Police Kill 16-Year-Old Girl

You ruin the entirety of your argument with your last sentence. NO ONE was punished in this case.

Not "punished" in the sense of intent, I'd agree. I don't think they set out to execute. I think they overreacted. That same base mentality again, that thinking that the way to deal with every situation is to overpower it with sheer force --- which in 'Merca usually means guns a-blazin'. When you lock yourself in that cage you severely limit your own options. Creativity is a lost art.

I agree with you. As i've said, in over 20 years as an MP, I never drew my weapon on a suspect, and I faced some pretty dangerous situations at times.

I'm merely saying that everytime something like this happens we see posters screaming stupid shit like " the punishment for robbery isn't the death penalty" when in fact the death was not a punishment of any kind.
Yeah, but really that's just a phrase meaning, how about we catch the criminals and have a court trial, versus killing them and skipping the whole trial phase.

again. STUPID. these people were not punished sans trial, they were killed in the course of an attempt to apprehend them.
Apprehend people in a car by foot? What if they don't want to be apprehended? Then we just kill them right? When's the "trial" gonna take place? Oh that's right she's already dead. Apprehending, is that the new code word for killing now?

You are a troll and i'm done responding to you , good day.
A lot of Monday morning Quarterbacking.

I find it all interesting, no real evidence in, no,real fact in, but all the "residential investigators" already know what and how it happened.

Anyone going to listen and read the facts when they come out? Anyone ready or willing to change their minds if the facts prove them wrong or are the "residential investigators" already firm in their opinions?
But it's fun to pontificate while ya wait.
Not "punished" in the sense of intent, I'd agree. I don't think they set out to execute. I think they overreacted. That same base mentality again, that thinking that the way to deal with every situation is to overpower it with sheer force --- which in 'Merca usually means guns a-blazin'. When you lock yourself in that cage you severely limit your own options. Creativity is a lost art.

I agree with you. As i've said, in over 20 years as an MP, I never drew my weapon on a suspect, and I faced some pretty dangerous situations at times.

I'm merely saying that everytime something like this happens we see posters screaming stupid shit like " the punishment for robbery isn't the death penalty" when in fact the death was not a punishment of any kind.
Yeah, but really that's just a phrase meaning, how about we catch the criminals and have a court trial, versus killing them and skipping the whole trial phase.

again. STUPID. these people were not punished sans trial, they were killed in the course of an attempt to apprehend them.
Apprehend people in a car by foot? What if they don't want to be apprehended? Then we just kill them right? When's the "trial" gonna take place? Oh that's right she's already dead. Apprehending, is that the new code word for killing now?

You are a troll and i'm done responding to you , good day.
You ruin the entirety of your argument with your last sentence. NO ONE was punished in this case.

Not "punished" in the sense of intent, I'd agree. I don't think they set out to execute. I think they overreacted. That same base mentality again, that thinking that the way to deal with every situation is to overpower it with sheer force --- which in 'Merca usually means guns a-blazin'. When you lock yourself in that cage you severely limit your own options. Creativity is a lost art.

I agree with you. As i've said, in over 20 years as an MP, I never drew my weapon on a suspect, and I faced some pretty dangerous situations at times.

I'm merely saying that everytime something like this happens we see posters screaming stupid shit like " the punishment for robbery isn't the death penalty" when in fact the death was not a punishment of any kind.
Yeah, but really that's just a phrase meaning, how about we catch the criminals and have a court trial, versus killing them and skipping the whole trial phase.

again. STUPID. these people were not punished sans trial, they were killed in the course of an attempt to apprehend them.
Apprehend people in a car by foot? What if they don't want to be apprehended? Then we just kill them right? When's the "trial" gonna take place? Oh that's right she's already dead. Apprehending, is that the new code word for killing now?

Not wanting to be apprehended, is that the new code word for suicide?

Good god, are you actually trying to look like an idiot?
A lot of Monday morning Quarterbacking.

I find it all interesting, no real evidence in, no,real fact in, but all the "residential investigators" already know what and how it happened.

Anyone going to listen and read the facts when they come out? Anyone ready or willing to change their minds if the facts prove them wrong or are the "residential investigators" already firm in their opinions?

