Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

Peanuts compared to mass shooting in Progressive Utopias: USSR, China, Germany, Cambodia and so many other places where only government good guys have all the guns

See....those were mass shootings by government....according to leftists, those are okay, since it wasn't civilians doing the mass murder....
It's happening so often that it's hardly news. How utterly damning.

Payton S. Gendron

A white supremacist goes on a shooting rampage to eliminate people of a different color.

Its been a long thread. I haven't looked at every post. Has anyone blamed Biden yet?
Yep they see Israel as A Colonialist Occupier

In truth? They don't see Israel as anything more than a useful tool that they can use to exploit the muslims attacking Isreal.....it is all about leftism, and not much about the plight of those under muslim terrorist control.
In his manifesto he blames Jews for illegal immigration.. nothing about colonial occupation. This isn't about greenies. It's not hippies or liberals.

He is a self described eco-fascist...he wrote that......but I guess he might as well be a "White Hispanic," too.......you guys are now trying to hide what he wrote....

I told you, the more his manifesto gets out, the faster this story goes away...
Moron.....eco-fascism.....is leftist....fascism all by itself is socialism which is a left wing economic belief...and eco-nuts are leftists, not conservatives...
Nope. Fascism was embraced by Italian conservatives. Franco in Spain was also a conservative.
In truth? They don't see Israel as anything more than a useful tool that they can use to exploit the muslims attacking Isreal.....it is all about leftism, and not much about the plight of those under muslim terrorist control.
Nope. He blames Israel for illegal immigration.

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