Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

Left them marginalized and ignored till they died of old age.
How convenient! Bravo! I was thinking they shipped them to mars. So I guess they must have bussed in hundreds of brand new Republicans then to replace them. This is beginning to sound like the Stepford wives. But it would explain everything!
There is nothing more pathetic than the desperate attempts of some people to squeeze an evil person into one ideology or another in order to claim that the actions are typical of this evil ideology and purify one's own ideological bent (no true Scotsman).

Red herring.

Don't cover for the fact your party played a role in this.

Republican inaction on the issue is also responsible, to a lesser extent.
Why do you have to lie?

He's not pushing CRT. There is no rational way to claim he is.

He IS, however, pointing out how the left is pushing it, despite the left's denials.

Run along now. You have school tomorrow.
Providing a laundry list of links is pushing that theory. Run along, kid. You’re better at rambling incoherently about nothing.
Here is the ultimate irony, and hypocrisy. . . In one hour, I am listening to NPR push this narrative of a, "white supremacist," shooting, in the US, and in the next? They are pushing that the Biden administration, and the US government need to approve of 40 billion for neo-nazi white supremacists in Ukraine, and these NPC's, don't give any of it a single critical thought.

There are, in fact, links between the two. . . but these NPCs? They don't even give it a passing thought. Only partisan hatred and the agenda matter.


Buffalo Shooter Linked To Azov Movement As The Clumsy “Vanilla ISIS” Agenda Stumbles Forward​

Am I? Where have I pushed ideas that white people are inherently racist? Where have I said that white people are evil? Or fragile, or guilty, or privileged?

Please, show me.
I didn’t say you’re pushing ideas that white people are inherently racist. I said you’re pushing CRT as something that happens in schools, and not a conspiracy theory.
How convenient! Bravo! I was thinking they shipped them to mars. So I guess they must have bussed in hundreds of brand new Republicans then to replace them. This is beginning to sound like the Stepford wives. But it would explain everything!

Hundreds? Millions. They are why Jimmy Carter won the South in 76. But eventually they died out, and their children grew up, raised in desegregated schools and voting for Ronald Reagan and the Bushes.
Red herring.

Don't cover for the fact your party played a role in this.

Republican inaction on the issue is also responsible, to a lesser extent.
Of course it's to a "lesser extent"...always is with partisans.

Here is a novel suggestion. This murderer and his actions have little to do with any political party, but it's easier to sit in a circle blaming each other's "parties" then it is to figure out what led to this.
Providing a laundry list of links is pushing that theory. Run along, kid. You’re better at rambling incoherently about nothing.

No, it isn't. That's called providing factual evidence.

Something you demand but never acknowledge once that demand is met.

We can't help it you are too intellectually lazy to read any of those links.
That's like saying "In my grandfathers day. they could shoot blk ppl four times. Now we can only shoot black ppl three time. We have it so bad"

Payton Gendron: murders 10—calmly arrested
Nikolas Cruz: murders 17—calmly arrested
Dylan Roof: murders 9—calmly arrested
Patrick Crusius: murders 23—calmly arrested

But white dudes have it so bad.

Considering most of us aren't considering mass murderer as a career choice, that doesn't mean a lot.


Frank James - Shot 10 people on the NY Subway - calmly arrested
Darrell Brooks - Ran over a dozen people, killing six. - Calmly arrested

I'm sure I could find a whole lot more if I really wanted to spend the time to do so.
No, it isn't. That's called providing factual evidence.

Something you demand but never acknowledge once that demand is met.

We can't help it you are too intellectually lazy to read any of those links.
Wait. So what did you mean when you said it was a conspiracy theory?

Was the Christchurch shooter part of a white-supremacist network taking cues from al-Qaeda and Islamic State?​

  • Links have emerged between the shooter and a Ukrainian ultranationalist, white supremacist paramilitary organisation called the Azov Battalion
  • Ironically, there are similarities in ideology, strategy and recruitment tactics between such right-wing extremists and jihadist groups

"In the wake of the New Zealand mosque attacks, links have emerged between the shooter and a Ukrainian ultra-nationalist, white supremacist paramilitary organisation called the Azov Battalion. The shooter’s manifesto alleges that he visited the country during his many travels abroad, and the flak jacket he wore during the assault featured a symbol commonly used by the Azov Battalion.

His transnational ties go beyond Ukraine, however, as he claimed he was in touch with Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian terrorist, and he took trips throughout Europe, including the Balkans, visiting sites that symbolised historical battles between Christians and Muslims.. . . "
But to you, it is a greater extent.

Spare me, please. You are just as partisan as you claim I am.
Oh quit pretending you are above it all. Your just as partisan even though you pretend you are not. This guy is not unique. He is a product of our culture not political parties.
Here is a novel suggestion. This murderer and his actions have little to do with any political party, but it's easier to sit in a circle blaming each other's "parties" then it is to figure out what led to this.

Here's a novel suggestion. Drop the denial.

Partisans naturally deny that their party played any role in the motives of a bad actor.

Republicans failed to effectively combat the rhetoric coming from the left, allowing it to blossom and infect the mind of this murderer.

Do you realize the damage that rhetoric is causing?

Do you?!
White people always try this mentally ill thing with whites who kill blacks. Like Travis Reinking, the white supremacist who did a premeditated mass murder of Black people at a Waffle House, was NOT standing trial because they ruled he was mentally unstable.
I know a lot about Travis Reinking, his father lives near me and the local media has been all over this story. The dude is seriously fucked in the head. The police knew it and in a rare instance of sanity, they confiscated all his weapons, including his AR-15.

And then his father, who eventually was able to retrieve the weapons, actually drove the AR-15 down to Tennessee and gave it to his son. The only good thing that will result from these murders is that the old man owns a heavy construction business and has facilities in multiple states. He is loaded, and the families victims are going to be well off financially, cause he is as responsible as Travis for these murders.

Word is that they are Apostolic Christians and mom didn't want Travis taking medication so they prayed about it. The dude is seriously crazy, that is not in dispute.

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