POLICE STATE WATCH: US Is Now World's Largest Prison Camp...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Americans should be extremely concerned with this. But it looks like most just don't care. Too busy with their quest to become obese, watching their Porn/Sports/Reality TV, and shopping till they drop at Walmart. :(

Great article by Paul Roberts

The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. The US not only has a far higher percentage of its population in prison than allegedly “authoritarian” governments, but also has a larger total number of citizens imprisoned than China, a country with four times the US population. The US is by far the largest prison camp in the world.

The conditions, such as solitary confinement, in which many US prisoners are kept are strictly illegal under international law, but that means nothing to “freedom and democracy America.” Solitary confinement, especially confinement inside tiny cells, is like being buried alive. Yet, “freedom and democracy America” is subjecting more than 100,000 citizens to this horror as I write. We hear so much about “America’s moral conscience,” but where is this conscience?

Other prisoners are used as a cheap workforce for US military and consumer industries. Prison labor and the privatization of prisons have created an enormous demand for prisoners. American citizens are shoveled into the profit-making prison system regardless of innocence or guilt...

Read More:
The World’s Biggest Prison Camp - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Americans should be extremely concerned with this. But it looks like most just don't care. Too busy with their quest to become obese, watching their Porn/Sports/Reality TV, and shopping till they drop at Walmart. :(

Great article by Paul Roberts

The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. The US not only has a far higher percentage of its population in prison than allegedly “authoritarian” governments, but also has a larger total number of citizens imprisoned than China, a country with four times the US population. The US is by far the largest prison camp in the world.

The conditions, such as solitary confinement, in which many US prisoners are kept are strictly illegal under international law, but that means nothing to “freedom and democracy America.” Solitary confinement, especially confinement inside tiny cells, is like being buried alive. Yet, “freedom and democracy America” is subjecting more than 100,000 citizens to this horror as I write. We hear so much about “America’s moral conscience,” but where is this conscience?

Other prisoners are used as a cheap workforce for US military and consumer industries. Prison labor and the privatization of prisons have created an enormous demand for prisoners. American citizens are shoveled into the profit-making prison system regardless of innocence or guilt...

Read More:
The World’s Biggest Prison Camp - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
I already pay enough taxes supporting the Eastern hemisphere.
Americans should be extremely concerned with this. But it looks like most just don't care. Too busy with their quest to become obese, watching their Porn/Sports/Reality TV, and shopping till they drop at Walmart. :(

Great article by Paul Roberts

The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. The US not only has a far higher percentage of its population in prison than allegedly “authoritarian” governments, but also has a larger total number of citizens imprisoned than China, a country with four times the US population. The US is by far the largest prison camp in the world.

The conditions, such as solitary confinement, in which many US prisoners are kept are strictly illegal under international law, but that means nothing to “freedom and democracy America.” Solitary confinement, especially confinement inside tiny cells, is like being buried alive. Yet, “freedom and democracy America” is subjecting more than 100,000 citizens to this horror as I write. We hear so much about “America’s moral conscience,” but where is this conscience?

Other prisoners are used as a cheap workforce for US military and consumer industries. Prison labor and the privatization of prisons have created an enormous demand for prisoners. American citizens are shoveled into the profit-making prison system regardless of innocence or guilt...

Read More:
The World’s Biggest Prison Camp - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
I already pay enough taxes supporting the Eastern hemisphere.

Americans should have never allowed Private Prisons. Where did they think that would lead? For-Profit means a need for more prisoners.
Americans should be extremely concerned with this. But it looks like most just don't care. Too busy with their quest to become obese, watching their Porn/Sports/Reality TV, and shopping till they drop at Walmart. :(

Great article by Paul Roberts

The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. The US not only has a far higher percentage of its population in prison than allegedly “authoritarian” governments, but also has a larger total number of citizens imprisoned than China, a country with four times the US population. The US is by far the largest prison camp in the world.

The conditions, such as solitary confinement, in which many US prisoners are kept are strictly illegal under international law, but that means nothing to “freedom and democracy America.” Solitary confinement, especially confinement inside tiny cells, is like being buried alive. Yet, “freedom and democracy America” is subjecting more than 100,000 citizens to this horror as I write. We hear so much about “America’s moral conscience,” but where is this conscience?

Other prisoners are used as a cheap workforce for US military and consumer industries. Prison labor and the privatization of prisons have created an enormous demand for prisoners. American citizens are shoveled into the profit-making prison system regardless of innocence or guilt...

