Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

Biden didn't call for all guns to be banned.
Refrain from lying.
So if it was illegal to criticize the President (regardless of which party the current president is), but it remained legal to discuss your favorite sports teams, there would be no problem because "not all speech would be banned"??
A subset of the USMB community needs to look into a mirror and shout “LOOK WHAT YOU DID”into it. You guys push ridiculous conspiracy theories and at the end of that line is a psychopath who believes your nonsense.
You mean like Critical Race Theory?
No. You have guns because you're a pussy who can't defend yourself with what God gave you naturally.
Progressives are under-evolved, but most humans have a natural ability to make and use weapons.

It's actually a key feature of our species, for those of us who are fully-evolved at least.
So if it was illegal to criticize the President (regardless of which party the current president is), but it remained legal to discuss your favorite sports teams, there would be no problem because "not all speech would be banned"??
You DO know that some speech is banned, like threats and "crying 'fire' in a crowded theater", right?
It is easier to kill people with a gun,
So what? That doesn't make the victims any deader.

that is what they are made for
No it isn't. Hunting weapons are for firing at game animals, not at people.

Self defense guns are for protection, not for killing.

Target-shooting guns are for firing at non-living objects.

It is more fun when you dress up like Rambo and pull out your bad ass assault rifle
Rambo didn't carry an assault rifle.

Rambo carried an open bolt weapon. :cool:

Who needs them if a ten round magazine is just as effective?
Do you need a 30 round magazine to hunt Rabbits or only to engage in your Mortal Combat fantasies?
Did you confuse the US with the UK?

The British are serfs who have to convince their lord that they need a gun before they are allowed to have it.

Americans are free men who simply go out and buy a gun if we feel like doing so.
Nah...after several young children were slaughtered at Sandy Hook, it's clear the RIght doesn't give a shit.
Why should we?

It's not like guns are even a problem.

Fact is that America is getting to be known most for how dangerous it is here to get shot. Now, I know you are ok with that.
Getting shot is dangerous no matter where you are when it happens.

You DO know that some speech is banned, like threats and "crying 'fire' in a crowded theater", right?
Yes. And some speech is protected.

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