Police State: Man Detained For Walking With Hands In Pockets...

The thing is the guy is a lawyer. Who has ever seen a lawyer with their hands in their own pockets?
LOL! I was married to one.
I hate lawyers.
My dad, my brother, my BIL, my niece, all scumbag lawyers.

A lawyer is by definition a scumbag.

Both Obamas are lawyers, as we're the Clintons.

As are most politicians.

What's the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?
One is a slimy, bottom-dwelling, scum-sucking scavenger; the other is a fish.

Lol, btw, how do you like my new Sig?

I like it so much I haven't even blocked it. :thup:
Sorry but that old chewing thing just had to go. It was the first victim.
Good thing the officer recorded everything on his own cell phone. After getting there the officer likely concluded that the call may have come from the man himself or the friend with camera at the ready. They were all set up to instigate a confrontation. How disappointed the two must have been to find a cop who not only explained the situation but did some filming of his own.

Maybe that is what happened. Who really knows? But i would still advise recording all interactions with the Police. Play it safe. Your word against an army of Cops' word, isn't likely to end well for you the Citizen.
I have been stopped numerous times by the police. Some very very unfairly. I have always been polite, respectful and did what I was ordered to do. I have never been treated badly by the police who pretty much admitted there was no reason to stop me in the first place.
I have never been treated badly by the police who pretty much admitted there was no reason to stop me in the first place.
Just because they were nice to you as they violated your rights does not make it okay.

"Hey, as long as you feed me tea and crumpets, go ahead and forget about that writ of habeas corpus, Chief!"
I truly believe if there were no cameras recording the incident, this cop would have escalated the situation. Probably would have called for 'backup' to begin the real harassment. The cameras seem to have cooled things down. The cop decided it was better to just let it go. He knew he had nothing.

But i do believe if there were no cameras, this man would have been in some real danger. So maybe requiring officers to wear cameras is the right way to go. I'm starting to lean that way.
I've always leaned that way. I am installing a go-pro in both My cars and will turn them on in the case of any traffic stop.

Yeah, the cameras seem to level the playing field. This man would have been in deep shit if he wasn't recording. Without cameras, the Police have absolute free reign. It's a 'your word against their word' scenario. And guess who wins that one?

This cop would have likely called for 'backup' and escalated the situation to a possible violent outcome. But with the cameras rolling, he decided it would be wise to just let it go. So the cameras did defuse the tense standoff.

Well then good thing the cameras were rolling. Seems to have defused a possibly tragic standoff. Maybe the Police should be required to record. I am beginning to lean that way.

You keep hammering on this but it's still the same speculation fallacy.

As noted before -- drama queen.

Come on be real, if the cameras weren't rolling, this cop would have called on his mates to join him in destroying this poor guy's life. They've done that for years. Absolute free reign. But hopefully, that free reign is coming to an end. Looks like recording their actions does level the playing field a bit.

"Come on be real, this woulda happened, that woulda happened" is exactly what speculation fallacy means. I envy your power of imagination, but it's really not applicable to historical fact. You should put it to use in something constructive.
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Good thing the officer recorded everything on his own cell phone. After getting there the officer likely concluded that the call may have come from the man himself or the friend with camera at the ready. They were all set up to instigate a confrontation. How disappointed the two must have been to find a cop who not only explained the situation but did some filming of his own.

Maybe that is what happened. Who really knows? But i would still advise recording all interactions with the Police. Play it safe. Your word against an army of Cops' word, isn't likely to end well for you the Citizen.
I have been stopped numerous times by the police. Some very very unfairly. I have always been polite, respectful and did what I was ordered to do. I have never been treated badly by the police who pretty much admitted there was no reason to stop me in the first place.

That's cool. But recording the interaction is still a good idea. Don't rely solely on your word against an army of Cops' word.
The thing about totalitarians is that they have this funny way of discovering a crime, even when one is not being committed.

Sure, you are walking with your hands in your pockets, nothing illegal about that. But you get detained by a cop having a bad day, and then you get kind of pissed and call him a fucking pig, and the next thing you know, "Obstruction of Justice".

We all need to get kind of pissed about this bullshit. Stop rolling over for these assholes. YOU are the authority.

We are letting the government sift through our mail, monitor our phone calls, study our reading habits at the library, all without so much as a fucking whimper.

Wake up!
I truly believe if there were no cameras recording the incident, this cop would have escalated the situation. Probably would have called for 'backup' to begin the real harassment. The cameras seem to have cooled things down. The cop decided it was better to just let it go. He knew he had nothing.

