Police commish calls Obama the n-word. Refuses to apologize.

Horse shit. What on earth is the justification for disarming someone who uses that word in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION?

If we're going to do that you'd better disarm every piece of shit male who uses the word "bitch" in a private conversation, as well.
Only because the black deputies and employees choose to let a word offend them. It says more about their low self esteem than it does about the Sheriff.

To be fair, I'd have to hear what he said and in what context before I would say he needed to resign. But you liberal pukes simply apply guilt without knowing all the specifics. It's in your DNA, that along with dishonesty.

One need not be a "liberal puke" to find the words of that sheriff offensive and his bigotry unacceptable in an officer of the court. I find the casual acceptance and defense of his racist attitude from conservatives to be an anchor which runs our message aground.

You're right, however that was directed at RW and his ilk. Don't let words offend you and I won't call you a liberal puke.

I think in a free society a person has the right to be as bigoted or as racist as they want. Liberals are some of the most bigoted people I know and that's their choice, I'm not offended by it, I've come to accept it as their normal behavior.

I will decide what I find offensive, thank you, and while I agree all have the right to be as stupid and bigoted as they choose, neither attribute is suitable for a sheriff.
That you find it acceptable is your choice but again, one need not be a liberal puke to find bigotry to be offensive and conservatives should at least remove the log from our collective eye before yapping about the splinter in the lib's eye.
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To be honest the word racist has been thrown around so much it's lost its true meaning years ago. I meant it as being bigoted and/or resentful.

You should say that instead of pretending you have the authority to change the definition. Last time I looked it was still there so no the definition is not lost.

I forgot, you people are overly sensitive over a word.

"You people?" Last I checked Asclepias was just one person. I've been giving you the benefit of the doubt but you've convinced me. You are exactly what you seem to be.
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Horse shit. What on earth is the justification for disarming someone who uses that word in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION?

If we're going to do that you'd better disarm every piece of shit male who uses the word "bitch" in a private conversation, as well.

The justification is that they are bigoted and unfit to be armed as an officer of the law. The ones that use bitch should be disarmed as well for the same reasons.
I hope this cop has the sense to point out that blacks use this word all the time and it's racist to say whites aren't allowed to.

Town upset police official used N-word for Obama

May 15, 2014

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Some residents of a predominantly white New Hampshire town are upset with racist remarks a police commissioner made about President Barack Obama.

Resident Jane O'Toole said she overheard Wolfeboro Police Commissioner Robert Copeland use a racial slur in describing Obama. And in an email to her, Copeland, who is white, acknowledged using the N-word in referring to the president and said he will not apologize.

"I believe I did use the 'N' word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse," Copeland said in an excerpt from an email he sent to his fellow police commissioners acknowledging his remark and then forwarded to O'Toole. "For this, I do not apologize — he meets and exceeds my criteria for such."

Copeland is one of three members of the police commission, which hires, fires and disciplines officers and sets their salaries. Copeland, 82, ran unopposed for re-election to the commission and secured another three-year term on March 11.

Wolfeboro Town Manager David Owen said Thursday that while he finds Copeland's comment "reprehensible," he and the board of selectmen have no authority to remove an elected official. Owen said he expects a large number of residents will call for Copeland's resignation at a police commission meeting, adding "more power to them."

They need to remove him from office. Such behavior is in no way acceptable for someone in his position.
Horse shit. What on earth is the justification for disarming someone who uses that word in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION?

If we're going to do that you'd better disarm every piece of shit male who uses the word "bitch" in a private conversation, as well.

If only we could.....
Horse shit. What on earth is the justification for disarming someone who uses that word in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION?

If we're going to do that you'd better disarm every piece of shit male who uses the word "bitch" in a private conversation, as well.

The justification is that they are bigoted and unfit to be armed as an officer of the law. The ones that use bitch should be disarmed as well for the same reasons.
Then none of the black cops would be armed.
Horse shit. What on earth is the justification for disarming someone who uses that word in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION?

If we're going to do that you'd better disarm every piece of shit male who uses the word "bitch" in a private conversation, as well.

If only we could.....

You would like to disarm everyone, period.

She doesn't want to disarm the government! They need MORE guns! You never know when a rancher might want to water his cows on government land! The government must be prepared to kill that fucker if and when it happens!
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Horse shit. What on earth is the justification for disarming someone who uses that word in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION?

If we're going to do that you'd better disarm every piece of shit male who uses the word "bitch" in a private conversation, as well.

Sorry kiddo.. I'll show you my 2nd amend. credentials and tell you --- he's not "just a guy".. He's an Officer of the Court, responsible for dispensing equal justice. And I don't care HOW HIDDEN his prejudices lie -- or how skilled he is with a firearm. In HIS CASE, if the judgement is that poor -- he shouldn't have access to the POWER. He can keep his PERSONAL sidearm, but his badge and assigned enforcement weapons should be removed.
CaféAuLait;9103387 said:
I hope this cop has the sense to point out that blacks use this word all the time and it's racist to say whites aren't allowed to.

