Police Officer Killed in Trump Riot

Are Trump supporters still going to claim that this was a peaceful protest?
It's unclear what caused the death of the Officer who collapsed on duty but it seems that lefties have switched sides when it is politically expedient.

The cause of death was likely from getting hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.

Are you ok with riots that kill 5 people including one police officer? Would you consider that peaceful?

Answer those questions. Let's see if you switch sides when it's politically expedient.
Collapsed HOURS later. DIed of stroke. Stick with your ridiculous fire extinguisher excuse while Pooh’s pooh8ng billions in damage from BLM.
She had a better judgement of the will of the people than you do.

The will of the people voted Biden. If you think otherwise, then you’re not very smart.

Regardless of your likely mental deficiencies, she wasn't going to change anything anyway.
What she thought mattered. The will of the people re-elected President Trump. Traitors lied about the results of the vote. You've never had the balls she did on your very best day.

The officer is a hero. He took out a terrorist.
Please quote me where I said I would do that.

I thought I did.

Your quote: "I would answer 'yes' to your first scenario and 'no' to your 2nd"

I gave you a second scenario (the one in the library). Your answer to it is no. I thought we finally got an answer out of you.

You keep wanting more information. I'm giving you the exact same information that was available to the armed officer in that situation. The question is to determine what you would do with those same details available in that split-second decision to make.

If that isn't your answer, then what is your answer? You're going in circles now. Seems like you're just trying to dodge. Again.

You don't get to change the details in that situation and neither did the officer. He faced the split-second decision he was dealt with and he took the shot. He responded to the situation with an action. You can't even answer a simple fucking question.
Let me be honest.

I find it sad that Ashli Babbitt died. I find it sad that she wasted her life doing something so unbelievably stupid with no possible beneficial outcome. She was an idiot. She was inspired by Trump's idiotic rhetoric and ridiculous QAnon conspiracy theories to the point that she breached a barricaded part of the capitol directly in front of armed security. What did she think was going to happen?! Again, she was an idiot. I'm genuinely sad that she wasted her entire life in what I would consider Darwin-award-level stupidity.

All of these people are dead because of Trump's insane rhetoric. But the death of this officer is different. This one hurts.

This officer did nothing wrong. This officer died defending our elected officials from a riot of insane people inspired by Trump. People like her.
She died risking her life in a cause she (and many other Americans) believed in. The officer presumably died doing what he believed was his duty. There is no more honorable way to die. I suspect you slander your betters. If you've never risked everything for what you believe you should STFU.

Officer Sicknick, RIP, died a few hours ago from injuries sustained in the line of duty. This bitch died while rioting and smashing doors down in the Capitol of the United States. You make it sound like she did something heroic, but she was a rioter attacking Congress as its members were in the middle of carrying out the requirements of the Constitution of the United States. Essentially, she died attacking the United States. There is no comparison.
Hun, I saw a longer video of the incident about an hour ago---its late but I don't recall seeing her breaking the window. I saw who I think were cops who look like swat going up the stairs behind where she and the other supposed trump supporters were at----------as they were arriving on scene--the males who were breaking the glass left the broken window which allowed her the space to climb up into the opening--its possible that they saw the cops coming up from behind and she had not or perhaps she was just trying to flee the upcoming cops with those bad looking assault rifles.. She being small may not have seen the undercover killer cop behind the class hiding in a doorway ready and primed by that dumbass coward Rep MarkWarren to shoot any one who look liked a trump supporter who trespassed across the window. The swat looking cops are the ones that you see in the video holding the guns once she goes down and they are saying active shooter in the building---I don't think they realized who shot her at first either.

Who in the hell cares. The bitch died trying to attack the Congress of the United States. She was an active rioter and traitor, not worthy of tears.
You're just upset she wasn't one of your rioters and traitors. And you obviously have an overly inflated opinion of the value of your tears. Feel free to keep them; no one cares.

What tears? The bitch died trying to overthrow the United States Government.
That woman was a veteran and a mother. You are a disgusting pig saying those things. She was a better person than a tramp like you will ever be. Now STFU.

That she was a veteran who had children is irrelevant considering that she died a traitor attacking the Capitol of the United States and it was she who willingly chose to do it. Now she'll get the Benedict Arnold Award. In an earlier time, she have ended up swinging from the gallows anyway.

I don't have to "STFU" because the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees my right to free speech.

Your comment shows what trash you are.

BTW: they are now showing video of the traitors crushing a cop between a shield and a door as he screams in agony. Stop defending filth.
She's a traitor because she saw fit to protest on public property? Property that she helped pay for and protect and shares ownership of? Only a real traitor would make such an idiotic demeaning claim. No, you don't have to STFU when told to. But freedom of speech gives them the right to make such a suggestion. All in all I have to agree that you are a disgusting pig for saying such things. And that is an example of my freedom of speech.

She's a traitor because she invaded the People's House with the intent of stopping the Congress of the United States from carrying out its duty under the U.S. Constitution, and she died rioting with a group that was attacking police officers and members of Congress, as well as damaging public property. You are an absolute moron if you believe that everyone has the right to go on public property at any time and any place. Moreover, since you reminded me that I am an owner of the Capitol Building, she was attacking my property.
I didn't say she had a right to protest there at that time. But she most certainly did have a right to due process before being executed for a misdemeanor. Seems to me she had as much or as little right to protest on public property as antifa or BLM. Somehow I suspect they might become a bit irritated if cops began shooting their protestors at random.
And you are the one who demanded I answer only on the information you provided and you did not provide enough information to identify a valid target.

