Police Officer Killed in Trump Riot

I am saying that you are an idiot with agenda--who is ignoring facts.

So you think it's a magical coincidence that he got hit in the head and then died soon after.

Got it.
Very possible--------especially in this day and age of Covid that damages the human body even once they are supposed recovered. Extreme exertion in cold weather (high stress) could have played a part in the atleast now know heart attacks and 2 strokes. Assuming the hit to the head if it occure is just ignorant. I say 60% chance of extinguisher causing the clot/40% not.
What part of "You can only legally use deadly force in the face of a deadly threat" do you not understand? In whatever situation you want to talk about I would use deadly force to protect against deadly threat and not if I did not believe there was an obvious deadly threat. That is about as plain as I know how to make it.
That is about as plain as I know how to make it.

YES OR NO???????

I'm not asking you about the legalities of when one can and cannot use deadly force.

I'm asking if you, under the conditions I explained, with no other knowledge of the threat level, would take the shot.

It's easy to say that you would defend yourself if there was a deadly threat and not if it wasn't a deadly threat. These people don't come marching in with a sign saying "I'm a deadly threat". That's why I'm asking you how you would assess the situation I've described for you. Would you interpret it as a deadly threat and respond accordingly or would you not consider it a deadly threat and let them come through?

Once again, would you take the shot?

You can answer it with a simple YES or a simple NO. One word. That's it. Which one.

Answer this time. Quit dodging.
Let me be honest.

I find it sad that Ashli Babbitt died. I find it sad that she wasted her life doing something so unbelievably stupid with no possible beneficial outcome. She was an idiot. She was inspired by Trump's idiotic rhetoric and ridiculous QAnon conspiracy theories to the point that she breached a barricaded part of the capitol directly in front of armed security. What did she think was going to happen?! Again, she was an idiot. I'm genuinely sad that she wasted her entire life in what I would consider Darwin-award-level stupidity.

All of these people are dead because of Trump's insane rhetoric. But the death of this officer is different. This one hurts.

This officer did nothing wrong. This officer died defending our elected officials from a riot of insane people inspired by Trump. People like her.
She died risking her life in a cause she (and many other Americans) believed in. The officer presumably died doing what he believed was his duty. There is no more honorable way to die. I suspect you slander your betters. If you've never risked everything for what you believe you should STFU.

Officer Sicknick, RIP, died a few hours ago from injuries sustained in the line of duty. This bitch died while rioting and smashing doors down in the Capitol of the United States. You make it sound like she did something heroic, but she was a rioter attacking Congress as its members were in the middle of carrying out the requirements of the Constitution of the United States. Essentially, she died attacking the United States. There is no comparison.
Hun, I saw a longer video of the incident about an hour ago---its late but I don't recall seeing her breaking the window. I saw who I think were cops who look like swat going up the stairs behind where she and the other supposed trump supporters were at----------as they were arriving on scene--the males who were breaking the glass left the broken window which allowed her the space to climb up into the opening--its possible that they saw the cops coming up from behind and she had not or perhaps she was just trying to flee the upcoming cops with those bad looking assault rifles.. She being small may not have seen the undercover killer cop behind the class hiding in a doorway ready and primed by that dumbass coward Rep MarkWarren to shoot any one who look liked a trump supporter who trespassed across the window. The swat looking cops are the ones that you see in the video holding the guns once she goes down and they are saying active shooter in the building---I don't think they realized who shot her at first either.

Who in the hell cares. The bitch died trying to attack the Congress of the United States. She was an active rioter and traitor, not worthy of tears.
You're just upset she wasn't one of your rioters and traitors. And you obviously have an overly inflated opinion of the value of your tears. Feel free to keep them; no one cares.

What tears? The bitch died trying to overthrow the United States Government.
That woman was a veteran and a mother. You are a disgusting pig saying those things. She was a better person than a tramp like you will ever be. Now STFU.

That she was a veteran who had children is irrelevant considering that she died a traitor attacking the Capitol of the United States and it was she who willingly chose to do it. Now she'll get the Benedict Arnold Award. In an earlier time, she have ended up swinging from the gallows anyway.

I don't have to "STFU" because the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees my right to free speech.

Your comment shows what trash you are.

BTW: they are now showing video of the traitors crushing a cop between a shield and a door as he screams in agony. Stop defending filth.
That is about as plain as I know how to make it.

YES OR NO???????

I'm not asking you about the legalities of when one can and cannot use deadly force.