Yeah sure, lets wait on the facts. Maybe this one will be different where a cop will just admit he lost it and over reacted and fall on his sword for the sake of honesty lol

I don't expect you to be open or look at all the evidence, you are a tolerant liberal, you don't need facts, you just form opinions based on your feelings. Great investigative work.
Cop haters are just delusional. They think cops work in some sci fi matrix where they can slow down time and know info that cant be known until later and have olympic like athleticism and reflexis and the calmness under pressure of a Navy SEAL and the peaceful demeanor of a Buddhist monk and the marksmanship of a worldclass ccompetition shooter and the hand to hand skills of a UFC champion and the intellect of a law school student and the reliability and consistency of a robot............and do it all for the pay of a McDonalds manager.

Yeah...tell me where to find those recruits. We need a million of them.
Cop haters are just delusional. They think cops work in some sci fi matrix where they can slow down time and know info that cant be known until later and have olympic like athleticism and reflexis and the calmness under pressure of a Navy SEAL and the peaceful demeanor of a Buddhist monk and the marksmanship of a worldclass ccompetition shooter and the hand to hand skills of a UFC champion and the intellect of a law school student and the reliability and consistency of a robot............and do it all for the pay of a McDonalds manager.

Yeah...tell me where to find those recruits. We need a million of them.
I think you are exaggerating. Everyone knows cops are just humans. Thats why we know they lie and make mistakes like the rest of us. Some people think cops are a mix between the pope and and a demigod and would never lie to cover their asses. I pity such people.
So what are the bedwetters complaining about?

The police received a report of a suspicious vehicle. One cop shows up, runs the plates, comes back stolen. At that point he did not go in guns blazing to go on a killing spree. He called for backup. Second cop arrives. They both approach the car on foot. It's probably safe to assume they were yelling at the occupants to put their hands up and remain still, or to get out of the car. Instead the driver takes off.

With at least one of cops being in front of the car, he felt he was in danger. He had every right to open fire. Whether or not he got hit by the car before or after shooting doesn't really matter.

Driving a stolen vehicle.
Failed to obey an officer.
Started to drive off, with an officer in front of the vehicle.

That's quite enough to get yourself shot by the police.

But I can see the lefties need another anti-cop rallying cry. They have an Agenda, and it must be served.

I need to reiterate this, because it's very important: the cops may have opened fire and shot Jessica first, causing the car to move themselves. They don't need to be monsters for this to have happened. If the kids were drunk or high, they may have moved in a suspicious way or a bottle or pipe could have appeared to a cop like a gun.

The point is, we only have the cops' word against the kids', and it's not just the kids who have a reason to control the narrative
Not "punished" in the sense of intent, I'd agree. I don't think they set out to execute. I think they overreacted. That same base mentality again, that thinking that the way to deal with every situation is to overpower it with sheer force --- which in 'Merca usually means guns a-blazin'. When you lock yourself in that cage you severely limit your own options. Creativity is a lost art.

I agree with you. As i've said, in over 20 years as an MP, I never drew my weapon on a suspect, and I faced some pretty dangerous situations at times.

I'm merely saying that everytime something like this happens we see posters screaming stupid shit like " the punishment for robbery isn't the death penalty" when in fact the death was not a punishment of any kind.
Yeah, but really that's just a phrase meaning, how about we catch the criminals and have a court trial, versus killing them and skipping the whole trial phase.

again. STUPID. these people were not punished sans trial, they were killed in the course of an attempt to apprehend them.
Apprehend people in a car by foot? What if they don't want to be apprehended? Then we just kill them right? When's the "trial" gonna take place? Oh that's right she's already dead. Apprehending, is that the new code word for killing now?

Not wanting to be apprehended, is that the new code word for suicide?

Good god, are you actually trying to look like an idiot?
So basically you want cops to kill everyone that refuses an order.
So we should now convict all cops who kill someone unless they provide an independent witness?

Thank God you arent an attorney general or police chief.

This does underscore the need for body cameras on cops.

You know bucs, the reason people don't trust cops isn't because people are stupid, it's because cops are generally corrupt, just a different gang of criminals.

