Police Kill 16-Year-Old Girl

Something I find disturbing about the case is what the cops did immediately after. From Police shoot Denver teen who struck officer with stolen car Fox News:

"She seemed like she was not responding, not moving," she said. "They just yanked her out and handcuffed her."

Jessica had up to 4 bullets in her (according to one independent witness) and judging by pictures she seems to have been a tiny person to begin with. She was apparently totally unmoving and bleeding out. Cops have some medical training and supplies. Once they'd seen that this was just a teenage girl, why not do what they could until an ambulance arrived?
Who the fuck cares how small the gang-banger **** was? Who the fuck knows how old she was?
How the fuck do you know what the cops did or did not do before the ambulance arrived?
You're a fucking LIB idiot!
She stole a car and when stopped she tried to run down a cop.
It never is over reacting when you fear for your life. Thats why not one cop ever has ever admitted to over reacting and ALWAYS say their life was in danger
Overreacting for fear of your life is a very weird accusation, and instinct for self-preservation is probably the most powerful force known to man. Witness Martin and Brown.

I agree...whats weirder is how you got that from my post
You're the one that mentioned over-reaction. That's why I mentioned Martin and Brown. The hands up don't shoot is pretty much a wash, even according to Holder.
It never is over reacting when you fear for your life. Thats why not one cop ever has ever admitted to over reacting and ALWAYS say their life was in danger
Overreacting for fear of your life is a very weird accusation, and instinct for self-preservation is probably the most powerful force known to man. Witness Martin and Brown.

I agree...whats weirder is how you got that from my post
You're the one that mentioned over-reaction. That's why I mentioned Martin and Brown. The hands up don't shoot is pretty much a wash, even according to Holder.

Yeah but I didnt mention over reacting while defending your life. Nor did I mention over reacting when your wife cheats on you either. So its weird you would think any was talking about that
Yeah but I didnt mention over reacting while defending your life. Nor did I mention over reacting when your wife cheats on you either. So its weird you would think any was talking about that
Of course I mentioned defending your life. Cops are allowed to defend theirs to.

WTF are you whining about now?!

That cops defend their lives?!
Yeah but I didnt mention over reacting while defending your life. Nor did I mention over reacting when your wife cheats on you either. So its weird you would think any was talking about that
Of course I mentioned defending your life. Cops are allowed to defend theirs to.

WTF are you whining about now?!

Who said they arent? You keep quoting me talking about things no one said. Thats why you're confused
Yeah but I didnt mention over reacting while defending your life. Nor did I mention over reacting when your wife cheats on you either. So its weird you would think any was talking about that
Of course I mentioned defending your life. Cops are allowed to defend theirs to.

WTF are you whining about now?!

Who said they arent? You keep quoting me talking about things no one said. Thats why you're confused
Seriously, is there something wrong with you?
Did the police feel like a 5 year old next to the 16 year old girl? Girls nowadays are crazy strong

No. But in the path of a charging 2,000 pound car...yeah I bet the cop felt some danger.

What if the 16 year old girl...had a gun instead of a car. And pointed a gun at them as she ran towards them. Would that warrant a shot? Shes only a 16 year old girl right????
Did the police feel like a 5 year old next to the 16 year old girl? Girls nowadays are crazy strong

No. But in the path of a charging 2,000 pound car...yeah I bet the cop felt some danger.

What if the 16 year old girl...had a gun instead of a car. And pointed a gun at them as she ran towards them. Would that warrant a shot? Shes only a 16 year old girl right????

What if she was a vampire? A 16 year old Vampire?

What witnesses?

Did you even read the article?
Stop being an asshole. Cops are witnesses in a lot of cases, and a lot more reliable than the "hands up, don't shoot" crowd.

Pogo was responding to Ghook, who used "witnesses" to mean "people other than cops." Ghook was asserting that people other than cops had confirmed the police version of events (which, as of yet, none have).
Yeah but I didnt mention over reacting while defending your life. Nor did I mention over reacting when your wife cheats on you either. So its weird you would think any was talking about that
Of course I mentioned defending your life. Cops are allowed to defend theirs to.

WTF are you whining about now?!

Who said they arent? You keep quoting me talking about things no one said. Thats why you're confused
Seriously, is there something wrong with you?

