Police Kill 16-Year-Old Girl

Jessica Hernandez Case Denver officers fatally shoot teenage girl uproar ensues - CBS News

The details are still sketchy. Apparently police in Denver fired on a car of teenagers in a middle-class neighborhood and killed the 16-year-old driver. A lot of people are calling police brutality, but it's too early to tell, IMO. It was at 6:30 in the morning, and the police say that the car was stolen. Also, apparently she drove into one of the cops and hit him in the leg (he was sent to the hospital, no information yet on the extent of his injuries).

Again, I think it's too early to say whether this is part of the larger police brutality problem, but they shot a 16-year-old girl to death, so it's safe to say it will be on the radar for a while.
Let me guess. The police are the ones saying she drove into the cops?

So are witnesses, but don't let your hatred of this country get in the way of the facts!


What witnesses?

Did you even read the article?
Jessica Hernandez Case Denver officers fatally shoot teenage girl uproar ensues - CBS News

The details are still sketchy. Apparently police in Denver fired on a car of teenagers in a middle-class neighborhood and killed the 16-year-old driver. A lot of people are calling police brutality, but it's too early to tell, IMO. It was at 6:30 in the morning, and the police say that the car was stolen. Also, apparently she drove into one of the cops and hit him in the leg (he was sent to the hospital, no information yet on the extent of his injuries).

Again, I think it's too early to say whether this is part of the larger police brutality problem, but they shot a 16-year-old girl to death, so it's safe to say it will be on the radar for a while.
Let me guess. The police are the ones saying she drove into the cops?

So are witnesses, but don't let your hatred of this country get in the way of the facts!


What witnesses?

Did you even read the article?

Jessica Hernandez Case Denver officers fatally shoot teenage girl uproar ensues - CBS News

The details are still sketchy. Apparently police in Denver fired on a car of teenagers in a middle-class neighborhood and killed the 16-year-old driver. A lot of people are calling police brutality, but it's too early to tell, IMO. It was at 6:30 in the morning, and the police say that the car was stolen. Also, apparently she drove into one of the cops and hit him in the leg (he was sent to the hospital, no information yet on the extent of his injuries).

Again, I think it's too early to say whether this is part of the larger police brutality problem, but they shot a 16-year-old girl to death, so it's safe to say it will be on the radar for a while.
Let me guess. The police are the ones saying she drove into the cops?

I'm guessing the medical examiners that treated his injury might be able to corroborate their story.
How would they do that if they werent there?

Just like they always do. Just say it
*Bang Bang*

Steve what the fuck man??

I thought....but...

Steve bro this is fucked up....its a GIRL!!

Hurry take out your club and hit me in the leg...
*Bang Bang*

Steve what the fuck man??

I thought....but...

Steve bro this is fucked up....its a GIRL!!

Hurry take out your club and hit me in the leg...
Sure CC, and Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin were choir kids. If you have kids and want them to survive, instruct them not to be assholes.

Maybe you can make up more stuff and pretend I said it while you're in a fiction writing mood
A lot of Monday morning Quarterbacking.

I find it all interesting, no real evidence in, no,real fact in, but all the "residential investigators" already know what and how it happened.

Anyone going to listen and read the facts when they come out? Anyone ready or willing to change their minds if the facts prove them wrong or are the "residential investigators" already firm in their opinions?
A lot of Monday morning Quarterbacking.

I find it all interesting, no real evidence in, no,real fact in, but all the "residential investigators" already know what and how it happened.

Anyone going to listen and read the facts when they come out? Anyone ready or willing to change their minds if the facts prove them wrong or are the "residential investigators" already firm in their opinions?

Yeah sure, lets wait on the facts. Maybe this one will be different where a cop will just admit he lost it and over reacted and fall on his sword for the sake of honesty lol
A lot of Monday morning Quarterbacking.

I find it all interesting, no real evidence in, no,real fact in, but all the "residential investigators" already know what and how it happened.

Anyone going to listen and read the facts when they come out? Anyone ready or willing to change their minds if the facts prove them wrong or are the "residential investigators" already firm in their opinions?

Yeah sure, lets wait on the facts. Maybe this one will be different where a cop will just admit he lost it and over reacted and fall on his sword for the sake of honesty lol

Since when is it overreacting to defend ones life??? You know...getting hit by a car is possibly fatal right?

What if the driver hit the cop...and he fell...and the car runs over his head.

Hes dead.

Of course we'll never know if that would've happened or not because he shot the driver.

Should he be required to risk death...for the sake of not shooting someone?
Something I find disturbing about the case is what the cops did immediately after. From Police shoot Denver teen who struck officer with stolen car Fox News:

"She seemed like she was not responding, not moving," she said. "They just yanked her out and handcuffed her."

Jessica had up to 4 bullets in her (according to one independent witness) and judging by pictures she seems to have been a tiny person to begin with. She was apparently totally unmoving and bleeding out. Cops have some medical training and supplies. Once they'd seen that this was just a teenage girl, why not do what they could until an ambulance arrived?

Wow...so now the cops also have to be trauma surgeons???

Point is simple..dont run your car at a cop. Hes not obligated to let you run him down. And he'll probly shoot your ass.
*Bang Bang*

Steve what the fuck man??

I thought....but...

Steve bro this is fucked up....its a GIRL!!

Hurry take out your club and hit me in the leg...
Sure CC, and Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin were choir kids. If you have kids and want them to survive, instruct them not to be assholes.

Maybe you can make up more stuff and pretend I said it while you're in a fiction writing mood
Your kid, if any, are your concern. If a cop shoots them, don't come off as a victim. Your call.
A lot of Monday morning Quarterbacking.

I find it all interesting, no real evidence in, no,real fact in, but all the "residential investigators" already know what and how it happened.

Anyone going to listen and read the facts when they come out? Anyone ready or willing to change their minds if the facts prove them wrong or are the "residential investigators" already firm in their opinions?

Yeah sure, lets wait on the facts. Maybe this one will be different where a cop will just admit he lost it and over reacted and fall on his sword for the sake of honesty lol

Since when is it overreacting to defend ones life??? You know...getting hit by a car is possibly fatal right?

What if the driver hit the cop...and he fell...and the car runs over his head.

Hes dead.

Of course we'll never know if that would've happened or not because he shot the driver.

Should he be required to risk death...for the sake of not shooting someone?

It never is over reacting when you fear for your life. Thats why not one cop ever has ever admitted to over reacting and ALWAYS say their life was in danger
I'd understand the "wait for more evidence" line if there was ever ONE incident of a cop admitting to wrong doing. Even the ones found guilty never admit to doing anything wrong.

Thats because cops are infallible ya know
Did the police feel like a 5 year old next to the 16 year old girl? Girls nowadays are crazy strong
It never is over reacting when you fear for your life. Thats why not one cop ever has ever admitted to over reacting and ALWAYS say their life was in danger
Overreacting for fear of your life is a very weird accusation, and instinct for self-preservation is probably the most powerful force known to man. Witness Martin and Brown.
The driver should wait until
One becomes available?

These stories tend to evolve. More often than not, the claims of the police are shown to be incomplete or false.

I don't know what happened in this incident, but I do know that we cannot take the word of the police.

Personally, I assume cops, lawyers, and politicians are pretty much always lying.
So I can assume you're an idiot. Perm. Ignore.
It never is over reacting when you fear for your life. Thats why not one cop ever has ever admitted to over reacting and ALWAYS say their life was in danger
Overreacting for fear of your life is a very weird accusation, and instinct for self-preservation is probably the most powerful force known to man. Witness Martin and Brown.

I agree...whats weirder is how you got that from my post

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