Police commish calls Obama the n-word. Refuses to apologize.

We all know that blacks have a chip on their shoulder and waits for any opportunity to be offended by whites. You have never learned the little "sticks and stones" saying and you obviously have no control over your actions. It's sad that blacks first resort is violence.

I wouldn't use the word ****** in a black community for the same reason I wouldn't use it in a white community, it's never been part of my vocabulary unlike many of the blacks today who can't conjure up a sentence without it.

We all know crying White men who are failures in life and blame it all on Black people, hence starting threads from racist web sites.

I'm aware that "sticks and stones" can break many bones, so I don't go around attempting to incite folk to violence.

I've never blamed anything on black people. Blacks are the ones that for decades have been whining about white folks. They don't know or are unwilling to recognize that they bring all their grief on themselves.

It's not white man's fault that they have a high rate of incarceration, it's not white mans fault that have a greater chance of going to prison than college, it's not white mans fault that they don't get an education, it's not white mans fault they choose to deal drugs than get an honest job, it's not white mans fault they've become wards of the state depending on the government for handouts... i.e. food stamps, housing etc... The list goes on and on about the way blacks in general are falling behind the rest of society but it's by their own choice not by design.

Look at all of the Whites on these boards complaining about how Whites are treated.

Please feel free to venture into my community and call anyone Black a ****** and then claim, that's what we call each other anyway.

HAHAHA. Now that's what the board calls a great non sequitor. The board says thanks.

Really? I guarantee that you don't speak for "The Board". Why was THIS a non-sequitur but it wasn't one when you assumed Old Rocks approved of blacks calling each other "******"? Had he ever made such a comment? No. Had YOU ever made the comment that blacks call each other by the term? Yes.
He is free to do so in a free country!

******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******!


Free countries can be chock-a-block full of laws.
You should say that instead of pretending you have the authority to change the definition. Last time I looked it was still there so no the definition is not lost.

I forgot, you people are overly sensitive over a word.

"You people?" Last I checked Asclepias was just one person. I've been giving you the benefit of the doubt but you've convinced me. You are exactly what you seem to be.

"you people" as in people like you.

It figures something to simple needs to be explained to you and yes I am what I seem and what I'm not is a mindless sheep like you people.

******! I also refuse to apologize. Freedom of speech means I don't have too.

True, freedom of speech means you get to be an asshole if you want to be.

True freedom of speech only exists on a message board safe behind your username and your keyboard. We all know he would not exercise his freedom of speech in public.

Hey, now ... Mathew is a real Danger Seeker!

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How sad. All the rightards here defending this racist putz and it turns out, he doesn't have the balls to stand up for his convictions. He resigned in shame after all. Now he's a quitter like the Twitter quitter from Alaska.
[Look at all of the Whites on these boards complaining about how Whites are treated.

What's wrong with that?. If blacks or hispanics were subjected to affirmative action, they'd be screaming. THINK
[The issue is a man with a gun and power is saying it. If he has that attitude then he is most likely abusing his power. Its a conflict of interest.

HAHAHA. What a stupid thing to say. Suppose i said "any black cop who uses the word "honky" or "cracker" should be forced to resign". HAHAHA uramoron.
[The issue is a man with a gun and power is saying it. If he has that attitude then he is most likely abusing his power. Its a conflict of interest.

HAHAHA. What a stupid thing to say. Suppose i said "any black cop who uses the word "honky" or "cracker" should be forced to resign". HAHAHA uramoron.

I'd say for once in your life you had a moment of clarity.
[Look at all of the Whites on these boards complaining about how Whites are treated.

What's wrong with that?. If blacks or hispanics were subjected to affirmative action, they'd be screaming. THINK

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh: What an epic fail.

Blacks were subjected to affirmative action for hundreds of years.

A rose by any other name...
He is free to do so in a free country!

******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******!


Free countries can be chock-a-block full of laws.

Good point. But you forgot to add "stupid" in front of "bigot"....other than that, you nailed it.

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