Pocahontas Had An Idea I Liked

Another conservative loving himself some Socialism

Nope....we'll MAKE MONEY on the loans to the big corporations and they can't duck out of paying us back. That interest should offset a lot of the money sent to individuals and small biz. It's called greasing the squeaky wheel...something you Gen-Xers wouldn't know anything about.
If you are working you will get a check like everyone else, but no reason to send them to people that were already retired.

Quit being a leech.
Are people who were unemployed before the outbreak getting a check? Yep. If people on Social Security shouldn't get a check, then tell us why previously unemployed people are?

I see your point but if you're on SS then covid 19 didn't change your income. But you HAD INCOME.

If you're unemployed then you had nothing to start with. But you can't take nothing from nothing so I do see your point.
The average income is $1200 a month on Social Security. That's nothing.

1500 a month for men.
That's nothing.
The arm-waving, arm-flap flying nutcase actually had an idea I liked.....Why not bump our SS checks by $200 a month through 2021? $4,200 total. The payout could begin immediately as all of us on the dole are known and accounted for. It beats a one-off check for $1,200 and could be graduated into effect a month at a time. For the faker turds on disability, that would also cut down on them splurging on dope and tattoos the one-time check will result in. Whomever she stole the idea from should be listened to....it's a much better idea.


Someone explain to me why SS recipients should see a raise over Corona19, because others are unemployed?

I receive a pension. Assuming there's not a reduction due to the stock market, that $1200 is nothing but a gift to me. Sure I'm seeing losses elsewhere. Unless your name is Bezos (aka FUCK-FACE) etc., everyone takes a hit over this short term.

My wife and I will take ours and divide it up between our 3 oldest grand kids that work and have either lost their jobs or on a shut down because of this. They all have more bills than I do and have working their asses off since they turned 18 well one of them at 16.
That just means that you workies are going to have to work harder to pay off all that gummint debt. Don't hurt yourself now.

I had to put up with 8 years of Obama Stash, Obama Bucks, and Obamaphones from the welfare leeches of this country, so now it's my turn the "git some."

We president now. :laughing0301:

not me, I am only a decade away from joining in in retirement, our kids are being fucked over but good...

I heard they will raise the age of retirement for you to 99 years old, but only for you...
The arm-waving, arm-flap flying nutcase actually had an idea I liked.....Why not bump our SS checks by $200 a month through 2021? $4,200 total. The payout could begin immediately as all of us on the dole are known and accounted for. It beats a one-off check for $1,200 and could be graduated into effect a month at a time. For the faker turds on disability, that would also cut down on them splurging on dope and tattoos the one-time check will result in. Whomever she stole the idea from should be listened to....it's a much better idea.


As a retiree, my full monthly pensions were deposited into my bank account this morning. My income has not been affected at all. But the store where my oldest daughter was working part time, and her main gig as a hair dresser in Toronto, is also closed. She has rent coming due next week and two teenagers to feed.

My youngest’s husband owns a roofing business. He was just starting to line up jobs after the slow winter season, and now he’s not working. As my daughter pointed out, just as the weather was turning, their finances were “getting tight”, but they’re not likely to have any real income this year at all, whereas last year his gross was mid six figures. They have cash reserves to get them through this, but he’s not employing anyone, and they’re not spending unless necessary either.

My son’s wife is a nurse. They have a year old baby. I have a whole other set of concerns there, none of which are financial.

This payment to everyone no matter is only really been done in US... EU (Ireland but similar in other countries) have stepped in and tried and get employers to keep paying there employees (70%) and the Government covers a lot of that amount. That way the small businesses keep there employees and employees keep there jobs... This means they have a job day one when restrictions are lifted. The payments are very specific for employee pay and if they are still working, no payment. Retirees and unemployed get a small increase.. They are now looking self employed and giving them a compensation package...

It is not to say that way is right or wrong but it is good to look at possible solutions...

