Poland plans to tear down hundreds of memorials of Soviet occupants


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
this process is no one can stop , why "russia" is so against it, cheep PR? as we all know "russia" fought on Hitler side in WW2

"Since 1989, Poles have removed hundreds of memorials erected after World War II .... But around 200 memorials still remain. Now, the government wants them gone."

Poland plans to tear down hundreds of Soviet memorials | DW | 13.04.2016


Russia fought on Hitler's side?
I believe Hitler would say differently.
During 1939 to mid 1941 nazi Germany and communist Russia were allies.

When Hitler invaded the western half of Poland.

Stalin at the same time invaded and occupied the eastern half of Poland.

Curiously, both England and France declared war on Germany for invading western Poland, but nothing was said to Russia for their role in invading the other half of Poland... :cool:
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Russia fought on Hitler's side?
I believe Hitler would say differently.
During 1939 to mid 1941 nazi Germany and communist Russia were allies.

When Hitler invaded the western half of Poland.

Stalin at the same time invaded and occupied the eastern half of Poland.

Curiously, both England and France declared war on Germany for invading western Poland, but nothing was said to Russia for their role in invading the other half of Poland... :cool:

He said during WW II
I know a fair amount of history, and know that without Russia illegally helping Hitler train/rebuild his army there would not have been a WW II. It would have been impossible for Hitler to build an Army.
I also know that Stalin thought he and Hitler would team up and split the Eastern half of the globe... until Hitler stupidly went behind his back and attacked Russia.
Having said all of that... it is 100% incorrect to say Russia fought on Hitlers side DURING WW II.
Russia fought on Hitler's side?
I believe Hitler would say differently.
During 1939 to mid 1941 nazi Germany and communist Russia were allies.

When Hitler invaded the western half of Poland.

Stalin at the same time invaded and occupied the eastern half of Poland.

Curiously, both England and France declared war on Germany for invading western Poland, but nothing was said to Russia for their role in invading the other half of Poland... :cool:

Enemy of my enemy is a friend kind of thing
Russia fought on Hitler's side?
I believe Hitler would say differently.

yes, "russia" fought on Hitler's side, even soviet Union fought on Hitler site until summer 1941
Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Molotov–Ribbentrop_Pact

"To complete the rehabilitation, Mr. Putin saw to it that Ilyin’s corpse was repatriated from Switzerland, and that his archive was returned from Michigan. The Russian president has been seen laying flowers on Ilyin’s Moscow grave. And Mr. Putin is not the only disciple of Ilyin among the Kremlin elite.

Vladislav Y. Surkov, Moscow’s arch-propagandist, also sees Ilyin as an authority. Prime Minister Dmitri A. Medvedev, who served as president between 2008 and 2012, recommends Ilyin to Russian students. Ilyin figures in the speeches of the foreign minister, the head of the constitutional court and the patriarch of the Orthodox Church.
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What are the ideas that have inspired such esteem?

Ilyin believed that individuality was evil. For him, the “variety of human beings” demonstrated the failure of God to complete the labor of creation and was therefore essentially satanic. By extension, the middle classes, political parties and civil society were also evil, because they encouraged the development of personalities beyond the single identity of the national community.

According to Ilyin, the purpose of politics is to overcome individuality, and establish a “living totality” of the nation. Writing in the 1920s and ’30s after his expulsion from the Soviet Union, when he became a leading emigré ideologue of the anti-Communist White Russians, Ilyin looked on Mussolini and Hitler as exemplary leaders who were saving Europe by dissolving democracy. His 1927 article “On Russian Fascism” was addressed to “My White brothers, the fascists.” Later, in the 1940s and ’50s, he provided the outlines for a constitution of a fascist Holy Russia governed by a “national dictator” who would be “inspired by the spirit of totality.”

This leader would be responsible for all functions of government in a completely centralized state. Elections would be held, with open voting and signed ballots, purely as a ritual of support of the leader. The reckoning of votes was irrelevant: “We must reject blind faith in the number of votes and its political significance.”