Yeah, you dont understand english. Currently thats what is wrong
Did the police feel like a 5 year old next to the 16 year old girl? Girls nowadays are crazy strong

No. But in the path of a charging 2,000 pound car...yeah I bet the cop felt some danger.

What if the 16 year old girl...had a gun instead of a car. And pointed a gun at them as she ran towards them. Would that warrant a shot? Shes only a 16 year old girl right????

What if she was a vampire? A 16 year old Vampire?

Ah...so I see you now give up on a serious debate. Your cop hating logic fails...so now its silly time huh.

So can a 16 year old not kill a person???
Did the police feel like a 5 year old next to the 16 year old girl? Girls nowadays are crazy strong

No. But in the path of a charging 2,000 pound car...yeah I bet the cop felt some danger.

What if the 16 year old girl...had a gun instead of a car. And pointed a gun at them as she ran towards them. Would that warrant a shot? Shes only a 16 year old girl right????

What if she was a vampire? A 16 year old Vampire?

Ah...so I see you now give up on a serious debate. Your cop hating logic fails...so now its silly time huh.

So can a 16 year old not kill a person???

You call hypotheticals serious debate?

Even better, you call "can a 16 year old not kill a person" a serious question, Mr Serious?

What witnesses?

Did you even read the article?
Stop being an asshole. Cops are witnesses in a lot of cases, and a lot more reliable than the "hands up, don't shoot" crowd.

Pogo was responding to Ghook, who used "witnesses" to mean "people other than cops." Ghook was asserting that people other than cops had confirmed the police version of events (which, as of yet, none have).

So we should now convict all cops who kill someone unless they provide an independent witness?

Thank God you arent an attorney general or police chief.
Did the police feel like a 5 year old next to the 16 year old girl? Girls nowadays are crazy strong

No. But in the path of a charging 2,000 pound car...yeah I bet the cop felt some danger.

What if the 16 year old girl...had a gun instead of a car. And pointed a gun at them as she ran towards them. Would that warrant a shot? Shes only a 16 year old girl right????

What if she was a vampire? A 16 year old Vampire?

Ah...so I see you now give up on a serious debate. Your cop hating logic fails...so now its silly time huh.

So can a 16 year old not kill a person???

You call hypotheticals serious debate?

Even better, you call "can a 16 year old not kill a person" a serious question, Mr Serious?

You keep bringing her age up. Cops had no clue who was driving the two ton chunk of steel at them. Its your job to prove why age mattered.
*Bang Bang*

Steve what the fuck man??

I thought....but...

Steve bro this is fucked up....its a GIRL!!

Hurry take out your club and hit me in the leg...
Sure CC, and Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin were choir kids. If you have kids and want them to survive, instruct them not to be assholes.

Did the police feel like a 5 year old next to the 16 year old girl? Girls nowadays are crazy strong

No. But in the path of a charging 2,000 pound car...yeah I bet the cop felt some danger.

What if the 16 year old girl...had a gun instead of a car. And pointed a gun at them as she ran towards them. Would that warrant a shot? Shes only a 16 year old girl right????

What if she was a vampire? A 16 year old Vampire?
Maybe she was a Furyan? One took out the lead Necromonger so one can only imagine what she would do the cops.
Did the police feel like a 5 year old next to the 16 year old girl? Girls nowadays are crazy strong

No. But in the path of a charging 2,000 pound car...yeah I bet the cop felt some danger.

What if the 16 year old girl...had a gun instead of a car. And pointed a gun at them as she ran towards them. Would that warrant a shot? Shes only a 16 year old girl right????

What if she was a vampire? A 16 year old Vampire?

Ah...so I see you now give up on a serious debate. Your cop hating logic fails...so now its silly time huh.

So can a 16 year old not kill a person???

You call hypotheticals serious debate?

Even better, you call "can a 16 year old not kill a person" a serious question, Mr Serious?

You keep bringing her age up. Cops had no clue who was driving the two ton chunk of steel at them. Its your job to prove why age mattered.

You just made a statement of fact. Since you arent defending the cops for no reason how do you know they didnt know who was driving?
Did the police feel like a 5 year old next to the 16 year old girl? Girls nowadays are crazy strong

No. But in the path of a charging 2,000 pound car...yeah I bet the cop felt some danger.