But i do believe if there were no cameras, this man would have been in some real danger. So maybe requiring officers to wear cameras is the right way to go. I'm starting to lean that way.
I've always leaned that way. I am installing a go-pro in both My cars and will turn them on in the case of any traffic stop.

Yeah, the cameras seem to level the playing field. This man would have been in deep shit if he wasn't recording. Without cameras, the Police have absolute free reign. It's a 'your word against their word' scenario. And guess who wins that one?

This cop would have likely called for 'backup' and escalated the situation to a possible violent outcome. But with the cameras rolling, he decided it would be wise to just let it go. So the cameras did defuse the tense standoff.

Well then good thing the cameras were rolling. Seems to have defused a possibly tragic standoff. Maybe the Police should be required to record. I am beginning to lean that way.

You keep hammering on this but it's still the same speculation fallacy.

As noted before -- drama queen.

Come on be real, if the cameras weren't rolling, this cop would have called on his mates to join him in destroying this poor guy's life. They've done that for years. Absolute free reign. But hopefully, that free reign is coming to an end. Looks like recording their actions does level the playing field a bit.

"Come on be real, this woulda happened, that woulda happened" is exactly what speculation fallacy means. You should put that active imagination to use in something constructive.

No they really have had absolute free reign for many years. This poor guy wouldn't have stood a chance if he wasn't recording. It's so easy for Police to trump-up charges against anyone. At the very least, this guy probably would have spent his Thanksgiving night in jail. The video definitely prevented that from happening.
I've always leaned that way. I am installing a go-pro in both My cars and will turn them on in the case of any traffic stop.

Yeah, the cameras seem to level the playing field. This man would have been in deep shit if he wasn't recording. Without cameras, the Police have absolute free reign. It's a 'your word against their word' scenario. And guess who wins that one?

This cop would have likely called for 'backup' and escalated the situation to a possible violent outcome. But with the cameras rolling, he decided it would be wise to just let it go. So the cameras did defuse the tense standoff.

Well then good thing the cameras were rolling. Seems to have defused a possibly tragic standoff. Maybe the Police should be required to record. I am beginning to lean that way.

You keep hammering on this but it's still the same speculation fallacy.

As noted before -- drama queen.

Come on be real, if the cameras weren't rolling, this cop would have called on his mates to join him in destroying this poor guy's life. They've done that for years. Absolute free reign. But hopefully, that free reign is coming to an end. Looks like recording their actions does level the playing field a bit.

"Come on be real, this woulda happened, that woulda happened" is exactly what speculation fallacy means. You should put that active imagination to use in something constructive.

No they really have had absolute free reign for many years. This poor guy wouldn't have stood a chance if he wasn't recording. It's so easy for Police to trump-up charges against anyone. At the very least, this guy probably would have spent his Thanksgiving night in jail. The video definitely prevented that from happening.
Nah this cop wan't a Barney Fife type.
The thing about totalitarians is that they have this funny way of discovering a crime, even when one is not being committed.

Sure, you are walking with your hands in your pockets, nothing illegal about that. But you get detained by a cop having a bad day, and then you get kind of pissed and call him a fucking pig, and the next thing you know, "Obstruction of Justice".

We all need to get kind of pissed about this bullshit. Stop rolling over for these assholes. YOU are the authority.

We are letting the government sift through our mail, monitor our phone calls, study our reading habits at the library, all without so much as a fucking whimper.

Wake up!

His real 'offense' was being a Black Man walking down a street. The dirty little secret most White Americans refuse to acknowledge and address.
I've always leaned that way. I am installing a go-pro in both My cars and will turn them on in the case of any traffic stop.

Yeah, the cameras seem to level the playing field. This man would have been in deep shit if he wasn't recording. Without cameras, the Police have absolute free reign. It's a 'your word against their word' scenario. And guess who wins that one?

This cop would have likely called for 'backup' and escalated the situation to a possible violent outcome. But with the cameras rolling, he decided it would be wise to just let it go. So the cameras did defuse the tense standoff.

Well then good thing the cameras were rolling. Seems to have defused a possibly tragic standoff. Maybe the Police should be required to record. I am beginning to lean that way.

You keep hammering on this but it's still the same speculation fallacy.

As noted before -- drama queen.

Come on be real, if the cameras weren't rolling, this cop would have called on his mates to join him in destroying this poor guy's life. They've done that for years. Absolute free reign. But hopefully, that free reign is coming to an end. Looks like recording their actions does level the playing field a bit.

"Come on be real, this woulda happened, that woulda happened" is exactly what speculation fallacy means. You should put that active imagination to use in something constructive.

