Police officers injured by liberal protesters at inaugural

200 arrests? What the hell...I would have never thought so many arrests could occurred! :eek:
At least the police did a good job stopping violent people!
I hope those police officers who were injured are now ok :)

yup several cops got injured as well
You just put Goldman Sachs and Exxon-Mobil in charge of the country you dumb fucking rube. Prepare for some extreme fucking turmoil.

But nothing went wrong when they put Halliburton in charge, did it? Except of course the war and the country's economy went to hell, but who cares about people's lives and the economy anyway?
It's amazing how quickly people forgot what republicans are like when they control the government. I have some hope that Trump was just lying about everything to get elected, but if he's going to pursue what he campaigned on and give the GOP establishment what they want in order to get it then our rights, freedoms, and safety are compromised.
They were rioting in the streets, breaking windows, burning cars, etc, the day Obama took office?
No. People liked Obama, and most of them voted for him. Very different circumstances than Trump.
no, different people

Republicans don't do the kind of crap we're seeing today, and promised to see for the next 4 years.
Republicans don't have the burden of fighting for freedom. People will go to more drastic measure to fight for freedom, than they will to fight against it.
Lucy Hamilton

Where have you had experience with leftists? Was it at university? Your level of hatred must come from some contact.

My family have hated this sort of human garbage for more than 100 years, and I'm proud that members of my family fought and disposed of POS like this on the streets in the 1920s, running battles with this sort of filth.

I have HATED Anarchists and Communists since I was a child, it's bred into me, the only good Anarchists and Communists don't have access to oxygen anymore.

My level of hatred is beyond visceral, on a scale of 1-10 it's 20.

The world could have avoided all of this, but America was in the control of a Communist sympathiser Franklin Roosevelt who got into bed with his spiritual kin that DEVIL SPAWN Josef Stalin, may they be burning in the worst pits of Hell.
By the way, no wonder crowds were lower at this inauguration. Who would want to attend any of the festivities when they know ahead of time that rabid liberal assholes are there to get violent.
Nice ready made excuse.....is that the one that replaces the claims that there would be little if no protesters showing up?
Lucy Hamilton

Where have you had experience with leftists? Was it at university? Your level of hatred must come from some contact.

My family have hated this sort of human garbage for more than 100 years, and I'm proud that members of my family fought and disposed of POS like this on the streets in the 1920s, running battles with this sort of filth.

I have HATED Anarchists and Communists since I was a child, it's bred into me, the only good Anarchists and Communists don't have access to oxygen anymore.

My level of hatred is beyond visceral, on a scale on 1-10 it's 20.

I don't believe you are decended from Nazis. If you were you'd be a wreck, targeted by gangstalkers into killing yourself or on psychiatric drugs. They would have injected you when you were pregnant to make your children retarded.

It's happened to all of those people.
Lucy Hamilton

Where have you had experience with leftists? Was it at university? Your level of hatred must come from some contact.

My family have hated this sort of human garbage for more than 100 years, and I'm proud that members of my family fought and disposed of POS like this on the streets in the 1920s, running battles with this sort of filth.

I have HATED Anarchists and Communists since I was a child, it's bred into me, the only good Anarchists and Communists don't have access to oxygen anymore.

My level of hatred is beyond visceral, on a scale of 1-10 it's 20.

The world could have avoided all of this, but America was in the control of a Communist sympathiser Franklin Roosevelt who got into bed with his spiritual kin that DEVIL SPAWN Josef Stalin, may they be burning in the worst pits of Hell.
Brownshirts, eh?
But nothing went wrong when they put Halliburton in charge, did it? Except of course the war and the country's economy went to hell, but who cares about people's lives and the economy anyway?
It's amazing how quickly people forgot what republicans are like when they control the government. I have some hope that Trump was just lying about everything to get elected, but if he's going to pursue what he campaigned on and give the GOP establishment what they want in order to get it then our rights, freedoms, and safety are compromised.
They were rioting in the streets, breaking windows, burning cars, etc, the day Obama took office?
No. People liked Obama, and most of them voted for him. Very different circumstances than Trump.
no, different people

Republicans don't do the kind of crap we're seeing today, and promised to see for the next 4 years.
Republicans don't have the burden of fighting for freedom. People will go to more drastic measure to fight for freedom, than they will to fight against it.
Republicans have fought for freedom for decades, it was for the freedom of others they became a national party.
Lucy Hamilton

Where have you had experience with leftists? Was it at university? Your level of hatred must come from some contact.

My family have hated this sort of human garbage for more than 100 years, and I'm proud that members of my family fought and disposed of POS like this on the streets in the 1920s, running battles with this sort of filth.

I have HATED Anarchists and Communists since I was a child, it's bred into me, the only good Anarchists and Communists don't have access to oxygen anymore.

