Police Shootings Problem Needs Overhaul of Education System


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It keeps happening. Some (armed or unarmed) black guy gets shot by a white cop, and the next day black protestors are out in the street raising hell. But over what ? Rather automatically, they claim it to be racism. The results can vary from looting, arson, property damage, to people getting physically injured or even killed (as in the Rodney King fallacy).

In the Rodney King fiasco, it was a case of intentional false reporting by a TV station that lit the spark, and that can happen, but more often it's just a case of insufficient education, resulting in people being unprepared for confrontations with police. Many police shootings were 100% avoidable. Didn't have to happen. Could easily have been averted.

Problem was, while inundating kids with a ton of pointless and useless knowledge, our illustrious education system fails to educate them about what they need to STAY ALIVE. I'm not talking about a great classic movie. I mean citizens (mostly young, black males) are dying because their clueless liberal teachers know nothing about guns and police, and don't instruct the kids about that.

It's not rocket science. All that is critical to be taught is follow closely directions that the police give. Keep hands empty and visible at all times. DO NOT reach behind you, into pockets or jackets, or into car windows, or anyplace where a cop can't see your hands. If you fail to adhere to this scenario, you are going to be shot and probably die.

Once your hand disappears from the cop's view, he can no longer defend himself from you possibly shooting him. You may be unarmed, but the cop has no way of knowing that. So what it comes down to is, if you allow your hand to disappear from view, from his standpoint, the cop must realize he could shot in a 1/2 second. That's all it take to whip out a gun and fire, and the cop isn't going to gamble his life, nor should he/she.

It's time for the schools to get a handle on this. They also don't do a very good job (if at all) of teaching criminal law. Kids are graduating from high school with zero knowledge about what is or isn't a crime. Most don't know it's a CRIME to hit or push somebody, and in some cases even just inflicting psychological injury is a felony.

Schools have not had the scrutiny they should be getting, and need to be taken to task, and citizens (especially the riot-prone ones) need to get educated. Classic example: Markeis McGlockton, married with 3 kids, and knocking a guy to the ground, right in front of video cameras at a convenience store. Did McGlockton even know this was a crime ? Did his school ever even mention it ?
It's multiple reasons: the decline of respect within society, a fear of the unknown (especially when it's dark out), or, being a statistic if you are a cop, the media trying to turn everyone into amateur lawyers rather than just complying and dealing with it after in the courtroom, a desire by some to be heavy handed and support open violation of rights, and maybe just as important, at least in the U.S; excessive sentencing that drives a criminal to think "I'm facing 20 years for being caught with this __________, I might as well shoot and run".

The last point I do believe, is significant. Society has to balance being reasonable and giving second chances. Look at the woman Trump pardoned, she was facing, what, 30+ years for her first offense? I'm not trying to tell America how your justice system should operate, but I ask you, "do you think that sentence was excessive or not? What objective did it perform other than ruining lives and costing the taxpayer unheard of costs?

There is a time to take a hard line and throw away the key and a time to recognize, you are almost encouraging desperate violence with excessive sentences, in my humble opinion.
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It keeps happening. Some (armed or unarmed) black guy gets shot by a white cop, and the next day black protestors are out in the street raising hell. But over what ? Rather automatically, they claim it to be racism. The results can vary from looting, arson, property damage, to people getting physically injured or even killed (as in the Rodney King fallacy).

In the Rodney King fiasco, it was a case of intentional false reporting by a TV station that lit the spark, and that can happen, but more often it's just a case of insufficient education, resulting in people being unprepared for confrontations with police. Many police shootings were 100% avoidable. Didn't have to happen. Could easily have been averted.

Problem was, while inundating kids with a ton of pointless and useless knowledge, our illustrious education system fails to educate them about what they need to STAY ALIVE. I'm not talking about a great classic movie. I mean citizens (mostly young, black males) are dying because their clueless liberal teachers know nothing about guns and police, and don't instruct the kids about that.

It's not rocket science. All that is critical to be taught is follow closely directions that the police give. Keep hands empty and visible at all times. DO NOT reach behind you, into pockets or jackets, or into car windows, or anyplace where a cop can't see your hands. If you fail to adhere to this scenario, you are going to be shot and probably die.

