Police State: Man Detained For Walking With Hands In Pockets...

Woodrow Wilson signed the Espionage Act and imposed wartime restrictions on freedom of speech and expression, becoming the first President to tread on the civil and political rights of Americans. Americas slide into a police state began then, and the patriot act is stage two. Not looking forward to stage three.
Wilson was far from the first President to tread on the rights of Americans.

Far, far from the first.

Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Is the 'Patriot Act' really so 'Patriotic?' I would say it's the most Un-Patriotic act ever perpetrated against the American People.
Woodrow Wilson signed the Espionage Act and imposed wartime restrictions on freedom of speech and expression, becoming the first President to tread on the civil and political rights of Americans. Americas slide into a police state began then, and the patriot act is stage two. Not looking forward to stage three.

He did, but he wasn't by any stretch first at it. See "Alien and Sedition Acts", 1798. POTUS 2 -- we didn't even make it out of the 18th century.

See also Lincoln. Among others.
Oh Brother!

The same thing happened to me, my ex and ex brother in law in the 1970's in Tucson when it was Thanksgiving and for the same reason, there was lots of robberies in the area at the time. We were out walking off our turkey dinner and we were stopped and asked what we were doing by a cop. That was the end of it.
Cops were just doing their job.
Some people in this nation needs to start using their brains and opened their closed eyes, rather than believing the lefts political spins for their agendas.

How did they do their job? Expand on that.

This nation is in very serious trouble if you need an expansion on it.

Just asked you a question. How did they do their job?
I truly believe if there were no cameras recording the incident, this cop would have escalated the situation. Probably would have called for 'backup' to begin the real harassment. The cameras seem to have cooled things down. The cop decided it was better to just let it go. He knew he had nothing.

But i do believe if there were no cameras, this man would have been in some real danger. So maybe requiring officers to wear cameras is the right way to go. I'm starting to lean that way.
I've always leaned that way. I am installing a go-pro in both My cars and will turn them on in the case of any traffic stop.

Yeah, the cameras seem to level the playing field. This man would have been in deep shit if he wasn't recording. Without cameras, the Police have absolute free reign. It's a 'your word against their word' scenario. And guess who wins that one?

This cop would have likely called for 'backup' and escalated the situation to a possible violent outcome. But with the cameras rolling, he decided it would be wise to just let it go. So the cameras did defuse the tense standoff.

Well then good thing the cameras were rolling. Seems to have defused a possibly tragic standoff. Maybe the Police should be required to record. I am beginning to lean that way.

You keep hammering on this but it's still the same speculation fallacy.

As noted before -- drama queen.
Woodrow Wilson signed the Espionage Act and imposed wartime restrictions on freedom of speech and expression, becoming the first President to tread on the civil and political rights of Americans. Americas slide into a police state began then, and the patriot act is stage two. Not looking forward to stage three.
Wilson was far from the first President to tread on the rights of Americans.

Far, far from the first.

Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ruled unconstitutional.
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The thing is the guy is a lawyer. Who has ever seen a lawyer with their hands in their own pockets?
LOL! I was married to one.
I hate lawyers.
My dad, my brother, my BIL, my niece, all scumbag lawyers.

A lawyer is by definition a scumbag.

Both Obamas are lawyers, as we're the Clintons.

As are most politicians.

What's the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?
One is a slimy, bottom-dwelling, scum-sucking scavenger; the other is a fish.
Good thing the officer recorded everything on his own cell phone. After getting there the officer likely concluded that the call may have come from the man himself or the friend with camera at the ready. They were all set up to instigate a confrontation. How disappointed the two must have been to find a cop who not only explained the situation but did some filming of his own.
I truly believe if there were no cameras recording the incident, this cop would have escalated the situation. Probably would have called for 'backup' to begin the real harassment. The cameras seem to have cooled things down. The cop decided it was better to just let it go. He knew he had nothing.