Other countries have a far more robust social safety net. Canada sends out income supports to families with income under $70,000 per year. The maximum is $5000 per year per child. Our Employment Insurance for up pays for 36 weeks.

If you are working you will get a check like everyone else, but no reason to send them to people that were already retired.

Quit being a leech.
Are people who were unemployed before the outbreak getting a check? Yep. If people on Social Security shouldn't get a check, then tell us why previously unemployed people are?

People on SS ARE getting a check. They’re getting their SS check just like always. Those who are unemployed are not.

As a retired pensioner, I received my full monthly income on Friday. So I don’t need extra, however nice it might be. My daughter with two kids, and rent coming due, next week who is laid off because non-essential services are closed, needs the money.
The average income is $1200 a month on Social Security. That's nothing.

Which is why Bush wanted to allow younger workers to be able to have 4% of our SS contribution go to private accounts, but the greedy Boomers would have none of that.
The arm-waving, arm-flap flying nutcase actually had an idea I liked.....Why not bump our SS checks by $200 a month through 2021? $4,200 total. The payout could begin immediately as all of us on the dole are known and accounted for. It beats a one-off check for $1,200 and could be graduated into effect a month at a time. For the faker turds on disability, that would also cut down on them splurging on dope and tattoos the one-time check will result in. Whomever she stole the idea from should be listened to....it's a much better idea.


Another conservative loving himself some Socialism

Like I tell the progressives...you should think "conservative"...you should think "pragmatist".
The arm-waving, arm-flap flying nutcase actually had an idea I liked.....Why not bump our SS checks by $200 a month through 2021? $4,200 total. The payout could begin immediately as all of us on the dole are known and accounted for. It beats a one-off check for $1,200 and could be graduated into effect a month at a time. For the faker turds on disability, that would also cut down on them splurging on dope and tattoos the one-time check will result in. Whomever she stole the idea from should be listened to....it's a much better idea.


Another conservative loving himself some Socialism

It's amazing how quick that switch was flipped.
Another conservative loving himself some Socialism

Nope....we'll MAKE MONEY on the loans to the big corporations and they can't duck out of paying us back. That interest should offset a lot of the money sent to individuals and small biz. It's called greasing the squeaky wheel...something you Gen-Xers wouldn't know anything about.

It's called wealth redistribution.
The average income is $1200 a month on Social Security. That's nothing.

Which is why Bush wanted to allow younger workers to be able to have 4% of our SS contribution go to private accounts, but the greedy Boomers would have none of that.
Thats how we will eventually ween ourselves off of SS.

3 Texas counties opted out if SS before that was outlawed. Their retirees get about twice what they would under SS, and the money is theirs to pass down to their kids.
I draw SS, but I don't see the point in giving us an additional $200 per month. If anyone needs it, it's those that have lost jobs due to the COVID-19 situation.

Again...what possibly makes you think retirees haven't lost jobs, or are in danger of losing the dream business they always wanted to have when they retired? Think, then type.

Because the purpose of this assistance isn't to finance retirement dreams. It's to keep people from going under because they can't work due to the virus - either their place of business is closed, they're sick, or they're quarantined because of exposure.
Thats how we will eventually ween ourselves off of SS.

One has to remember that SS is a welfare program which overpays low wage contributors by underpaying high wage contributors. If all of the high wage contributors left SS, another revenue source would have to be found.
The average income is $1200 a month on Social Security. That's nothing.

Which is why Bush wanted to allow younger workers to be able to have 4% of our SS contribution go to private accounts, but the greedy Boomers would have none of that.
Thats how we will eventually ween ourselves off of SS.

3 Texas counties opted out if SS before that was outlawed. Their retirees get about twice what they would under SS, and the money is theirs to pass down to their kids.

Yes the wealthy will get more, but the bald fact is that only about 44% of American workers have ANY kind of private retirement plan, and those are the ones at the higher end of the income spectrum. The same 40% of Americans who need income supports, have no retirement plans at all.