This guy may have been justified - I don't know the facts, but he's a cop, so that creates doubt with normal people.
I need to reiterate this, because it's very important: the cops may have opened fire and shot Jessica first, causing the car to move themselves. They don't need to be monsters for this to have happened. If the kids were drunk or high, they may have moved in a suspicious way or a bottle or pipe could have appeared to a cop like a gun.

The point is, we only have the cops' word against the kids', and it's not just the kids who have a reason to control the narrative
You need to reiterate your wild ass speculation on what might have happened if something may have happened in a certain way that could have possibly led to the shooting?
But cops have a strike against them due to the rampant corruption that defines the police in this nation. Sorry, a cop or other gangbanger is going to be viewed with greater suspicion by the average person.
What rampant corruption? And why am I not having problems with them? It happens but they get weeded out. TV showing a few videos of the same shit over and over with no context doesn't make for widespread corruption. With 800,00 LEOs there would be a plethora of videos.
I need to reiterate this, because it's very important: the cops may have opened fire and shot Jessica first, causing the car to move themselves. They don't need to be monsters for this to have happened. If the kids were drunk or high, they may have moved in a suspicious way or a bottle or pipe could have appeared to a cop like a gun.

The point is, we only have the cops' word against the kids', and it's not just the kids who have a reason to control the narrative
You need to reiterate your wild ass speculation on what might have happened if something may have happened in a certain way that could have possibly led to the shooting?

Some people are assuming the cops' version of events is the "true" version and there's just no basis for that.
But cops have a strike against them due to the rampant corruption that defines the police in this nation. Sorry, a cop or other gangbanger is going to be viewed with greater suspicion by the average person.
What rampant corruption? And why am I not having problems with them? It happens but they get weeded out. TV showing a few videos of the same shit over and over with no context doesn't make for widespread corruption. With 800,00 LEOs there would be a plethora of videos.
But it seems worse... cause the internet gets it out faster.
I need to reiterate this, because it's very important: the cops may have opened fire and shot Jessica first, causing the car to move themselves. They don't need to be monsters for this to have happened. If the kids were drunk or high, they may have moved in a suspicious way or a bottle or pipe could have appeared to a cop like a gun.

The point is, we only have the cops' word against the kids', and it's not just the kids who have a reason to control the narrative
You need to reiterate your wild ass speculation on what might have happened if something may have happened in a certain way that could have possibly led to the shooting?

Some people are assuming the cops' version of events is the "true" version and there's just no basis for that.
Agree and worse, it sounds fishy. So let's see some facts.
Some people are assuming the cops' version of events is the "true" version and there's just no basis for that.
Sure there is. It's called the law. Cops are sworn to enforce the law and trained to do so. Their word against yours carries more weight in court. If you prefer to believe the cops were pretending they were at the carnival go for it. I prefer to believe there's a reason the driver was shot.
What rampant corruption? And why am I not having problems with them? It happens but they get weeded out. TV showing a few videos of the same shit over and over with no context doesn't make for widespread corruption. With 800,00 LEOs there would be a plethora of videos.

The police are just another criminal street gang. Running the drug trade. If you have a car they want,, drop a pot seed in it and use seizure laws to car jack you. Got a nice Malibu ranch? Gun you down like they did Don Scott and steal it.

I ride the train in the Los Angeles area. When Crips or Vatos get on, I watch them - but I feel more endangered with the Los Angeles Sheriffs get on board, and statistically am more likely to be murdered by the Sheriffs. It's the world we live in.
Jessica Hernandez Case Denver officers fatally shoot teenage girl uproar ensues - CBS News

The details are still sketchy. Apparently police in Denver fired on a car of teenagers in a middle-class neighborhood and killed the 16-year-old driver. A lot of people are calling police brutality, but it's too early to tell, IMO. It was at 6:30 in the morning, and the police say that the car was stolen. Also, apparently she drove into one of the cops and hit him in the leg (he was sent to the hospital, no information yet on the extent of his injuries).

Again, I think it's too early to say whether this is part of the larger police brutality problem, but they shot a 16-year-old girl to death, so it's safe to say it will be on the radar for a while.
What problem are you referring to?

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