Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

Hm. I might just order this book.
I highly recommend it.

I had a copy and read it a few times. Kept it on the book shelf next to my PC desk, with a few parts marked. Since it was published in 1936, you could find a free copy on-line, if you are not averse to reading stuff on-line.

Yup, here it is, it's in the internet archives.

I lost my copy when my last home got destroyed in that flood three years back.
Yes I am. It's only progressives who have never figured out those last few evolutionary steps.

So what?

The mass of the moon is also off topic as it so happens.

Statistics show otherwise.

When Australia abolished freedom in the mid-1990s, the only result was a massive crime spree that went on for years.
We already have a massive crime spree because Democrats don’t want to prosecute criminals. Take away the Second Amendment and this nation would be a paradise for criminals. They would rob, rape and pillage with wild abandon.
I am respectfully going to back off this thread and leave you all with this:

From Greenwald's piece;

". . .Needless to say, the ideas that motivated these two black nationalists to murder multiple people, including police officers, is part of a core ideology that is commonly heard in mainstream media venues, expressed by many if not most of the nation's most prominent liberals. Depicting the police as a white supremacist force eager to kill black people, “grievances against perceived white dominance,” and anger over “the white supremacism endemic in America’s system of governance from the country’s founding” are views that one routinely hears on MSNBC, CNN, from Democratic Party politicians, and in the op-ed pages of The New York Times and The Washington Post.. . . "

And now? Not only is this coming from the corporate media? This is the official position of the government with their new hire. . .


Karine Jean-Pierre is replacing Jen Psaki at the White House briefing room podium, but you might not be able to tell the difference. She’s exactly as cookie-cutter MSNBC/CNN lib as her predecessor and everyone else that works at and runs the “Biden” White House.

Montage: New WH Press Secretary Calls Everything Racist​

. . . and, what Coyote is getting at, is the GOP is home to all sorts of racist vermin, that helped Trump get into office.

Denial is not a good luck for any partisan, left or right.
Trump got in because he was an outsider while Hillary was the ultimate insider. People were sick and tired of life long politicians like the Clintons and the Bushes and definitely didn’t want to see any more political dynasties after the Bushes.

While there still is racism in our nation it is not as wide spread among conservatives as the Democrats love to claim. If it was, Obama would have never been elected once let alone twice.

The Democrats have nothing to offer so they yell racism every chance they get. The sad part is it is the Democrats who are holding the blacks down.

Democrats Need Systemic Racism To Exist So Much, They Fake It
Trump got in because he was an outsider while Hillary was the ultimate insider. People were sick and tired of life long politicians like the Clintons and the Bushes and definitely didn’t want to see any more political dynasties after the Bushes.

While there still is racism in our nation it is not as wide spread among conservatives as the Democrats love to claim. If it was, Obama would have never been elected once let alone twice.

The Democrats have nothing to offer so they yell racism every chance they get. The sad part is it is the Democrats who are holding the blacks down.

Democrats Need Systemic Racism To Exist So Much, They Fake It
Maybe, I doubt it though.

REAL outsiders? IMO? Don't get coverage on the corporate and government run media, they get ghosted.

REAL outsiders? Have the primaries and caucuses rigged against them. IMO.
Maybe, I doubt it though.

REAL outsiders? IMO? Don't get coverage on the corporate and government run media, they get ghosted.

REAL outsiders? Have the primaries and caucuses rigged against them. IMO.
Of course real outsiders have a tough time getting elected as the major Parties prefer their own candidates. You can never tell what an outsider to the political system might do. He might even reveal some or all of the corruption that is going on. He might even try to drain the Swamp.
Because the left, the Democrats are responsible for the racial divide in this country, both in the modern era and historically.

You can't be serious.
Without constantly sowing division, primarily on the basis of race they'd never win another statewide or national election.

It's the same reason they never do anything to solve problems like crime and poverty, they just make both worse and blame republicans for it.
Easy. The northern branch was always at odds with the southern over the issue of slavery and segregation, but the Dems like all political parties wanted power, in the form of the sothern voting block so they kow towed until Civil Rights became a make or break situation. They chose Civil Rights and the south drifted into the waiting arms of the Republicans, equally greedy for power, and no longer squeemish about racism.


What sane person finds some anti white rhetoric comparable to strange fruit hanging from a tree?

None of this anti white rhetoric you claim has led to the violence and marginalization directed at black people. Not even close.
The civil rights act would never have passed, nor the 14th Amendment ratified without he Republicans.
There you go. Political parties again. Blame it all on the left.
You folks created it and just when it had pretty well died out had to pour as much gas as you could find on the embers to fire it all up again.

Might as well stand proud and accept the results of what you've all done.
"Became a make or break situation"? What does that mean? Sounds like something changed. Something that was working before, stopped working.

Let's fast forward. Do you really believe that Dem Leaders who spent their whole lives allied with segregationists and the Klan, suddenly decided to stop doing that because it was WRONG, or do you think that there was another reason?
They just took their hoods off when they decided that by sewing up the black vote they could maintain power for half a century.

The biggest issues in most races from 65-92 was how much more welfare money they could pump into minority communities to keep them all addicted.
Of course real outsiders have a tough time getting elected as the major Parties prefer their own candidates. You can never tell what an outsider to the political system might do. He might even reveal some or all of the corruption that is going on. He might even try to drain the Swamp.

A Brief History of Hopium​

With all these decades and—in the case of the oldest democracies—centuries of broken political promises, you'd think that the public would have caught on to the game by now. But, if anything, recent events have revealed that people are becoming more addicted to this politician-peddled hopium even as the lies and broken promises become ever more ridiculous. . . .
And neo-cons and neo-libs remain good friends to this day.

View attachment 645241

In fact, they both agree to give 40 billion to the Azov Nazis in Ukraine, the same Nazis that the Christchurch mass shooter visited and wrote about as inspiration.

That same mass shooter that our shooter quoted from the Christchurch manifesto.

AH. . . it all comes full circle now.


The New Zealand mass Shooter, the "Hero's" in Ukraine that all our politicians just authorize funding for, and this psychopath ????


Anything coming out of the Russians in Russia or Ukraine should automatically be highly suspect.

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