Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'
Well...well....well..........the trumpanzees are circling the wagons.....so to speak.

A poignantly appropriate analogy. One thing this board is efficient at is shining the spotlight on the roaches. They trip all over themselves to self-identify.
They are defending Trump, who attacks those who differ on issues over their appearance, their manliness or his perception of lack of female attractiveness, or their race or religion

The one positive is that imo Warren is not electable in a national race. Keeping her away from resources that others can use is good for the dems.
You mean any right wing nut job like yourself.


I'm talking about a Jack Ass like yourself.....
rush, Steve Bannon, trump, manafort, Mitch, Paul Ryan, pure evil.

You pure stupid

You're pure Stupid....

obongo went to a RACIST CHURCH FOR 20 YEARS....

You and yours are the evil ones.....
You still spreading that lie? I’m not going to defend any church because they’re all lies but you couldn’t be better people than barrack and Michelle.

You saying what you said proves you’re a dumbot

It wasn't a lie, that is why Oprah stopped going there. Wright was Obama's mentor and a racist, does that make him a bad guy, no. It does put his judgement of character in question.
Oh give me a break. I would worry about Kavanaugh's judgement and character a lot more than Obama's.

Oh, and Obama didn't do SHIT for black people. Remember? You republicans always like to argue out of both sides of your mouths. One minute you're saying Obama didn't do shit for blacks and now you are suggesting that Obama favored blacks and hated whites.

He did everything he could to not seem like he was bending over backwards to help black people. Instead he kept it generic and tried to help all people with his policies. He NEVER targetted the black community and said, "I'm going to make it right what whites did to the black community". He stayed virtually silent his entire presidency.

I agree with the things Rev Wright said about white society. Especially back when he said it.

Oh and by the way, I've sat in a pew and listened to all kinds of idiots preach. Don't for a second think I agree with them just because I came into a house of worship and that's where I go once a week to get right with the lord. That preacher hasn't brainwashed me.

You just swallowed the right wing talking point on Rev Wright and Obama. Total bs.
Didn't she receive a lucrative job by lying about being a 'Minority?' Were Taxpayer Dollars involved with her salary? Are we supposed to just forget she's a conniving thief?

No matter how many times you are told the truth you will still choose the lie..

It is all documented.. Warren was easily qualified for the job and the University thought she was a good catch as she had other offers.

Now it is important that stay gullible... You know that operatives inside the GOP have commented on why it is important that you remain misinformed... They spend good time and effort making sure you remain that way...

Clearly the puppeteers are heavily intimidated by her intellect, otherwise they wouldn't bother.

The puppets of course never bother to look up at those strings, never take a moment to wonder why the Rumps and the Scott Browns and the paid message board trolls are mining such a non-issue to discredit a figure on a basis that has zero to do with what intimidates them. Gods forbid they should address that on its merits. Why confront actual issues when you can slur people on the emotional bases of ethnicity or color or language or religion or gender or even physical appearance or congenital disabilities. How far we have failed to come.

Frank is correct. He owes that money to the charity. Doesn't have to go through Warren. But it does have to show up. That is, if Rump's word means anything, which is a bigly bigly IF.

Oh look, Frank's here. The same guy who kept insisting "she lied", and could never prove it.
NOW look where ya are.
Her DNA tests conclusively prove that she's NOT an American Indian

Did you not read her DNA results? She's 1/1024 "Indian". She self pwned

And you claimed she "lied". You just contradicted yourself again.

Frank is correct. He owes that money to the charity. Doesn't have to go through Warren. But it does have to show up. That is, if Rump's word means anything, which is a bigly bigly IF.

Oh look, Frank's here. The same guy who kept insisting "she lied", and could never prove it.
NOW look where ya are.
Her DNA tests conclusively prove that she's NOT an American Indian

Let it go, Mal. Thanks for introducing me to Suen Kuti

I believe it's Seun actually.

Did you know he "lied" about being African? Yep, he "checked the box" while the group was auditioning lead singers.

