Poland prepares plans to invade Belarus

I wonder when our warmonger President is going to call the next meeting to decide who we're going to send F16s and missiles to next. We seem to have quite a few fully invested congresspeople who would risk war to make some extra money supporting our military industrial complex.
Ok, I'm an American you just told that too, but how does Russia see it in your view ??? Be truthful now.

Do you think that Russia figures that without foreign aid, the Ukrainian's would have staved off the invasion for this long, and would have cost the Russian's so much in man power and equipment in the situation ?

Ok, so we are aiding Ukraine in the thinking that if the free world don't help, then it will soon face Russian aggression within territories that NATO controls or operates in ???? Wouldn't that trigger a nuclear war ? Is Russia that stupid to risk that ?? Also, did you think before seeing the Russians in action on the battlefield dealing with modern warfare, that they truly weren't ready for it or is it that your view of it all now is 20/20 ????

In fact the entire world is watching and cringing as they realize they might not be ready for a modern day war either. Even China is now watching with a pause on it's saber rattling because of what it's seeing in the exchange between Russia and Ukraine.

They are all watching as their armies and equipment are rendered obsolete in the new war tactics used.
So what you are saying is that you would rather have US troops face to face against Russian troops along the Ukraine's western border and just hope they won't have to fight than to supply Ukraine with the weapons needed to stop Russia in Ukraine. I don't see how putting US soldiers at risk better serves US interests than arming Ukraine.
So what you are saying is that you would rather have US troops face to face against Russian troops along the Ukraine's western border and just hope they won't have to fight than to supply Ukraine with the weapons needed to stop Russia in Ukraine. I don't see how putting US soldiers at risk better serves US interests than arming Ukraine.
No that's not what I'm saying at all... How do you comprehend such things from what I'm writing ? Are you just making stuff up in order to hopefully paint a false picture of our conversation here ? If so, then it best we don't discuss anything because you are a dishonest debater with an agenda.
No that's not what I'm saying at all... How do you comprehend such things from what I'm writing ? Are you just making stuff up in order to hopefully paint a false picture of our conversation here ? If so, then it best we don't discuss anything because you are a dishonest debater with an agenda.
Look, if the Us were to stop aid to Ukraine, it is clear that in time Russia would capture Ukraine and as a member of NATO US troops would be face to face with Russian troops along that very long border. Since you oppose aid to Ukraine, you must prefer that option.
Look, if the Us were to stop aid to Ukraine, it is clear that in time Russia would capture Ukraine and as a member of NATO US troops would be face to face with Russian troops along that very long border. Since you oppose aid to Ukraine, you must prefer that option.
Did I say I oppose aid to Ukraine ? Nope.

I think we should give aid in the form of blue hat's aid, but not proxy aid while isolating Putin as if we are already face to face with him in Ukraine. Maybe I'm not understanding the situation like I should be, but it's a messy situation that has all sorts of implications or surprises hiding in the bushes.

How did we as a unified blue hat brigade help to end the war between Bosnia and Croatia ? It played out without us arming either side didn't it ? What role did we play there ?
Did I say I oppose aid to Ukraine ? Nope.

I think we should give aid in the form of blue hat's aid, but not proxy aid while isolating Putin as if we are already face to face with him in Ukraine. Maybe I'm not understanding the situation like I should be, but it's a messy situation that has all sorts of implications or surprises hiding in the bushes.

How did we as a unified blue hat brigade help to end the war between Bosnia and Croatia ? It played out without us arming either side didn't it ? What role did we play there ?
So you are opposed to military aid to Ukraine to help them fight off the Russian invaders, knowing full well that means Russia will eventually control all of Ukraine and US troops will have to stand face to face against Russian troops across that very long border. The question is why you wouldn't prefer to see the Ukrainians stop the Russians rather than put US troops at risk?
Did I say I oppose aid to Ukraine ? Nope.

I think we should give aid in the form of blue hat's aid, but not proxy aid while isolating Putin as if we are already face to face with him in Ukraine. Maybe I'm not understanding the situation like I should be, but it's a messy situation that has all sorts of implications or surprises hiding in the bushes.

How did we as a unified blue hat brigade help to end the war between Bosnia and Croatia ? It played out without us arming either side didn't it ? What role did we play there ?
The roll you played there was to support Croatian fascists and Muslim nutters in Bosnia, the US were flying weapons into Tuzla airport every night against sanctions, Bill i didn't have sex with that woman helped Izetbegovic import thousands of Ialamist jihadis including Al Qaeda into Bosnia. the US helped the Croats to launch operation Storm in the Krijina area where over two hundred thousand Serbs were diven out and many murdered.
Either aid Ukraine, or have Russian troops on Polish borders.