No they really have had absolute free reign for many years. This poor guy wouldn't have stood a chance if he wasn't recording. It's so easy for Police to trump-up charges against anyone. At the very least, this guy probably would have spent his Thanksgiving night in jail. The video definitely prevented that from happening.

And now you're actually continuing to continue the same speculation fallacy. It's like you don't even read the posts pointing this out. Or they sail right over your head.

What I see in a 46-second video with no intro and no context is a calm, rational conversation. I don't see anyone "detained", I don't see aggression. The basis for that conversation is paranoid bullshit, but I don't see any goose-stepping SWAT team shoving Uzis in people's faces.

See, this is an actual event that has already happened -- you don't get a "rewrite". That's called writing a novel, or a screenplay. Maybe you should go into that since you're already halfway there.
The thing about totalitarians is that they have this funny way of discovering a crime, even when one is not being committed.

Sure, you are walking with your hands in your pockets, nothing illegal about that. But you get detained by a cop having a bad day, and then you get kind of pissed and call him a fucking pig, and the next thing you know, "Obstruction of Justice".

We all need to get kind of pissed about this bullshit. Stop rolling over for these assholes. YOU are the authority.

We are letting the government sift through our mail, monitor our phone calls, study our reading habits at the library, all without so much as a fucking whimper.

Wake up!

His real 'offense' was being a Black Man walking down a street. The dirty little secret most White Americans refuse to acknowledge and address.

Link to that conclusion?
Again, I dont know what happened. But the cop didnt just stop him. The cop got a report of someone exhibiting suspicious behavior and that's why he stopped him.
So what was that behavior? We dont know.
There is more here than we are being told. That's for damnsure.

"That behavior" was walking with his hands in his pockets. The cop plainly stated the reason he stopped him was because he was walking with his hands in his pockets and that doing so had made people nervous.

The cop did not say there was any other reason than that. Watch and listen.
Go back and review the video.
Good thing the officer recorded everything on his own cell phone. After getting there the officer likely concluded that the call may have come from the man himself or the friend with camera at the ready. They were all set up to instigate a confrontation. How disappointed the two must have been to find a cop who not only explained the situation but did some filming of his own.

Maybe that is what happened. Who really knows? But i would still advise recording all interactions with the Police. Play it safe. Your word against an army of Cops' word, isn't likely to end well for you the Citizen.
I have been stopped numerous times by the police. Some very very unfairly. I have always been polite, respectful and did what I was ordered to do. I have never been treated badly by the police who pretty much admitted there was no reason to stop me in the first place.

I have been treated badly by cops.

Some of them are just plain assholes.

But I don't think it has anything to do with my race, just some are abusive. Then again most are pretty straight arrow.
Good thing the officer recorded everything on his own cell phone. After getting there the officer likely concluded that the call may have come from the man himself or the friend with camera at the ready. They were all set up to instigate a confrontation. How disappointed the two must have been to find a cop who not only explained the situation but did some filming of his own.

Maybe that is what happened. Who really knows? But i would still advise recording all interactions with the Police. Play it safe. Your word against an army of Cops' word, isn't likely to end well for you the Citizen.
I have been stopped numerous times by the police. Some very very unfairly. I have always been polite, respectful and did what I was ordered to do. I have never been treated badly by the police who pretty much admitted there was no reason to stop me in the first place.

I have been treated badly by cops.

Some of them are just plain assholes.

But I don't think it has anything to do with my race, just some are abusive. Then again most are pretty straight arrow.
Yeah the pansy abusive assholes make the TV. The good cops.. yeah not so much.
Good thing the officer recorded everything on his own cell phone. After getting there the officer likely concluded that the call may have come from the man himself or the friend with camera at the ready. They were all set up to instigate a confrontation. How disappointed the two must have been to find a cop who not only explained the situation but did some filming of his own.

Maybe that is what happened. Who really knows? But i would still advise recording all interactions with the Police. Play it safe. Your word against an army of Cops' word, isn't likely to end well for you the Citizen.
I have been stopped numerous times by the police. Some very very unfairly. I have always been polite, respectful and did what I was ordered to do. I have never been treated badly by the police who pretty much admitted there was no reason to stop me in the first place.
I don't even recalled being ordered to do anything.

They always asked, and I complied, issue resolved, and on I went.

Until that time an asshole friend left 20 lbs of weed in my car.

But, that was the one and only bad experience I ever had with cops.
Its ok we are told, Sure blacks are harrassed and stopped and questioned yadda yadda yadda just answer the questions and get over it already before Sharpton talks about it and inconveniences all the white folks by talking about it

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