Read More:
The World’s Biggest Prison Camp - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
/----/ We can afford to lock up criminals and give them 3 squares, a cot and healthcare. Other countries just execute them.
Americans should be extremely concerned with this. But it looks like most just don't care. Too busy with their quest to become obese, watching their Porn/Sports/Reality TV, and shopping till they drop at Walmart. :(

Great article by Paul Roberts

The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. The US not only has a far higher percentage of its population in prison than allegedly “authoritarian” governments, but also has a larger total number of citizens imprisoned than China, a country with four times the US population. The US is by far the largest prison camp in the world.

The conditions, such as solitary confinement, in which many US prisoners are kept are strictly illegal under international law, but that means nothing to “freedom and democracy America.” Solitary confinement, especially confinement inside tiny cells, is like being buried alive. Yet, “freedom and democracy America” is subjecting more than 100,000 citizens to this horror as I write. We hear so much about “America’s moral conscience,” but where is this conscience?

Other prisoners are used as a cheap workforce for US military and consumer industries. Prison labor and the privatization of prisons have created an enormous demand for prisoners. American citizens are shoveled into the profit-making prison system regardless of innocence or guilt...

Read More:
The World’s Biggest Prison Camp - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
/----/ We can afford to lock up criminals and give them 3 squares, a cot and healthcare. Other countries just execute them.

Americans really do need to start asking why their Government is locking up more Citizens than any other nation on earth. It's very disturbing.
Americans should be extremely concerned with this. But it looks like most just don't care. Too busy with their quest to become obese, watching their Porn/Sports/Reality TV, and shopping till they drop at Walmart. :(

Great article by Paul Roberts

The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. The US not only has a far higher percentage of its population in prison than allegedly “authoritarian” governments, but also has a larger total number of citizens imprisoned than China, a country with four times the US population. The US is by far the largest prison camp in the world.

The conditions, such as solitary confinement, in which many US prisoners are kept are strictly illegal under international law, but that means nothing to “freedom and democracy America.” Solitary confinement, especially confinement inside tiny cells, is like being buried alive. Yet, “freedom and democracy America” is subjecting more than 100,000 citizens to this horror as I write. We hear so much about “America’s moral conscience,” but where is this conscience?

Other prisoners are used as a cheap workforce for US military and consumer industries. Prison labor and the privatization of prisons have created an enormous demand for prisoners. American citizens are shoveled into the profit-making prison system regardless of innocence or guilt...

Read More:
The World’s Biggest Prison Camp - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
I already pay enough taxes supporting the Eastern hemisphere.

Americans should have never allowed Private Prisons. Where did they think that would lead? For-Profit means a need for more prisoners.
We pay no matter what.
There’s lots of goods and services provided for in public prisons.
Ugh, you know there's a secret to staying out of prison.
You know this right?

Americans should be extremely concerned with this. But it looks like most just don't care. Too busy with their quest to become obese, watching their Porn/Sports/Reality TV, and shopping till they drop at Walmart. :(

Great article by Paul Roberts

The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. The US not only has a far higher percentage of its population in prison than allegedly “authoritarian” governments, but also has a larger total number of citizens imprisoned than China, a country with four times the US population. The US is by far the largest prison camp in the world.

The conditions, such as solitary confinement, in which many US prisoners are kept are strictly illegal under international law, but that means nothing to “freedom and democracy America.” Solitary confinement, especially confinement inside tiny cells, is like being buried alive. Yet, “freedom and democracy America” is subjecting more than 100,000 citizens to this horror as I write. We hear so much about “America’s moral conscience,” but where is this conscience?

Other prisoners are used as a cheap workforce for US military and consumer industries. Prison labor and the privatization of prisons have created an enormous demand for prisoners. American citizens are shoveled into the profit-making prison system regardless of innocence or guilt...

Read More:
The World’s Biggest Prison Camp - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
/----/ We can afford to lock up criminals and give them 3 squares, a cot and healthcare. Other countries just execute them.

No they don’t. Most of the civilized world has dropped the death penalty. Only the US out of first world nations, has a death penalty.

The United States is socially one of the most repressive societies on earth. Home of the brave and land of the free is a nice slogan but not even close to the truth on either score.
Americans should be extremely concerned with this. But it looks like most just don't care. Too busy with their quest to become obese, watching their Porn/Sports/Reality TV, and shopping till they drop at Walmart. :(

Great article by Paul Roberts

The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. The US not only has a far higher percentage of its population in prison than allegedly “authoritarian” governments, but also has a larger total number of citizens imprisoned than China, a country with four times the US population. The US is by far the largest prison camp in the world.