The Poles will not stand for that.
For a start the Russians don't want to take Ukraine up to the polish border, but it depends how much more insane the collective west go, and it's not a case of what the Poles will tolerate, the Russians won't tolerate Nato all along it's western border, that's why there is a bloody war going on, Russia told Nato and it's handlers that was a red line for Russia, they didn't listen.
Yep, Russia wants all of Ukraine, which will enrage Poland and Germany if that happens.

Comrade Z says Ukraine will give up Belgorod in return for NATO membership.
So you are opposed to military aid to Ukraine to help them fight off the Russian invaders, knowing full well that means Russia will eventually control all of Ukraine and US troops will have to stand face to face against Russian troops across that very long border. The question is why you wouldn't prefer to see the Ukrainians stop the Russians rather than put US troops at risk?
What's this face to face thing you keep talking about ? Again, answer my questions about the Bosnian war with Croatia or vice-versa, and tell us what we did there. How did that war get ended in that theater ? Was it because NATO armed one of them against the other ?
Did I say I oppose aid to Ukraine ? Nope.


I do.

I oppose aid to the Nazis in the Ukrainian government.

Stop the aid and see how quickly this stupid war ends.
The roll you played there was to support Croatian fascists and Muslim nutters in Bosnia, the US were flying weapons into Tuzla airport every night against sanctions, Bill i didn't have sex with that woman helped Izetbegovic import thousands of Ialamist jihadis including Al Qaeda into Bosnia. the US helped the Croats to launch operation Storm in the Krijina area where over two hundred thousand Serbs were diven out and many murdered.
Ok, so what was the long term end results that we see in that region today ? That's the gauge we all should be looking at in the long distance aftermath. Could everyone have done things maybe better ? Sure, but when everyone is in the fight, quick decisions sometimes ends up badly or regretted, but then you see a positive outcome down the road where as maybe the decisions made were the right decisions made after all.
I do.

I oppose aid to the Nazis in the Ukrainian government.

Stop the aid and see how quickly this stupid war ends.
My problem is that I don't know enough about that region to know exactly what's going on, but when I see CNN and the suspect liberal MSM being involved in the thing so deeply, and the inept Democrat government leading the way in that serious world affecting situation, I can't help but see red flag's flying all over the place. I'm just going on what has happened here with the left, and it ain't good.
What's this face to face thing you keep talking about ? Again, answer my questions about the Bosnian war with Croatia or vice-versa, and tell us what we did there. How did that war get ended in that theater ? Was it because NATO armed one of them against the other ?
Face to face means US troops and Russian troops would face each other across the border with their weapons aimed at each other and war plans targeting each other.

Bosnia-Croatia is irrelevant. If you want an historical example, think about the US supplying Britain and Russia with weapons to fight against German imperialism.
My problem is that I don't know enough about that region to know exactly what's going on, but when I see CNN and the suspect liberal MSM being involved in the thing so deeply, and the inept Democrat government leading the way in that serious world affecting situation, I can't help but see red flag's flying all over the place. I'm just going on what has happened here with the left, and it ain't good.

Red flag for you then should be when you see the Rats are among those who are in favor of aiding and supplying with never ending amount of arms the criminal government in Ukraine.

That should be reason enough for you to go against it.
Ok, so what was the long term end results that we see in that region today ? That's the gauge we all should be looking at in the long distance aftermath. Could everyone have done things maybe better ? Sure, but when everyone is in the fight, quick decisions sometimes ends up badly or regretted, but then you see a positive outcome down the road where as maybe the decisions made were the right decisions made after all.
What we see is what was multi ethnic Yugoslavia split into several different entities, Bosnia is split into three ethnic areas who could be at war anytime, Kosovo which is still a province of Serbia was attacked by Albanian terrorists and Nato, it's run by a bunch of gangsters these days and drug dealers, also there have been credible reports of human organ dealing, that goes back to the war in Kosovo, Carla Del Ponti exposed it, also the US have the largest military base in Europe in what is occupied Serbia/Kosovo it's called Bondsteel.
Yep, Russia wants all of Ukraine, which will enrage Poland and Germany if that happens.

Comrade Z says Ukraine will give up Belgorod in return for NATO membership.
Wrong! why would Russia want Bandera infested Western Ukraine with a toxic anti Russian population by and large, what Russia will not tolerate is any part of Ukraine being used as a spear to attack Russia, that means Nato won't be tolerated there or any missiles pointing at Russia, end of story.

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