Once your hand disappears from the cop's view, he can no longer defend himself from you possibly shooting him. You may be unarmed, but the cop has no way of knowing that. So what it comes down to is, if you allow your hand to disappear from view, from his standpoint, the cop must realize he could shot in a 1/2 second. That's all it take to whip out a gun and fire, and the cop isn't going to gamble his life, nor should he/she.

It's time for the schools to get a handle on this. They also don't do a very good job (if at all) of teaching criminal law. Kids are graduating from high school with zero knowledge about what is or isn't a crime. Most don't know it's a CRIME to hit or push somebody, and in some cases even just inflicting psychological injury is a felony.

Schools have not had the scrutiny they should be getting, and need to be taken to task, and citizens (especially the riot-prone ones) need to get educated. Classic example: Markeis McGlockton, married with 3 kids, and knocking a guy to the ground, right in front of video cameras at a convenience store. Did McGlockton even know this was a crime ? Did his school ever even mention it ?

Excellent piece, thanks.

While many barriers to compliance with law enforcement officer instructions exist, ignorance of proper reactionary behavior in police presence is a big one. Kids learn more from movies or You Tube videos about interaction with the police than anywhere else it seems, and what media teaches them is mostly, dangerously, wrong. The other potentially lethal source of officer/civilian interaction "education" is cultural misunderstanding handed down from parent to child, when parents should, instead of fear and hatred of cops, instill trust, respect, and sense of responsibility for their actions.

Apart from the duties of the given moment, law enforcement officers want to keep each other safe and get home to their families or off-duty lives, end of shift. You've got to realize police forces are brotherhoods thick as any Marine rifle squad. Public safety is a central concern, however, "unit" loyalty can be much stronger a motivating factor. In other words, if an individual fails to comply, appears armed and willing to use it, an officer's partner and support units will back him up to whatever extent is required to make sure everyone goes home, comes back in the next day.

No matter how tough or thick headed or brave or robotic a law enforcement officer appears to be, above all else--in many situations--he or she is going to be on edge and in fear for their own lives or the lives of fellow officers. What that means is sudden moves, blatant lies, shady appearances will only serve to heighten their sense of offensive, aggressive caution. Generally speaking, the manner in which you treat an officer defines the treatment you will receive in return.
Wait , the Rodney King beating was legit ?

See. This is why people protest . This attitude that the cops can do whatever they want .
Wait , the Rodney King beating was legit ?

See. This is why people protest . This attitude that the cops can do whatever they want .

Wow. 26 years gone by, and Timmy still doesn't know the Rodney King, KTLA-TV super Fake News episode. Well, uninformed one, in a nutshell, after King leading cops on a high-speedchase of up to 115 MPH and 85 MRH on residential streets (miraculous that no one was killed), King's 2 buddies in the car with him, Freddie Helms and Bryant Allen, surrendered peacefully to the police, were handcuffed without resistance, and put in the police car. While they sat still and quietly there, angel dust Rodney did about everything you could think of that could be put in the category of resisting arrest, and then some. After being told to lie on the ground (as his buddies had done), he ignored commands, he danced around, he babbled to himself, he smiled/laughed, wiggled his ass at the female officer (Melanie Singer), waved to the police helicopter overhead. Then he began to meander about, crouching and kneeling, and just about everything but lying down, as the cop instructed.

After enough of this lunacy, the senior officer present, Sergeant Stacey Koon ordered 4 officers to subdue King. They attempted, and the 6 foot 4, 250 pound King, blasted with PCP (his friends later conceded & testified), and having superhuman strength, and impervious to pain from the drug, was able to shake the officers off. Koon shot King with a taser dart which had little effect on the "dusted" Rodney. Rodney then leaped up and lunged at Officer Powell, which earned him his first whack from a police baton (billy club). Koon again tasered King but the heavily drugged Rodney shook it off. Having tried everything else, the cops were down to their next-to last option, the batons.

So now after fighting with the cops, resisting arrest to the hilt, they went with the by-the-book procedure for subduing aggressive suspects, short of lethal action. 3 cops started hitting King with batons, as King kept on fighting against the cops, and getting back up off the ground. If/when King moved and moved to get up, the cops wacked him. It was ONLY this part of the whole confrontation (previously riddled with resisting arrest fighting), that KTLA allowed viewers to see, repeated on an endless loop on TV, the tape deliberately edited/FAKED to suggest police brutality, instead of the actual event, with King lunging at the officers, properly reported on a violent, belligerent suspect.