It's easy to say that you would defend yourself if there was a deadly threat and not if it wasn't a deadly threat. These people don't come marching in with a sign saying "I'm a deadly threat". That's why I'm asking you how you would assess the situation I've described for you. Would you interpret it as a deadly threat and respond accordingly or would you not consider it a deadly threat and let them come through?

Once again, would you take the shot?

You can answer it with a simple YES or a simple NO. One word. That's it. Which one.

Answer this time. Quit dodging.
No, people don't come with signs reading "I'm a deadly threat." and even if they did in real life they might be lying or it might be a mistake to take the time to read it. Nor is the proper response to a deadly threat always deadly force.
"I'm asking if you, under the conditions I explained, with no other knowledge of the threat level, would take the shot."
And that is as unrealistic as people wearing signs. In real life there is always more information available than what you have given and there is never 100% certainty that a person will react the way they think they would so you are asking for speculation rather than fact. That said-since you demand unrealistic speculative "yes" or "no" answers- I would answer "yes" to your first scenario and "no" to your 2nd because I would delay long enough to get more information about what I was facing. Am I facing a giant slobbering werewolf or an irritated 6 y/o Brownie Scout intent on tickling somebody. Details matter.
I'm still waiting for you to answer my question. Do you think people should be shot for the crime of trespassing on public property? Yes or No. Are you done dodging?
Let me be honest.

I find it sad that Ashli Babbitt died. I find it sad that she wasted her life doing something so unbelievably stupid with no possible beneficial outcome. She was an idiot. She was inspired by Trump's idiotic rhetoric and ridiculous QAnon conspiracy theories to the point that she breached a barricaded part of the capitol directly in front of armed security. What did she think was going to happen?! Again, she was an idiot. I'm genuinely sad that she wasted her entire life in what I would consider Darwin-award-level stupidity.

All of these people are dead because of Trump's insane rhetoric. But the death of this officer is different. This one hurts.

This officer did nothing wrong. This officer died defending our elected officials from a riot of insane people inspired by Trump. People like her.
She died risking her life in a cause she (and many other Americans) believed in. The officer presumably died doing what he believed was his duty. There is no more honorable way to die. I suspect you slander your betters. If you've never risked everything for what you believe you should STFU.

Officer Sicknick, RIP, died a few hours ago from injuries sustained in the line of duty. This bitch died while rioting and smashing doors down in the Capitol of the United States. You make it sound like she did something heroic, but she was a rioter attacking Congress as its members were in the middle of carrying out the requirements of the Constitution of the United States. Essentially, she died attacking the United States. There is no comparison.
Hun, I saw a longer video of the incident about an hour ago---its late but I don't recall seeing her breaking the window. I saw who I think were cops who look like swat going up the stairs behind where she and the other supposed trump supporters were at----------as they were arriving on scene--the males who were breaking the glass left the broken window which allowed her the space to climb up into the opening--its possible that they saw the cops coming up from behind and she had not or perhaps she was just trying to flee the upcoming cops with those bad looking assault rifles.. She being small may not have seen the undercover killer cop behind the class hiding in a doorway ready and primed by that dumbass coward Rep MarkWarren to shoot any one who look liked a trump supporter who trespassed across the window. The swat looking cops are the ones that you see in the video holding the guns once she goes down and they are saying active shooter in the building---I don't think they realized who shot her at first either.

Who in the hell cares. The bitch died trying to attack the Congress of the United States. She was an active rioter and traitor, not worthy of tears.
You're just upset she wasn't one of your rioters and traitors. And you obviously have an overly inflated opinion of the value of your tears. Feel free to keep them; no one cares.

What tears? The bitch died trying to overthrow the United States Government.
That woman was a veteran and a mother. You are a disgusting pig saying those things. She was a better person than a tramp like you will ever be. Now STFU.

That she was a veteran who had children is irrelevant considering that she died a traitor attacking the Capitol of the United States and it was she who willingly chose to do it. Now she'll get the Benedict Arnold Award. In an earlier time, she have ended up swinging from the gallows anyway.

I don't have to "STFU" because the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees my right to free speech.

Your comment shows what trash you are.

BTW: they are now showing video of the traitors crushing a cop between a shield and a door as he screams in agony. Stop defending filth.
She's a traitor because she saw fit to protest on public property? Property that she helped pay for and protect and shares ownership of? Only a real traitor would make such an idiotic demeaning claim. No, you don't have to STFU when told to. But freedom of speech gives them the right to make such a suggestion. All in all I have to agree that you are a disgusting pig for saying such things. And that is an example of my freedom of speech.
He died of a STroke moron---------which may or may not have been triggered by being hit by the extinguisher HOURS earlier.