I'm giving you the exact same information that the officer had. He was forced to make a split-second decision at that exact moment. Shoot or don't shoot.

You want more information? Sure. I'm sure the cop did too. But he didn't have that luxury. He had limited information and he had to act on what he had.

What would you do in the same situation? What would you do with the same limited information? Shoot or don't shoot.
He died of a STroke moron---------which may or may not have been triggered by being hit by the extinguisher HOURS earlier.

You're an idiot.

You're suggesting that him being hospitalized from getting hit in the head with a fire extinguisher and his death are magically unrelated.

View attachment 439529
Thats for a coroner to decide.

Holy shit you’re stupid.

Yea he just magically died after being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.

Fucking retard.
Suddenly the left is concerned with police deaths? LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Are Trump supporters still going to claim that this was a peaceful protest?
It's unclear what caused the death of the Officer who collapsed on duty but it seems that lefties have switched sides when it is politically expedient.

The cause of death was likely from getting hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.

Are you ok with riots that kill 5 people including one police officer? Would you consider that peaceful?

Answer those questions. Let's see if you switch sides when it's politically expedient.
Nobody is O.K. with riots that kill but Police Officers used to be the targets of left wingers. Is it possible that the left infiltrated the otherwise peaceful demonstration? It seems convenient that all of a sudden the left wing media portrays the Police as the goodguys when democrats come into power.
Nobody is O.K. with riots that kill

Some right-wingers claim this was a peaceful protest. Would you call this peaceful?

Is it possible that the left infiltrated the otherwise peaceful demonstration?

Is it possible that the left infiltrated? Sure, it's possible. If you want to entertain that conspiracy theory, then go for it. It does not concern me.

I don't care which side they are aligned with. I want them arrested.

It seems convenient that all of a sudden the left wing media portrays the Police as the goodguys when democrats come into power.

I think the vast majority of police are good guys. I never said otherwise.
maybe you don't....but your side does. and I doubt you'd be concerned about this dead officer if he died in some antifa riot....so don't even.

You're painting with a broad brush. Your "side" just murdered a cop. Does that represent you? Do those people who murdered that cop represent your "side's" values?

I assume they don't, just as what you claim from my "side" doesn't represent me. Let's be intellectually honest here. There are bad apples on both "sides". Simple as that.

Of course I'd be concerned if an officer died in an antifa riot. What makes you think I wouldn't?
Please quote me where I said I would do that.

I thought I did.

Your quote: "I would answer 'yes' to your first scenario and 'no' to your 2nd"

I gave you a second scenario (the one in the library). Your answer to it is no. I thought we finally got an answer out of you.

You keep wanting more information. I'm giving you the exact same information that was available to the armed officer in that situation. The question is to determine what you would do with those same details available in that split-second decision to make.

If that isn't your answer, then what is your answer? You're going in circles now. Seems like you're just trying to dodge. Again.

You don't get to change the details in that situation and neither did the officer. He faced the split-second decision he was dealt with and he took the shot. He responded to the situation with an action. You can't even answer a simple fucking question.
The fact that I would not shoot at the the point in time given in your scenario does not mean that I would I would let them through to my family. That is an unwarranted conclusion you have chosen to jump to. Don't blame it on me. And I don't need you to preach to me about split second life or death decisions. I am an old guy and now retired but was forced to make them frequently throughout my entire adult life. I have been in similar situations to the officer in question more than once and (unless there are facts of which I am not aware) if it were up to me he would be spending the next several years in prison.
maybe you don't....but your side does. and I doubt you'd be concerned about this dead officer if he died in some antifa riot....so don't even.

You're painting with a broad brush. Your "side" just murdered a cop. Does that represent you? Do those people who murdered that cop represent your "side's" values?

I assume they don't, just as what you claim from my "side" doesn't represent me. Let's be intellectually honest here. There are bad apples on both "sides". Simple as that.

Of course I'd be concerned if an officer died in an antifa riot. What makes you think I wouldn't?
My side did not murder a cop but thanks for trying to put that bit of your insanity on the right. The left has been batsh*t crazy for four years....you can't keep that up that long before it becoming reality at some point....and y'all have more than hit that point. Yeah. I love that tone of reasonableness you're adopting now after what y'all have gotten away with...but if you think we're gonna shut our eyes to the truth you got another think coming.
The fact that I would not shoot at the the point in time given in your scenario does not mean that I would I would let them through to my family.

Sure, I can agree with that. It's unclear what would happen next.

So you don't shoot, which means the mob likely gets through, and then you go from there. Is that fair?
My side did not murder a cop but thanks for trying to put that bit of your insanity on the right.

You honestly don't think they were Trump supporters?

It really doesn't matter. I despise them regardless of what side they are aligned with.
Freaking USA has gone nutz. The left has defended evil, violence, corruption and call it just the opposite. They've staged the biggest fraud in the history of the US and probably the world. The only thing they haven't done at this point...and the ENEmedia is calling for it....retaliation against the right for its support of President Trump. I've no doubt that is coming. THe left has singlehandedly destroyed this nation and they STILL can't get off this PResident and his supporters. Oh...not singlehandedly....the left allied with our enemies. You think youre safe. Read some history if you get a chance.
Conservatives are defending the dead rioter and ignoring the dead police officer that the rioters killed.

DC cops and antifa plants set this up...and yes...some conservatives were duped into going into the capital building. I was there in a tea party rally at the capital building and pelousy had ordered dc cops to stand over us with automatic weapons. I knew them getting into the building was a set up.

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