My level of hatred is beyond visceral, on a scale on 1-10 it's 20.

I don't believe you are decended from Nazis. If you were you'd be a wreck, targeted by gangstalkers into killing yourself or on psychiatric drugs. They would have injected you when you were pregnant to make your children retarded.

It's happened to all of those people.

I'm immune to brainwashing and I'm immune to being made into a wreck and there are others who are the same.
Lucy Hamilton

Where have you had experience with leftists? Was it at university? Your level of hatred must come from some contact.

My family have hated this sort of human garbage for more than 100 years, and I'm proud that members of my family fought and disposed of POS like this on the streets in the 1920s, running battles with this sort of filth.

I have HATED Anarchists and Communists since I was a child, it's bred into me, the only good Anarchists and Communists don't have access to oxygen anymore.

My level of hatred is beyond visceral, on a scale of 1-10 it's 20.

The world could have avoided all of this, but America was in the control of a Communist sympathiser Franklin Roosevelt who got into bed with his spiritual kin that DEVIL SPAWN Josef Stalin, may they be burning in the worst pits of Hell.
Brownshirts, eh?

Thank you for your input, you are Far Left of course which is no different than a Communist.

I have also previously commented the same thing when I was asked why I hate this crowd so much.
Lucy Hamilton

Where have you had experience with leftists? Was it at university? Your level of hatred must come from some contact.

My family have hated this sort of human garbage for more than 100 years, and I'm proud that members of my family fought and disposed of POS like this on the streets in the 1920s, running battles with this sort of filth.

I have HATED Anarchists and Communists since I was a child, it's bred into me, the only good Anarchists and Communists don't have access to oxygen anymore.

My level of hatred is beyond visceral, on a scale on 1-10 it's 20.

I don't believe you are decended from Nazis. If you were you'd be a wreck, targeted by gangstalkers into killing yourself or on psychiatric drugs. They would have injected you when you were pregnant to make your children retarded.

It's happened to all of those people.

I'm immune to brainwashing and I'm immune to being made into a wreck and there are others who are the same.
I don't believe you.
Trump's Amerika

No pal, this is the America your side resides in. You guys are the fucks that always get in the streets and get violent.
Own it mother fucker.
You want to support Trump's agenda without facing any consequences. Not going to happen.

There it is folks, total admission.
You needed an admission? It's common sense buddy. You can't declare that you're going toand expect them to pat you on the back.
Ya see, you might call it "fuck(ing) entire swaths of the U.S. population' but we call it paying your own way. That check you were getting for sitting on your fast ass? Yeah, you won't be getting that any more. Health care for people who are here illegally? Nope fuck 'em. Allowing male perverts to use the lady's room because they wear a dress? Nope sorry. The US is about to return to "You get to keep more of what you've earned"
Want a flat screen? EARN one. Want health care? PAY FOR IT.
It's amazing how quickly people forgot what republicans are like when they control the government. I have some hope that Trump was just lying about everything to get elected, but if he's going to pursue what he campaigned on and give the GOP establishment what they want in order to get it then our rights, freedoms, and safety are compromised.
They were rioting in the streets, breaking windows, burning cars, etc, the day Obama took office?
No. People liked Obama, and most of them voted for him. Very different circumstances than Trump.
no, different people

Republicans don't do the kind of crap we're seeing today, and promised to see for the next 4 years.
Republicans don't have the burden of fighting for freedom. People will go to more drastic measure to fight for freedom, than they will to fight against it.
Republicans have fought for freedom for decades, it was for the freedom of others they became a national party.
They stopped decades ago. As modern populists, they're more like the pre-1960's Democrat Party than anything else.
Lucy Hamilton

Where have you had experience with leftists? Was it at university? Your level of hatred must come from some contact.

My family have hated this sort of human garbage for more than 100 years, and I'm proud that members of my family fought and disposed of POS like this on the streets in the 1920s, running battles with this sort of filth.

I have HATED Anarchists and Communists since I was a child, it's bred into me, the only good Anarchists and Communists don't have access to oxygen anymore.

My level of hatred is beyond visceral, on a scale on 1-10 it's 20.

I don't believe you are decended from Nazis. If you were you'd be a wreck, targeted by gangstalkers into killing yourself or on psychiatric drugs. They would have injected you when you were pregnant to make your children retarded.

It's happened to all of those people.

I'm immune to brainwashing and I'm immune to being made into a wreck and there are others who are the same.
I don't believe you.

I don't care what you believe, it's of no interest or consequence to me. I will not apologise for my views, I am immune to all forms of brainwashing and I will go to my grave holding all of these same beliefs and my children will be taught them also.
Trump's Amerika

No pal, this is the America your side resides in. You guys are the fucks that always get in the streets and get violent.
Own it mother fucker.
You want to support Trump's agenda without facing any consequences. Not going to happen.

