Police shortage thanks to “woke” liberal democrat policy?


Wait til you see the results of the exodus from the teaching profession due to the "right wing demonization of teachers".

But you know, you were the cat that has such a vendetta against teachers that having a live cam on classrooms seemed like a great idea to you. With six year olds inside. One of your fellow brain trusts said okay, yeah, just keep the five year olds in desks all day, no moving around, and the teacher stationery, so only the teacher is on the live cam.

This is what you and yours are doing to teachers and the same will happen in schools. Disaster.
It is telling that you think teachers being on camera when they have complete control over the most valuable thing you will ever care for in your entire life. People with a nice house tend to ensure it is under surveillance but your kids, no, it would be just horrible if you actually knew what is going on in the classroom. How asinine.

Reminds me of a quote:

"Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart, he dreams himself your master."
Sid Meier
More excuse making, how many black folks have been unjustly convicted when savages were outside wanting to lynch them. How many black men have spent countless years in prison because crooked cops set them up? Chauvin was convicted by a state court and a federal court.

Yes, we know. You live in the 1850's. But the rest of us live in current times.
Those cops killed him.

Police do not face enough scrutiny. They are allowed to violate our civil rights regularly with no repercussions. Yet they will bring the hammer down on anyone else for minor infractions such as not sitting right in a police car.

I get it. I really do. If I were a cop, I would want there to be no repercussions for my illegal behavior. If I saw that things were changing, I might reconsider being a cop as well.
I disagree that the police killed George Floyd. You must agree that he was a dangerous man, hopped up on several drugs giving him extraordinary strength. He was resisting arrest. Did he deserve to die for who he was? Of course not.

IF the officer's knee did suffocate Floyd, that is absolutely no reason whatsoever for billions of dollars in damage and other lives to be taken in the riots that followed. That was one incident among hundreds of felony stops that one day.

This behavior is inexcusable and, in my opinion, criminal. It is costing our country in more ways than the riots themselves.


THIS is the result of these riots and behavior. If you're proud of this, you and others of your ilk, are really sick puppies!

Your article shows shortages.

You have not shown anything that connects this with 'woke.'

No matter what you may think of woke or woke policies, causation has not been established.
OK...give me what YOU think is the cause of Police resignations at a rate we've never seen before...from cities controlled by liberals?
Is that a coincidence?
No we aren't listening to that bullshit when we see it for ourselves.

I guess we'll see when we get the breakdown of voters and which group voted for what. If blacks vote for high fuel prices, high utility prices, record high grocery prices, lending rates making it too expensive for them to buy their own house, immigrants working their jobs, then blacks are stupid and will never get anywhere in this country. While I don't expect Republicans to have any major gain with that voter group, I also think we're likely to see an increase.
OK...give me what YOU think is the cause of Police resignations at a rate we've never seen before...from cities controlled by liberals?
Is that a coincidence?

I think it has a lot to do with the new microscope they have placed cops under. I think it has to do with the fact they can get blamed at any time for almost anything and they do not know if they are going to get thrown under the bus for jaywalking or if no one will care when they massively cross the line. I do not think that there is any real standards at the moment. I think that they are having a problem because they are generally not looked upon well and the job sucked before the anti-police rhetoric kicked up a notch. It is also not a job the next generation really wants to do. The workforce is a completely different place and currents workers want something different than previous generations. Police work does not fit that new vision well so there will be fewer people that want to do it.

I am sure there a hundred other reasons. Of course, NONE of what I said in the last paragraph has squat to do with 'woke' though that likely plays a role as well. And, AGAIN, I said that I likely agreed somewhat with the contention but the op cannot even manage to find something that is even related to the statements they made or even make a salient point. Just bland assertions.
Your article shows shortages.

You have not shown anything that connects this with 'woke.'

