Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

No excuses. Just laughing as you keep piling it higher and higher.

Your obsession with blaming it all, even the motivations driving the killer, from the beginning of time - on the Dems or the left is blinding you to the real problems and is the reason why things like this will keep on happening. I pointed out several alternative avenues to explore but you kept cutting back to the same old mantra...it's the Dems fault! Why? Because it is more important to you that you find some way to blame them?

The only avenue the Left is "going to explore" is to keep panic mongering about wacists, and w.s. and w.n. and blah, blah, blah.

Oh, and using government forces to go after them. And by them, I mean, "them", as in anyone that the dems want to pretend might be wacist, to justify targeting.

In other words, just more of the same.
When you are whining about being tag teamed, yet clearly have your own supporters, due to "superior position" you are being silly.

Notice I was debating my position quite well before Big Bend, Correll, or MisterBeale showed up. I didn't need them to help me. I was doing fine on my own.

Also, this is an opinion board, they are welcome to opine on my position any time they want one way or the other. The sentiment they possessed whilst responding to my posts or yours is for them to determine, not you.
Look at Coyote and XponentialChaos trying to double team me. How quaint. You'll have to do better than "nuh-uh" if you wish to defeat me.

Don't look at it that way dude.

Coyote is a great person, and IMO, let's leftist propaganda from the corporate and government globalism agenda cloud her thinking a bit. I don't know what XponentialChaos' deal is, I have caught him lying before, and actually deploying Alinsky's rules. Don't pay him much mind.

If we are going to solve the problems, we need to investigate them with a critical mind, and not trust profit seeking or power seeking institutions or stake holders.

That includes the corporate media, foundations, and the government.

I already posted in this thread, that there is an agenda behind this, it has been ignored. Folks want to believe what they want to believe, based on the information they are fed through their TEE VEE and social media.

That is not what is really going on though. You know it, I know it.

Except for this incident, every mass shooting this year has been from black or Islamic shooters. . . but the media and the state have an agenda, to make it seem like white nationalists and white supremacists are the biggest threat, because they want to tie them to the GOP and conservatives. As of the Frank James shooting, whites were responsible for 2.8 percent of all the deaths from mass shootings this year. . . but the mass media does not portray it that way.

Mass Shootings in 2022​

Whites Responsible for Less Than 3% of All Mass Shootings In 2022 So Far—But Black Attacks Skyrocket

IMO? This has to do with the political weakness of the party in power. The Deep State, which is a combination of the military-industrial-complex, the bureaucracy, Wall-Street, the educational sectors, silicon valley, and related interests, wants to maintain an iron grip over the policy making of the nation.

Since they also run the intelligence agencies, and of course, the interlocking directorate, they are the one that create the narratives.

There is no need to demonize anyone that you disagree with. Folks can be free to believe what they want, it does not make you, or me, or Coyote a bad person.

No one ever "wins," a disagreement. The Alinsky way is evil, the Carnegie way? That is golden.

Notice I was debating my position quite well before Big Bend, Correll, or MisterBeale showed up. I didn't need them to help me. I was doing fine on my own.

Also, this is an opinion board, they are welcome to opine on my position any time they want. The sentiment they possessed whilst responding to my posts or yours is for them to determine, not you.
Absolutely right! So stop complaing if Chaos and I agree on something or opine on your position.
on the Dems or the left is blinding you to the real problems and is the reason why things like this will keep on happening.

I know why it is happening, I know who is causing it to happen. What you mistake for blindness is a total laser focus on the responsible party.

I know I am right and I will not change my position. This issue did not spring up out of the ether, someone or some group decided it would be great to introduce racism into American society.

From all the historical research I did from the 1860s on, that would be Democrats.
Why do you think that the dems ended their alliance with southern segregationists?
Actually for one election cycle they split into two factions, Democratic Party and Dixicrats. They soon resolved their differences and the Dixiecrat party faded away.

You folks kept sending the most virulent racists of the era back to DC for decades until Robert Byrd, the last of them finally died off in 2010.
There you go. Political parties again. Blame it all on the left.
The DNC itself is not bad, nor are liberals. It is "LEFTISTS," that are the problem. These folks don't even think the Constitution is a good thing anymore. I've read article from them, they don't hide their disdain, they attack it.

If we can't all agree that the Constitution is the ground rules we are playing with, why even defend the integrity of leftists?

. . . and most educated persons know, the leftists hide inside the DNC, just as the white supremacists and radical right, hide inside the GOP.

