Police Arrest Father for Playing Ball with 6 Year Old Daughter

I wish I could go fishing in my state. I know of no better way to socially distance than to be alone on a bass boat on the lake fishing. But my state like many others is in a state of emergency and all the parks and waterways are closed. We are under a stay a home order, which has many many exceptions, but using public parks is not one of them.

I can understand the other side of this issue. If cops, wardens, park rangers, etc start allowing people to use the lakes and parks, then some people will congregate unsafely just as they were before the parks were closed. I then to keep away from people anyway. Not everyone is that way.
oh for fk sake.
Either the park is closed or it is not closed. If the cop has been ordered to enforce the park being closed, then what is he to do when people are in the park?
This is yet another example of why we have the 2nd Amendment. This is government.
A gunfight with police over using a "closed" park during a declared emergency? OMG!!!!!!
You think the freedom to assemble is going to be over park access?

The suspension of the US Constitution and so many like you being fine with it has emboldened the government. They’ll be using every and any excuse now to control people’s freedom.

Amazing what ppl don't know wait unntil it goes full blown.

So what is this PREP Act?
betcha none of them even know wth this is.
I wish I could go fishing in my state. I know of no better way to socially distance than to be alone on a bass boat on the lake fishing. But my state like many others is in a state of emergency and all the parks and waterways are closed. We are under a stay a home order, which has many many exceptions, but using public parks is not one of them.

I can understand the other side of this issue. If cops, wardens, park rangers, etc start allowing people to use the lakes and parks, then some people will congregate unsafely just as they were before the parks were closed. I then to keep away from people anyway. Not everyone is that way.
oh for fk sake.
Either the park is closed or it is not closed. If the cop has been ordered to enforce the park being closed, then what is he to do when people are in the park?
This is yet another example of why we have the 2nd Amendment. This is government.
A gunfight with police over using a "closed" park during a declared emergency? OMG!!!!!!
does the park pose a threat to someone?
It does when you pull a gun on a cop for telling you to leave a closed park. I hope you would not really do that. Hopefully you live far from other people so that you and government rarely cross paths.
park wasn't closed, did you miss that piece? the guy was a cop. He's allowed to carry. still a useless rant by you.
I wish I could go fishing in my state. I know of no better way to socially distance than to be alone on a bass boat on the lake fishing. But my state like many others is in a state of emergency and all the parks and waterways are closed. We are under a stay a home order, which has many many exceptions, but using public parks is not one of them.

I can understand the other side of this issue. If cops, wardens, park rangers, etc start allowing people to use the lakes and parks, then some people will congregate unsafely just as they were before the parks were closed. I then to keep away from people anyway. Not everyone is that way.
oh for fk sake.
Either the park is closed or it is not closed. If the cop has been ordered to enforce the park being closed, then what is he to do when people are in the park?
This is yet another example of why we have the 2nd Amendment. This is government.
A gunfight with police over using a "closed" park during a declared emergency? OMG!!!!!!
does the park pose a threat to someone?
It does when you pull a gun on a cop for telling you to leave a closed park. I hope you would not really do that. Hopefully you live far from other people so that you and government rarely cross paths.
park wasn't closed, did you miss that piece? the guy was a cop. He's allowed to carry. still a useless rant by you.
Park not being closed does make a big difference. What does carrying a gun have to do with this unless it has to do with pulling a gun on the cop, which would be a huge mistake even if the cop was wrong about the park being closed?
I don't have a beef with the cop that is simply doing his job. If you don't like the park being closed, then take it up with the governor or mayor that ordered the park closed.

The cop gave the man a lawful order, backed up by a declared state of emergency and most likely a stay at home order and park closer order by the state's Governor. Cops cannot maintain authority if they simply let people defy such lawful orders. If the guy playing in the park is really an ex cop, then he should understand that......then again, maybe that is why he is an EX Cop.
sure there are, they ignore illegal foreigners breaking the law. what's the difference?

These zombies think when their authority parents make a law a gawd dam law is a law and the .govs the public service-- medical-education are all gawd dam know it all Gawds all the while having no clue they were trained to act upon the UNN DEPOPULATE programing omg the truth is right in ur faces too. POLICE STATE .

