Police officer - doing his job

It's median

not medium.

Yea, thanks. I was in a hurry and not paying attention.

"By comparison, the New York City police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, makes $189,700, and average annual pay for city police officers ranges from $43,062 for a cadet entering the academy to $90,829 for an officer with five and a half years on the job, including overtime and other earnings, according to Paul J. Browne, the department’s chief spokesman. In New York City, salaries for captains start at $108,342, and grow after four years to $135,524." http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/03/nyregion/03clarkstown.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

That's from a NY Times article on high police salaries in another New York town, Auditor. I've got a few friends who are Boston Police officers and they make well over $100,000 a year with overtime details. Your claim that police in New York only average $60,000 is hard to believe to be quite honest with you if a cadet going into the Academy is pulling down $43 thousand.

Cost of living is an important factor. In some areas, these amounts would make you a wealthy person. In NY, not even close.
Yea, thanks. I was in a hurry and not paying attention.

"By comparison, the New York City police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, makes $189,700, and average annual pay for city police officers ranges from $43,062 for a cadet entering the academy to $90,829 for an officer with five and a half years on the job, including overtime and other earnings, according to Paul J. Browne, the department’s chief spokesman. In New York City, salaries for captains start at $108,342, and grow after four years to $135,524." http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/03/nyregion/03clarkstown.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

That's from a NY Times article on high police salaries in another New York town, Auditor. I've got a few friends who are Boston Police officers and they make well over $100,000 a year with overtime details. Your claim that police in New York only average $60,000 is hard to believe to be quite honest with you if a cadet going into the Academy is pulling down $43 thousand.

Cost of living is an important factor. In some areas, these amounts would make you a wealthy person. In NY, not even close.

I'm quite aware of the cost of living in NYC. My point to Auditor is that NYC police are not "paupers". They get paid a very nice wage.

I'm rather amused by the Left's ability to state that someone who makes $200,000 a year living in NYC is "wealthy"...then turn around and in the next breath declare that someone making say $150,000 is "not even close".

You people never cease to amaze me.

So now campus police are "law enforcement"?

Are mall rent a cops law enforcement too?

Sean Collier, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer ... Collier had been with the campus police force ... a devoted cop ... a campus cop ... a young and eager police officer ... earned a degree in criminal justice ... the officer's death ...

What would you call him?

A pastry chef?

He's a campus cop. You know the ones that deal with drunk idiot college students and noise complaints and hand out parking tickets and track down late library books for a living.

When you were in college did you consider the campus cops law enforcement? No one I know ever did
That makes it worse, don't you think? He probably never signed on for this. Most police officers know what they are getting into.

Then again, with all the nutters shooting up schools maybe he did know what he was getting into.
The officer killed was an officer in Cambridge that obama said "acted stupidly". How stupid are those Cambridge cops now, Mr. Slimeface? Come on tell us how stupidly they act. We wanna hear it one more time.

You people never cease to amaze me.

What would you call him?

A pastry chef?

He's a campus cop. You know the ones that deal with drunk idiot college students and noise complaints and hand out parking tickets and track down late library books for a living.

When you were in college did you consider the campus cops law enforcement? No one I know ever did
That makes it worse, don't you think? He probably never signed on for this. Most police officers know what they are getting into.

Then again, with all the nutters shooting up schools maybe he did know what he was getting into.

Wrong place wrong time.

It's the reason a lot of people die.
Sean Collier Dead: MIT Campus Police Officer Slain In Confrontation With Terror Suspects


Doing his job.

One of the sadder effects of the rw hate machine is that many have no respect for law enforcement and fire fighters. IOW, the very people who ran toward the explosions while civilians were running away.

I AM NOT SAYING civilians should not run away. And, as we know, SOME civilians did run toward the explosions. PLEASE DO NOT LIE about what I actually said.

Just saying that these people lay down their lives for us every single day, just as this young man did. We value football players more than we do law enforcement or firefighters.

It seems very sad to me that the killers will be remembered but this man will not.

Man, this is a GREAT post. I have tremendous respect for local and federal law enforcement.

A certain extreme-libertarian minority believes they must confront and be uncooperative with police. There's videos all over Youtube telling people how to stand up to cops with some sovereign citizen nonsense. They sound retarded when they start yelling quasi-legal gibberish at cops.

If you didn't do anything wrong, what have you got to hide?
Sean Collier Dead: MIT Campus Police Officer Slain In Confrontation With Terror Suspects


Doing his job.

One of the sadder effects of the rw hate machine is that many have no respect for law enforcement and fire fighters. IOW, the very people who ran toward the explosions while civilians were running away.