There it is folks, total admission.
You needed an admission? It's common sense buddy. You can't declare that you're going toand expect them to pat you on the back.
Ya see, you might call it "fuck(ing) entire swaths of the U.S. population' but we call it paying your own way. That check you were getting for sitting on your fast ass? Yeah, you won't be getting that any more. Health care for people who are here illegally? Nope fuck 'em. Allowing male perverts to use the lady's room because they wear a dress? Nope sorry. The US is about to return to "You get to keep more of what you've earned"
Want a flat screen? EARN one. Want health care? PAY FOR IT.
What Trump have you been listening to?

Most of that stuff you just mentioned is totally inconsistent with Trump's vision.
They were rioting in the streets, breaking windows, burning cars, etc, the day Obama took office?
No. People liked Obama, and most of them voted for him. Very different circumstances than Trump.
no, different people

Republicans don't do the kind of crap we're seeing today, and promised to see for the next 4 years.
Republicans don't have the burden of fighting for freedom. People will go to more drastic measure to fight for freedom, than they will to fight against it.
Republicans have fought for freedom for decades, it was for the freedom of others they became a national party.
They stopped decades ago. As modern populists, they're more like the pre-1960's Democrat Party than anything else.
Of course they are...

Ya see, you might call it "fuck(ing) entire swaths of the U.S. population' but we call it paying your own way. That check you were getting for sitting on your fast ass? Yeah, you won't be getting that any more.

Our blue states were sending checks to your red states. If you want to stop that, I'm actually fine with it.
Lucy Hamilton

Where have you had experience with leftists? Was it at university? Your level of hatred must come from some contact.

My family have hated this sort of human garbage for more than 100 years, and I'm proud that members of my family fought and disposed of POS like this on the streets in the 1920s, running battles with this sort of filth.

I have HATED Anarchists and Communists since I was a child, it's bred into me, the only good Anarchists and Communists don't have access to oxygen anymore.

My level of hatred is beyond visceral, on a scale on 1-10 it's 20.

I don't believe you are decended from Nazis. If you were you'd be a wreck, targeted by gangstalkers into killing yourself or on psychiatric drugs. They would have injected you when you were pregnant to make your children retarded.

It's happened to all of those people.

I'm immune to brainwashing and I'm immune to being made into a wreck and there are others who are the same.
I don't believe you.

It's very easy to immunise against brainwashing, you switch off and don't listen to whats being said, only the weak-willed succumb to brainwashing.
No. People liked Obama, and most of them voted for him. Very different circumstances than Trump.
no, different people

Republicans don't do the kind of crap we're seeing today, and promised to see for the next 4 years.
Republicans don't have the burden of fighting for freedom. People will go to more drastic measure to fight for freedom, than they will to fight against it.
Republicans have fought for freedom for decades, it was for the freedom of others they became a national party.
They stopped decades ago. As modern populists, they're more like the pre-1960's Democrat Party than anything else.
Of course they are...

What do you think the pre-1960's Democrat Party was you dumb rube?

The republican party that fought them for over 100 years was amazing. I wish they would come back, but there are literally barely any politicians who share their beliefs anymore.
Behold, the American left.

Sick fuckers.

I mean, Bush invaded and got millions killed, and will see millions more killed in the future with ISIS, Syria, etc. But yeah, the right isn't sick, the left is sick because NO ONE got killed, right?

Millions ?

There are estimates. You take the number of people killed as a result of Bush's foreign policy, you'll get millions.

I attribute most of those deaths to the people who did the actual killing. and inadvertantly Obama's foreign policy also led to deaths, don't ignore those and say its all Bushes policy. When he left things were stable.
Furthermore, this has absolutely nothing to do with whats going on today in DC and the behavior you are witnessing.

Ah, so you don't put the blame on the guy who started it? And you don't put the blame on the guy who got rid of the Iraqi police and armed forces, forcing thousands of young men to go seek work and the only place they could find it was in the insurgency? You don't blame those who fucked it up badly?

Why is that?

If you go out and murder someone of your own free will can you blame someone else? would you? when you say there are Millions of deaths, somehow placing all this on one person is BS. All along the line people have choices between right and wrong. I don't care if you don't have a job and have to join an insurgency. If you plant a bomb in a crowded marketplace it is your FAULT . Don't blame Bush for your actions. If you want to be be so technical you can say any foriegn policy causes deaths one way or another because they do. Clinton bombed Serbia and caused more people to die on both sides than had before his Nato bombing started, Obamas policy in Egypt and Libya and Syria caused people to die. Bush did screw up Iraq, we never should have gone in but the Shia and Sunnis have had Plenty of opportunity to make peace since then. Plenty. This is on them and their religious intolerence. If they want to kill their own people they should stop being snowflakes about it and blaming someone else.

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