Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

There's no evidence at all gun laws reduced crime. There's clear evidence that keeping convicted criminals in prison for very long terms did.

Gun laws have not been relaxed in Illinois, Chicago, or the surrounding states since the "ought's".
I could leave a gun on Joe's kitchen table and he would suddenly be convinced that it will spring to life with a mind of its own and kill him. That is literally his mentality.
You can't place the blame where it belongs because you are incapable of seeing the problem outside of a Dem Rep dynamic.

That is a cop-out. I know there is a nuance, or I would not claim to be a 'political atheist'
Ironic also, your statement comes from one just as consumed by such a dynamic.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

An racist attack brought on by another racist attack.

My point has thusly been demonstrated.
When I stated my position in this thread, and presented the data (the links on CRT), you flatly dismissed them.
And thus, my point is made and my answer is final. Stop trying to save face by feigning ignorance. You will fail.
And how do links to CRT prove that the left is mostly to blame for this mass shooting by Gendron?

You insist on embarrassing yourself. This is the part where you refuse to answer my question like the coward you are.

Prove me wrong.
I know a lot about Travis Reinking, his father lives near me and the local media has been all over this story. The dude is seriously fucked in the head. The police knew it and in a rare instance of sanity, they confiscated all his weapons, including his AR-15.

And then his father, who eventually was able to retrieve the weapons, actually drove the AR-15 down to Tennessee and gave it to his son. The only good thing that will result from these murders is that the old man owns a heavy construction business and has facilities in multiple states. He is loaded, and the families victims are going to be well off financially, cause he is as responsible as Travis for these murders.

Word is that they are Apostolic Christians and mom didn't want Travis taking medication so they prayed about it. The dude is seriously crazy, that is not in dispute.
He was PUNK. See white supremacist are cowards but he (Travis Reinking) tried to do what most of these white supremacists don't do, that is, go after young black men. But he got FKED up. And this white bastard in Buffalo didn't wanna go the BRONX because young black folk got illegal weapons. So he hit soft targets. that is Old black women and children
“This is the part where you refuse to answer my question like the coward you are.”

Very predictable. Too easy.

This is the part where you refuse to acknowledge anything I said to you previously.

Very predictable. Too easy.

Don't delude yourself, coward.
You are really beginning to excuse the inexcusable here by saying these extremists wouldn't have pushed if the left hadn't yada yada. These rightwing extremist views have been around a long time, the internet just made it easier to disseminate. These are views held by neo nazi's, white supremacisys, the KKK in it's hey day.
There have been extremists on both sides for as long as we've taken sides.

Extremism begets extremism, we just don't tolerate or excuse it when it's folks on our side doing it.

Fractions and factions of course either implicitly or explicitly turn a blind eye and make excuses.

It is however inevitable that even reasonable people will only be pushed so far before pushing back and that's pretty much always going to result with a bigger push back than the initial push.
That is a cop-out. I know there is a nuance, or I would not claim to be a 'political atheist'
Ironic also, your statement comes from one just as consumed by such a dynamic.
It isn't a cop out when your argument repeatedly returns to political parties (of which, by the way, I have none) and mine does not.

This particular issue is more accurately viewed in terms of radicalization. It isn't just ISIS any more who utilizes the internet to suck in vulnerable people. Multiple times we have seen killers form their extremist views from the internet, whether it's connecting with like minded, getting recruited into extremist ideologies, etc. You blame "the other side" for these extremists, because that is your own bias, but the truth is hatred of "the other", scapegoating, preying upon fears of cultural extinction to promote violence have been around for ever.
That is precisely my point.

They are saying that white people are scary. White guilt, white privilege, white fragility, the overall state of being white being a stain on history and everything in the future. Your constant vilification of one race in defense of another is what drove this madness. It is no different than what members of the Jim Crow era South did to black people.

How do you expect a white person to feel or act when they are told these things? Why do people like you insist on trying to make us feel worthless?
You think that is comparable to Jim Crowe?
It isn't a cop out when your argument repeatedly returns to political parties (of which, by the way, I have none) and mine does not.

I'm not falling for that.

I have taken sides on both ends of the spectrum, whereas you have taken only one. Consistently.
This particular issue is more accurately viewed in terms of radicalization.
What drove the radicalism?

Radicalism from the other side.

It is a vicious cycle, one I place blame squarely on the left for in this circumstance.

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