But i do believe if there were no cameras, this man would have been in some real danger. So maybe requiring officers to wear cameras is the right way to go. I'm starting to lean that way.
I've always leaned that way. I am installing a go-pro in both My cars and will turn them on in the case of any traffic stop.

Yeah, the cameras seem to level the playing field. This man would have been in deep shit if he wasn't recording. Without cameras, the Police have absolute free reign. It's a 'your word against their word' scenario. And guess who wins that one?

This cop would have likely called for 'backup' and escalated the situation to a possible violent outcome. But with the cameras rolling, he decided it would be wise to just let it go. So the cameras did defuse the tense standoff.

Well then good thing the cameras were rolling. Seems to have defused a possibly tragic standoff. Maybe the Police should be required to record. I am beginning to lean that way.

You keep hammering on this but it's still the same speculation fallacy.

As noted before -- drama queen.

Come on be real, if the cameras weren't rolling, this cop would have called on his mates to join him in destroying this poor guy's life. They've done that for years. Absolute free reign. But hopefully, that free reign is coming to an end. Looks like recording their actions does level the playing field a bit.
The OP is an idiot, he has no idea what an actual police state is.
A police state does not happen in the blink of an eye.

We now have a government which reads our emails, monitors our phone calls, examines our library book checkouts, and sifts through our internet surfing habits, all without warrants. We have a government which detained US citizens without a writ of habeas corpus. We have a government which used to prosecute waterboarding as torture which now denies it is torture when it is our government doing it. We now have a monolithic "Department of Homeland Security" which has unprecedented police powers. We have a federal government militarizing our local police.

I mean, what is it going to take for everyone to realize that America took a very bad turn after 9/11, police state wise?
Good thing the officer recorded everything on his own cell phone. After getting there the officer likely concluded that the call may have come from the man himself or the friend with camera at the ready. They were all set up to instigate a confrontation. How disappointed the two must have been to find a cop who not only explained the situation but did some filming of his own.

Maybe that is what happened. Who really knows? But i would still advise recording all interactions with the Police. Play it safe. Your word against an army of Cops' word, isn't likely to end well for you the Citizen.
But hey on the bright side, at least the cop didn't shoot first and interrogate later. The Citizen survived. Maybe we are making progress after all?
The only reason he survived was the cop was a bad ass. Wilson would've killed him.
It's become the black win-win. Call the police with some kind of complaint. If the police say the complaint isn't serious and no one shows up, black people can cry that no one listens to their complaints.

If the police do show up the stage is set and cameras are rolling. Every effort will be made to provoke the officer. This one was just a wee bit smarter and recorded it himself and by being extremely polite.
It's become the black win-win. Call the police with some kind of complaint. If the police say the complaint isn't serious and no one shows up, black people can cry that no one listens to their complaints.

If the police do show up the stage is set and cameras are rolling. Every effort will be made to provoke the officer. This one was just a wee bit smarter and recorded it himself and by being extremely polite.
This cop was cool. Just doing his job saying hey to the guy walking with his hands in his pockets.
You have to go back to Nixon to find a Republican lawyer-president and Carter to find a Democrat that wasn't.

Wrong again. Gerald Ford had a law practice in Michigan. And I said "politicians", not "Presidents".

For what it's worth....


It should be noted the indicated downward trend reversed itself in the 2012 election.
It should also be noted there's a rise in those sourced from banking and business, which is far scarier.
Finally it should be noted that all of this is way off topic.
The KGB and the Stasi would drool over the domestic spying capabilities the US government is using against its citizens today.
The thing is the guy is a lawyer. Who has ever seen a lawyer with their hands in their own pockets?
LOL! I was married to one.
I hate lawyers.
My dad, my brother, my BIL, my niece, all scumbag lawyers.

A lawyer is by definition a scumbag.

Both Obamas are lawyers, as we're the Clintons.

As are most politicians.

What's the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?
One is a slimy, bottom-dwelling, scum-sucking scavenger; the other is a fish.

Lol, btw, how do you like my new Sig?

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