The sort of activists that the UN hopes to make your children into is also explicitly defined in the agreement. “By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development,” the global plan for 2030 states. Considering what the UN means by “sustainable development” — population control, central planning, global governance, and more — the agenda for your children takes on an even more sinister tone.
From Stay home except for essential needs | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

What about parks and playgrounds? Are they open?

  • State parks are open for walking, biking, etc., but all playgrounds, picnic areas, campgrounds, and other areas where groups might gather are closed. Restrooms in state parks are open. Please practice good handwashing and distancing if using state park restrooms.
  • For city and county parks, check with your local government or parks department to find out whether parks are open and whether the park restroom facilities are open.
  • At this time, if a playground is open, we recommend you do not use it.

The order says that all playgrounds, picnic areas, other similar areas conducive to public gathering, and attended areas shall be closed. What are other similar areas? What are attended areas?

An attended area is an area where people tend to gather, such as playgrounds, picnic areas, areas that have equipment for individuals to use, and areas with shelters to provide shade. These types of areas are not easily adapted to allow adherence to Social Distancing Requirements, and they further expose individuals to multi-touch surfaces where disease transmission could occur. Local jurisdictions can determine whether parks within their jurisdiction that are not state parks can remain open. Restrooms that remain open in these areas must be cleaned on a daily basis.
I took an oath to uphold the US Constitution, and while I no longer hold those duties, I consider my oath still in place. Many of our political leaders and servants are enjoying their new fascist powers.

Can a normal and sane human became a cop or politician?
I doubt it.
Only folks with special inclination choose these occupations.
From Stay home except for essential needs | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

What about parks and playgrounds? Are they open?

  • State parks are open for walking, biking, etc., but all playgrounds, picnic areas, campgrounds, and other areas where groups might gather are closed. Restrooms in state parks are open. Please practice good handwashing and distancing if using state park restrooms.
  • For city and county parks, check with your local government or parks department to find out whether parks are open and whether the park restroom facilities are open.
  • At this time, if a playground is open, we recommend you do not use it.

The order says that all playgrounds, picnic areas, other similar areas conducive to public gathering, and attended areas shall be closed. What are other similar areas? What are attended areas?

An attended area is an area where people tend to gather, such as playgrounds, picnic areas, areas that have equipment for individuals to use, and areas with shelters to provide shade. These types of areas are not easily adapted to allow adherence to Social Distancing Requirements, and they further expose individuals to multi-touch surfaces where disease transmission could occur. Local jurisdictions can determine whether parks within their jurisdiction that are not state parks can remain open. Restrooms that remain open in these areas must be cleaned on a daily basis.
can't enforce it.
I wish I could go fishing in my state. I know of no better way to socially distance than to be alone on a bass boat on the lake fishing. But my state like many others is in a state of emergency and all the parks and waterways are closed. We are under a stay a home order, which has many many exceptions, but using public parks is not one of them.

I can understand the other side of this issue. If cops, wardens, park rangers, etc start allowing people to use the lakes and parks, then some people will congregate unsafely just as they were before the parks were closed. I then to keep away from people anyway. Not everyone is that way.
oh for fk sake.
Either the park is closed or it is not closed. If the cop has been ordered to enforce the park being closed, then what is he to do when people are in the park?
This is yet another example of why we have the 2nd Amendment. This is government.
A gunfight with police over using a "closed" park during a declared emergency? OMG!!!!!!
does the park pose a threat to someone?
It does when you pull a gun on a cop for telling you to leave a closed park. I hope you would not really do that. Hopefully you live far from other people so that you and government rarely cross paths.
park wasn't closed, did you miss that piece? the guy was a cop. He's allowed to carry. still a useless rant by you.
Park not being closed does make a big difference. What does carrying a gun have to do with this unless it has to do with pulling a gun on the cop, which would be a huge mistake even if the cop was wrong about the park being closed?
did he? you brought that into this. park wasn't closed. he had every right to be there with his daughter. go arrest the illegal foreigner if he needs work, that's a crime.
I wish I could go fishing in my state. I know of no better way to socially distance than to be alone on a bass boat on the lake fishing. But my state like many others is in a state of emergency and all the parks and waterways are closed. We are under a stay a home order, which has many many exceptions, but using public parks is not one of them.

