Police State: Cops Harass Elderly Couple After Mistaking Buckeye Sticker For Pot Leaf


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011

If you thought the war on drugs couldn't get any dumber, then you aren't using your imagination. Last week, the former president of the Dallas-Fort Worth Ohio State Alumni Club was pulled over in Tennessee while driving from her mother-in-law's funeral in Ohio back to Texas. The reason?

Tennessee police mistook the Buckeyes sticker on her ride for a pot leaf sticker, and thought it meant she was trafficking drugs (because people do that). The Columbus Dispatch reports:

They were in the westbound lanes of I-40, a few miles east of Memphis, when a black police SUV with flashing lights pulled them over, Bonnie Jonas-Boggioni said. A second black SUV soon pulled up behind the first one.

“Knowing I wasn’t speeding, I couldn’t imagine why,” she said.

Two officers approached, one on each side of the car.

“They were very serious,” she said. “They had the body armor and the guns.”

Because the couple’s two schnauzers were barking furiously, one of the officers had Jonas-Boggioni exit the car so he could hear her better.

“What are you doing with a marijuana sticker on your bumper?” he asked her.

She explained that it is actually a Buckeye leaf decal, just like the ones that Ohio State players are given to put on their helmets to mark good plays.

“He looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language,” she said...

Tennessee Cops Harass Old Lady After Mistaking Buckeye Bumper Sticker for Pot Leaf Bumper Sticker - Hit & Run : Reason.com

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj27x8NtXS4]Plano Couple Harrassed for Bumper Sticker in TN - YouTube[/ame]
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Just be glad it wasn't Alabama or Mississippi, they would have wanted to know what country you were from and demand to see your passport.
Yeah, if I'm illegally transporting X number of pounds of dope in my car the first thing I'd think to do is put a large decal of a marijuana leaf, or something that looks like one to local yokels, on its rear end so no one would associate me and marijuana in any way while I'm busy breaking the law.

Someone be sure to nominate these two clowns for the next Barney Fife Award. And, who the hell let a couple of dimocrats on the force in the first place?

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