Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

He and many others never seem to notice that the killer NEVER says he is conservative or republican:

"From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right. On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist."


“conservativism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.”


“I would prefer to call myself a populist. But you can call me an ethno-nationalist eco-fascist national socialist if you want, I wouldn’t disagree with you.”

Authoritarian Left


Says he doesn't want any part of being conservative at all.

Total left winger........

There has been another mass shooter like that...he had a garble of ideologies...
OMG, yes, I watched a lot of Frank James, that subway shooter's videos.
What a head case.

What bothers me, is how the establishment is using this one, for a politically driven agenda, and yet, that other one? Fell off the radar in a matter of days, if not one news cycle.

The tweets from the ACLU president from Nova Scotia on this, are? Outrageous.

Given this past tweet. . folks can put his current attitude and current tweets in context.

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I want to shoot this white fucker in the head, RIGHT in the court house to send a message RIGHT back.
I seriously don't think "white replacement theory" was ginned up out of thin air. It was in response to rhetoric from the other side.

Cause. Effect. Consequence.
That's just data. Minorities are growing at a faster rate than the white population. Eventually white people will become the minority.

I don't know which side first pointed out this fact and neither do you. You can't back up this claim that it came from the other side.
I already stated what made this person.

Rhetoric from the left and counter rhetoric from the right, both equally false.

Ultimately, the left lit the match and set the blaze and the right sat there and let it grow.

In my mind, the left is responsible for this person. Had they never pushed this divisive rhetoric about white people, the extremist element of the right would not have felt the need to push the rhetoric that drove this killer.
You are really beginning to excuse the inexcusable here by saying these extremists wouldn't have pushed if the left hadn't yada yada. These rightwing extremist views have been around a long time, the internet just made it easier to disseminate. These are views held by neo nazi's, white supremacisys, the KKK in it's hey day.
You are really beginning to excuse the inexcusable here by saying these extremists wouldn't have pushed if the left hadn't yada yada. These rightwing extremist views have been around a long time, the internet just made it easier to disseminate. These are views held by neo nazi's, white supremacisys, the KKK in it's hey day.

How many w.s. are there in this country?
That's just data. Minorities are growing at a faster rate than the white population. Eventually white people will become the minority.

I don't know which side first pointed out this fact and neither do you. You can't back up this claim that it came from the other side.

"Eventually white people will become the minority."

Said with undeniable sadistic glee.

And yeah, I just did back up that claim. A dozen times over. Your willful ignorance isn't my fault, it's yours.

Left: "white people are racist!"

Right: "they're all trying to replace the white people!"
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No idea. I doubt there is an official registry with id cards and secret handshakes.

We are told that w.s. are this big threat, but we are never told how big the threat is.

Sure. No "official registry", but if the FBI, doesn't have a number, an estimate of the supposedly biggest threat,

then what the fuck have they been doing? Seriously? Just playing with themselves?

Here is the truth of the matter. w.s. are a tiny fringe. No releases any numbers, because no one with the numbers wants to let it be known, how tiny and insignificant it is.

Not the w.s. themselves. THey know that they are on verge of fading away, and they need to constantly talk shit to create the illusion of relevance.

Not the Left. They want the boogey man, to keep the minority and far left base(s) afraid.

Not the government. They have been politicized and are supporting the goals fo the Left.
THIS rhetoric, Coyote .

I doubt this guy feels the same way about Frank James or Darrell E. Brooks.

The law should treat all these mass shooters the same, yet? They just let one of these mass shooters out on bond.


On the afternoon of April 16, 2022, a mass shooting occurred at the Columbiana Centre shopping mall in Columbia, South Carolina. Ten people ranging from 15 to 73-years-old were reported struck by gunfire. Two others were reported to have been injured in the evacuation of the building.[5][6][7] No fatalities have been reported.[8] Three people with firearms were reported to have been detained, although only one was said to have fired their gun. A black male suspect was arrested.[6][7] According to WFTV, injuries were later reported to be increased to 14.[9]

Oh. .. and looky here. . . on of those involved in the shootout? Out on bond. :sigh2:


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