didnt learn your lesson though.
No, it says the DOJ explained to him he did nothing wrong.

Now, do I believe the DOJ put it in those precise terms?

Not bloody likely.

But as one of many "Trump whisperers", I strongly suspect it means he believes they told him they're not coming after him with J-6 charges.

Whether he is correct or not only time will tell.

But for the billionth fucking time: Given Orange Man's initial reaction to previous law enforcement encroachments, it is certainly a stark departure on this occasion.
If that is the case, why did the DOJ add on another charge against Trump today? You arent a trump whiserer. You're a trump kool-aid drinker.
It accomplished the same thing. Removing about 1,000 trumpanzee animals from society. I hope you didnt learn your lesson though.

Yeah but riots are what Leftists did all summer of 2020 including setting fire to Police Stations, Federal Courthouses, and minority owned businesses.

But that's OK because it wasn't "organized".

Are you saying what BLM/Antifa did was WRONG?

If so, I am reporting you to the FIB.
No, it says the DOJ explained to him he did nothing wrong.

Now, do I believe the DOJ put it in those precise terms?

Not bloody likely.

But as one of many "Trump whisperers", I strongly suspect it means he believes they told him they're not coming after him with J-6 charges.

Whether he is correct or not only time will tell.

But for the billionth fucking time: Given Orange Man's initial reaction to previous law enforcement encroachments, it is certainly a stark departure on this occasion.
The exact quote from Trump "My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong, was advised by many lawyers, and that an Indictment of me would only further destroy our Country,”

1. Where did trump say he personally met with the DOJ as you stated?
2. Where is the quote saying the DOJ said he did nothing wrong?
3. Can you read English?
Plot twist"? What freaking plot? You mean the former president? The Biden criminal enterprise got rich by selling America's secrets and access to the president. Democrats claimed that Hunter's lap top was fiction but it wasn't. Isn't that a plot twist? Hunter got a pass in a plea deal that went south when it became evident that democrat dirty tricksters pretended to be congressional prosecutors. Isn't that a freaking plot twist?

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