Nearly everyone who saw the whole taping, agreed the cops did what they had to do, only because of King's massive, and illegal resistance. But that isn't what the public saw. They saw the KTLA-edited version, which was clearly designed to suggest racism (with the first 13 seconds of the videotape deliberately cut out).

In summary, 2 juries in 2 trials, said it wasn't racism, the police, and Rodney King himself said it wasn't racism. The media's "conclusion" ? Racism. And of the resulting riots ? 54 dead, thousands of injuries, a Billion $ damages. There you have it, 26 years late. Better late than never.

For more information see Chapter 8 in the book Mugged, by Ann Coulter, entitled RODNEY KING - THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE EDIT IN HISTORY. (with 40 footnote sources backing it up, in addition to the WHOLE UNEDITED videotape of the incident)

After this, no excuse to not know what happened.
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It keeps happening. Some (armed or unarmed) black guy gets shot by a white cop, and the next day black protestors are out in the street raising hell. But over what ? Rather automatically, they claim it to be racism. The results can vary from looting, arson, property damage, to people getting physically injured or even killed (as in the Rodney King fallacy).

In the Rodney King fiasco, it was a case of intentional false reporting by a TV station that lit the spark, and that can happen, but more often it's just a case of insufficient education, resulting in people being unprepared for confrontations with police. Many police shootings were 100% avoidable. Didn't have to happen. Could easily have been averted.

Problem was, while inundating kids with a ton of pointless and useless knowledge, our illustrious education system fails to educate them about what they need to STAY ALIVE. I'm not talking about a great classic movie. I mean citizens (mostly young, black males) are dying because their clueless liberal teachers know nothing about guns and police, and don't instruct the kids about that.

It's not rocket science. All that is critical to be taught is follow closely directions that the police give. Keep hands empty and visible at all times. DO NOT reach behind you, into pockets or jackets, or into car windows, or anyplace where a cop can't see your hands. If you fail to adhere to this scenario, you are going to be shot and probably die.

Once your hand disappears from the cop's view, he can no longer defend himself from you possibly shooting him. You may be unarmed, but the cop has no way of knowing that. So what it comes down to is, if you allow your hand to disappear from view, from his standpoint, the cop must realize he could shot in a 1/2 second. That's all it take to whip out a gun and fire, and the cop isn't going to gamble his life, nor should he/she.

It's time for the schools to get a handle on this. They also don't do a very good job (if at all) of teaching criminal law. Kids are graduating from high school with zero knowledge about what is or isn't a crime. Most don't know it's a CRIME to hit or push somebody, and in some cases even just inflicting psychological injury is a felony.

Schools have not had the scrutiny they should be getting, and need to be taken to task, and citizens (especially the riot-prone ones) need to get educated. Classic example: Markeis McGlockton, married with 3 kids, and knocking a guy to the ground, right in front of video cameras at a convenience store. Did McGlockton even know this was a crime ? Did his school ever even mention it ?
Hmm, yes. I live with blacks . Blacks are their own worst enemies. Not institutional white racism, nor
not bad white police officers. They themselves are their own worst enemies. Spike Lee needs to make a movie about THAT particular issue. That barrier needs to be broken, the weird black neurosis that leads them to their own defeat at their own hands. Get over it. Whites aren't the problem anymore, it's blacks holding them selves back now.
SO, are there any teachers in here ? So what about it ? Do you think you might teach the kids citizen/police interaction ? And teach them a few things about criminal law, so they'll know the things they've been doing all year long, happen to be crimes ?
I am thinking Neil Degras Tyson and physics, but instead I get Boombox Shacur imitator being a total asshole
instead. Playing loud ass rap. Black culture is better than that, I think.Black culture transcends all that, I hope. We shall see.
No, Black culture is evil and bad. Christ, look at any Black dominated country. Blacks who embrace White culture, however are sometime very successful if they have intelligence and talent (DNA mutation - probably some White blood in their background).
No, Black culture is evil and bad. Christ, look at any Black dominated country. Blacks who embrace White culture, however are sometime very successful if they have intelligence and talent (DNA mutation - probably some White blood in their background).
True. There are some blacks who, even in spite of tough beginnings, really do go places. Examples ? Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Condaleeza Rice.
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It keeps happening. Some (armed or unarmed) black guy gets shot by a white cop, and the next day black protestors are out in the street raising hell. But over what ? Rather automatically, they claim it to be racism. The results can vary from looting, arson, property damage, to people getting physically injured or even killed (as in the Rodney King fallacy).

