Police Officer Killed in Trump Riot

There was no "Trump" riot. Eyewitnesses are getting the word out now that it was all started by an independent group of leftwing thugs.

Then you should have no problem condemning these "special people" who we "love".
Let me be honest.

I find it sad that Ashli Babbitt died. I find it sad that she wasted her life doing something so unbelievably stupid with no possible beneficial outcome. She was an idiot. She was inspired by Trump's idiotic rhetoric and ridiculous QAnon conspiracy theories to the point that she breached a barricaded part of the capitol directly in front of armed security. What did she think was going to happen?! Again, she was an idiot. I'm genuinely sad that she wasted her entire life in what I would consider Darwin-award-level stupidity.

All of these people are dead because of Trump's insane rhetoric. But the death of this officer is different. This one hurts.

This officer did nothing wrong. This officer died defending our elected officials from a riot of insane people inspired by Trump. People like her.
She died risking her life in a cause she (and many other Americans) believed in. The officer presumably died doing what he believed was his duty. There is no more honorable way to die. I suspect you slander your betters. If you've never risked everything for what you believe you should STFU.

Officer Sicknick, RIP, died a few hours ago from injuries sustained in the line of duty. This bitch died while rioting and smashing doors down in the Capitol of the United States. You make it sound like she did something heroic, but she was a rioter attacking Congress as its members were in the middle of carrying out the requirements of the Constitution of the United States. Essentially, she died attacking the United States. There is no comparison.

We don't really know what the officer died from at this point since he never collpased until hours later at the police station.
Let me be honest.

I find it sad that Ashli Babbitt died. I find it sad that she wasted her life doing something so unbelievably stupid with no possible beneficial outcome. She was an idiot. She was inspired by Trump's idiotic rhetoric and ridiculous QAnon conspiracy theories to the point that she breached a barricaded part of the capitol directly in front of armed security. What did she think was going to happen?! Again, she was an idiot. I'm genuinely sad that she wasted her entire life in what I would consider Darwin-award-level stupidity.

All of these people are dead because of Trump's insane rhetoric. But the death of this officer is different. This one hurts.

This officer did nothing wrong. This officer died defending our elected officials from a riot of insane people inspired by Trump. People like her.
She died risking her life in a cause she (and many other Americans) believed in. The officer presumably died doing what he believed was his duty. There is no more honorable way to die. I suspect you slander your betters. If you've never risked everything for what you believe you should STFU.

Officer Sicknick, RIP, died a few hours ago from injuries sustained in the line of duty. This bitch died while rioting and smashing doors down in the Capitol of the United States. You make it sound like she did something heroic, but she was a rioter attacking Congress as its members were in the middle of carrying out the requirements of the Constitution of the United States. Essentially, she died attacking the United States. There is no comparison.
Hun, I saw a longer video of the incident about an hour ago---its late but I don't recall seeing her breaking the window. I saw who I think were cops who look like swat going up the stairs behind where she and the other supposed trump supporters were at----------as they were arriving on scene--the males who were breaking the glass left the broken window which allowed her the space to climb up into the opening--its possible that they saw the cops coming up from behind and she had not or perhaps she was just trying to flee the upcoming cops with those bad looking assault rifles.. She being small may not have seen the undercover killer cop behind the class hiding in a doorway ready and primed by that dumbass coward Rep MarkWarren to shoot any one who look liked a trump supporter who trespassed across the window. The swat looking cops are the ones that you see in the video holding the guns once she goes down and they are saying active shooter in the building---I don't think they realized who shot her at first either.
"We're gonna walk down, and I'll be there with you. We're gonna walk down to the capital and we're gonna cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
Fake thread title
Did not die “In” anything.
Died hours later at police station.
Officer Brian Sicknick was struck in the head with a fire extinguisher and died from a stroke.

He was 42 and from New Jersey.

He was a Trump supporter.



Let me be honest.

I find it sad that Ashli Babbitt died. I find it sad that she wasted her life doing something so unbelievably stupid with no possible beneficial outcome. She was an idiot. She was inspired by Trump's idiotic rhetoric and ridiculous QAnon conspiracy theories to the point that she breached a barricaded part of the capitol directly in front of armed security. What did she think was going to happen?! Again, she was an idiot. I'm genuinely sad that she wasted her entire life in what I would consider Darwin-award-level stupidity.

All of these people are dead because of Trump's insane rhetoric. But the death of this officer is different. This one hurts.