Am I a Republican now?
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'
With that misleading title I was expecting to find a quote where she actually denied her heritage. I guess I should lower my expectations.
Cherokee Nation issues statement on Sen. Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results
No one is invested in her being a native. It doesnt matter. Lol. Wtf are you and trump on about? Is this a hard hitting controversy in Lala land? If this is the worst that the right can dig up on her then I like her more.
The loopy kunt has no credibility
Trump has no credibility. And neither does anyone who forgives all his lies.

Either you are rich or a fool.
A lying fool talking about credibility....PRICELESS....The entertainment value is high with this moron!....Also hates RICH people.... jealously rearing his ugly head!....A true Socialist scumbags remarks!

Frank is correct. He owes that money to the charity. Doesn't have to go through Warren. But it does have to show up. That is, if Rump's word means anything, which is a bigly bigly IF.

Oh look, Frank's here. The same guy who kept insisting "she lied", and could never prove it.
NOW look where ya are.
Her DNA tests conclusively prove that she's NOT an American Indian

Did you not read her DNA results? She's 1/1024 "Indian". She self pwned
Then she has some Indian in her.

It’s funny trump can lie 1000 times but hillary says she’s under sniper fire and you crucify her and Elizabeth warren says something about having Indian in her and you can’t let it go.

Trumps the king liar. Why don’t you mind? Ahhh it’s politics. You’re just playing politics.

Sooooooooooo Rumpbots.............. where's the DNA test that proves "thousands and thousands were dancing on rooftops"?

Where's the DNA test that proves Rump got more done than anybody since Truman? Where's the DNA test that shows he got more EVs than anybody since Reagan? Where's the DNA test that shows evidence of "three million illegals"? Where's the DNA test that shows it 'wasn't raining'? Where's the DNA test that doesn't trace DAESH to 2004? Where's the DNA test that proves Rump didn't know about Flynn? Where's the DNA test about the fake events in Sweden? And not to forget, Bowling Green? Where's the DNA test showing O'bama "tapppped his wires"? Where's the DNA test that proves he "didn't know" Steve Bannon or David Duke or 'John Miller'?

HE LIED. Over and over and over and over and over. Here's a handy list, with quotes and dates and refutations.

But never mind that, what's important here is that they whined and whined and whined about a strong woman's ethnicity, demanding she "prove" it, and when she did, SHE is still the "dishonest" one.

Can't make this place the fuck up. You really can't.
Her Native American ancestry has never been proven either way. Record keeping years ago in OK was not that great.
Incorrect Poindexter. ... :cool:

I grew up in Oklahoma and went to school with Indians of various tribes.

The record keeping of Indian's by the government agencies was very extensive because it determined who was eligible for benefits, such as land allotments, medical care, schooling, and financial handouts. Thus, every Indian family made dang sure their name and status was on the official tribal rolls.
With that misleading title I was expecting to find a quote where she actually denied her heritage. I guess I should lower my expectations.
Cherokee Nation issues statement on Sen. Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results
No one is invested in her being a native. It doesnt matter. Lol. Wtf are you and trump on about? Is this a hard hitting controversy in Lala land? If this is the worst that the right can dig up on her then I like her more.
The loopy kunt has no credibility
Trump has no credibility. And neither does anyone who forgives all his lies.

Either you are rich or a fool.
A lying fool talking about credibility....PRICELESS....The entertainment value is high with this moron!....Also hates RICH people.... jealously rearing his ugly head!....A true Socialist scumbags remarks!
You hate middle class people. Your way hurts the middle class. All in the name of fairness. The people are waking up.
Might backfire on ole Pocahontas. Anyone with a brain in Massachusetts, knows she's a disingenuous wanker. They won't be voting for her. However, there are a whole lotta dumb Communists in Massachusetts. So i won't be surprised if she wins.
With that misleading title I was expecting to find a quote where she actually denied her heritage. I guess I should lower my expectations.
Cherokee Nation issues statement on Sen. Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results
No one is invested in her being a native. It doesnt matter. Lol. Wtf are you and trump on about? Is this a hard hitting controversy in Lala land? If this is the worst that the right can dig up on her then I like her more.

