Police shortage thanks to “woke” liberal democrat policy?

Horseshit. Every time some scum ball black gets killed it's murder to you. Yes, police officers do use deadly force for their safety or a life threatening situation. It's part of the job when needed.
That's more horseshit, anytime the police murders someone black racist like you claim ot was justified.
That's more horseshit, anytime the police murders someone black racist like you claim ot was justified.

It is justified until an investigation states it's not. But it doesn't matter what any investigation reveals. You will never accept it unless it goes your way and fosters your conspiracy beliefs.
There are law enforcement shortages all over the country. Considering the public shift against law enforcement it seems like it's definitely connected. Hate on cops enough and nobody is wants to do it.
It is very likely.

But all we have is a bunch of parrots squawking about it. No one bothers to provide something more than just conjecture. What is the point.
Even going with your narrative it's still an important job that needs to get done. We need people to enforce laws. I think little kids are not being taught that law enforcement is an honorable profession anymore. Not as many kids saying they want to be police officers when they grow up.
I think the problem lies more with what we want from cops. We need to expand what cops do so they are more connected with the community and expand the contact they have with the public so it is more then them coming to ruin your day. People do not see it as an honorable job for a reason, the cops are never there to help.
Do you expect me to post sworn affidavits from police officers?

Its pretty obvious what the cause snd affect of liberal demonization of the police

Once again I urge libs to think for themselves instead of waiting to be informed by trusted lefty propaganda sources


Wait til you see the results of the exodus from the teaching profession due to the "right wing demonization of teachers".

But you know, you were the cat that has such a vendetta against teachers that having a live cam on classrooms seemed like a great idea to you. With six year olds inside. One of your fellow brain trusts said okay, yeah, just keep the five year olds in desks all day, no moving around, and the teacher stationery, so only the teacher is on the live cam.

This is what you and yours are doing to teachers and the same will happen in schools. Disaster.
I think the problem lies more with what we want from cops. We need to expand what cops do so they are more connected with the community and expand the contact they have with the public so it is more then them coming to ruin your day. People do not see it as an honorable job for a reason, the cops are never there to help.
Like when they had cops walking beats and two cops in each patrol car? Try that now and see how "community activists" respond.
It is justified until an investigation states it's not. But it doesn't matter what any investigation reveals. You will never accept it unless it goes your way and fosters your conspiracy beliefs.
That's the problem, too many are not even investigated. Is that why you are still whining about Chauvin.
How many times does this lesson have to be learned? The market will make sure that scarce resources (they are all scarce) are allocated to where they have the most value. When the job of policeman has a lower value, people will take other jobs. Nothing reduces the value of an opportunity more than the expectation of an adversarial government. This goes for police jobs, oil or coal investments, regulated lands, etc.

Wait til you see the results of the exodus from the teaching profession due to the "right wing demonization of teachers".

But you know, you were the cat that has such a vendetta against teachers that having a live cam on classrooms seemed like a great idea to you. With six year olds inside. One of your fellow brain trusts said okay, yeah, just keep the five year olds in desks all day, no moving around, and the teacher stationery, so only the teacher is on the live cam.

This is what you and yours are doing to teachers and the same will happen in schools. Disaster.
I still want cameras in the classroom snd thanks for bringing it up again

Children are too valuable to leave them to strangers

Did you see the video of the female daycare workers wearing scary masks terrorizing small children

Without the video evidence we would never have known

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I still want cameras in the classroom snd thanks for bringing it up again

Children are too valuable to leave them to strangers

Did you see the video of the female daycare workers wearing scary masks terrorizing small children

Without the video evidence we would never have known

The state compels children into schooling....

And you're okay then with the state videotaping them.

Okay. Seems....strange
The state compels children into schooling....

And you're okay then with the state videotaping them.

Okay. Seems....strange
For a teacher you are a pretty slow learner

I have explained to you several times that we can video the teacher only

Or we can blur the faces of the children

We have the technology to overcome all your objections
That's the problem, too many are not even investigated. Is that why you are still whining about Chauvin.

