Plutocracy or Democracy? YOU will decide in Nov. 2016!

I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

If We the People lose to the Koch bros in 2016 this nation will suffer greatly. Libertarianism is the mirror image of Communism. Only it will be even more harmful since it will inherit the military might of the most powerful nation on earth.

Libertarianism will cause the deaths of an estimated 15% of the population because of a lack of medical and welfare programs. That would be 45 million people in the USA alone. Who knows how many more will die because of unnecessary warmongering.

Yes, the biggest threat to this nation is the enemy within and as we were warned it will come wrapped in the flag of patriotism spouting jingoism.

15 percent of our population is going to -die- if we roll back entitlement programs? LMFAO! Holy shit, Chicken Little, I'm not sure I even have the energy to argue with you.

Also, if you equate libertarianism with warmongering, you clearly have very little understanding of libertarianism. You should research it before you declare it the future cause of Armageddon.

All failed regimes resort to warmongering in order to distract the population from turning on their rulers. The disasterous Libertarian regime won't be any exception to that rule. Only a fool believes that it is going to be any different.

And yes, pull the plug on all social programs, which is right there on the Libertarian Party platform on their website, and people will die. That is inescapable and the fact that you are deluding yourself into believing that won't happen says volumes.
Yes, because the Koch brothers, by spending less than Hillary's going to raise for her -single- campaign, might possibly rearrange the country to the point that the libertarian boogeyman will be able to abruptly pull the plug on all social programs. And once we repeal Obamacare and reform Social Security, BAM! 15 percent of the population's going to starve out.

The fact that you're trying to ridicule me for not taking you seriously when the shit flying out of your mouth is -this- far removed from reality says volumes. The level of narcissism required for you to be -this- self assured of ideas -this- stupid is absolutely mind boggling. I can't find an emphatic enough synonym for ignorant to do you justice, so I'll just leave it at that.
Is someone suggesting there are a lot of suckers for Koch?

I'm pointing out the amount of money being raised and donated to be used to elect libertarian / tea party / Republicans by the Koch Brothers - not the Koch Brothers on the stump.

They will buy air and print ads under made up names (example, "Swift Boar Veterans) to assassinate the character of Democrats and moderate Republicans; they will hire actors and charlatans who will use other machinations, demagoguery and false pathos to achieve their lust for power. It is the end that matters, not the means; it is not the people, the environment or the traditional values of a democratic nation.
Plutocracy has run America through the 19th to today, just ask the victims of the industrial revolution at home.
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Your willful ignorance is noted.
The Koch brothers’ political machine is expanding into new states and recruiting new donors as it seeks to shape the Republican Party — and its presidential field — headed into 2016, according to interviews with multiple sources, as well as confidential donor briefing documents obtained by POLITICO.

Read more: Secret Koch memo outlines plans for 2016 - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

"Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest....

"The fundraising target is the latest indication that the industrialists at the center of the network, Charles and David Koch, intend to continue building an operation that could exceed the national political parties in size and scope to help advance their libertarian principles. The spending, unrivaled for an outside organization, represents more than double the nearly $400 million the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised and spent during the 2012 presidential election cycle."

Full article here: Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

IMO, this effort by members of the 0.01% is nothing less than a bloodless coup, and if it succeeds it will put the last nail into the coffin of Democracy in America. No longer can it be denied that we are a Plutocracy, and that every man, woman and child will be at the mercy of this new Aristocracy, and governed by elected officials on every level of government owned by an Oligarchy of the power elite.

Considering we have had the same people in power for the last 40 years it would appear to me that this is more of a plutcracy than a democracy. We are being governed by the same group of people.

I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

We, the 99% of Americans, are facing a new enemy, a domestic one intent on getting and keeping power for generations. The machinations of the Koch Brothers are threatening a system of government by the people which worked - not always well - for over two centuries.

My hope with this thread is to get people thinking, and considering other outcomes than the one they hear from demagogues and charlatans, and the willfully ignorant who parrot the propaganda of those who seek power.
You're hope with this thread is to "get people thinking" yet you think rich dems are different than rich gopers.