I AM NOT SAYING civilians should not run away. And, as we know, SOME civilians did run toward the explosions. PLEASE DO NOT LIE about what I actually said.

Just saying that these people lay down their lives for us every single day, just as this young man did. We value football players more than we do law enforcement or firefighters.

It seems very sad to me that the killers will be remembered but this man will not.

Man, this is a GREAT post. I have tremendous respect for local and federal law enforcement.

A certain extreme-libertarian minority believes they must confront and be uncooperative with police. There's videos all over Youtube telling people how to stand up to cops with some sovereign citizen nonsense. They sound retarded when they start yelling quasi-legal gibberish at cops.

If you didn't do anything wrong, what have you got to hide?

Thanks for the compliment. I have huge respect for your posts so it means more coming from you.

I also have respect for law enforcement and firefighters. They risk their lives every single day and I HATE the way their treated.
Sean Collier Dead: MIT Campus Police Officer Slain In Confrontation With Terror Suspects


Doing his job.

One of the sadder effects of the rw hate machine is that many have no respect for law enforcement and fire fighters. IOW, the very people who ran toward the explosions while civilians were running away.

I AM NOT SAYING civilians should not run away. And, as we know, SOME civilians did run toward the explosions. PLEASE DO NOT LIE about what I actually said.

Just saying that these people lay down their lives for us every single day, just as this young man did. We value football players more than we do law enforcement or firefighters.

It seems very sad to me that the killers will be remembered but this man will not.

I get the left wing has no respect for these men ... they use them as props to gain more control in forefront but treat them like garbage when the cameras aren't rolling. These guys and our military deserve to make good money and benefits. These two groups should be top priority. Everything else secondary.

Tell that to the GOP who has ruled the federal House from 1994 to 2006 and 2010 till now.

All we see is resistance to "government workers" being competently paid. As a Republican, this pisses me off no end.
"By comparison, the New York City police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, makes $189,700, and average annual pay for city police officers ranges from $43,062 for a cadet entering the academy to $90,829 for an officer with five and a half years on the job, including overtime and other earnings, according to Paul J. Browne, the department’s chief spokesman. In New York City, salaries for captains start at $108,342, and grow after four years to $135,524." http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/03/nyregion/03clarkstown.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

That's from a NY Times article on high police salaries in another New York town, Auditor. I've got a few friends who are Boston Police officers and they make well over $100,000 a year with overtime details. Your claim that police in New York only average $60,000 is hard to believe to be quite honest with you if a cadet going into the Academy is pulling down $43 thousand.

Cost of living is an important factor. In some areas, these amounts would make you a wealthy person. In NY, not even close.

I'm quite aware of the cost of living in NYC. My point to Auditor is that NYC police are not "paupers". They get paid a very nice wage.

I'm rather amused by the Left's ability to state that someone who makes $200,000 a year living in NYC is "wealthy"...then turn around and in the next breath declare that someone making say $150,000 is "not even close".

And, I'm LOLing cuz I can't find either of those two amounts in the previous post!

To help others find them, I've added a little color.

Have fun.
Sean Collier Dead: MIT Campus Police Officer Slain In Confrontation With Terror Suspects


Doing his job.

One of the sadder effects of the rw hate machine is that many have no respect for law enforcement and fire fighters. IOW, the very people who ran toward the explosions while civilians were running away.

I AM NOT SAYING civilians should not run away. And, as we know, SOME civilians did run toward the explosions. PLEASE DO NOT LIE about what I actually said.

Just saying that these people lay down their lives for us every single day, just as this young man did. We value football players more than we do law enforcement or firefighters.

It seems very sad to me that the killers will be remembered but this man will not.

I get the left wing has no respect for these men ... they use them as props to gain more control in forefront but treat them like garbage when the cameras aren't rolling. These guys and our military deserve to make good money and benefits. These two groups should be top priority. Everything else secondary.

Tell that to the GOP who has ruled the federal House from 1994 to 2006 and 2010 till now.

All we see is resistance to "government workers" being competently paid. As a Republican, this pisses me off no end.
You're hardly a Republican no matter what your declared affiliation is.

Love it! A cop gets shot in a gun battle with an Islamic obama supporter, and Luddley Notbright blames it on some mythical RW hate machine.
Turn your rep back on! You need slappin' boy.
Sean Collier Dead: MIT Campus Police Officer Slain In Confrontation With Terror Suspects


Doing his job.

One of the sadder effects of the rw hate machine is that many have no respect for law enforcement and fire fighters. IOW, the very people who ran toward the explosions while civilians were running away.