So you want to dump the only income that the poorest elderly people will ever have, because the middle class and wealthy can do better economically on their own. That means that the middle class and the wealthy are going to have to support the elderly that they refused to pay a living wage to when they were running their businesses.
The average income is $1200 a month on Social Security. That's nothing.

Which is why Bush wanted to allow younger workers to be able to have 4% of our SS contribution go to private accounts, but the greedy Boomers would have none of that.
Thats how we will eventually ween ourselves off of SS.

3 Texas counties opted out if SS before that was outlawed. Their retirees get about twice what they would under SS, and the money is theirs to pass down to their kids.

Yes the wealthy will get more, but the bald fact is that only about 44% of American workers have ANY kind of private retirement plan, and those are the ones at the higher end of the income spectrum. The same 40% of Americans who need income supports, have no retirement plans at all.

So you want to dump the only income that the poorest elderly people will ever have, because the middle class and wealthy can do better economically on their own. That means that the middle class and the wealthy are going to have to support the elderly that they refused to pay a living wage to when they were running their businesses.
I said nothing about dumping anyone's income, liar.

And all income levels are getting more in those counties, liar.
The arm-waving, arm-flap flying nutcase actually had an idea I liked.....Why not bump our SS checks by $200 a month through 2021? $4,200 total. The payout could begin immediately as all of us on the dole are known and accounted for. It beats a one-off check for $1,200 and could be graduated into effect a month at a time. For the faker turds on disability, that would also cut down on them splurging on dope and tattoos the one-time check will result in. Whomever she stole the idea from should be listened to....it's a much better idea.


As a retiree, my full monthly pensions were deposited into my bank account this morning. My income has not been affected at all. But the store where my oldest daughter was working part time, and her main gig as a hair dresser in Toronto, is also closed. She has rent coming due next week and two teenagers to feed.

My youngest’s husband owns a roofing business. He was just starting to line up jobs after the slow winter season, and now he’s not working. As my daughter pointed out, just as the weather was turning, their finances were “getting tight”, but they’re not likely to have any real income this year at all, whereas last year his gross was mid six figures. They have cash reserves to get them through this, but he’s not employing anyone, and they’re not spending unless necessary either.

My son’s wife is a nurse. They have a year old baby. I have a whole other set of concerns there, none of which are financial.

This payment to everyone no matter is only really been done in US... EU (Ireland but similar in other countries) have stepped in and tried and get employers to keep paying there employees (70%) and the Government covers a lot of that amount. That way the small businesses keep there employees and employees keep there jobs... This means they have a job day one when restrictions are lifted. The payments are very specific for employee pay and if they are still working, no payment. Retirees and unemployed get a small increase.. They are now looking self employed and giving them a compensation package...

It is not to say that way is right or wrong but it is good to look at possible solutions...

Other countries have a far more robust social safety net. Canada sends out income supports to families with income under $70,000 per year. The maximum is $5000 per year per child. Our Employment Insurance for up pays for 36 weeks.

If you are working you will get a check like everyone else, but no reason to send them to people that were already retired.

Quit being a leech.
Are people who were unemployed before the outbreak getting a check? Yep. If people on Social Security shouldn't get a check, then tell us why previously unemployed people are?

People on SS ARE getting a check. They’re getting their SS check just like always. Those who are unemployed are not.

As a retired pensioner, I received my full monthly income on Friday. So I don’t need extra, however nice it might be. My daughter with two kids, and rent coming due, next week who is laid off because non-essential services are closed, needs the money.
Give her yours.
Don't GAF any more. Screw everyone else, I'm in it for myself and my immediate family.

This is a deceptively simple philosophy that a friend has been working on and refining for most of his life. I am delighted to say that I believe he has refined it down to its essence - sufficiently to share it with a select band of friends that may appreciate its elegance and simplicity.



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