You are one ignorant motherfucker

Gee, never been called that since i retired, you can take the punk out of the cage, but not the reason the punk was put in the cage.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs, and their daddy's political extremism too.
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Your willful ignorance is noted.
The Koch brothers’ political machine is expanding into new states and recruiting new donors as it seeks to shape the Republican Party — and its presidential field — headed into 2016, according to interviews with multiple sources, as well as confidential donor briefing documents obtained by POLITICO.

Read more: Secret Koch memo outlines plans for 2016 - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

"Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest....

"The fundraising target is the latest indication that the industrialists at the center of the network, Charles and David Koch, intend to continue building an operation that could exceed the national political parties in size and scope to help advance their libertarian principles. The spending, unrivaled for an outside organization, represents more than double the nearly $400 million the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised and spent during the 2012 presidential election cycle."

Full article here: Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

IMO, this effort by members of the 0.01% is nothing less than a bloodless coup, and if it succeeds it will put the last nail into the coffin of Democracy in America. No longer can it be denied that we are a Plutocracy, and that every man, woman and child will be at the mercy of this new Aristocracy, and governed by elected officials on every level of government owned by an Oligarchy of the power elite.

Considering we have had the same people in power for the last 40 years it would appear to me that this is more of a plutcracy than a democracy. We are being governed by the same group of people.

I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

We, the 99% of Americans, are facing a new enemy, a domestic one intent on getting and keeping power for generations. The machinations of the Koch Brothers are threatening a system of government by the people which worked - not always well - for over two centuries.

My hope with this thread is to get people thinking, and considering other outcomes than the one they hear from demagogues and charlatans, and the willfully ignorant who parrot the propaganda of those who seek power.
You're hope with this thread is to "get people thinking" yet you think rich dems are different than rich gopers.

You are one ignorant motherfucker

Gee, never been called that since i retired, you an take the punk out of the cage, but not the reason the punk was put in the cage.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs, and their daddy's political extremism too.
There is no difference jackass. Money is money & corruption is corruption regardless of party affiliation.

You ARE a stupid MOTHERFUCKER as well as the weakest link....goodbye
Good grief, the elements of "plutocracy" exist in both parties, distorting both parties, influencing both parties, polluting our entire political process.

Man, there really are no mirrors in the homes of partisan ideologues.

Nothing of substance is improved until the mirrors and installed and used.

Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Your willful ignorance is noted.
The Koch brothers’ political machine is expanding into new states and recruiting new donors as it seeks to shape the Republican Party — and its presidential field — headed into 2016, according to interviews with multiple sources, as well as confidential donor briefing documents obtained by POLITICO.

Read more: Secret Koch memo outlines plans for 2016 - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

"Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest....

"The fundraising target is the latest indication that the industrialists at the center of the network, Charles and David Koch, intend to continue building an operation that could exceed the national political parties in size and scope to help advance their libertarian principles. The spending, unrivaled for an outside organization, represents more than double the nearly $400 million the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised and spent during the 2012 presidential election cycle."

Full article here: Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

IMO, this effort by members of the 0.01% is nothing less than a bloodless coup, and if it succeeds it will put the last nail into the coffin of Democracy in America. No longer can it be denied that we are a Plutocracy, and that every man, woman and child will be at the mercy of this new Aristocracy, and governed by elected officials on every level of government owned by an Oligarchy of the power elite.

Considering we have had the same people in power for the last 40 years it would appear to me that this is more of a plutcracy than a democracy. We are being governed by the same group of people.

I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

We, the 99% of Americans, are facing a new enemy, a domestic one intent on getting and keeping power for generations. The machinations of the Koch Brothers are threatening a system of government by the people which worked - not always well - for over two centuries.

My hope with this thread is to get people thinking, and considering other outcomes than the one they hear from demagogues and charlatans, and the willfully ignorant who parrot the propaganda of those who seek power.
You're hope with this thread is to "get people thinking" yet you think rich dems are different than rich gopers.

You are one ignorant motherfucker

Gee, never been called that since i retired, you an take the punk out of the cage, but not the reason the punk was put in the cage.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs, and their daddy's political extremism too.
There is no difference jackass. Money is money & corruption is corruption regardless of party affiliation.

