Police Kill 16-Year-Old Girl

I do believe 84% have seen a colleague abuse power. I saw a couple at APD. They were fired. One was prosecuted. Id bet the ones the 85% see...are all seeing the same bad apples before they get fired.

Still...I need hard proof. Not an anonymous survey of 0.1% of northern cops from 15 years ago.
Read up on it. Not my job to educate you.

Oh I have. I lived that job for nearly a decade...and hate lots of things about that profession. But true corruption isnt one of them...because its an excessively overblown left wing boogey man.

I know more about the realities of police work than yoh could ever dream of. And you're dead wrong. At any given time...the number of truly corrupt cops in America is...at worst...1-2%. Unless you can find me 300,000 stories saying otherwise.

The lawsuits and backlash from a cover up are FAR FAR worse than just throwing an officer under the bus and firing him and releasing the story. Thats fact. And if you think for a second that a department wont toss a street cop to avoid a lawsuit or backslash from a cover up you're insane. And THAT is why the corrupt cops are so vastly outnumbered.
30-40 years ago? Maybe. But modern PDs rarely cover up corruption. They'll fire one of their own and toss them under the bus in a NY minute.

And thats why the bad apples...are a tiny %.
But cops have a strike against them due to the rampant corruption that defines the police in this nation. Sorry, a cop or other gangbanger is going to be viewed with greater suspicion by the average person.
What rampant corruption? And why am I not having problems with them? It happens but they get weeded out. TV showing a few videos of the same shit over and over with no context doesn't make for widespread corruption. With 800,00 LEOs there would be a plethora of videos.

Ive tried to show these morons that. With 800, 000 - 1, 000, 000 cops in America....even 10, 000 incidents like this would be a tiny 1-2%.

That'd be 200 a day. We get about 1-2 of these stories...per week. So they're about 198 per week short...of even showing 1% "corruption".

And these arent even corruption. Its cops defending themselves.

The "corruption" in police work is so tiny and so uncommon....but the media blasts the occasional incidents so much that people think its the norm.

People believing in wide spread corruption in LE...are quite uneducated.

Of that roughly 1-2%, how many do you think face any kind of punishment? You might as well say we shouldn't have worried over Catholic priests molesting young children, because it was only a small percentage of the total priesthood. They never faced punishment, either - instead the Church kept moving them around, compounding the problem. Likewise, police have a special position in our society that makes them extremely difficult to punish, and many of them are abusing that position.

Bad cops stay cops. It's something we're learning the hard way right now.
I do believe 84% have seen a colleague abuse power. I saw a couple at APD. They were fired. One was prosecuted. Id bet the ones the 85% see...are all seeing the same bad apples before they get fired.

Still...I need hard proof. Not an anonymous survey of 0.1% of northern cops from 15 years ago.
Read up on it. Not my job to educate you.

Oh I have. I lived that job for nearly a decade...and hate lots of things about that profession. But true corruption isnt one of them...because its an excessively overblown left wing boogey man.

I know more about the realities of police work than yoh could ever dream of. And you're dead wrong. At any given time...the number of truly corrupt cops in America is...at worst...1-2%. Unless you can find me 300,000 stories saying otherwise.

The lawsuits and backlash from a cover up are FAR FAR worse than just throwing an officer under the bus and firing him and releasing the story. Thats fact. And if you think for a second that a department wont toss a street cop to avoid a lawsuit or backslash from a cover up you're insane. And THAT is why the corrupt cops are so vastly outnumbered.
Until you can prove your 1-2% claim I simply dont see you as credible. The evidence shows you are either lying or naive. My personal knowledge of cops being crooked also calls you a liar. Let me know when you get some proof. Until then you are dismissed.
Some people are assuming the cops' version of events is the "true" version and there's just no basis for that.
Sure there is. It's called the law. Cops are sworn to enforce the law and trained to do so. Their word against yours carries more weight in court. If you prefer to believe the cops were pretending they were at the carnival go for it. I prefer to believe there's a reason the driver was shot.

Sure. If a cop gives me a speeding ticket, and in court I tell the judge I wasn't speeding and the cop says I was, well I'm out $150. But that doesn't mean the cop was telling the truth, and we're seeing plenty of cases were police have massaged the facts in order to escape difficult questions.