I AM NOT SAYING civilians should not run away. And, as we know, SOME civilians did run toward the explosions. PLEASE DO NOT LIE about what I actually said.

Just saying that these people lay down their lives for us every single day, just as this young man did. We value football players more than we do law enforcement or firefighters.

It seems very sad to me that the killers will be remembered but this man will not.

If only you were smart enough to feel stupid about this post.

He was a security guard, not a cop, and his death had nothing to do with any right wing hate machine.
... and its the right who has said we don't need them.

Mittens said we need to cut them.

Its also the right that says they want a voucher system so they can take rights and benefits away from vets.

Mittens also said that he likes Obamacare, which is why no one I know voted for him.
I get the left wing has no respect for these men ... they use them as props to gain more control in forefront but treat them like garbage when the cameras aren't rolling. These guys and our military deserve to make good money and benefits. These two groups should be top priority. Everything else secondary.

Tell that to the GOP who has ruled the federal House from 1994 to 2006 and 2010 till now.

All we see is resistance to "government workers" being competently paid. As a Republican, this pisses me off no end.
You're hardly a Republican no matter what your declared affiliation is.

Love it! A cop gets shot in a gun battle with an Islamic obama supporter, and Luddley Notbright blames it on some mythical RW hate machine.
Turn your rep back on! You need slappin' boy.

And I love that you're the 4th nutter to demand that turn on my rep. You should all form some sort of 12 Step support Group.

Or, you could grow up.

Naw - better that you go with the 12 Step Group. And, Good Luck to all of you.
Cost of living is an important factor. In some areas, these amounts would make you a wealthy person. In NY, not even close.

I'm quite aware of the cost of living in NYC. My point to Auditor is that NYC police are not "paupers". They get paid a very nice wage.

I'm rather amused by the Left's ability to state that someone who makes $200,000 a year living in NYC is "wealthy"...then turn around and in the next breath declare that someone making say $150,000 is "not even close".

And, I'm LOLing cuz I can't find either of those two amounts in the previous post!

To help others find them, I've added a little color.

Have fun.

You do understand that the quoted salaries are base pay and that cops and firefighters routinely earn double that due to overtime and extra duty shifts?
My son is a Paramedic/firefighter and makes nearly triple his base salary by working holiday shifts for coworkers with families and covering sick and vacationing men's off days.
It was a leftist that shit on a police car in New York. We know how the left feels about police.

Screw you. I mean seriously. Your generalizations are idiotic at best. Only a douchebag would condone shitting on a police car and the last time I checked, douchebaggery was bi-partisan.
Tell that to the GOP who has ruled the federal House from 1994 to 2006 and 2010 till now.

All we see is resistance to "government workers" being competently paid. As a Republican, this pisses me off no end.
You're hardly a Republican no matter what your declared affiliation is.

Love it! A cop gets shot in a gun battle with an Islamic obama supporter, and Luddley Notbright blames it on some mythical RW hate machine.
Turn your rep back on! You need slappin' boy.

And I love that you're the 4th nutter to demand that turn on my rep. You should all form some sort of 12 Step support Group.

Or, you could grow up.

Naw - better that you go with the 12 Step Group. And, Good Luck to all of you.

So, no comment on your misplaced blame for the officer's death? Thought not... and you've got the guts to suggest I need a 12 step program?
Sean Collier Dead: MIT Campus Police Officer Slain In Confrontation With Terror Suspects


Doing his job.

One of the sadder effects of the rw hate machine is that many have no respect for law enforcement and fire fighters. IOW, the very people who ran toward the explosions while civilians were running away.

I AM NOT SAYING civilians should not run away. And, as we know, SOME civilians did run toward the explosions. PLEASE DO NOT LIE about what I actually said.

Just saying that these people lay down their lives for us every single day, just as this young man did. We value football players more than we do law enforcement or firefighters.

It seems very sad to me that the killers will be remembered but this man will not.

Man, this is a GREAT post. I have tremendous respect for local and federal law enforcement.

A certain extreme-libertarian minority believes they must confront and be uncooperative with police. There's videos all over Youtube telling people how to stand up to cops with some sovereign citizen nonsense. They sound retarded when they start yelling quasi-legal gibberish at cops.

If you didn't do anything wrong, what have you got to hide?

Thanks for the compliment. I have huge respect for your posts so it means more coming from you.

I also have respect for law enforcement and firefighters. They risk their lives every single day and I HATE the way their treated.
why don't you two get a room.....geezus.....

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