Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

Mass shootings of this kind are usually committed by white guys.

That will continue to be the case as long as the determination is set on the number of casualties and deaths.
It wasn't a drive-by shooting in the ghetto.


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Gosh. It looks like you're wrong.

Gosh maybe I am not.
The states were under the complete control of the democrat party.......you idiot....your loyalty to the racist party, the party of actual slavery and jim crow is just funny..........
....and the Federal Government allowed these practices to go on for almost 100yrs, dumb ass. Also the Democratic Party of today is not the Democrat Party of 1950, that party resembles the Republican Party today.
The parties did not switch.....the democrats realized that if they kept hanging blacks from trees and blowing up black children in churches, that blacks would not vote for them...so they changed tactics, not beliefs...
They definitely switched, that is why you only have ONE black Republican Senator and how many black republican Congressmen?
EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD somebody born in the fucking 2000's did this, Dylan Roof was 21 when he shot and killed blk ppl in a church.. So let's just dead this narrative that if all the old ass racist die then all will be well. As if them old racist goats not passing that shit to their demon spawns

Also this community will be further impacted because they will probably permanently close this store. Blk people will have to travel further to get food for their families in this shitty economy, and from what I am seeing, the store provided affordable food options. They should have shot that fucker in the face just to send a message.
One need look no further than this board to see that hate is alive and well in this nation.

And in a strange way...those who are proud of their hatred are at least being honest. All you've seen on this thread is right wing low-lifes trying hard to present the old "who me?" argument
So tell us all wise Correll WTF is it.

IT? You are assuming ONE reason, even though you know that there are hundreds of individual posters?

What an odd thing to do.

FIRST one that comes to my mind, is that no one is DEFENDING hte shooter. Thus there is no reason to ATTACK him.

He is a murderer and I wish that he would be speedily convicted and then executed. That is my position on him. Barring someone disagreeing with that, there is no need of discussion, and certainly no need of heated discussion, getting into what a bad person he is.

His badness is self evident. Talking about it would be boring and pointless. I might as well discuss the need to drink water and then pee later. You drink water. Later you pee. Mass murders are bad people and should be executed. When you are sleepy go to bed. If you are hungry, eat food. My god this is boring.

That will continue to be the case as long as the determination is set on the number of casualties and deaths.
It wasn't a drive-by shooting in the ghetto.

What used to be called a "multiple victim" event is now a "mass shooting".
IT? You are assuming ONE reason, even though you know that there are hundreds of individual posters?

What an odd thing to do.

FIRST one that comes to my mind, is that no one is DEFENDING hte shooter. Thus there is no reason to ATTACK him.

He is a murderer and I wish that he would be speedily convicted and then executed. That is my position on him. Barring someone disagreeing with that, there is no need of discussion, and certainly no need of heated discussion, getting into what a bad person he is.

His badness is self evident. Talking about it would be boring and pointless. I might as well discuss the need to drink water and then pee later. You drink water. Later you pee. Mass murders are bad people and should be executed. When you are sleepy go to bed. If you are hungry, eat food. My god this is boring.
The guy went there to kill black folks.
These white males who complain about being “replaced” are the absolute dumbest.

Maybe you are being “replaced” because you are mediocre. And if he care so much about the lack of white people he could alway make more white babies but he can’t do that because his own woman don’t want him

White supremacist hate biology and mother nature very bad. Being white isn't genetically beneficial. It is best for one's progeny to be less white. White people have to deal with a high chance of skin cancer and if they have non-brown eyes, weakening of the vision.

Where in nature do you see a huge population of albinos? They don't realize that their just spouting insecurities.

Yet white people in this country have a longer average life expectancy... if you want to talk about genetics...

Frankly, this guys crazy race rants don't sound much different than your crazy race rants.

I never seen such an entitled, lazy, and self absorbed group of people with this dumbass ideology. White ppl literally have a layup in this country for being born male and white but still want to whine. No you are just a loser looking to blame your problems on everybody else. His ancestors literally stole, lie, pillaged, rape, and bastardized every culture and history they encountered from pre colonization but have the NERVE to cry in 2022 about declining birth rates, being “replaced”, and feeling other well b*tch it’s called karma.

Here's the thing. What white people are seeing that they don't have it as good as their parents or grandparents. The middle class is shrinking, the good union job that you could get out of High School is no more. They find themselves being crushed on all sides by debt, reduced job opportunities... and then some twit tries to blame him for stuff that happened hundreds of years ago. Yeah, I can see where the resentment comes in...

Once again - If he was so concerned with the white race population, why didn't he just marry a cross-eyed inbred girl, they have plenty of them in Upstate NY and start making white babies????
White people are becoming famous for this shit but yet always play scared of blacks.

The ugly ass mole rat couldn’t have just had a bunch of white kids to try and populate the country? Behind bars helps his cause how? But people keep thinking this new generation is so woke. As long as fanatics make these white basic males feel special by defending the race it will never end.

First, if we didn't have the current racial issues, this clown would have probably found some other excuse to do harm. We live in a country where it is too easy for get guns and too hard to get mental health treatment. But blaming the economic concerns of white people for this guy makes as much sense as blaming the concerns of black people for that idiot who plowed his SUV into a Christmas parade

If they aren’t making enough white babies that is not anyones fault but theirs. No one is “replacing” you. You decided not to replace yourself. That is not black people’s problem or burden.

Actually, not making enough babies is a good thing. Too many babies is why poor people remain poor.

"Louisiana has the highest murder rate in the U.S. of 14.4 murders per 100,000 residents. Murders were more than twice as common in Louisiana as they were nationwide. Murders are disproportionately concentrated in urban areas, especially New Orleans. New Orleans has a murder rate of about 37 per 100,000 residents, one of the highest of any U.S. city, followed by Baton Rouge with a murder rate of 35.1."
Louisiana has the highest percentage of black folks, too.
The police have a history of pinning crimes on black people and creating fake stats





And these are the people you trust ?




He's so far gone, he refuses to even believe or acknowledge the statistical facts.
Gee, I wonder what party drove that fear?

That party which vilifies one for being white, for having a certain privilege for his skin color, for hefting the sins of his ancestors upon him for the crimes of slavery which he didn't commit upon his shoulders... for convincing him that being white makes one evil. That one must atone for being white.

I could go on, but these are things leftists have driven into the minds of some, and have driven them to such acts of barbarism.

When a party works to vilify someone because of their race, for being white, they are no different than those who vilified the black person for being black.

Am I defending him? No. What I am saying is that the errant reckless rhetoric I see coming from the political arena is responsible. Both parties are responsible.
Democrats aren’t pushing White replacement theory.

Democrats aren’t saying that immigrants and brown people are scary.

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