Hell, if the radical right and the Dominionists had their way, they would throw out the first amendment and make this nation a Constitutional theocratic nation, like Israel, only Christian in nature.

Both parties, and both sides have their warts, which make them problematic.

The DNC itself is not bad, nor are liberals. It is "LEFTISTS," that are the problem. These folks don't even think the Constitution is a good thing anymore. I've read article from them, they don't hide their disdain, they attack it.

If we can't all agree that the Constitution is the ground rules we are playing with, why even defend the integrity of leftists?

. . . and most educated persons know, the leftists hide inside the DNC, just as the white supremacists and radical right, hide inside the GOP.

Hell, if the radical right and the Dominionists had their way, they would throw out the first amendment and make this nation a Constitutional theocratic nation, like Israel, only Christian in nature.

Both parties, and both sides have their warts, which make them problematic.

The few remaining real liberals and actual moderates were purged from the party over the fight for Obamacare.
Don't look at it that way dude.

Coyote is a great person, and IMO, let's leftist propaganda from the corporate and government globalism agenda cloud her thinking a bit. I don't know what XponentialChaos' deal is, I have caught him lying before, and actually deploying Alinsky's rules. Don't pay him much mind.

If we are going to solve the problems, we need to investigate them with a critical mind, and not trust profit seeking or power seeking institutions or stake holders.

That includes the corporate media, foundations, and the government.

I already posted in this thread, that there is an agenda behind this, it has been ignored. Folks want to believe what they want to believe, based on the information they are fed through their TEE VEE and social media.

That is not what is really going on though. You know it, I know it.

Except for this incident, every mass shooting this year has been from black or Islamic shooters. . . but the media and the state have an agenda, to make it seem like white nationalists and white supremacists are the biggest threat, because they want to tie them to the GOP and conservatives. As of the Frank James shooting, whites were responsible for 2.8 percent of all the deaths from mass shootings this year. . . but the mass media does not portray it that way.

Mass Shootings in 2022​

Whites Responsible for Less Than 3% of All Mass Shootings In 2022 So Far—But Black Attacks Skyrocket

IMO? This has to do with the political weakness of the party in power. The Deep State, which is a combination of the military-industrial-complex, the bureaucracy, Wall-Street, the educational sectors, silicon valley, and related interests, wants to maintain an iron grip over the policy making of the nation.

Since they also run the intelligence agencies, and of course, the interlocking directorate, they are the one that create the narratives.

There is no need to demonize anyone that you disagree with. Folks can be free to believe what they want, it does not make you, or me, or Coyote a bad person.

No one ever "wins," a disagreement. The Alinsky way is evil, the Carnegie way? That is golden.

1. You can always win an argument with superior facts and evidence.

2. Never tell someone they are wrong, prove they are wrong.

3. I have easily admitted when I was wrong many times, with Coyote in particular.

4. Is hard to do on a board like this. I try most of the time, but the responses I get cause me to abandon the approach rather quickly.

5. Can't get someone so firmly entrenched in a position to ever say 'yes.' It is a waste of effort to do so.

6. That's something I do, by letting them talk. Why would I ever stop them from talking?

7. Of course. But I'm not here to hold their hand. If their idea is right, they need to prove it.

8. I do. But that does not absolve me from the positions that I already have.

9. I easily sympathize with the victims in this massacre, as did I with the victims of Waukesha and Brooklyn. That is not an issue with me.

10. Such as? In the context of this discussion?

11. I always do.

12. I never shy from a challenge on this board, nor do I hesitate to issue one.
The DNC itself is not bad, nor are liberals. It is "LEFTISTS," that are the problem.

No and yes, respectively.

The DNC is a cash-making apparatus, same as the RNC, which will exploit any event or tragedy to energize their supporters or incite them to radical action.
But the main difference is that Leftists have infected the Democratic party, and cowardice the Republican party.
Which means what exactly? That the southern dem branch was conservative at the time. The fact that they were rightwingers remains.
And neo-cons and neo-libs remain good friends to this day.

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In fact, they both agree to give 40 billion to the Azov Nazis in Ukraine, the same Nazis that the Christchurch mass shooter visited and wrote about as inspiration.

That same mass shooter that our shooter quoted from the Christchurch manifesto.

AH. . . it all comes full circle now.


The New Zealand mass Shooter, the "Hero's" in Ukraine that all our politicians just authorize funding for, and this psychopath ????



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