What if the 16 year old girl...had a gun instead of a car. And pointed a gun at them as she ran towards them. Would that warrant a shot? Shes only a 16 year old girl right????

What if she was a vampire? A 16 year old Vampire?

Ah...so I see you now give up on a serious debate. Your cop hating logic fails...so now its silly time huh.

So can a 16 year old not kill a person???

You call hypotheticals serious debate?

Even better, you call "can a 16 year old not kill a person" a serious question, Mr Serious?

You keep bringing her age up. Cops had no clue who was driving the two ton chunk of steel at them. Its your job to prove why age mattered.

This is like the unarmed argument. The reason an individual stops when an officer tells you to stop is so the officer can determine relevant facts, like the age of the suspect or whether or not they're armed or not.

Yahoos like CC think cops have super powers.
No. But in the path of a charging 2,000 pound car...yeah I bet the cop felt some danger.

What if the 16 year old girl...had a gun instead of a car. And pointed a gun at them as she ran towards them. Would that warrant a shot? Shes only a 16 year old girl right????

What if she was a vampire? A 16 year old Vampire?

Ah...so I see you now give up on a serious debate. Your cop hating logic fails...so now its silly time huh.

So can a 16 year old not kill a person???

You call hypotheticals serious debate?

Even better, you call "can a 16 year old not kill a person" a serious question, Mr Serious?

You keep bringing her age up. Cops had no clue who was driving the two ton chunk of steel at them. Its your job to prove why age mattered.

You just made a statement of fact. Since you arent defending the cops for no reason how do you know they didnt know who was driving?

They approached a stolen car. Usually you dont know who stole it.

But what if they did? Hence my question. ..is she still a deadly threat trying to drive a two ton chunk of steel at them?? Yes. No less than if she had a gun. Hell...id say more so because she'd probably miss with a gun in the alley. Easier to hit a cop with a car than a bullet...right?
So what are the bedwetters complaining about?

The police received a report of a suspicious vehicle. One cop shows up, runs the plates, comes back stolen. At that point he did not go in guns blazing to go on a killing spree. He called for backup. Second cop arrives. They both approach the car on foot. It's probably safe to assume they were yelling at the occupants to put their hands up and remain still, or to get out of the car. Instead the driver takes off.

With at least one of cops being in front of the car, he felt he was in danger. He had every right to open fire. Whether or not he got hit by the car before or after shooting doesn't really matter.

Driving a stolen vehicle.
Failed to obey an officer.
Started to drive off, with an officer in front of the vehicle.

That's quite enough to get yourself shot by the police.

But I can see the lefties need another anti-cop rallying cry. They have an Agenda, and it must be served.
I've heard the ''driver of the car tried to run a policeman over'' excuse for killing an unarmed driver one too many times to accept this being the case without video proof.... so, I will reserve my opinion until more proof is shown....

Grand theft auto's criminal punishment IS NOT the death penalty, nor is the criminal punishment for a hit and run execution/the death penalty either...

You ruin the entirety of your argument with your last sentence. NO ONE was punished in this case.

Not "punished" in the sense of intent, I'd agree. I don't think they set out to execute. I think they overreacted. That same base mentality again, that thinking that the way to deal with every situation is to overpower it with sheer force --- which in 'Merca usually means guns a-blazin'. When you lock yourself in that cage you severely limit your own options. Creativity is a lost art.

I agree with you. As i've said, in over 20 years as an MP, I never drew my weapon on a suspect, and I faced some pretty dangerous situations at times.

I'm merely saying that everytime something like this happens we see posters screaming stupid shit like " the punishment for robbery isn't the death penalty" when in fact the death was not a punishment of any kind.
Yeah, but really that's just a phrase meaning, how about we catch the criminals and have a court trial, versus killing them and skipping the whole trial phase.

again. STUPID. these people were not punished sans trial, they were killed in the course of an attempt to apprehend them.
Apprehend people in a car by foot? What if they don't want to be apprehended? Then we just kill them right? When's the "trial" gonna take place? Oh that's right she's already dead. Apprehending, is that the new code word for killing now?

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