No matter what you may think of woke or woke policies, causation has not been established.
Research NYC and Seattle. They both have defunded their PDs with disastrous results and devastating exoduses of officers. Defunding and abusive policies on the people that protect the populace from the scum of the earth are definitely woke. There can be no better example of causation to anyone who has half a brain.
I guess we'll see when we get the breakdown of voters and which group voted for what. If blacks vote for high fuel prices, high utility prices, record high grocery prices, lending rates making it too expensive for them to buy their own house, immigrants working their jobs, then blacks are stupid and will never get anywhere in this country. While I don't expect Republicans to have any major gain with that voter group, I also think we're likely to see an increase.
Sorry, black folks don't buy into right wing talking points.
Sorry, black folks don't buy into right wing talking points.
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That's a list of lies too long to address. Republicans motto is drill baby drill. HTF is that being against cheaper gas? Gas was cheap under Trump. Under Dementia, we hit new record prices since we started using the stuff. When did Republicans vote against domestic terrorism? You mean those parents that argued against perversion and CRT in their schools that the Communists decided to label terrorists? What voters rights act? You mean the commie proposal that people shouldn't have to present a valid ID when they vote and all ballots should be mail-in which opens the door to more voter fraud?

Like I said, the entire list is pure bullshit, but I also understand that's all you have.

I think it has a lot to do with the new microscope they have placed cops under. I think it has to do with the fact they can get blamed at any time for almost anything and they do not know if they are going to get thrown under the bus for jaywalking or if no one will care when they massively cross the line. I do not think that there is any real standards at the moment. I think that they are having a problem because they are generally not looked upon well and the job sucked before the anti-police rhetoric kicked up a notch. It is also not a job the next generation really wants to do. The workforce is a completely different place and currents workers want something different than previous generations. Police work does not fit that new vision well so there will be fewer people that want to do it.

I am sure there a hundred other reasons. Of course, NONE of what I said in the last paragraph has squat to do with 'woke' though that likely plays a role as well. And, AGAIN, I said that I likely agreed somewhat with the contention but the op cannot even manage to find something that is even related to the statements they made or even make a salient point. Just bland assertions.

A police job was one of the most wanted among men in this country. After the Ferguson incident, that interest began to decline rapidly. By the time we got to Floyd, liberal cities across the country weakened our police force. Ten years ago it was the police against the bad guys. Today its the police against the good guys and the bad guys. Nobody wants a job where they are demonized under any controversial situation. They need people to back them up instead of going against them. That's why nobody wants to be a cop any longer.
No we aren't listening to that bullshit when we see it for ourselves.
Yes. Video evidence usually speaks for itself.

I would support all manner of protest but not riots. The propensity to riot is much worse than one individual killing an innocent man.

It puts thousands of CHILDREN at risk, and that's not cool. Not cool at all.

You don't put thousands of kids at risk just because someone committed an injustice. Very uncool.

George is dead and we can't bring him back. And that's no excuse for 40 additional murders.
That's a list of lies too long to address. Republicans motto is drill baby drill. HTF is that being against cheaper gas? Gas was cheap under Trump. Under Dementia, we hit new record prices since we started using the stuff. When did Republicans vote against domestic terrorism? You mean those parents that argued against perversion and CRT in their schools that the Communists decided to label terrorists? What voters rights act? You mean the commie proposal that people shouldn't have to present a valid ID when they vote and all ballots should be mail-in which opens the door to more voter fraud?

Like I said, the entire list is pure bullshit, but I also understand that's all you have.
Bullshit that you can't refute. Racist like you long for the Good Ole Days, Trump told you it was OK to be openly racist again.
Yes. Video evidence usually speaks for itself.

I would support all manner of protest but not riots. The propensity to riot is much worse than one individual killing an innocent man.

It puts thousands of CHILDREN at risk, and that's not cool. Not cool at all.

You don't put thousands of kids at risk just because someone committed an injustice. Very uncool.

George is dead and we can't bring him back. And that's no excuse for 40 additional murders.
WTF are you talking about?
A police job was one of the most wanted among men in this country. After the Ferguson incident, that interest began to decline rapidly. By the time we got to Floyd, liberal cities across the country weakened our police force. Ten years ago it was the police against the bad guys. Today its the police against the good guys and the bad guys. Nobody wants a job where they are demonized under any controversial situation. They need people to back them up instead of going against them. That's why nobody wants to be a cop any longer.
One of the big reasons, yes.

Of course, that is no more woke than it is communist.

Or have we reached the point where 'woke' no longer has any meaning whatsoever? I mean, I am not surprised but then again I thought it might take more than a few months of normal use. I guess we will just throw that word in the pile with Nazi, communist, socialist, racist, bigot and a whole host of other terms that have been morphed into synonyms for 'things I dislike.'

I was hoping we would at least TRY to have words that contain meanings.

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