I'm not even saying that happened in this case. I'm just not taking the police at their word. Honestly, with all that's happened, I'm surprised that position would be an issue for anyone.
I do believe 84% have seen a colleague abuse power. I saw a couple at APD. They were fired. One was prosecuted. Id bet the ones the 85% see...are all seeing the same bad apples before they get fired.

Still...I need hard proof. Not an anonymous survey of 0.1% of northern cops from 15 years ago.
Read up on it. Not my job to educate you.

Oh I have. I lived that job for nearly a decade...and hate lots of things about that profession. But true corruption isnt one of them...because its an excessively overblown left wing boogey man.

I know more about the realities of police work than yoh could ever dream of. And you're dead wrong. At any given time...the number of truly corrupt cops in America is...at worst...1-2%. Unless you can find me 300,000 stories saying otherwise.

The lawsuits and backlash from a cover up are FAR FAR worse than just throwing an officer under the bus and firing him and releasing the story. Thats fact. And if you think for a second that a department wont toss a street cop to avoid a lawsuit or backslash from a cover up you're insane. And THAT is why the corrupt cops are so vastly outnumbered.
Until you can prove your 1-2% claim I simply dont see you as credible. The evidence shows you are either lying or naive. My personal knowledge of cops being crooked also calls you a liar. Let me know when you get some proof. Until then you are dismissed.

Oh its easy. Look up stories on criminal cops. Plenty to choose from. Then...add them all up. And then for assumptions sake...lets multiply it by 50. Thats 49 bad ones who dont get caught for every 1 that does. That number...around 1-2% depending on how many cops are fired/arrested in a year.

See...you want proof of something that doesnt exist. I cant PROVE all the good cops are good...because theres no link. Its the LACK of proof otherwise that IS my proof. Get it?

Im demanding you prove something you say DOES exist. Show me.

I say aliens dont exist. You say they do. Its your job to prove a thing exists...not mine to prove it doesnt.
I do believe 84% have seen a colleague abuse power. I saw a couple at APD. They were fired. One was prosecuted. Id bet the ones the 85% see...are all seeing the same bad apples before they get fired.

Still...I need hard proof. Not an anonymous survey of 0.1% of northern cops from 15 years ago.
Read up on it. Not my job to educate you.

Oh I have. I lived that job for nearly a decade...and hate lots of things about that profession. But true corruption isnt one of them...because its an excessively overblown left wing boogey man.

I know more about the realities of police work than yoh could ever dream of. And you're dead wrong. At any given time...the number of truly corrupt cops in America is...at worst...1-2%. Unless you can find me 300,000 stories saying otherwise.

The lawsuits and backlash from a cover up are FAR FAR worse than just throwing an officer under the bus and firing him and releasing the story. Thats fact. And if you think for a second that a department wont toss a street cop to avoid a lawsuit or backslash from a cover up you're insane. And THAT is why the corrupt cops are so vastly outnumbered.
Until you can prove your 1-2% claim I simply dont see you as credible. The evidence shows you are either lying or naive. My personal knowledge of cops being crooked also calls you a liar. Let me know when you get some proof. Until then you are dismissed.

Oh...your personal knowledge. Well...thats an impeccable standard!

Im not dismissing. You have no proof and ill harrass you on that all day and night.

Show me the money peckerhead!!
Jessica Hernandez Case Denver officers fatally shoot teenage girl uproar ensues - CBS News

The details are still sketchy. Apparently police in Denver fired on a car of teenagers in a middle-class neighborhood and killed the 16-year-old driver. A lot of people are calling police brutality, but it's too early to tell, IMO. It was at 6:30 in the morning, and the police say that the car was stolen. Also, apparently she drove into one of the cops and hit him in the leg (he was sent to the hospital, no information yet on the extent of his injuries).

Again, I think it's too early to say whether this is part of the larger police brutality problem, but they shot a 16-year-old girl to death, so it's safe to say it will be on the radar for a while.
What problem are you referring to?

From http://www.theamericanconservative.com/seven-reasons-police-brutality-is-systematic-not-anecdotal/

Here’s the real clincher. A Department of Justice study revealed that a whopping 84 percent of police officers report that they’ve seen colleagues use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”
Asclepias....still waiting....
What are you waiting for? Get busy proving only 1-2% cops are crooked. I dont want to hear anything else from you until you can prove that.