You're an idiot.

You're suggesting that him being hospitalized from getting hit in the head with a fire extinguisher and his death are magically unrelated.

View attachment 439529
Thats for a coroner to decide.

Holy shit you’re stupid.

Yea he just magically died after being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.

Fucking retard.

YOU so badly want the protestors to be murderers that you don't allow for any common sense.........he had a stroke, but so did one of the protestors who wasn't hit. SEE how this shit works or is it to complicated for your dumb ass.
I would answer "yes" to your first scenario and "no" to your 2nd

So you would sit there in the library with your family, barricaded behind a door after a mob broke in and bashed one of your family members in the head and killed him. You would point a gun at them and tell them to stop.

And then you would let them come through to you and your family.

Got it. Thanks for FINALLY answering.
99 999% peaceful.

Go tell that to Officer Sicknick's family.
A few, literally a few people out of several hundred thousand, resorted to violence. There were no fires or wanton destruction, and no looting. The few people that did commit violence should be hunted down and shot like dogs.

This protest isnt remotely as bad as the leftwing riots we saw for the past couple years. Republicans have to kill a lot more than 1 cop if they have any hope of catching up to the 25 murders that took place in 2020 riots.
YOU so badly want the protestors to be murderers that you don't allow for any common sense.........

Oh really? Show me where I said this.

If you had any common sense, you would admit that this is a lie.

But you won't, because you don't.
A few, literally a few people out of several hundred thousand, resorted to violence.

Odd. The same argument can be made of BLM protests.

And before anyone asks me for the one millionth time, I condemn anyone (ANYONE) who commits violence, looting, arson, or destruction.

That includes anyone who breaks into property, whether it's a person's house, a person's business, or a government building.
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YOU so badly want the protestors to be murderers that you don't allow for any common sense.........

Oh really? Show me where I said this.

If you had any common sense, you would admit that this is a lie.

But you won't, because you don't.
You are babbling hoping to distract from the point---stupid attempt because I just repeat myself.

You assumed that the officer was beat to death---but he died of a Stroke many hours after which you wanted to but failed to spin once this fact was pounded into your tiny head.

But you continue with several other ignorant assumptions--such as media often gets things wrong and or lies with such stories---which by the way is always the case with lib media sources now. There has been no confirmation of the story or should I say RUMOR that this cop was hit by a fire extinquisher at all. He may have been or may not have been---it could either way at this point. Secondly, you so bloody ignorant, you assume or should I say HOPE that he was hit in the head----even if hit, I don't think any stories have said where or how hard. For all you know he hit his hand on a fire extinguisher.

But you don't fricking stop there with your stupid assumptions-----the cop died of a stroke, so did one of the protestors. COLD weather, COVID, Mental and Physical stress, Bad timing etc could trigger a stroke but you want to ignore these facts at jump at unfounded straws that a fire extinquisher that may not even exist did it hours earlier with him not needing medical care till he died. On top of this, you assume a trump supporter hit him in the head and not one of the ANTI-fa who always attack cops and known to have been trying to incite violence..

You also want to spin that Trump supporters are prone to violence like the Libs brown shirts which isn't the case-----not even close. Generally speaking the libs are violent and attack cops and innocent people------------the Trump supporters went to the capital to make their voice heard to our collection of corrupt politicians and thusly even at their most aggressive at the congress---they still came no where as close to the violence that we see with the lefts brown shirts even with the lefts brown shirts dressing up and infiltrating the protest trying to instigate the burning down of congress...And oh btw, Trump supporters have better manners and support cops---ergo unlike to hit one in the head with fire extinguisher.
A few, literally a few people out of several hundred thousand, resorted to violence.

Odd. The same argument can be made of BLM protests.

And before anyone asks me for the one millionth time, I condemn anyone (ANYONE) who commits violence, looting, arson, or destruction.

That includes anyone who breaks into property, whether it's a person's house, a person's business, or a government building.
Are you still trying to say that babbit going through a broken window is the same morally as BLM burning down businesses and attacking people even killing them? GFY
You assumed that the officer was beat to death---but he died of a Stroke many hours after

I got to this point and that's as far as I'm getting. You already proved to be disingenuous with your false claims of me and I'm not interested.

I assumed that the officer was hit in the head and latter died of his injury, as has been reported. I believe this is the most likely. You believe this as well. (60%).

Why you're trying to argue the possibility of something that even you don't believe is beyond me. I think you just want to argue.

We agree that he probably died from the injury he sustained in the riot. Good? I don't see what you need to discuss further than that. Probably more disingenuous stuff.

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