Town upset police official used N-word for Obama

May 15, 2014

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Some residents of a predominantly white New Hampshire town are upset with racist remarks a police commissioner made about President Barack Obama.

Resident Jane O'Toole said she overheard Wolfeboro Police Commissioner Robert Copeland use a racial slur in describing Obama. And in an email to her, Copeland, who is white, acknowledged using the N-word in referring to the president and said he will not apologize.

"I believe I did use the 'N' word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse," Copeland said in an excerpt from an email he sent to his fellow police commissioners acknowledging his remark and then forwarded to O'Toole. "For this, I do not apologize — he meets and exceeds my criteria for such."

Copeland is one of three members of the police commission, which hires, fires and disciplines officers and sets their salaries. Copeland, 82, ran unopposed for re-election to the commission and secured another three-year term on March 11.

Wolfeboro Town Manager David Owen said Thursday that while he finds Copeland's comment "reprehensible," he and the board of selectmen have no authority to remove an elected official. Owen said he expects a large number of residents will call for Copeland's resignation at a police commission meeting, adding "more power to them."

I disagree with the word being used by Blacks, adding an 'a' onto the end does not change the words meaning, just as it does not to add an 'a' to the word Gangsta. It still means Gangster and N*****.

However, the way the man used the word above was completely racist and awful. He needs to be fired or removed from office.

Unless he commits a felony crime only the voters can remove him form office. Should it be a felony to use the N-word?
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What I said above stills stands; however, a sheriff is a state official and the state government can establish through law acceptable standards of conduct for county sheriffs. That would only effect conduct that happens after the law is passed; nothing can done about past conduct or thought that would violate the US Constitution.
What I said above stills stands; however, a sheriff is a state official and the state government, and no one else, can establish through law acceptable standards of conduct for county sheriffs. That would only effect conduct that happens after the law is passed; nothing can done about past conduct or thought that would violate the US Constitution.

Disregard the guy is not a sheriff.
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Horse shit. What on earth is the justification for disarming someone who uses that word in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION?

If we're going to do that you'd better disarm every piece of shit male who uses the word "bitch" in a private conversation, as well.

Sorry kiddo.. I'll show you my 2nd amend. credentials and tell you --- he's not "just a guy".. He's an Officer of the Court, responsible for dispensing equal justice. And I don't care HOW HIDDEN his prejudices lie -- or how skilled he is with a firearm. In HIS CASE, if the judgement is that poor -- he shouldn't have access to the POWER. He can keep his PERSONAL sidearm, but his badge and assigned enforcement weapons should be removed.
Are you willing to apply that same standard to Eric Holder, whose policy is to not enforce voter intimidation charges if the victims are white? I didn't think so.
He is free to do so in a free country!

******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******!
Horse shit. What on earth is the justification for disarming someone who uses that word in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION?

If we're going to do that you'd better disarm every piece of shit male who uses the word "bitch" in a private conversation, as well.

Sorry kiddo.. I'll show you my 2nd amend. credentials and tell you --- he's not "just a guy".. He's an Officer of the Court, responsible for dispensing equal justice. And I don't care HOW HIDDEN his prejudices lie -- or how skilled he is with a firearm. In HIS CASE, if the judgement is that poor -- he shouldn't have access to the POWER. He can keep his PERSONAL sidearm, but his badge and assigned enforcement weapons should be removed.
Are you willing to apply that same standard to Eric Holder, whose policy is to not enforce voter intimidation charges if the victims are white? I didn't think so.

Oh absolutely I hold Holder in contempt for doing that. He was damaged goods when Obama nominated him.. His service under Janet Reno was despicable. That's what BHO was looking for. An automaton who thinks like the Prez does.
Sorry kiddo.. I'll show you my 2nd amend. credentials and tell you --- he's not "just a guy".. He's an Officer of the Court, responsible for dispensing equal justice. And I don't care HOW HIDDEN his prejudices lie -- or how skilled he is with a firearm. In HIS CASE, if the judgement is that poor -- he shouldn't have access to the POWER. He can keep his PERSONAL sidearm, but his badge and assigned enforcement weapons should be removed.
Are you willing to apply that same standard to Eric Holder, whose policy is to not enforce voter intimidation charges if the victims are white? I didn't think so.

Oh absolutely I hold Holder in contempt for doing that. He was damaged goods when Obama nominated him.. His service under Janet Reno was despicable. That's what BHO was looking for. An automaton who thinks like the Prez does.
Well then I stand corrected. Thank you!

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