Polar Bear Hunting in NYC

My Polish family came here in the 1900's, I was born in the 1980's in the U.S.A.

So, yes I can vote here.

I just don't think like you Southern British hicks.\

Most people don't, you're a mere defective blip.

You people are appalling.

You don't understand American culture. You shouldn't be here (neither should most of libtard America).

I'm from Michigan. I follow God, and the Founding Fathers. I don't give a damn if our culture offends you.

BTFW, Southerners, by far, are the most cultured Americans. They are better people than any other group. Even southern blacks are better than most. Very polite and kind and helpful.

I don't really want to understand Americans to tell you the truth.

Big on supporting war, big on supporting Jews, and their Israeli oppression, big on letting Whites go extinct by multiculturalism, big on letting Americans die from lack of healthcare, big on supporting shooting people who come at them unarmed.

It's clearly a pretty sub-Human, and savage culture, in comparison to Europe.
I don't really want to understand Americans to tell you the truth.

Big on supporting war, big on supporting Jews, and their Israeli oppression, big on letting Whites go extinct by multiculturalism, big on letting Americans die from lack of healthcare, big on supporting shooting people who come at them unarmed.

It's clearly a pretty sub-Human, and savage culture, in comparison to Europe
In 250 years how many mass murdering tyrants have come out of the USA? Europe?
I don't really want to understand Americans to tell you the truth.

Big on supporting war, big on supporting Jews, and their Israeli oppression, big on letting Whites go extinct by multiculturalism, big on letting Americans die from lack of healthcare, big on supporting shooting people who come at them unarmed.

It's clearly a pretty sub-Human, and savage culture, in comparison to Europe
In 250 years how many mass murdering tyrants have come out of the USA? Europe?

Abraham Lincoln, FDR, and Truman.
indeed they do

I don't like Negroes, nor Southerners.

Both of you are wild savages.

another know nothing racist makes a racist post

good for you shit for brains

I'm certainly anti-Knock out game, but I'm also certainly against using guns against fists too.
good for you that is your right

my right says i have the right to use a firearm as protection

Saying people who attack with fists, should be shot dead, is by no means self defense, that's murderous violence.

May be so, but the sucker punching bully coward will never use his fists again.
I don't like Negroes, nor Southerners.

Both of you are wild savages.

another know nothing racist makes a racist post

good for you shit for brains

I'm certainly anti-Knock out game, but I'm also certainly against using guns against fists too.
good for you that is your right

my right says i have the right to use a firearm as protection

Saying people who attack with fists, should be shot dead, is by no means self defense, that's murderous violence.

May be so, but the sucker punching bully coward will never use his fists again.

murder is the wrong word


a justifiable homicide

now if the punch out coward killed the victim

that would be murder
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You guys sound like violent pussies here.

I would make up with people who I got in fist fights with sometimes.

Why should a Human be shot for being angry, and throwing the first punch at someone?

It happens all the time, it's usually just boys, being boys.

And you are just a bleeding heart, politically correct, ignorant damn Polack.
that has been demonstrated over and over again

but simply ignored
Thank God he can't vote here.

My Polish family came here in the 1900's, I was born in the 1980's in the U.S.A.

So, yes I can vote here.

I just don't think like you Southern British hicks.\

Most people don't, you're a mere defective blip.

You people are appalling.
Do you think Polacks should be judging anyone? You guys are notoriously stupid. A genre of humor was created because of your epic idiocy! :laugh:


An American is walking down the street when he sees a Polak
with a very long pole and a yardstick. He's standing the pole on its
end and trying to reach the top of it with his yardstick.
Seeing the Polak's ignorance, the American wrenches the pole
out of his hand, lays it on the sidewalk, measures it with the
yardstick, and says, "There! 10 feet long."
The Polak grabs the yardstick and shouts, "You idiot American!
I don't care how long it is! I want to know how high it is!"


Polish firing squad, stands in a circle.


New Polish navy has glass bottom boats, to see to the old Polish navy.


Polish wedding, the groom stands by the reset button (bowling joke).


Polish kamikaze flew 48 successful missions.


Polish loan shark lends out all his money, skips town.


Q. Why don't polish women use vibrators?
A. It chips their teeth.


Q. How do you sink a polish battleship?
A. Put it in water.


Q: Have you seen the polish mine detector.
A1: Put you fingers in your ears and start stamping the ground with your foot.
A2: Start backing up and waving the detector in front of you.


A polish guy wins a brand new sports car in a contest. He
drives around all the time waving at the rednecks. One day the
rednecks stop him, they draw a circle in the dirt and say "If you step
out of that circle, we will kick your ass." They pick up hammers and
start busting up his new car. They look back and the is smiling. They
hit the car some more, and he is laughing. They walk over to him and
ask "Why are you laughing, we just busted up your car."
He says "I know, but I stepped out of the circle 9 times."


Did you hear about the terrible automobile accident last night? A
polish family on vacation lost all of their children. The pickup
truck they were riding in ran off the road into a lake and sank to the
bottom. The parents got out of the cab OK but all the kids in the
back drowned...they couldn't get the tailgate open.