You ARE a stupid MOTHERFUCKER as well as the weakest link....goodbye

Punks in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard, are all the same.
I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

If We the People lose to the Koch bros in 2016 this nation will suffer greatly. Libertarianism is the mirror image of Communism. Only it will be even more harmful since it will inherit the military might of the most powerful nation on earth.

Libertarianism will cause the deaths of an estimated 15% of the population because of a lack of medical and welfare programs. That would be 45 million people in the USA alone. Who knows how many more will die because of unnecessary warmongering.

Yes, the biggest threat to this nation is the enemy within and as we were warned it will come wrapped in the flag of patriotism spouting jingoism.

The country is suffering immensely under the current buffoon.
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Your willful ignorance is noted.
The Koch brothers’ political machine is expanding into new states and recruiting new donors as it seeks to shape the Republican Party — and its presidential field — headed into 2016, according to interviews with multiple sources, as well as confidential donor briefing documents obtained by POLITICO.

Read more: Secret Koch memo outlines plans for 2016 - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

"Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest....

"The fundraising target is the latest indication that the industrialists at the center of the network, Charles and David Koch, intend to continue building an operation that could exceed the national political parties in size and scope to help advance their libertarian principles. The spending, unrivaled for an outside organization, represents more than double the nearly $400 million the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised and spent during the 2012 presidential election cycle."

Full article here: Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

IMO, this effort by members of the 0.01% is nothing less than a bloodless coup, and if it succeeds it will put the last nail into the coffin of Democracy in America. No longer can it be denied that we are a Plutocracy, and that every man, woman and child will be at the mercy of this new Aristocracy, and governed by elected officials on every level of government owned by an Oligarchy of the power elite.

Considering we have had the same people in power for the last 40 years it would appear to me that this is more of a plutcracy than a democracy. We are being governed by the same group of people.

I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

We, the 99% of Americans, are facing a new enemy, a domestic one intent on getting and keeping power for generations. The machinations of the Koch Brothers are threatening a system of government by the people which worked - not always well - for over two centuries.

My hope with this thread is to get people thinking, and considering other outcomes than the one they hear from demagogues and charlatans, and the willfully ignorant who parrot the propaganda of those who seek power.
You're hope with this thread is to "get people thinking" yet you think rich dems are different than rich gopers.

You are one ignorant motherfucker

Gee, never been called that since i retired, you can take the punk out of the cage, but not the reason the punk was put in the cage.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs, and their daddy's political extremism too.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs

That's awful!
How much did their dad hand them when he kicked?
Good grief, the elements of "plutocracy" exist in both parties, distorting both parties, influencing both parties, polluting our entire political process.

Man, there really are no mirrors in the homes of partisan ideologues.

Nothing of substance is improved until the mirrors and installed and used.


Nothing will change unless The People demand it. And even then, unless the Supreme Court does the right thing, and sends CU & McCutheon v. FEC in the trash as a prior court did in Brown v. the Board of Education.
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Your willful ignorance is noted.
The Koch brothers’ political machine is expanding into new states and recruiting new donors as it seeks to shape the Republican Party — and its presidential field — headed into 2016, according to interviews with multiple sources, as well as confidential donor briefing documents obtained by POLITICO.

Read more: Secret Koch memo outlines plans for 2016 - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

"Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest....

"The fundraising target is the latest indication that the industrialists at the center of the network, Charles and David Koch, intend to continue building an operation that could exceed the national political parties in size and scope to help advance their libertarian principles. The spending, unrivaled for an outside organization, represents more than double the nearly $400 million the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised and spent during the 2012 presidential election cycle."

Full article here: Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

IMO, this effort by members of the 0.01% is nothing less than a bloodless coup, and if it succeeds it will put the last nail into the coffin of Democracy in America. No longer can it be denied that we are a Plutocracy, and that every man, woman and child will be at the mercy of this new Aristocracy, and governed by elected officials on every level of government owned by an Oligarchy of the power elite.

Considering we have had the same people in power for the last 40 years it would appear to me that this is more of a plutcracy than a democracy. We are being governed by the same group of people.

