Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

Good grief. You really can't see it can you? Both sides? No. And you are still completely missing the point because all you can do is hammer down on the left over and over and over...
Because the left, the Democrats are responsible for the racial divide in this country, both in the modern era and historically.

You can't be serious.
Conservative Democrats, yes.

The fact they were Democrats however, remains.
. . . and Joe? He has been in D.C. so long, he was friends and allies, with ones older than he, they were his mentors, of those that were among them.

But these folks will be apologists and pretend, it just isn't so.

I heard a fact, and looked it up, and it is true, by two years.

The number of years from Lincoln's assassination to Biden's birth, is less than the number or years from Biden's birth to his inaugeration. THAT is how close Biden is to the Dixiecrats that oppressed the southern blacks.
Why do you think that the dems ended their alliance with southern segregationists?
Easy. The northern branch was always at odds with the southern over the issue of slavery and segregation, but the Dems like all political parties wanted power, in the form of the sothern voting block so they kow towed until Civil Rights became a make or break situation. They chose Civil Rights and the south drifted into the waiting arms of the Republicans, equally greedy for power, and no longer squeemish about racism.
The sentiment is the same, therefore comparable.

Anything else you wish to know?

What sane person finds some anti white rhetoric comparable to strange fruit hanging from a tree?

None of this anti white rhetoric you claim has led to the violence and marginalization directed at black people. Not even close.
Easy. The northern branch was always at odds with the southern over the issue of slavery and segregation, but the Dems like all political parties wanted power, in the form of the sothern voting block so they kow towed until Civil Rights became a make or break situation. They chose Civil Rights and the south drifted into the waiting arms of the Republicans, equally greedy for power, and no longer squeemish about racism.

"Became a make or break situation"? What does that mean? Sounds like something changed. Something that was working before, stopped working.

Let's fast forward. Do you really believe that Dem Leaders who spent their whole lives allied with segregationists and the Klan, suddenly decided to stop doing that because it was WRONG, or do you think that there was another reason?
None of this anti white rhetoric you claim has led to the violence and marginalization directed at black people. Not even close.

1) Extremist Democrats say "whites are racist", "whites are inherently racist", "whites are privileged", "whites today are guilty for their ancestors engaging in slavery" and, "whites think brown people are scary"
2) Extremist Republicans say "they are trying to replace white people", "they hate white people and want to kill them (or somesuch)"

It's not hard to see the causal relationship here.
Look at you making excuses for the Democrats' obvious historical and modern role in the race divide, says the one accusing me of making excuses.
No excuses. Just laughing as you keep piling it higher and higher.

Your obsession with blaming it all, even the motivations driving the killer, from the beginning of time - on the Dems or the left is blinding you to the real problems and is the reason why things like this will keep on happening. I pointed out several alternative avenues to explore but you kept cutting back to the same old mantra...it's the Dems fault! Why? Because it is more important to you that you find some way to blame them?
I am my own knight. My sword and shield are my own. People always gravitate to the superior position.

Why should I stop, when your arguments are so morally and factually vacuous?
When you are whining about being tag teamed, yet clearly have your own supporters, due to "superior position" you are being silly.

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