All I said about that case is the black criminal was loaded up with a deadly amount of fentanyl, mixed with meth, had covid, and a serious heart condition he apparently didn't care about. I'm sure Chauvin used that move on dozens of people with no problems. Had that case been moved away from the savages where he could have gotten a fair trial and witnesses that didn't need to be concerned about the safety of themselves and family, he wouldn't be in prison today.
In the Chitty of Autism TX we have a DA that is prosecuting cops for shooting bed wetting rioter pieces of shit with bean bag rounds. The bed wetting vandals and arsonists are getting paid by the Chitty Counsel of Fuckhead Commies millions because they somehow suffered "brain damage", which we all know isn't even possible.

I don't know why anyone would work as a cop in any city run exclusively by democrook lunatics, let alone serve and protect a community that empowers those criminal sociopaths. I personally loathe the city, and would take a piss to stop it from burning to the ground. These assholes deserve everything that happens once the last handful of police finally do just say "fuck it", and take off. The ghetto rats and trailer park junkies are going to eat these fuckhead liberal dipshits alive.

All I said about that case is the black criminal was loaded up with a deadly amount of fentanyl, mixed with meth, had covid, and a serious heart condition he apparently didn't care about. I'm sure Chauvin used that move on dozens of people with no problems. Had that case been moved away from the savages where he could have gotten a fair trial and witnesses that didn't need to be concerned about the safety of themselves and family, he wouldn't be in prison today.
Stupidbadbitchassmuthafucka doesn't give a shit about George Kirby or any other dumbfuck Leroy that plays stupid games, and wins a stupid prize. He also doesn't give a shit about the innocent blacks who actually are wrongfully injured or killed by police which is rare, or those killed by violent thugs that ought to be in prison, which is the most common circumstance of all.

He is just a bigoted jabbering imbecile.

Stupidbadbitchassmuthafucka doesn't give a shit about George Kirby or any other dumbfuck Leroy that plays stupid games, and wins a stupid prize. He also doesn't give a shit about the innocent blacks who actually are wrongfully injured or killed by police which is rare, or those killed by violent thugs that ought to be in prison, which is the most common circumstance of all.

He is just a bigoted jabbering imbecile.

Meanwhile, back in reality...
More Whites are killed by "Police" than Negros. Yet ironically more Negros are killed by Negros, than police...
Excuse me, while I take this moment to not give a fuck...
All I said about that case is the black criminal was loaded up with a deadly amount of fentanyl, mixed with meth, had covid, and a serious heart condition he apparently didn't care about. I'm sure Chauvin used that move on dozens of people with no problems. Had that case been moved away from the savages where he could have gotten a fair trial and witnesses that didn't need to be concerned about the safety of themselves and family, he wouldn't be in prison today.
You come with the same weak argument, you are a racist and will.make any excuse to justify this coward murdering a black man. He was convicted in a state court and federal court. Amazing how the trial isn't fair when you don't get the verdict you want.
You come with the same weak argument, you are a racist and will.make any excuse to justify this coward murdering a black man. He was convicted in a state court and federal court. Amazing how the trial isn't fair when you don't get the verdict you want.

Except it has nothing to do with what I want. Our Constitution guarantees all citizens the right to a speedy trial judged by an impartial court of jury. There is nobody half-way honest that can say it was impartial with all the savages outside that would have revolted if it didn't go their way. That's why the case should have been moved on the other end of the state where jurors and witnesses didn't feel threatened.
Except it has nothing to do with what I want. Our Constitution guarantees all citizens the right to a speedy trial judged by an impartial court of jury. There is nobody half-way honest that can say it was impartial with all the savages outside that would have revolted if it didn't go their way. That's why the case should have been moved on the other end of the state where jurors and witnesses didn't feel threatened.
More excuse making, how many black folks have been unjustly convicted when savages were outside wanting to lynch them. How many black men have spent countless years in prison because crooked cops set them up? Chauvin was convicted by a state court and a federal court.

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