A Polish and an Italian are hunting in the woods. Suddenly a
naked woman appears.
Italian: Boy, I could eat her!...
The Polish guy shot her.


Why wasn't Christ born in Poland?
Because they couldn't find three wisemen and a virgin.


Q: What do you get if you integrate around Europe?
A: Zero. Because there are no poles in Europe.
Actually, there are some Poles in Europe, but they're removable.


Q: Why did the Polak cross the road?
A: He couldn't get his dick out of the chicken.


Q: How do you get a one-armed Polak out of a tree?
A: Wave to him.

Thanks for the chuckle.

In site of all that, let us remember that Poland gave the world Chopin and Pope John Paul II.

The creep here is a phony ersatz Pole, a pathetic exception who aspires to out-Polish normal and regular Polish people.
You guys sound like violent pussies here.

I would make up with people who I got in fist fights with sometimes.

Why should a Human be shot for being angry, and throwing the first punch at someone?

It happens all the time, it's usually just boys, being boys.

And you are just a bleeding heart, politically correct, ignorant damn Polack.

Yeah, I'm politically correct, considering I'm one of the biggest racists here. Haha.

I think Westerners have great difficulty with morality, and abstract thought.

No, it's not correct to shoot to kill, and unarmed person who has fists only.

Nor is it true that guns are the only way to solve it, the first line of defense against fists should be pepper spray.

You people here clearly lack common sense.
If you're approached by a teen negro on the street, and you just shoot him, it could be considered self defense. There is an expectation that your life is at risk.
Well, if they scare you that much.......................................
that has been demonstrated over and over again

but simply ignored
Thank God he can't vote here.

My Polish family came here in the 1900's, I was born in the 1980's in the U.S.A.

So, yes I can vote here.

I just don't think like you Southern British hicks.\

Most people don't, you're a mere defective blip.

You people are appalling.
Do you think Polacks should be judging anyone? You guys are notoriously stupid. A genre of humor was created because of your epic idiocy! :laugh:


An American is walking down the street when he sees a Polak
with a very long pole and a yardstick. He's standing the pole on its
end and trying to reach the top of it with his yardstick.
Seeing the Polak's ignorance, the American wrenches the pole
out of his hand, lays it on the sidewalk, measures it with the
yardstick, and says, "There! 10 feet long."
The Polak grabs the yardstick and shouts, "You idiot American!
I don't care how long it is! I want to know how high it is!"


Polish firing squad, stands in a circle.


New Polish navy has glass bottom boats, to see to the old Polish navy.


Polish wedding, the groom stands by the reset button (bowling joke).


Polish kamikaze flew 48 successful missions.


Polish loan shark lends out all his money, skips town.


Q. Why don't polish women use vibrators?
A. It chips their teeth.


Q. How do you sink a polish battleship?
A. Put it in water.


Q: Have you seen the polish mine detector.
A1: Put you fingers in your ears and start stamping the ground with your foot.
A2: Start backing up and waving the detector in front of you.


A polish guy wins a brand new sports car in a contest. He
drives around all the time waving at the rednecks. One day the
rednecks stop him, they draw a circle in the dirt and say "If you step
out of that circle, we will kick your ass." They pick up hammers and
start busting up his new car. They look back and the is smiling. They
hit the car some more, and he is laughing. They walk over to him and
ask "Why are you laughing, we just busted up your car."
He says "I know, but I stepped out of the circle 9 times."


Did you hear about the terrible automobile accident last night? A
polish family on vacation lost all of their children. The pickup
truck they were riding in ran off the road into a lake and sank to the
bottom. The parents got out of the cab OK but all the kids in the
back drowned...they couldn't get the tailgate open.


A Polish and an Italian are hunting in the woods. Suddenly a
naked woman appears.
Italian: Boy, I could eat her!...
The Polish guy shot her.


Why wasn't Christ born in Poland?
Because they couldn't find three wisemen and a virgin.


Q: What do you get if you integrate around Europe?
A: Zero. Because there are no poles in Europe.
Actually, there are some Poles in Europe, but they're removable.


Q: Why did the Polak cross the road?
A: He couldn't get his dick out of the chicken.


Q: How do you get a one-armed Polak out of a tree?
A: Wave to him.

The creep here is a phony ersatz Pole, a pathetic exception who aspires to out-Polish normal and regular Polish people.

The creeps here are the ones who think it's cool to shoot, and kill unarmed people.
I don't like Negroes, nor Southerners.

Both of you are wild savages.

another know nothing racist makes a racist post

good for you shit for brains

I'm certainly anti-Knock out game, but I'm also certainly against using guns against fists too.
good for you that is your right

my right says i have the right to use a firearm as protection

Saying people who attack with fists, should be shot dead, is by no means self defense, that's murderous violence.

May be so, but the sucker punching bully coward will never use his fists again.