Easy. I searched. There are 1, 000, 000 cops. Id need over 20, 000 stories to prove me wrong. There werent. I found a few hundred.


Your turn....
Asclepias....still waiting....
What are you waiting for? Get busy proving only 1-2% cops are crooked. I dont want to hear anything else from you until you can prove that.

Easy. I searched. There are 1, 000, 000 cops. Id need over 20, 000 stories to prove me wrong. There werent. I found a few hundred.


Your turn....
Saying you searched is not even close to being credible. I need something that says only 1-2% of cops are crooked. Not your claims. Proof. 3rd party proof.
Asclepias....still waiting....
What are you waiting for? Get busy proving only 1-2% cops are crooked. I dont want to hear anything else from you until you can prove that.

Easy. I searched. There are 1, 000, 000 cops. Id need over 20, 000 stories to prove me wrong. There werent. I found a few hundred.


Your turn....
Saying you searched is not even close to being credible. I need something that says only 1-2% of cops are crooked. Not your claims. Proof. 3rd party proof.

Its raw numbers fella. Cops employed vs cops arrested/fired for criminal wrongdoing. Its less than 2%. Much less. Im actually giving the benefit of the doubt assuming many werent caught yet. Its more likely less than 1%.

You're claiming something is happening. ..that I cant find the numbers to support. So show me.

And since you dont accept my personal experience. ..neither can we accept yours.

My metro area in Charleston for example...has about 4, 000 total cops from all jurisdictions. Last year...8 were arrested. Whats that...0.02%?

But those 8 were front page news for a week. So morons like you get the impression that its a widespread problem when its not.
Asclepias....still waiting....
What are you waiting for? Get busy proving only 1-2% cops are crooked. I dont want to hear anything else from you until you can prove that.

Easy. I searched. There are 1, 000, 000 cops. Id need over 20, 000 stories to prove me wrong. There werent. I found a few hundred.


Your turn....
Saying you searched is not even close to being credible. I need something that says only 1-2% of cops are crooked. Not your claims. Proof. 3rd party proof.

Its raw numbers fella. Cops employed vs cops arrested/fired for criminal wrongdoing. Its less than 2%. Much less. Im actually giving the benefit of the doubt assuming many werent caught yet. Its more likely less than 1%.

You're claiming something is happening. ..that I cant find the numbers to support. So show me.

And since you dont accept my personal experience. ..neither can we accept yours.

My metro area in Charleston for example...has about 4, 000 total cops from all jurisdictions. Last year...8 were arrested. Whats that...0.02%?
Thats only the ones arrested. Of course cops rarely arrest each other. They dont even report each other for serious violations as pointed out in my link. Your requirement is to prove only 1-2% of cops are crooked. Stop stalling and get to work. Last chance.
Asclepias....still waiting....
What are you waiting for? Get busy proving only 1-2% cops are crooked. I dont want to hear anything else from you until you can prove that.

Easy. I searched. There are 1, 000, 000 cops. Id need over 20, 000 stories to prove me wrong. There werent. I found a few hundred.


Your turn....
Saying you searched is not even close to being credible. I need something that says only 1-2% of cops are crooked. Not your claims. Proof. 3rd party proof.

Its raw numbers fella. Cops employed vs cops arrested/fired for criminal wrongdoing. Its less than 2%. Much less. Im actually giving the benefit of the doubt assuming many werent caught yet. Its more likely less than 1%.

You're claiming something is happening. ..that I cant find the numbers to support. So show me.

And since you dont accept my personal experience. ..neither can we accept yours.

My metro area in Charleston for example...has about 4, 000 total cops from all jurisdictions. Last year...8 were arrested. Whats that...0.02%?
Thats only the ones arrested. Of course cops rarely arrest each other. They dont even report each other for serious violations as pointed out in my link. Your requirement is to prove only 1-2% of cops are crooked. Stop stalling and get to work. Last chance.

Well...if they werent arrested....where is YOUR PROOF they did anything wrong? Ah how the table turns. Not your assumptions. Not an anonymous survey. PROOF.

You dont have it. Because its not there.
What are you waiting for? Get busy proving only 1-2% cops are crooked. I dont want to hear anything else from you until you can prove that.

Easy. I searched. There are 1, 000, 000 cops. Id need over 20, 000 stories to prove me wrong. There werent. I found a few hundred.