I can understand the other side of this issue. If cops, wardens, park rangers, etc start allowing people to use the lakes and parks, then some people will congregate unsafely just as they were before the parks were closed. I then to keep away from people anyway. Not everyone is that way.
oh for fk sake.
Either the park is closed or it is not closed. If the cop has been ordered to enforce the park being closed, then what is he to do when people are in the park?
This is yet another example of why we have the 2nd Amendment. This is government.
A gunfight with police over using a "closed" park during a declared emergency? OMG!!!!!!
does the park pose a threat to someone?
It does when you pull a gun on a cop for telling you to leave a closed park. I hope you would not really do that. Hopefully you live far from other people so that you and government rarely cross paths.
park wasn't closed, did you miss that piece? the guy was a cop. He's allowed to carry. still a useless rant by you.
Park not being closed does make a big difference. What does carrying a gun have to do with this unless it has to do with pulling a gun on the cop, which would be a huge mistake even if the cop was wrong about the park being closed?
did he? you brought that into this. park wasn't closed. he had every right to be there with his daughter. go arrest the illegal foreigner if he needs work, that's a crime.
You didn't answer my question. What does right to carry a gun have to do with this? Would you pull a gun on a cop that tells you to leave a park because he believes it is closed?
The term "overreach" from the article is a foreign (white supremacist) insinuation from the Swedish language «övergrepp» as in «sexuellt övergrepp», literally "sexual overreach" used as a legal term for "sexual assault" in Sweden, which has the highest reported incidence of rape in the world, e.g. the case of Julian Assange.
I took an oath to uphold the US Constitution, and while I no longer hold those duties, I consider my oath still in place. Many of our political leaders and servants are enjoying their new fascist powers.

There are stupid people everywhere.... in every vocation. Including law enforcement.
One stupid officer is not an indication of anything other than one stupid officer.
All my life I have been hearing that "It's only a few bad apples....", but all my life what I have been seeing, with my own 2 eyes, is that this type of bullshit overreach and bullying is in fact practiced by the overwhelming majority of them.
I believe what I see.
I took an oath to uphold the US Constitution, and while I no longer hold those duties, I consider my oath still in place. Many of our political leaders and servants are enjoying their new fascist powers.

They need to recall the mayor of that liberal shit hole town just like they recalled the last mayor there
No they need to leave a couple corpses hanging from an overpass with a note explaining why.

Anything less, and nothing will actually change.
I wish I could go fishing in my state. I know of no better way to socially distance than to be alone on a bass boat on the lake fishing. But my state like many others is in a state of emergency and all the parks and waterways are closed. We are under a stay a home order, which has many many exceptions, but using public parks is not one of them.

I can understand the other side of this issue. If cops, wardens, park rangers, etc start allowing people to use the lakes and parks, then some people will congregate unsafely just as they were before the parks were closed. I then to keep away from people anyway. Not everyone is that way.
oh for fk sake.
Either the park is closed or it is not closed. If the cop has been ordered to enforce the park being closed, then what is he to do when people are in the park?
When he realizes that he is in a profession where he has to choose between doing his job, and chaining up and kidnapping a man, who is not harming a soul, in front of his little girl, he could always quit.

Law enforcement officers ain't slaves..... nobody is forcing them to do anything; they force others to "comply or die", and they do it for the paycheck.
I wish I could go fishing in my state. I know of no better way to socially distance than to be alone on a bass boat on the lake fishing. But my state like many others is in a state of emergency and all the parks and waterways are closed. We are under a stay a home order, which has many many exceptions, but using public parks is not one of them.

I can understand the other side of this issue. If cops, wardens, park rangers, etc start allowing people to use the lakes and parks, then some people will congregate unsafely just as they were before the parks were closed. I then to keep away from people anyway. Not everyone is that way.
oh for fk sake.
Either the park is closed or it is not closed. If the cop has been ordered to enforce the park being closed, then what is he to do when people are in the park?
This is yet another example of why we have the 2nd Amendment. This is government.
A gunfight with police over using a "closed" park during a declared emergency? OMG!!!!!!
And the cops wouldn't have killed him in front of his kid if he had effectively resisted being arrested?

Who approached who, here?
Who is the actual aggressor?
I took an oath to uphold the US Constitution, and while I no longer hold those duties, I consider my oath still in place. Many of our political leaders and servants are enjoying their new fascist powers.

At the very least those cops asses are in a sling. They just maybe offered up as sacrificial offers to ward of an impending law suit with the financial damages.
No, they have qualified immunity and their union will protect them.

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