This officer did nothing wrong. This officer died defending our elected officials from a riot of insane people inspired by Trump. People like her.
She died risking her life in a cause she (and many other Americans) believed in. The officer presumably died doing what he believed was his duty. There is no more honorable way to die. I suspect you slander your betters. If you've never risked everything for what you believe you should STFU.

Officer Sicknick, RIP, died a few hours ago from injuries sustained in the line of duty. This bitch died while rioting and smashing doors down in the Capitol of the United States. You make it sound like she did something heroic, but she was a rioter attacking Congress as its members were in the middle of carrying out the requirements of the Constitution of the United States. Essentially, she died attacking the United States. There is no comparison.
Hun, I saw a longer video of the incident about an hour ago---its late but I don't recall seeing her breaking the window. I saw who I think were cops who look like swat going up the stairs behind where she and the other supposed trump supporters were at----------as they were arriving on scene--the males who were breaking the glass left the broken window which allowed her the space to climb up into the opening--its possible that they saw the cops coming up from behind and she had not or perhaps she was just trying to flee the upcoming cops with those bad looking assault rifles.. She being small may not have seen the undercover killer cop behind the class hiding in a doorway ready and primed by that dumbass coward Rep MarkWarren to shoot any one who look liked a trump supporter who trespassed across the window. The swat looking cops are the ones that you see in the video holding the guns once she goes down and they are saying active shooter in the building---I don't think they realized who shot her at first either.

Who in the hell cares. The bitch died trying to attack the Congress of the United States. She was an active rioter and traitor, not worthy of tears.
I believe that he was on life-support in the hospital. His family probably had to make the ugly decision to let him go.
Hun, I saw a longer video of the incident about an hour ago---its late but I don't recall seeing her breaking the window.

I don't know if she broke the window. But she was clearly trying to climb through it past the barricade. Right in front of armed security.

Not smart.
Officer Brian Sicknick was struck in the head with a fire extinguisher and died from a stroke.

He was 42 and from New Jersey.

He was a Trump supporter.

View attachment 439175


Who hit him? A trump supporter or was it antifa again?
Let me be honest.

I find it sad that Ashli Babbitt died. I find it sad that she wasted her life doing something so unbelievably stupid with no possible beneficial outcome. She was an idiot. She was inspired by Trump's idiotic rhetoric and ridiculous QAnon conspiracy theories to the point that she breached a barricaded part of the capitol directly in front of armed security. What did she think was going to happen?! Again, she was an idiot. I'm genuinely sad that she wasted her entire life in what I would consider Darwin-award-level stupidity.

All of these people are dead because of Trump's insane rhetoric. But the death of this officer is different. This one hurts.

This officer did nothing wrong. This officer died defending our elected officials from a riot of insane people inspired by Trump. People like her.
She died risking her life in a cause she (and many other Americans) believed in. The officer presumably died doing what he believed was his duty. There is no more honorable way to die. I suspect you slander your betters. If you've never risked everything for what you believe you should STFU.

Officer Sicknick, RIP, died a few hours ago from injuries sustained in the line of duty. This bitch died while rioting and smashing doors down in the Capitol of the United States. You make it sound like she did something heroic, but she was a rioter attacking Congress as its members were in the middle of carrying out the requirements of the Constitution of the United States. Essentially, she died attacking the United States. There is no comparison.

We don't really know what the officer died from at this point since he never collpased until hours later at the police station.
Must have been the China Flu since we are told that is all anybody dies from these days.
The domestic terrorists are being identified. Employers are firing them. Trump has thrown them under the bus calling them heinous criminals. Stupid suckers.
She had a better judgement of the will of the people than you do.

The will of the people voted Biden. If you think otherwise, then you’re not very smart.

Regardless of your likely mental deficiencies, she wasn't going to change anything anyway.
What she thought mattered. The will of the people re-elected President Trump. Traitors lied about the results of the vote. You've never had the balls she did on your very best day.
What she thought mattered. The will of the people re-elected President Trump. Traitors lied about the results of the vote. You've never had the balls she did on your very best day.

She thought she was going to do something that made a difference. It didn't. Biden is still the president and now she's dead.

You're wrong. The will of the people elected Biden. Just because you (and her) are retarded doesn't change that fact. You can cry your little heart out and complain that it's not fair. That's your problem to deal with. Not mine.

Sucks for you, huh? (And her)
Let me be honest.

I find it sad that Ashli Babbitt died. I find it sad that she wasted her life doing something so unbelievably stupid with no possible beneficial outcome. She was an idiot. She was inspired by Trump's idiotic rhetoric and ridiculous QAnon conspiracy theories to the point that she breached a barricaded part of the capitol directly in front of armed security. What did she think was going to happen?! Again, she was an idiot. I'm genuinely sad that she wasted her entire life in what I would consider Darwin-award-level stupidity.