In the light of Ilyin’s rehabilitation as Russia’s leading ideologue, Moscow’s manipulations of elections should be seen not so much as a failure to implement democracy but as a subversion of the very concept of democracy. Neither the parliamentary elections of December 2011 nor the presidential elections of March 2012 produced a majority for Mr. Putin’s party or for Mr. Putin personally. Votes were therefore added to produce a decisive result."

Opinion | How a Russian Fascist Is Meddling in America’s Election - The New York Times
Russia fought on Hitler's side?
I believe Hitler would say differently.
During 1939 to mid 1941 nazi Germany and communist Russia were allies.

When Hitler invaded the western half of Poland.

Stalin at the same time invaded and occupied the eastern half of Poland.

Curiously, both England and France declared war on Germany for invading western Poland, but nothing was said to Russia for their role in invading the other half of Poland... :cool:

What you describe as Eastern Poland was actually Polish occupied Western Ukraine.
" What you describe as Eastern Poland was actually Polish occupied Western Ukraine."
There is no doubt that without the Soviet troops there wouldn't have been a victory over Nazi Germany and there wouldn't be Polish nation now. But, on the other hand, the USSR came as occupation force, not liberation.
There is no doubt that without the Soviet troops there wouldn't have been a victory over Nazi Germany and there wouldn't be Polish nation now. But, on the other hand, the USSR came as occupation force, not liberation.

Equally the war would have been over before it started if not for U.S. supply chain, and U.S. forces.
Just more leftist history revisionist distorting the facts to marginalize U.S. contribution while exaggerating Russian contribution.
And the snowflake self hating sheep eat it up willingly.
There is no doubt that without the Soviet troops there wouldn't have been a victory over Nazi Germany and there wouldn't be Polish nation now. But, on the other hand, the USSR came as occupation force, not liberation.

Equally the war would have been over before it started if not for U.S. supply chain, and U.S. forces.
Just more leftist history revisionist distorting the facts to marginalize U.S. contribution while exaggerating Russian contribution.
And the snowflake self hating sheep eat it up willingly.
It is pointless to diminish a great role of American supplies in WWII. But also, it is pointless to dismiss that it was the Soviet Union that bore the main burden of the battles. The Eastern front, it was where the spine of Nazis was broken militarily.
There is no doubt that without the Soviet troops there wouldn't have been a victory over Nazi Germany and there wouldn't be Polish nation now. But, on the other hand, the USSR came as occupation force, not liberation.

Equally the war would have been over before it started if not for U.S. supply chain, and U.S. forces.
Just more leftist history revisionist distorting the facts to marginalize U.S. contribution while exaggerating Russian contribution.
And the snowflake self hating sheep eat it up willingly.
It is pointless to diminish a great role of American supplies in WWII. But also, it is pointless to dismiss that it was the Soviet Union that bore the main burden of the battles. The Eastern front, it was where the spine of Nazis was broken militarily.
And there you go, again only mentioning American supply efforts while ignoring American military contribution.
At no time would I diminish Russian efforts, but if Russia would have offensively fought Germany alone they would have loss, badly. Indeed Russia was held at bay by Polands much smaller army prior to WW II. The Russian army was very poorly outfitted, under supplied and many-many died of exposure and hardship than a bullet.
There is no doubt that without the Soviet troops there wouldn't have been a victory over Nazi Germany and there wouldn't be Polish nation now. But, on the other hand, the USSR came as occupation force, not liberation.

Equally the war would have been over before it started if not for U.S. supply chain, and U.S. forces.
Just more leftist history revisionist distorting the facts to marginalize U.S. contribution while exaggerating Russian contribution.
And the snowflake self hating sheep eat it up willingly.
It is pointless to diminish a great role of American supplies in WWII. But also, it is pointless to dismiss that it was the Soviet Union that bore the main burden of the battles. The Eastern front, it was where the spine of Nazis was broken militarily.
And there you go, again only mentioning American supply efforts while ignoring American military contribution.
At no time would I diminish Russian efforts, but if Russia would have offensively fought Germany alone they would have loss, badly. Indeed Russia was held at bay by Polands much smaller army prior to WW II. The Russian army was very poorly outfitted, under supplied and many-many died of exposure and hardship than a bullet.
It may well be true. The victory is a common victory of the Allied forces.

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