You people here prove my point 100%, you're violent pussies afraid of fist-fights, you think fist-fights are so scary, but that killing an unarmed person is somehow awesome.
You people here prove my point 100%, you're violent pussies afraid of fist-fights, you think fist-fights are so scary, but that killing an unarmed person is somehow awesome.
When your DAUGHTER is assaulted by 6 Africans in their,prime, to you tell her to defend herself with fists because they only have their fists?
You exemplify why Europe always lives in chains under tyrants.

You've exposed your true nature in this thread.
I don't really want to understand Americans to tell you the truth.

Big on supporting war, big on supporting Jews, and their Israeli oppression, big on letting Whites go extinct by multiculturalism, big on letting Americans die from lack of healthcare, big on supporting shooting people who come at them unarmed.

It's clearly a pretty sub-Human, and savage culture, in comparison to Europe
In 250 years how many mass murdering tyrants have come out of the USA? Europe?

Abraham Lincoln, FDR, and Truman.
You cant count presidents that started wars. Its unamerican. :laugh:
You people here prove my point 100%, you're violent pussies afraid of fist-fights, you think fist-fights are so scary, but that killing an unarmed person is somehow awesome.
When your DAUGHTER is assaulted by 6 Africans in their,prime, to you tell her to defend herself with fists because they only have their fists?
You exemplify why Europe always lives in chains under tyrants.

You've exposed your true nature in this thread.

Well, I wouldn't really have an issue with that.

But, I do have an issue with using guns against fists the other 99% of the time.

Poland hasn't been close to as being as tyrannical as the U.S.A.

Yes, Western Europe, and Russia have long been pretty sick, but so has the U.S.A.

I think it's more a question of who's a genetic savage.

Western Europeans look kind of like Jews to me, while Russians look kind of like Asians.

You are too much like the savage races, mixing is a mistake.
You people here prove my point 100%, you're violent pussies afraid of fist-fights, you think fist-fights are so scary, but that killing an unarmed person is somehow awesome.
When your DAUGHTER is assaulted by 6 Africans in their,prime, to you tell her to defend herself with fists because they only have their fists?
You exemplify why Europe always lives in chains under tyrants.

You've exposed your true nature in this thread.

My friend was bullied, and teased everyday in high school by a kid, so one day my friend punched him first, and knocked him out, never was picked on again.

Now, according to some here, he could be shot for doing that.

Now, WTF?

A lot of fights start like this.

Guys fist fighting is pretty natural, but killing someone with a gun is over the line in 99% of the cases, in my eyes.

Even if you can't protect yourself, the feeble can use pepper spray.

It seems some here just like the idea of shooting things.
I don't really want to understand Americans to tell you the truth.

Big on supporting war, big on supporting Jews, and their Israeli oppression, big on letting Whites go extinct by multiculturalism, big on letting Americans die from lack of healthcare, big on supporting shooting people who come at them unarmed.

It's clearly a pretty sub-Human, and savage culture, in comparison to Europe
In 250 years how many mass murdering tyrants have come out of the USA? Europe?

Abraham Lincoln, FDR, and Truman.
You cant count presidents that started wars. Its unamerican. :laugh:

You probably agree in using weapons on people who attack you with their fists, huh?

I mean when I think of someone pulling out a gun on an unarmed person, I usually think of Black people, actually.
You probably agree in using weapons on people who attack you with their fists, huh?

I mean when I think of someone pulling out a gun on an unarmed person, I usually think of Black people, actually
Youre being intentionally dense, aren't you. You really can't be this stupid.
Thank God the LAW is on our side. If you don't want to stop dangerous thugs, then don't. Hopefully no American will come to defend your worthless ass.
You probably agree in using weapons on people who attack you with their fists, huh?

I mean when I think of someone pulling out a gun on an unarmed person, I usually think of Black people, actually
Youre being intentionally dense, aren't you. You really can't be this stupid.
Thank God the LAW is on our side. If you don't want to stop dangerous thugs, then don't. Hopefully no American will come to defend your worthless ass.

In most of the World Zimmerman would've been bought to justice for killing unarmed Trayvon.

The U.S.A has always been a bit of a Wild,Wild West culture. (Barbarians)
I don't really want to understand Americans to tell you the truth.

Big on supporting war, big on supporting Jews, and their Israeli oppression, big on letting Whites go extinct by multiculturalism, big on letting Americans die from lack of healthcare, big on supporting shooting people who come at them unarmed.

It's clearly a pretty sub-Human, and savage culture, in comparison to Europe
In 250 years how many mass murdering tyrants have come out of the USA? Europe?

Abraham Lincoln, FDR, and Truman.
You cant count presidents that started wars. Its unamerican. :laugh:

You probably agree in using weapons on people who attack you with their fists, huh?

I mean when I think of someone pulling out a gun on an unarmed person, I usually think of Black people, actually.

Depends on the circumstances. Someone approaches me with their fists and I will simply kick their ass. If they sneak up and get the upper hand on me somehow from the beginning and it becomes a matter of survival. In that case I would use anything I could get my hands on and they better hope someone is there to talk me down.

When I think of someone pulling a gun on an unarmed person I think of those genetically criminal white people.

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