I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

We, the 99% of Americans, are facing a new enemy, a domestic one intent on getting and keeping power for generations. The machinations of the Koch Brothers are threatening a system of government by the people which worked - not always well - for over two centuries.

My hope with this thread is to get people thinking, and considering other outcomes than the one they hear from demagogues and charlatans, and the willfully ignorant who parrot the propaganda of those who seek power.
You're hope with this thread is to "get people thinking" yet you think rich dems are different than rich gopers.

You are one ignorant motherfucker

Gee, never been called that since i retired, you can take the punk out of the cage, but not the reason the punk was put in the cage.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs, and their daddy's political extremism too.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs

That's awful!
How much did their dad hand them when he kicked?

"1. The family's $100 billion fortune comes mostly from a massive network of oil and gas pipelines, and investments in other polluting industries like paper and plastics. The brothers inherited the seed money for their holdings from their father Fred Koch, who made his first fortune building oil pipelines for the Russian dictator Joseph Stalin in the 1930s. Back in the states, Fred Koch supported racial segregation and white supremacist groups like the John Birch Society."

See the other ten things they don't want us to know:

11 Things The Koch Brothers Don t Want You To Know From Robert Greenwald s Newly Updated Documentary Alternet
The Koch brothers’ political machine is expanding into new states and recruiting new donors as it seeks to shape the Republican Party — and its presidential field — headed into 2016, according to interviews with multiple sources, as well as confidential donor briefing documents obtained by POLITICO.

Read more: Secret Koch memo outlines plans for 2016 - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

"Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest....

"The fundraising target is the latest indication that the industrialists at the center of the network, Charles and David Koch, intend to continue building an operation that could exceed the national political parties in size and scope to help advance their libertarian principles. The spending, unrivaled for an outside organization, represents more than double the nearly $400 million the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised and spent during the 2012 presidential election cycle."

Full article here: Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

IMO, this effort by members of the 0.01% is nothing less than a bloodless coup, and if it succeeds it will put the last nail into the coffin of Democracy in America. No longer can it be denied that we are a Plutocracy, and that every man, woman and child will be at the mercy of this new Aristocracy, and governed by elected officials on every level of government owned by an Oligarchy of the power elite.
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Your willful ignorance is noted.
Considering we have had the same people in power for the last 40 years it would appear to me that this is more of a plutcracy than a democracy. We are being governed by the same group of people.

I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

We, the 99% of Americans, are facing a new enemy, a domestic one intent on getting and keeping power for generations. The machinations of the Koch Brothers are threatening a system of government by the people which worked - not always well - for over two centuries.

My hope with this thread is to get people thinking, and considering other outcomes than the one they hear from demagogues and charlatans, and the willfully ignorant who parrot the propaganda of those who seek power.
You're hope with this thread is to "get people thinking" yet you think rich dems are different than rich gopers.

You are one ignorant motherfucker

Gee, never been called that since i retired, you an take the punk out of the cage, but not the reason the punk was put in the cage.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs, and their daddy's political extremism too.
There is no difference jackass. Money is money & corruption is corruption regardless of party affiliation.

You ARE a stupid MOTHERFUCKER as well as the weakest link....goodbye

Punks in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard, are all the same.
And the cowards that talk shit on both of them are weak.
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Your willful ignorance is noted.
Considering we have had the same people in power for the last 40 years it would appear to me that this is more of a plutcracy than a democracy. We are being governed by the same group of people.

I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

We, the 99% of Americans, are facing a new enemy, a domestic one intent on getting and keeping power for generations. The machinations of the Koch Brothers are threatening a system of government by the people which worked - not always well - for over two centuries.

My hope with this thread is to get people thinking, and considering other outcomes than the one they hear from demagogues and charlatans, and the willfully ignorant who parrot the propaganda of those who seek power.
You're hope with this thread is to "get people thinking" yet you think rich dems are different than rich gopers.

You are one ignorant motherfucker

Gee, never been called that since i retired, you can take the punk out of the cage, but not the reason the punk was put in the cage.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs, and their daddy's political extremism too.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs

That's awful!
How much did their dad hand them when he kicked?