The conditions, such as solitary confinement, in which many US prisoners are kept are strictly illegal under international law, but that means nothing to “freedom and democracy America.” Solitary confinement, especially confinement inside tiny cells, is like being buried alive. Yet, “freedom and democracy America” is subjecting more than 100,000 citizens to this horror as I write. We hear so much about “America’s moral conscience,” but where is this conscience?

Other prisoners are used as a cheap workforce for US military and consumer industries. Prison labor and the privatization of prisons have created an enormous demand for prisoners. American citizens are shoveled into the profit-making prison system regardless of innocence or guilt...

Read More:
The World’s Biggest Prison Camp - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
/----/ We can afford to lock up criminals and give them 3 squares, a cot and healthcare. Other countries just execute them.

No they don’t. Most of the civilized world has dropped the death penalty. Only the US out of first world nations, has a death penalty.

The United States is socially one of the most repressive societies on earth. Home of the brave and land of the free is a nice slogan but not even close to the truth on either score.
/-----/ I'm not talking about state sponsored executions. They just disappear in the middle of the night and you can't believe everything other countries report.
Americans should be extremely concerned with this. But it looks like most just don't care. Too busy with their quest to become obese, watching their Porn/Sports/Reality TV, and shopping till they drop at Walmart. :(

Great article by Paul Roberts

The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. The US not only has a far higher percentage of its population in prison than allegedly “authoritarian” governments, but also has a larger total number of citizens imprisoned than China, a country with four times the US population. The US is by far the largest prison camp in the world.

The conditions, such as solitary confinement, in which many US prisoners are kept are strictly illegal under international law, but that means nothing to “freedom and democracy America.” Solitary confinement, especially confinement inside tiny cells, is like being buried alive. Yet, “freedom and democracy America” is subjecting more than 100,000 citizens to this horror as I write. We hear so much about “America’s moral conscience,” but where is this conscience?

Other prisoners are used as a cheap workforce for US military and consumer industries. Prison labor and the privatization of prisons have created an enormous demand for prisoners. American citizens are shoveled into the profit-making prison system regardless of innocence or guilt...

Read More:
The World’s Biggest Prison Camp - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Just because we are good at catching criminals, doesnt mean we have a problem. The problem is with other countries that dont imprison enough criminals. In Mexico, the unsolved murder rate is 98%!

Do you want justice or do you want less people in prison? You cant have both.
Why do we have so many people who want to commit crimes?

Other countries don't want the expense of prisons. China calls it rehabilitation in the farms and factories as unpaid labor. Singapore uses the cane and the lash as alternative sentencing. Russian criminals get reeducation in camps.

If these methods counted criminals, our prison system would not look so crowded.
/----/ We can afford to lock up criminals and give them 3 squares, a cot and healthcare. Other countries just execute them.

That's what I was going to say.

Although I would probably execute half our prison population because they can not be trusted outside of prison.

There are millions more running around loose who should have been aborted, if not shot and killed by their victims.

Then we have the prisoners whose only crime was possession of drugs.

This is ridiculous.

If anything we should be trying to rehabilitate our drug dealers, these people are capitalists if there ever were any. Get them into educational programs and get them working. They are at least trying to make some money by providing a product people want.

People with multiple burglaries, armed robberies, rapes, murders, assaults and messing with kids?


Other prisoners are used as a cheap workforce for US military and consumer industries.

Not sure what he means by the consumer industry but I can speak to the "cheap workforce for US military". A few stateside bases have low security detention facilities for white collar criminals. They do custodial work. Low to no security. These are nonviolent types who committed fraud, social security scammers, IRS violations. What you would call nerd criminals. A high school buddy of mine did time at Maxwell AFB for a few years for ripping off social security benefits. I interacted with these prisoners at Nellis AFB and Maxwell AFB. They walk around freely and do their jobs. They could easily walk off base and escape but of course none do. If they did, they'd have to go to real prison. They do their easy time then go home. My high school buddy hung out on the golf course all day watering and raking sand traps.

Not exactly a North Korean death camp.
Americans should be extremely concerned with this. But it looks like most just don't care. Too busy with their quest to become obese, watching their Porn/Sports/Reality TV, and shopping till they drop at Walmart. :(

Great article by Paul Roberts

The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. The US not only has a far higher percentage of its population in prison than allegedly “authoritarian” governments, but also has a larger total number of citizens imprisoned than China, a country with four times the US population. The US is by far the largest prison camp in the world.