In the Rodney King fiasco, it was a case of intentional false reporting by a TV station that lit the spark, and that can happen, but more often it's just a case of insufficient education, resulting in people being unprepared for confrontations with police. Many police shootings were 100% avoidable. Didn't have to happen. Could easily have been averted.

Problem was, while inundating kids with a ton of pointless and useless knowledge, our illustrious education system fails to educate them about what they need to STAY ALIVE. I'm not talking about a great classic movie. I mean citizens (mostly young, black males) are dying because their clueless liberal teachers know nothing about guns and police, and don't instruct the kids about that.

It's not rocket science. All that is critical to be taught is follow closely directions that the police give. Keep hands empty and visible at all times. DO NOT reach behind you, into pockets or jackets, or into car windows, or anyplace where a cop can't see your hands. If you fail to adhere to this scenario, you are going to be shot and probably die.

Once your hand disappears from the cop's view, he can no longer defend himself from you possibly shooting him. You may be unarmed, but the cop has no way of knowing that. So what it comes down to is, if you allow your hand to disappear from view, from his standpoint, the cop must realize he could shot in a 1/2 second. That's all it take to whip out a gun and fire, and the cop isn't going to gamble his life, nor should he/she.

It's time for the schools to get a handle on this. They also don't do a very good job (if at all) of teaching criminal law. Kids are graduating from high school with zero knowledge about what is or isn't a crime. Most don't know it's a CRIME to hit or push somebody, and in some cases even just inflicting psychological injury is a felony.

Schools have not had the scrutiny they should be getting, and need to be taken to task, and citizens (especially the riot-prone ones) need to get educated. Classic example: Markeis McGlockton, married with 3 kids, and knocking a guy to the ground, right in front of video cameras at a convenience store. Did McGlockton even know this was a crime ? Did his school ever even mention it ?

Funny. That isn’t what the Police think. But obviously they don’t see the issue as clearly as you. Ending Police Brutality Starts With Firing Dangerous Cops | HuffPost

That was written by the former Chief of the Salt Lake City Police Department. Of course your experience is far superior to his.
No, Black culture is evil and bad. Christ, look at any Black dominated country. Blacks who embrace White culture, however are sometime very successful if they have intelligence and talent (DNA mutation - probably some White blood in their background).

The far left teaches them that they are victims and that someone else is to blame for their conditions.

They pass their hatred of "whites" down through the generations, yet none of the new generation have even experienced anything like it was in the 60's.

Even those that make it will exploit that. Such as rappers. They get rich telling those that listen they are being held down by the man.
It keeps happening. Some (armed or unarmed) black guy gets shot by a white cop, and the next day black protestors are out in the street raising hell. But over what ? Rather automatically, they claim it to be racism. The results can vary from looting, arson, property damage, to people getting physically injured or even killed (as in the Rodney King fallacy).

In the Rodney King fiasco, it was a case of intentional false reporting by a TV station that lit the spark, and that can happen, but more often it's just a case of insufficient education, resulting in people being unprepared for confrontations with police. Many police shootings were 100% avoidable. Didn't have to happen. Could easily have been averted.

Problem was, while inundating kids with a ton of pointless and useless knowledge, our illustrious education system fails to educate them about what they need to STAY ALIVE. I'm not talking about a great classic movie. I mean citizens (mostly young, black males) are dying because their clueless liberal teachers know nothing about guns and police, and don't instruct the kids about that.

It's not rocket science. All that is critical to be taught is follow closely directions that the police give. Keep hands empty and visible at all times. DO NOT reach behind you, into pockets or jackets, or into car windows, or anyplace where a cop can't see your hands. If you fail to adhere to this scenario, you are going to be shot and probably die.

Once your hand disappears from the cop's view, he can no longer defend himself from you possibly shooting him. You may be unarmed, but the cop has no way of knowing that. So what it comes down to is, if you allow your hand to disappear from view, from his standpoint, the cop must realize he could shot in a 1/2 second. That's all it take to whip out a gun and fire, and the cop isn't going to gamble his life, nor should he/she.

