POLICE STATE WATCH: US Is Now World's Largest Prison Camp...

Ugh, you know there's a secret to staying out of prison.
You know this right?


You don't really even need to be doing anything wrong to be a victim of the police state.


WV State Police seize $10K from couple without charging them with a crime
WV State Police seize $10K from couple without charging them with a crime

Dimitrios Patlias (left) and Tonya Smith were pulled over by a West Virginia State trooper on June 9. The trooper took from the couple $10,478 in cash and the 78 gift/rewards cards they had with them.

"The trooper pulled them over, Smith said in an interview, and ranged from accusing them of smuggling cigarettes, to having drugs in the car, to gift card fraud. After searching the car, their persons, and Smith’s purse, the trooper let them go with a uniform warning citation.

However, he also took the $10,478 in cash, the 78 “gift cards” in the car, and Patlias’ smartphone, according to a property disposition report. Smith said 27 of those cards were gift cards, the rest of them were the kind of rewards program cards you get from any chain business.

Patlias and Smith wound up returning to their home in Egg Harbor City, New Jersey, stripped of all their cash but $2, without ever having been charged with a crime. . . .


. . . Once a prosecutor initiates a forfeiture proceeding, the person whose property was seized will likely need legal aid to file motions in response to reclaim their property, where the cost of a lawyer often outweighs the value of the goods seized. Upon 30 days of inaction after the prosecutor’s motion, the property is forfeited to the state by default.

Even if suspects are acquitted of the charges filed against them, they still need to go through the civil procedure to reclaim their property.. . .


.. .Smith, now a new mother, said the experience left her with “a bad taste in her mouth” for police officers, and now, she’ll have to figure out how to teach her son to respect law enforcement while she’s afraid to go near them."
Who the hell is Paul Roberts? It's the same prison system we have been supporting for the last fifty years with improvements at various times. American convicts have access to federal judges through writs and can appeal their own sentences. They live pretty well under clean conditions and for the most part they gain weight and become healthier while in prison. Try doing time in Mexico or South America or Asia. The only time the crazy left complains is during a republican administration.
He was the United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Reagan in 1981.

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