Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

No, it isn't. That's called providing factual evidence.
Ok. I read through it again.

You’re saying that CRT itself is a conspiracy theory. I was saying that the right pushes CRT excessively to anger people (like you).

We’re not going to agree here and I think we got a little side-tracked.
Here's a novel suggestion. Drop the denial.

Partisans naturally deny that their party played any role in the motives of a bad actor.

Republicans failed to effectively combat the rhetoric coming from the left, allowing it to blossom and infect the mind of this murderer.

:lol: Your own words own you on this. You are pretending to put mild blame on the Republicans (they were unable to combat the Evil Democrats)...then go on to castigate the Evil Democrats. And you can't even see this is not even about political parties at all!
Do you realize the damage that rhetoric is causing?

Do you?!
The rhetoric is a mishmash of left and right, or did you not realize it?
Oh quit pretending you are above it all.

I hate to sound arrogant, but I am above it all.


Your just as partisan even though you pretend you are not

I didn't put "political atheist" under my avatar for no reason.

Rhetoric and political gamesmanship from both parties are equally responsible for what's happening to this country, the division, the reciprocal hatred. I despise both parties with equal fervor. But I also know where to place the blame.

In this precise instance, it was the left, majorly.
:lol: Your own words own you on this. You are pretending to put mild blame on the Republicans (they were unable to combat the Evil Democrats)...then go on to castigate the Evil Democrats. And you can't even see this is not even about political parties at all!

I like when the loser of an argument starts fashioning theories and citing fallacies to cover for their failure.
:lol: Your own words own you on this. You are pretending to put mild blame on the Republicans (they were unable to combat the Evil Democrats)...then go on to castigate the Evil Democrats. And you can't even see this is not even about political parties at all!

You also deceptively quoted my post. Something I thought was beneath you.

Clearly, I was wrong.
Okay, let's look at that. Chicago didn't have the gun violence problems we have today. In fact, by the Aughts, we got gun violence down to acceptable levels, thanks to some pretty strict gun laws.

Then the gun crazies sued Chicago claiming that not letting any idiot who wanted a gun in Chicago have one was a violation of the Militia Amendment. Even though none of these fools were in a militia.

And our gun deaths doubled. Imagine that.
Could I ask you why these shit holes are not enforcing the current laws. Just let them out.....lololol

Totally destroyed you Cuckie..I'm actually enjoying watching every minute of this,,,,,chuckle....chuckle
? I quoted your entire post and altered nothing.

I didn't say you altered my post. I said you deceptively quoted it.

I noted the strategic placement of your response to place emphasis on the last two sentences of my post.

I've been on this board too long to not see the tactics various posters use to gain advantages in a debate.
I hate to sound arrogant, but I am above it all.


I didn't put "political atheist" under my avatar for no reason.

Rhetoric and political gamesmanship from both parties are equally responsible for what's happening to this country, the division, the reciprocal hatred. I despise both parties with equal fervor. But I also know where to place the blame.

In this precise instance, it was the left, majorly.
You aren't as above all as you think, not going by your posts where you pretty consistently go after the left. This precise instance is an example.

How is all this ideological squabbling going to solve anything? What made this person?
I didn't say you altered my post. I said you deceptively quoted it.

I noted the strategic placement of your response to place emphasis on the last two sentences of my post.

I've been on this board too long to not see the tactics various posters use to gain advantages in a debate.
Not allowed to Bold sentences to highlight what you said.......Have you told your mommy yet?
You aren't as above all as you think, not going by your posts where you pretty consistently go after the left. This precise instance is an example.
Spare me the victim mentality. It would be an utter denial of reality to place the blame anywhere else, to not trace the origins of the rhetoric that drove the creation of more equally spurious rhetoric.

I have gone after Republicans more times than I can count. I think they are weak and spineless. They don't stand up for their constituencies the same way Democrats do.
Spare me the victim mentality. It would be an utter denial of reality to place the blame anywhere else, to not trace the origins of the rhetoric that drove the creation of more equally spurious rhetoric.

I have gone after Republicans more times than I can count. I think they are weak and spineless. They don't stand up for their constituencies the same way Democrats do.
What specific Democrat rhetoric are you claiming inspired this killer?
No one disputes that...
Now how did Jim add "MAGA" to his post or did I just miss that when I responded, Hmmmmmmm. Weird stuff, especially after responding where the post should have been locked in with my reply once it showed up with my reply after I replied. Oh well.... I agree the man was or is a racist, but the MAGA part Jim added, ummmm I don't agree with blanketing groups like that unless somehow it is found to be true. I know it's not true, but leftist gotta be hatin right ? LOL
How is all this ideological squabbling going to solve anything? What made this person?

I already stated what made this person.

Rhetoric from the left and counter rhetoric from the right, both equally false.

Ultimately, the left lit the match and set the blaze and the right sat there and let it grow.

In my mind, the left is responsible for this person. Had they never pushed this divisive rhetoric about white people, the extremist element of the right would not have felt the need to push the rhetoric that drove this killer.

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