So that is why she wanted to go to the trouble of getting a DNA test and then made a press release to show off the her big toe is Indian. I guess she didn’t care? Care to make up another stupid statement?
It was obviously a response to more than a year of trump being an asshole about it. No excuses. Just reality. The orange man runs a sloppy ship.

It obvious you are making excuses, she thought it was a big enough issue that it would cost her votes and that is why she went ahead with it. All it did was show how dishonest she really is. The issue was that she took advantage of a system and even the Cherokee Nation doesn't care for her answer.
There isnt evidence of dishonesty. She explained that when she was growing up, her family told her she had native heritage. I vaguely remember similar from my family and if anyone asks me i just ramble off whatever I remember. Turn off the fox filter for a second and think about that. Assuming dishonesty is equally dishonest.
The test says she is up to 1.56% Native American, just like she has always said, brainwashed functional morons.

You lying little twat.

The test points out she MIGHT have 1/1024th Mexican or Peruvian.

My Dingo has more American Indian blood than Warren does, and she's Australian, and a dog....
Link to that garbage propaganda please?


YOU demand a link? YOU???: :rofl:

She had a dilemma. She could put the results in a drawer, but if she did that and they leaked somehow, it’d be a scandal. She’d be guilty not only of having exaggerated extremely remote Native American ancestry, she’d be guilty of covering it up. Trump would never let her hear the end of it. So instead she concluded that the only option was to publish the results and claim it as some sort of victory. I told you I had Native American blood.

Which is sort of true, I guess? By the genetic standards of vicious racists, per the “one-drop rule,” she does indeed qualify. She’s got … about exactly one drop.

In fact, here’s a superb catch by George Conway (yes, that George Conway) from an NYT story on genetics and ancestry in America published in 2014:

The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.

A genome that’s .19 percent native works out to 1/512. So, do the math. The best-case scenario for Warren, that she’s 1/64th native, would mean that around 1.6 percent of her genome is Native American, about 10 times more than the average European-American. The worst-case scenario, 1/1024th, would mean it’s around .10 Native American — roughly half the share the average European-American has. It’s possible, in other words, that Fauxcahontas is less native than the typical white American.}

Correction: Elizabeth Warren might be as little as 1/1024th Native American
Thanks for admitting she was telling the truth

So, if you are 1% black, Hispanic, Asian or Indian, you can file for minority status at Harvard? One about Affirmative Action, would you get preferential treatment for being 1% of a minority? Sorry, she is white privilege trying to minimize the rights of minorities, had a Republican done this the left wing nuts would have been all over it.
No one is talking about filing for status and she didn't use the heritage as a crutch. What now? Wheres the bs narrative?
Might backfire on ole Pocahontas. Anyone with a brain in Massachusetts, knows she's a disingenuous wanker. They won't be voting for her. However, there are a whole lotta dumb Communists in Massachusetts. So i won't be surprised if she wins.
MA is a good state. Wages are good. They don’t take more than they pay in federal taxes. Not like red states who take more than they give. Who’s the communists?
No one is invested in her being a native. It doesnt matter. Lol. Wtf are you and trump on about? Is this a hard hitting controversy in Lala land? If this is the worst that the right can dig up on her then I like her more.

So that is why she wanted to go to the trouble of getting a DNA test and then made a press release to show off the her big toe is Indian. I guess she didn’t care? Care to make up another stupid statement?
It was obviously a response to more than a year of trump being an asshole about it. No excuses. Just reality. The orange man runs a sloppy ship.

It obvious you are making excuses, she thought it was a big enough issue that it would cost her votes and that is why she went ahead with it. All it did was show how dishonest she really is. The issue was that she took advantage of a system and even the Cherokee Nation doesn't care for her answer.
There isnt evidence of dishonesty. She explained that when she was growing up, her family told her she had native heritage. I vaguely remember similar from my family and if anyone asks me i just ramble off whatever I remember. Turn off the fox filter for a second and think about that. Assuming dishonesty is equally dishonest.
Interestingly enough, when we set up our Scottish clan tent at Games, we accept family anecdotes as valid....because they end up being true 95% of the time.

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