Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

Democrats are saying that "white supremacy is the biggest threat" and a significant number of Democrats say that all white people are racist. The left also promotes white privilege and white frigility.
Not all white people are racist.

This shooter is showing exactly why white supremacy is so dangerous.
Perfect example of bastardizing lies a out of a harmless academic idea making white teens think that schools are trying to teach that whites are evil which is leading to this crap. Thanks.
CRT claims are white people are racist. That's just a fact.
Why did you say CDC, FBI and CIA? They never said concealed carry prevented shootings.
I don't know about the CIA, but the FBI and CDC have done so.

I don't think you can compare hitting a deer in the road to a mass shooting.
Of course we can.

Just because the stats are inconvenient for progressives doesn't mean we can't look and see what the facts are.
No, not really.
Yes really. Lots of times self defense turns out all right.

Only 200 gun homicides a year by civilians are ruled as "self-defense".

Then the gun crazies sued Chicago claiming that not letting any idiot who wanted a gun in Chicago have one was a violation of the Militia Amendment. Even though none of these fools were in a militia.
The right to keep and bear arms is held by the people, not by members of any specific military body.

So not letting people have guns prevents mass shootings. Thanks for playing.
Massacre victims are just as dead if they are killed with some other kind of weapon.

Yes, the mythical non-violent DGU where having a gun made you feel better about your shortcomings.
There is nothing mythical about self defense.

Point stands... only 200 DGU deaths a year by civilians.
I see no relevance to this point. Is there any?

Good guys with guns never show up.
That's because of leftist policies preventing them from doing so.

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