Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

These rightwing extremist views have been around a long time, the internet just made it easier to disseminate. These are views held by neo nazi's, white supremacisys, the KKK in it's hey day.

Oh. We're going there.

White supremacists and the KKK consisted majorly of Democrats in their heyday. Neo-Nazism is a relatively recent invention.

But thanks for buttressing my position.

The rhetoric from the extremist left drove the extremist right to come up with the rhetoric that drove this kid to murder. Even history is on my side.
"Eventually white people will become the minority."

Said with undeniable sadistic glee.

And yeah, I just did back up that claim. A dozen times over. Your willful ignorance isn't my fault, it's yours.

Left: "white people are racist!"

Right: "they're all trying to replace us!"

Great Replacement Conspiracy Theory has a very old history. It incorporates anti-semitism as well as racism. It has become a bit more mainstream with the far right in part due to the increasingly multi racial landscape in our country now: families, schools, workplaces.
Great Replacement Conspiracy Theory has a very old history. It incorporates anti-semitism as well as racism. It has become a bit more mainstream with the far right in part due to the increasingly multi racial landscape in our country now: families, schools, workplaces.

Will demographic shift have large effects on our nation?
Great Replacement Conspiracy Theory has a very old history. It incorporates anti-semitism as well as racism. It has become a bit more mainstream with the far right in part due to the increasingly multi racial landscape in our country now: families, schools, workplaces.

But what politics brought this theory on? It surely was a response to the actions of the opposing ideological fringe.
Furthermore, the theory has its origins in France. So, what drove some here to embrace that theory? What drove the French nationalist to create it? What was it in response to?

Liberal immigration policy. In this case, liberal immigration policy unique to French politics in the 1970's.
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Hm, no.

I am placing the blame where it belongs.

I excuse nothing.

But you are trying to absolve your party's responsibility in all of this.
It is not a party issue, not Dems, not Reps. Is that the only tool you have?

And yes, you did excuse it when you absolved them by placing the blame on the other side.

You can't place the blame where it belongs because you are incapable of seeing the problem outside of a Dem Rep dynamic.
It is not a party issue, not Dems, not Reps. Is that the only tool you have?

And yes, you did excuse it when you absolved them by placing the blame on the other side.

Every action has an equal or greater reaction.

Me placing the blame on the progenitors of the original action is not absolving this man of anything.

The reaction to the original action is why this guy went on a killing spree.

Rhetoric and counter rhetoric.

I excused nothing.
You dismissed mine, so why the sudden duplicity?
What data did I dismiss?

You said I stated this with sadistic glee, then you said I dismissed the data.

We’re not communicating well. If you can back up your claim then it’s time for you to do it already.
Okay, let's look at that. Chicago didn't have the gun violence problems we have today. In fact, by the Aughts, we got gun violence down to acceptable levels, thanks to some pretty strict gun laws.

Then the gun crazies sued Chicago claiming that not letting any idiot who wanted a gun in Chicago have one was a violation of the Militia Amendment. Even though none of these fools were in a militia.

And our gun deaths doubled. Imagine that.
There's no evidence at all gun laws reduced crime. There's clear evidence that keeping convicted criminals in prison for very long terms did.

Gun laws have not been relaxed in Illinois, Chicago, or the surrounding states since the "ought's".
I did in this thread, repeatedly.

Liberal race rhetoric.
The prove it with their own words over and over and then pretend it never happened.


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