Plot Twist: Trump says his lawyers had 'productive' meeting with DOJ about Jan 6 - "explained I did Nothing wrong!"

Yeah but riots are what Leftists did all summer of 2020 including setting fire to Police Stations, Federal Courthouses, and minority owned businesses.

But that's OK because it wasn't "organized".

Are you saying what BLM/Antifa did was WRONG?

If so, I am reporting you to the FIB.
It wasnt ok. Plenty of those people were thrown in jail. How often does this need to be explained to you? I realize Fox News doesnt report stuff like that, but come on it's common knowledge those protestors were arrested and thrown in jail.
The exact quote from Trump "My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong, was advised by many lawyers, and that an Indictment of me would only further destroy our Country,”

This is what you do.

You lose arguments so then you engage in semantic minutia that in no way alters the bottom line.

Trump said the DOJ told his LAWYERS he did nothing wrong on Jan 6th.

They didn't say it to him DIRECTLY.

Wow, ya got me.

You fucking tool.
Plot twist"? What freaking plot? You mean the former president? The Biden criminal enterprise got rich by selling America's secrets and access to the president. Democrats claimed that Hunter's lap top was fiction but it wasn't. Isn't that a plot twist? Hunter got a pass in a plea deal that went south when it became evident that democrat dirty tricksters pretended to be congressional prosecutors. Isn't that a freaking plot twist?
What are you going to do when Biden isnt impeached and nothing happens to Hunter along with Trump being found guilty. Could this be the trifecta that makes the rest of you trumpanzees lose it and go over the edge?
This is what you do.

You lose arguments so then you engage in semantic minutia that in no way alters the bottom line.

Trump said the DOJ told his LAWYERS he did nothing wrong on Jan 6th.

They didn't say it to him DIRECTLY.

Wow, ya got me.

You fucking tool.
Provide the quote where Trump said the DOJ told his lawyers he did nothing wrong on Jan 6th. Link it too. I gotta see this.
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Provide the quote where Trump said the DOJ told his lawyers he did nothing wrong on Jan 6th. Link it too. I gotta see this.

The meeting was about the Jan. 6th (potential) charges.

Look: I understand your ignorance is a mental disability you have to live with every day - but don't try and transform it into some sorta Gotcha! moment.

That's just sad.
The meeting was about the Jan. 6th (potential) charges.

Look: I understand your ignorance is a mental disability you have to live with every day - but don't try and transform it into some sorta Gotcha! moment.

That's just sad.
Why cant you provide me with the quote? Should be easy enough. I havent seen that quote, only the one I directly quoted and posted. I gotta see this.
No, they are still in jail. You just choose to ignore that fact.

Pure fucking lie.

Sorry your ignorance hobbles you yet again.

They let out a child molester/rapist along with many others who burned down the Minneapolis Police Station in 2020.

I was a Democrat at the time, and it helped forever change my voter registration.

Which is why my memory of said event is crystal fucking clear.

You, on the other hand, are a pathetic partisan hack who would defend Joe if he did awful things to your own family.
Why cant you provide me with the quote? Should be easy enough. I havent seen that quote, only the one I directly quoted and posted. I gotta see this.

He says after the formal meeting they gave "no indication of notice" and called the meeting "productive".

Trump would never say that if he thought they were coming after him.

Again, your lack of nuance and comprehension is not a burden for the rest of us to bear.
Pure fucking lie.

Sorry your ignorance hobbles you yet again.

They let out a child molester/rapist along with many others who burned down the Minneapolis Police Station in 2020.

I was a Democrat at the time, and it helped forever change my voter registration.

Which is why my memory of said event is crystal fucking clear.

You, on the other hand, are a pathetic partisan hack who would defend Joe if he did awful things to your own family.
He says after the formal meeting they gave "no indication of notice" and called the meeting "productive".

Trump would never say that if he thought they were coming after him.

Again, your lack of nuance and comprehension is not a burden for the rest of us to bear.
But where is the quote where trump said his lawyers told him that the DOJ said he did nothing wrong Jan 6th? THAT is what I want to read. I can't find it for some reason.
But where is the quote where trump said his lawyers told him that the DOJ said he did nothing wrong Jan 6th? THAT is what I want to read. I can't find it for some reason.

No one ever said his lawyers said "exactly that".

You show me where I said that you brainless buffoon.

Jesus, did your mother ever have any kids that lived?
The entire “get Trump” dog and pony show has been a fiasco and a distraction since day one. J6 wasn't an “insurrection” to begin with, and Trump has proven time and again that he insisted on a peaceful display (something the Constitution allows). Biden is literally guilty of actual crimes, yet they're ignored by the so-called purveyors of “justice.”
There is????....does it show them walking peacefully inside the capitol, just after they broke in and just before they entered 'restricted' areas.

Your videos of obvious election fraud have yet to be shown.
If it's obvious, then just show it.

Gawd you're dumb.
D'Souza and Kerik are both convicted Felons...... LOLLOLLLL
The videos are in the GA. thread. How does an unarmed group of people take over anything? No one believes the shit you do. You can't yourself.
No one ever said his lawyers said "exactly that".

You show me where I said that you brainless buffoon.

Jesus, did your mother ever have any kids that lived?
Is there something wrong with you? Seriously. Only a few posts ago you said this:

RhodyPatriot said:
This is what you do.

You lose arguments so then you engage in semantic minutia that in no way alters the bottom line.

Trump said the DOJ told his LAWYERS he did nothing wrong on Jan 6th.

They didn't say it to him DIRECTLY.
Is there something wrong with you? Seriously. Only a few posts ago you said this:

RhodyPatriot said:
This is what you do.

You lose arguments so then you engage in semantic minutia that in no way alters the bottom line.

Trump said the DOJ told his LAWYERS he did nothing wrong on Jan 6th.

They didn't say it to him DIRECTLY.

I think your programming is broken, you're going in circles now.

Truth be told, you're rapidly beginning to bore me.

Maybe go to the pee wee section.

I'm sure BasqueBromance still has a thread around here somewhere...

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