Police officer - doing his job

I get the left wing has no respect for these men ... they use them as props to gain more control in forefront but treat them like garbage when the cameras aren't rolling. These guys and our military deserve to make good money and benefits. These two groups should be top priority. Everything else secondary.

Tell that to the GOP who has ruled the federal House from 1994 to 2006 and 2010 till now.

All we see is resistance to "government workers" being competently paid. As a Republican, this pisses me off no end.
You're hardly a Republican no matter what your declared affiliation is.

Love it! A cop gets shot in a gun battle with an Islamic obama supporter, and Luddley Notbright blames it on some mythical RW hate machine.
Turn your rep back on! You need slappin' boy.

AND he said his OP was not political......but yet there it was ...."rw" hate machine....
It was a leftist that shit on a police car in New York. We know how the left feels about police.

Screw you. I mean seriously. Your generalizations are idiotic at best. Only a douchebag would condone shitting on a police car and the last time I checked, douchebaggery was bi-partisan.

Sure there are right wing douchebags, but would you rather clean up after a TEA Party rally or an OWS demonstration? Which one would you feel safer sending your daughter to?
I see that, once again, there are people who relish exploiting a tragedy to make political points.

Despicable and ugly, a product of little minds whose only desire is to bend others to the correct way of thinking. Their way...
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Tell that to the GOP who has ruled the federal House from 1994 to 2006 and 2010 till now.

All we see is resistance to "government workers" being competently paid. As a Republican, this pisses me off no end.
You're hardly a Republican no matter what your declared affiliation is.

Love it! A cop gets shot in a gun battle with an Islamic obama supporter, and Luddley Notbright blames it on some mythical RW hate machine.
Turn your rep back on! You need slappin' boy.

And I love that you're the 4th nutter to demand that turn on my rep. You should all form some sort of 12 Step support Group.

Or, you could grow up.

Naw - better that you go with the 12 Step Group. And, Good Luck to all of you.

in other words you never get any rep, even from your lefty friends, so why keep it on.....it also means no one thinks you post anything worth repping you for......i understand....
It was a leftist that shit on a police car in New York. We know how the left feels about police.

Screw you. I mean seriously. Your generalizations are idiotic at best. Only a douchebag would condone shitting on a police car and the last time I checked, douchebaggery was bi-partisan.

Sure there are right wing douchebags, but would you rather clean up after a TEA Party rally or an OWS demonstration? Which one would you feel safer sending your daughter to?

in my younger day Ernie i would have went to the OWS thing.....not to protest though....to try and get laid.....hey what can i say?.....
I see that, once again, there are people who relish exploiting a tragedy to make political points.

Despicable and ugly, a product of little minds whose only desire is to bend others to the correct way of thinking. Their way...

Yeah, I really hope you're talking about both sides here.
You're hardly a Republican no matter what your declared affiliation is.

Love it! A cop gets shot in a gun battle with an Islamic obama supporter, and Luddley Notbright blames it on some mythical RW hate machine.
Turn your rep back on! You need slappin' boy.

And I love that you're the 4th nutter to demand that turn on my rep. You should all form some sort of 12 Step support Group.

Or, you could grow up.

Naw - better that you go with the 12 Step Group. And, Good Luck to all of you.

So, no comment on your misplaced blame for the officer's death? Thought not... and you've got the guts to suggest I need a 12 step program?

Already did.

Grow up.
I see that, once again, there are people who relish exploiting a tragedy to make political points.

Despicable and ugly, a product of little minds whose only desire is to bend others to the correct way of thinking. Their way...

Yeah, I really hope you're talking about both sides here.

Luddley did make politics fair game in the OP, did he not?
Or didn't you read the OP?
And I love that you're the 4th nutter to demand that turn on my rep. You should all form some sort of 12 Step support Group.

Or, you could grow up.

Naw - better that you go with the 12 Step Group. And, Good Luck to all of you.

So, no comment on your misplaced blame for the officer's death? Thought not... and you've got the guts to suggest I need a 12 step program?

Already did.

Grow up.

Must have missed that. Link?
Bomber arrested and in custody. Federal show. Will be handled in federal court.

Good show, LEO.
Cost of living is an important factor. In some areas, these amounts would make you a wealthy person. In NY, not even close.

I'm quite aware of the cost of living in NYC. My point to Auditor is that NYC police are not "paupers". They get paid a very nice wage.

I'm rather amused by the Left's ability to state that someone who makes $200,000 a year living in NYC is "wealthy"...then turn around and in the next breath declare that someone making say $150,000 is "not even close".

And, I'm LOLing cuz I can't find either of those two amounts in the previous post!

To help others find them, I've added a little color.

Have fun.

Come on, Luddley! Do I have to hold your hand and lead you through this stuff? The $200,000 figure comes from the 3.8% tax that was imposed on investment income for individuals making more than $200,000 a year and couples making more than $250,000. It was written into ObamaCare. The $150,000 figure is arbitrary. I used it because my policeman friend in Boston said that was what he had made on his best year. I was just pointing out that a progressive view of who was "wealthy" and who was not was rather ambiguous.

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