It's time for the schools to get a handle on this. They also don't do a very good job (if at all) of teaching criminal law. Kids are graduating from high school with zero knowledge about what is or isn't a crime. Most don't know it's a CRIME to hit or push somebody, and in some cases even just inflicting psychological injury is a felony.

Schools have not had the scrutiny they should be getting, and need to be taken to task, and citizens (especially the riot-prone ones) need to get educated. Classic example: Markeis McGlockton, married with 3 kids, and knocking a guy to the ground, right in front of video cameras at a convenience store. Did McGlockton even know this was a crime ? Did his school ever even mention it ?

Funny. That isn’t what the Police think. But obviously they don’t see the issue as clearly as you. Ending Police Brutality Starts With Firing Dangerous Cops | HuffPost

That was written by the former Chief of the Salt Lake City Police Department. Of course your experience is far superior to his.

Supposedly according to him, the OP was in combat in 2016...at the age of 65 or whatever.


Just do the following .... point, laugh, move on.
Funny. That isn’t what the Police think. But obviously they don’t see the issue as clearly as you. Ending Police Brutality Starts With Firing Dangerous Cops | HuffPost

That was written by the former Chief of the Salt Lake City Police Department. Of course your experience is far superior to his.
FALSE! It's EXACTLY what police think, and it is standard content in police academy training all over America, as a link you posted in another thread revealed. As for the former chief, he did not say one word about police firing guns in self-defense, when suspects' hands disappeared from view, or were holding something in them.

In addition, his conclusions are wrong, and examples are lousy ones. In the Pantaleo case, there was not a chokehold used, according to the NYC medical examiner, and the entire episode was supervised at the scene by a black woman police sergeant.

In the Rice case, a dispatcher did not tell the cops the caller thought it was probably a child with a fake gun. Grand jury agreed it was miscommunication, not cop fault.

Both cases are off topic from the theme of the OP/thread. Please improve your posting.
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Supposedly according to him, the OP was in combat in 2016...at the age of 65 or whatever.

View attachment 209993
Just do the following .... point, laugh, move on.
First of all none of that has anything to do with the TOPIC.

Secondly, I explained to you (years ago, when you first started HARRASSING ME) that I just flew over ground combat (which is a sort of being in combat-since planes can be shot at), and I did mechanical inspection of aircraft parts, in a machine shop. Now shut the fuck up, you slimebitch tramp.
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Supposedly according to him, the OP was in combat in 2016...at the age of 65 or whatever.

View attachment 209993
Just do the following .... point, laugh, move on.
First of all none of that has anything to do with the TOPIC.

Secondly, I explained to you (years ago, when you first started HARRASSING ME) that I just flew over ground combat (which is a sort of being in combat-since planes can be shot at), and I did mechanical inspection of aircraft parts, in a machine shop. Now shut the fuck up, you slimebitch tramp.

Supposedly according to him, the OP was in combat in 2016...at the age of 65 or whatever.

View attachment 209993
Just do the following .... point, laugh, move on.
First of all none of that has anything to do with the TOPIC.

Secondly, I explained to you (years ago, when you first started HARRASSING ME) that I just flew over ground combat (which is a sort of being in combat-since planes can be shot at), and I did mechanical inspection of aircraft parts, in a machine shop. Now shut the fuck up, you slimebitch tramp.

That you claim to have knowledge and experience you clearly do not...much less claiming you were in combat when you weren't is very much relevant to the discussion.
That you claim to have knowledge and experience you clearly do not...much less claiming you were in combat when you weren't is very much relevant to the discussion.
So you think I "clearly" don't have knowledge of mechanical inspection of aircraft parts in a machine shop ? HA HA.How would that be "clear" to you ? lol

I did that work in machine shops and high-tech companies for 30 years, and worked for Intel, IBM, GE Nuclear, Quantum, Aerosonic, and numerous machine shops. Wanna test me ? :biggrin:

And I was "in combat" just flyng over it, as I said. If you don't believe it, I think I'll survive that. :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

As for this not being relevant to the discussion, I'm the one who created the discussion, and YOU are the one who went off topic from it with this jibberish (in Post # 15), so get on topic, bitch.
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