Your turn....
Saying you searched is not even close to being credible. I need something that says only 1-2% of cops are crooked. Not your claims. Proof. 3rd party proof.

Its raw numbers fella. Cops employed vs cops arrested/fired for criminal wrongdoing. Its less than 2%. Much less. Im actually giving the benefit of the doubt assuming many werent caught yet. Its more likely less than 1%.

You're claiming something is happening. ..that I cant find the numbers to support. So show me.

And since you dont accept my personal experience. ..neither can we accept yours.

My metro area in Charleston for example...has about 4, 000 total cops from all jurisdictions. Last year...8 were arrested. Whats that...0.02%?
Thats only the ones arrested. Of course cops rarely arrest each other. They dont even report each other for serious violations as pointed out in my link. Your requirement is to prove only 1-2% of cops are crooked. Stop stalling and get to work. Last chance.

Well...if they werent arrested....where is YOUR PROOF they did anything wrong? Ah how the table turns. Not your assumptions. Not an anonymous survey. PROOF.

You dont have it. Because its not there.
So you dont have any proof? Funny but I figured you wouldnt.
Holy crap you guys. Just...Google it.

According to http://www.copblock.org/2841/police-brutality-statistics/, a report from an organization dedicated to rooting out police brutality, there were 5,986 instances of police brutality reported in the media between April 2009 and June 2010, or a period of about 14 months. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (Police and Detectives Occupational Outlook Handbook U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics), in 2012 the good ol' US of A had 780,000 police officers. Assuming that the total number of cops in the US did not change too much between 2009 and 2012, and assuming every instance of police brutality reported was perpetrated by a single unique individual, that's (very) roughly 0.76% of police who have perpetrated police brutality. So yes, bucs90, it's a very small number of police brutality incidents that we can officially observe relative to the larger police body.

HOWEVER, from Seven Reasons Police Brutality Is Systemic Not Anecdotal The American Conservative:

Here’s the real clincher. A Department of Justice study revealed that a whopping 84 percent of police officers report that they’ve seen colleagues use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

From the study itself:

More than 80 percent of police surveyed reported that they do not accept the “code of silence” (i.e., keeping quiet in the face of misconduct by others) as an essential part of the mutual trust necessary to good policing (see exhibit 3). However, about one-quarter (24.9 percent) of the sample agreed or strongly agreed that whistle blowing is not worth it, more than two-thirds (67.4 percent) reported that police officers who report incidents of misconduct are likely to be given a “cold shoulder” by fellow officers, and a majority (52.4 percent) agreed or strongly agreed that it is not unusual for police officers to “turn a blind eye” to other officers’ improper conduct (exhibit 3).

So police themselves, when given an anonymous avenue to report on it, do reveal widespread shielding of their worst elements. So yes, Asclepias, there is likely far more police brutality than what we can see.
Ah...thanks. So the raw number is 0.7% accused cases (not confirmed...just accused). Even quadrupled its 3%...accused. Not confirmed.

He said 20-40%. Obviously. ..laughable.

The DOJ survey was 900 anonymous cops (about 0.1%) from mainly large urban departments. And...they also said the Blue Wall of Silence...only 1% "stronly agreed" that it was important. Probably the same 1% who are corrupt. And yes...I believe 84% of the others know who the 1% are....and thats where these bad media stories happen.

Sorry Acrapolis...you lose.
Also remember. .."improper conduct" according to cops...includes violations of POLICY...which isnt illegal or corrupt...just not following workplace rules...like sleeping on duty on night shift. Thats misconduct by policy...but not criminal corruption.
Yeah, but really that's just a phrase meaning, how about we catch the criminals and have a court trial, versus killing them and skipping the whole trial phase.

again. STUPID. these people were not punished sans trial, they were killed in the course of an attempt to apprehend them.
Apprehend people in a car by foot? What if they don't want to be apprehended? Then we just kill them right? When's the "trial" gonna take place? Oh that's right she's already dead. Apprehending, is that the new code word for killing now?

Not wanting to be apprehended, is that the new code word for suicide?

Good god, are you actually trying to look like an idiot?
So basically you want cops to kill everyone that refuses an order.

Do you?
No, I'm not the moron cumming in my pants cause this child got killed.

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