The conditions, such as solitary confinement, in which many US prisoners are kept are strictly illegal under international law, but that means nothing to “freedom and democracy America.” Solitary confinement, especially confinement inside tiny cells, is like being buried alive. Yet, “freedom and democracy America” is subjecting more than 100,000 citizens to this horror as I write. We hear so much about “America’s moral conscience,” but where is this conscience?

Other prisoners are used as a cheap workforce for US military and consumer industries. Prison labor and the privatization of prisons have created an enormous demand for prisoners. American citizens are shoveled into the profit-making prison system regardless of innocence or guilt...

Read More:
The World’s Biggest Prison Camp - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
/----/ We can afford to lock up criminals and give them 3 squares, a cot and healthcare. Other countries just execute them.

Americans really do need to start asking why their Government is locking up more Citizens than any other nation on earth. It's very disturbing.
It's a bug business on many fronts.
Americans should be extremely concerned with this. But it looks like most just don't care. Too busy with their quest to become obese, watching their Porn/Sports/Reality TV, and shopping till they drop at Walmart. :(

Great article by Paul Roberts

The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. The US not only has a far higher percentage of its population in prison than allegedly “authoritarian” governments, but also has a larger total number of citizens imprisoned than China, a country with four times the US population. The US is by far the largest prison camp in the world.

The conditions, such as solitary confinement, in which many US prisoners are kept are strictly illegal under international law, but that means nothing to “freedom and democracy America.” Solitary confinement, especially confinement inside tiny cells, is like being buried alive. Yet, “freedom and democracy America” is subjecting more than 100,000 citizens to this horror as I write. We hear so much about “America’s moral conscience,” but where is this conscience?

Other prisoners are used as a cheap workforce for US military and consumer industries. Prison labor and the privatization of prisons have created an enormous demand for prisoners. American citizens are shoveled into the profit-making prison system regardless of innocence or guilt...

Read More:
The World’s Biggest Prison Camp - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
/----/ We can afford to lock up criminals and give them 3 squares, a cot and healthcare. Other countries just execute them.

No they don’t. Most of the civilized world has dropped the death penalty. Only the US out of first world nations, has a death penalty.

The United States is socially one of the most repressive societies on earth. Home of the brave and land of the free is a nice slogan but not even close to the truth on either score.
/----/ We should show more compassion towards women criminals like our Middle Eastern brethren.
Who the hell is Paul Roberts? It's the same prison system we have been supporting for the last fifty years with improvements at various times. American convicts have access to federal judges through writs and can appeal their own sentences. They live pretty well under clean conditions and for the most part they gain weight and become healthier while in prison. Try doing time in Mexico or South America or Asia. The only time the crazy left complains is during a republican administration.
Americans should be extremely concerned with this. But it looks like most just don't care. Too busy with their quest to become obese, watching their Porn/Sports/Reality TV, and shopping till they drop at Walmart. :(

Great article by Paul Roberts

The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. The US not only has a far higher percentage of its population in prison than allegedly “authoritarian” governments, but also has a larger total number of citizens imprisoned than China, a country with four times the US population. The US is by far the largest prison camp in the world.

The conditions, such as solitary confinement, in which many US prisoners are kept are strictly illegal under international law, but that means nothing to “freedom and democracy America.” Solitary confinement, especially confinement inside tiny cells, is like being buried alive. Yet, “freedom and democracy America” is subjecting more than 100,000 citizens to this horror as I write. We hear so much about “America’s moral conscience,” but where is this conscience?

Other prisoners are used as a cheap workforce for US military and consumer industries. Prison labor and the privatization of prisons have created an enormous demand for prisoners. American citizens are shoveled into the profit-making prison system regardless of innocence or guilt...

Read More:
The World’s Biggest Prison Camp - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
/----/ We can afford to lock up criminals and give them 3 squares, a cot and healthcare. Other countries just execute them.

No they don’t. Most of the civilized world has dropped the death penalty. Only the US out of first world nations, has a death penalty.

The United States is socially one of the most repressive societies on earth. Home of the brave and land of the free is a nice slogan but not even close to the truth on either score.

You never tire of revealing your stupidity do you?

Have your genitals been mutilated?
Do you have to wear a Burqua?
Can you be stoned for infidelity?
Are you kept from going to school?
As a lesbian, has anyone here tried to throw you off a roof?

You truly are an idiot.
I'd rather have criminals in jail than on the streets, thank you. If that means we have the highest incarceration rate in the world, so be it.

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