"1. The family's $100 billion fortune comes mostly from a massive network of oil and gas pipelines, and investments in other polluting industries like paper and plastics. The brothers inherited the seed money for their holdings from their father Fred Koch, who made his first fortune building oil pipelines for the Russian dictator Joseph Stalin in the 1930s. Back in the states, Fred Koch supported racial segregation and white supremacist groups like the John Birch Society."

See the other ten things they don't want us to know:

11 Things The Koch Brothers Don t Want You To Know From Robert Greenwald s Newly Updated Documentary Alternet
Stick you're head back in the sand. I have a better chance of getting logical responses out of your ass than I do with your partisan stupidity.
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Your willful ignorance is noted.
Considering we have had the same people in power for the last 40 years it would appear to me that this is more of a plutcracy than a democracy. We are being governed by the same group of people.

I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

We, the 99% of Americans, are facing a new enemy, a domestic one intent on getting and keeping power for generations. The machinations of the Koch Brothers are threatening a system of government by the people which worked - not always well - for over two centuries.

My hope with this thread is to get people thinking, and considering other outcomes than the one they hear from demagogues and charlatans, and the willfully ignorant who parrot the propaganda of those who seek power.
You're hope with this thread is to "get people thinking" yet you think rich dems are different than rich gopers.

You are one ignorant motherfucker

Gee, never been called that since i retired, you can take the punk out of the cage, but not the reason the punk was put in the cage.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs, and their daddy's political extremism too.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs

That's awful!
How much did their dad hand them when he kicked?

"1. The family's $100 billion fortune comes mostly from a massive network of oil and gas pipelines, and investments in other polluting industries like paper and plastics. The brothers inherited the seed money for their holdings from their father Fred Koch, who made his first fortune building oil pipelines for the Russian dictator Joseph Stalin in the 1930s. Back in the states, Fred Koch supported racial segregation and white supremacist groups like the John Birch Society."

See the other ten things they don't want us to know:

11 Things The Koch Brothers Don t Want You To Know From Robert Greenwald s Newly Updated Documentary Alternet

The brothers inherited the seed money for their holdings from their father Fred Koch

What was the value of the seed when they inherited it from their father?
I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

If We the People lose to the Koch bros in 2016 this nation will suffer greatly. Libertarianism is the mirror image of Communism. Only it will be even more harmful since it will inherit the military might of the most powerful nation on earth.

Libertarianism will cause the deaths of an estimated 15% of the population because of a lack of medical and welfare programs. That would be 45 million people in the USA alone. Who knows how many more will die because of unnecessary warmongering.

Yes, the biggest threat to this nation is the enemy within and as we were warned it will come wrapped in the flag of patriotism spouting jingoism.

The country is suffering immensely under the current buffoon.

Assumes facts not in evidence.
Your willful ignorance is noted.
I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

We, the 99% of Americans, are facing a new enemy, a domestic one intent on getting and keeping power for generations. The machinations of the Koch Brothers are threatening a system of government by the people which worked - not always well - for over two centuries.

My hope with this thread is to get people thinking, and considering other outcomes than the one they hear from demagogues and charlatans, and the willfully ignorant who parrot the propaganda of those who seek power.
You're hope with this thread is to "get people thinking" yet you think rich dems are different than rich gopers.

You are one ignorant motherfucker

Gee, never been called that since i retired, you can take the punk out of the cage, but not the reason the punk was put in the cage.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs, and their daddy's political extremism too.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs

That's awful!
How much did their dad hand them when he kicked?

"1. The family's $100 billion fortune comes mostly from a massive network of oil and gas pipelines, and investments in other polluting industries like paper and plastics. The brothers inherited the seed money for their holdings from their father Fred Koch, who made his first fortune building oil pipelines for the Russian dictator Joseph Stalin in the 1930s. Back in the states, Fred Koch supported racial segregation and white supremacist groups like the John Birch Society."

See the other ten things they don't want us to know:

11 Things The Koch Brothers Don t Want You To Know From Robert Greenwald s Newly Updated Documentary Alternet

The brothers inherited the seed money for their holdings from their father Fred Koch

What was the value of the seed when they inherited it from their father?
Really doesn't matter unless you're the jealous liberal type

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