Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

"Meanwhile every day we have black males attacking innocent victims."

According to the UCR white males commit more than double the assaults. But you racists have an excuse for that, because you think that because there are more of you that you get to commit more crime. It's funny how the excuses flow from your racist mouths when you get shown the hard way that everything we tell you is right.
From what I've read, the shooter is 18, white and has a bunch of White power stuff on his social media. Well isn't it nice that that within HOURS of the shooting we already have the Governor of New York spewing rhetoric about the dangers of WHITE SUPREMACY. Yeah that's what's important, let's inflame your base with race hatred because some fucking nut White kid went berzerk in a Top Market. Our Media sucks, the Democrats suck, first person shooter video games suck and mental illness sucks.
From what I've read, the shooter is 18, white and has a bunch of White power stuff on his social media. Well isn't it nice that that within HOURS of the shooting we already have the Governor of New York spewing rhetoric about the dangers of WHITE SUPREMACY. Yeah that's what's important, let's inflame your base with race hatred because some fucking nut White kid went berzerk in a Top Market. Our Media sucks, the Democrats suck, first person shooter video games suck and mental illness sucks.

Rule number one: IT ISN'T MY FAULT....

See, I wrote it much simpler than you did with your whole paragraph and like 50 words.
If the filthy fucking marxist animals can score a few political points off the backs of 10 innocent deaths, they'll do it in a heartbeat.... it's what they do. Let's go brandon.

Horrific and disgusting is what I would call it. And hopefully if the feds get a hold of this scumbag, he'd be getting a visit from Nellie the Needle at Terra Haute, Indiana.
Wow...what a brilliant deduction.
And your solution is to kill him.
Fucking brilliant.

Did you spend a whole hour thinking up that post?

What's next doofus?
What other incredibly obvious and unimaginative solutions are you going to come up with?
1) losing weight is good for fat people?
2) smoking is bad for you.
3) nuclear explosions kill people.

Fuck...it's like most of you idiots just sit on your useless asses all day and see something that interests you.
So, since you have few/no friends...and NO fucking life - you come on here and blather off some useless, imbecilic comments and pretend you just discovered the secret of Alchemy.

You know why you come here, Grandpa?
Because few people in the real world can stand listening to you prattle on.
And that goes for at LEAST 90% of everyone who posts on here with any degree of regularity.

Bye now.
Yea, sure he is, gun humper.
Have you read "his manifesto"? I saw a small piece of it and it was so oddly precise as to be banal. IF this person actually wrote it, he was reasonably well educated, had a VERY logical thought process, and was able to present his thoughts clearly.

That makes me quite suspicious. We'll probably never learn the truth if anyone is backing him but that doesn't change the fact that he's evil and that his evil is apt to light a fire that's difficult to quench. I'm shocked that we don't see rioting and cities on fire already. It's early days yet, though...
Looks like this may have been race-inspired.
No doubt. NOW we'll get to see the difference in the reaction from media as they cover this versus the slaughter in Waukesha last Christmas season. BOTH actions were EVIL. The coverage of Waukesha ended in a few days with no violence.
Notice how differently the Press covers these racially motivated hate crimes.
The Christmas parade killer was/is a BLM supporter, and the Press has never said that it was a racially motivated crime.

And anyone who has watched the 2000 Mules documentary knows that from collected cellphone data that some of the people who were at the J6 rally were also BLM and Antifa members.
This is the fault of anyone who used race as a tool to divide us all, as a means to convince us to hate each other this much.

When political beliefs drive one to disregard human life in such a manner, murder, then I want nothing more to do with it.

And if your words are responsible for driving a person to kill, then I want nothing to do with you either.
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He talks a lot about white genocide.
Gee, I wonder what party drove that fear?

That party which vilifies one for being white, for having a certain privilege for his skin color, for hefting the sins of his ancestors upon him for the crimes of slavery which he didn't commit upon his shoulders... for convincing him that being white makes one evil. That one must atone for being white.

I could go on, but these are things leftists have driven into the minds of some, and have driven them to such acts of barbarism.

When a party works to vilify someone because of their race, for being white, they are no different than those who vilified the black person for being black.

Am I defending him? No. What I am saying is that the errant reckless rhetoric I see coming from the political arena is responsible. Both parties are responsible.
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