All of these people are dead because of Trump's insane rhetoric. But the death of this officer is different. This one hurts.

This officer did nothing wrong. This officer died defending our elected officials from a riot of insane people inspired by Trump. People like her.
She died risking her life in a cause she (and many other Americans) believed in. The officer presumably died doing what he believed was his duty. There is no more honorable way to die. I suspect you slander your betters. If you've never risked everything for what you believe you should STFU.

Officer Sicknick, RIP, died a few hours ago from injuries sustained in the line of duty. This bitch died while rioting and smashing doors down in the Capitol of the United States. You make it sound like she did something heroic, but she was a rioter attacking Congress as its members were in the middle of carrying out the requirements of the Constitution of the United States. Essentially, she died attacking the United States. There is no comparison.
Hun, I saw a longer video of the incident about an hour ago---its late but I don't recall seeing her breaking the window. I saw who I think were cops who look like swat going up the stairs behind where she and the other supposed trump supporters were at----------as they were arriving on scene--the males who were breaking the glass left the broken window which allowed her the space to climb up into the opening--its possible that they saw the cops coming up from behind and she had not or perhaps she was just trying to flee the upcoming cops with those bad looking assault rifles.. She being small may not have seen the undercover killer cop behind the class hiding in a doorway ready and primed by that dumbass coward Rep MarkWarren to shoot any one who look liked a trump supporter who trespassed across the window. The swat looking cops are the ones that you see in the video holding the guns once she goes down and they are saying active shooter in the building---I don't think they realized who shot her at first either.

Who in the hell cares. The bitch died trying to attack the Congress of the United States. She was an active rioter and traitor, not worthy of tears.
You're just upset she wasn't one of your rioters and traitors. And you obviously have an overly inflated opinion of the value of your tears. Feel free to keep them; no one cares.
Let me be honest.

I find it sad that Ashli Babbitt died. I find it sad that she wasted her life doing something so unbelievably stupid with no possible beneficial outcome. She was an idiot. She was inspired by Trump's idiotic rhetoric and ridiculous QAnon conspiracy theories to the point that she breached a barricaded part of the capitol directly in front of armed security. What did she think was going to happen?! Again, she was an idiot. I'm genuinely sad that she wasted her entire life in what I would consider Darwin-award-level stupidity.

All of these people are dead because of Trump's insane rhetoric. But the death of this officer is different. This one hurts.

This officer did nothing wrong. This officer died defending our elected officials from a riot of insane people inspired by Trump. People like her.
She died risking her life in a cause she (and many other Americans) believed in. The officer presumably died doing what he believed was his duty. There is no more honorable way to die. I suspect you slander your betters. If you've never risked everything for what you believe you should STFU.

Officer Sicknick, RIP, died a few hours ago from injuries sustained in the line of duty. This bitch died while rioting and smashing doors down in the Capitol of the United States. You make it sound like she did something heroic, but she was a rioter attacking Congress as its members were in the middle of carrying out the requirements of the Constitution of the United States. Essentially, she died attacking the United States. There is no comparison.
Hun, I saw a longer video of the incident about an hour ago---its late but I don't recall seeing her breaking the window. I saw who I think were cops who look like swat going up the stairs behind where she and the other supposed trump supporters were at----------as they were arriving on scene--the males who were breaking the glass left the broken window which allowed her the space to climb up into the opening--its possible that they saw the cops coming up from behind and she had not or perhaps she was just trying to flee the upcoming cops with those bad looking assault rifles.. She being small may not have seen the undercover killer cop behind the class hiding in a doorway ready and primed by that dumbass coward Rep MarkWarren to shoot any one who look liked a trump supporter who trespassed across the window. The swat looking cops are the ones that you see in the video holding the guns once she goes down and they are saying active shooter in the building---I don't think they realized who shot her at first either.

Who in the hell cares. The bitch died trying to attack the Congress of the United States. She was an active rioter and traitor, not worthy of tears.
There are a lot of people from the WW 2 Generation era who are still alive who are weary of the Progressive Socialists and the power they have. The numbers growing even now. That is all You gotta know. They see something different going on and are from an era where they had to earn everything and it was not given to them. We are spoiled from the baby boomers on. And the gifts we get from government, comes with a price tag. What a traitor is or what a domestic terrorist is, depends on who has the real power. Well we know now after the last year. Trump has shown us.

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