Police surveillance video of Zimmerman may show head injury (photo)

Who cares he followed some kid out on to the street who had committed no crime armed only with ice tea and candy and shot him dead ..the guys a screwball

I would be more comfortable with zimmerman having a court trial to decide if that was the case, or not.

I'm amazed that Eots would rather let internet people or the media be the judge and jury than an actual judge and jury doing the job of deciding Zimmerman's guilt or innocence.
I would shoot Jesus if he attacked me and pounded my head into the concrete.
Who cares he followed some kid out on to the street who had committed no crime armed only with ice tea and candy and shot him dead ..the guys a screwball

I would be more comfortable with zimmerman having a court trial to decide if that was the case, or not.

I'm amazed that Eots would rather let internet people or the media be the judge and jury than an actual judge and jury doing the job of deciding Zimmerman's guilt or innocence.

Do those of us on the internet TALKING about this case and GIVING our opinions wrong? Should we be shut up?
Who cares he followed some kid out on to the street who had committed no crime armed only with ice tea and candy and shot him dead ..the guys a screwball

I would be more comfortable with zimmerman having a court trial to decide if that was the case, or not.

I'm amazed that Eots would rather let internet people or the media be the judge and jury than an actual judge and jury doing the job of deciding Zimmerman's guilt or innocence.

Do those of us on the internet TALKING about this case and GIVING our opinions wrong? Should we be shut up?


Where did I advocate for people to be shut up?
because he sounds like a paranoid drama queen on his 911 call with no specific reason given for his concerns then follows the person down the street ,he had the gun... the boy had candy...his story makes no sense...but a paranoid wanna be cop freaking a kid out stalking him and grabbing him and the kid thinking he is being assaulted and in danger and fighting back and the paranoid panicking wannabe pulling his gun and shooting ,makes perfect sense...he should be arrested and charged and a court decide his guilt or innocence not just let go

You have quite an imagination. There is no evidence that Zimmerman initiated contact with the kid, but it fits your imaginary scenerio, so just throw it out there as some form of fact. Eyewitnesses saw Zimmerman on his back, with the kid astraddle of him, beating him with his fists, and slamming his head into the pavement. This kid didn't appear to be defending himself from a gun toting nut, he was attacking Zimmerman with the obvious intention of doing bodily harm.

In our justice system, people are only charged with a crime, if the prosecutor, and/or a grand jury, believes there is enough evidence to obtain a conviction. We do not yet live in a socialist utopia where people are thrown in jail just to satisfy a bunch of bigots looking to even a score.

He was chasing him. With a gun.

That really should be the end of the story.

There is no evidence that Zimmerman was chasing Martin. All of the available evidence indicates that the confrontation took place after Zimmerman ceased following the kid, and was returning to his SUV.

Your argument makes about as much sense as the "He was arrested, so he must be guilty." nonsense.
Martins hands, knuckles would have marks if he was beating Zimmerman the way the family claims. Surely the police have photographs of his bruised hands and nuckles right?


Funeral director: No injuries on Trayvon

The funeral director who prepared Trayvon Martin’s body for burial told HLN’s Nancy Grace Wednesday that he did not see any cuts or bruises on the teen’s hands that would have been indicative of a struggle with George Zimmerman, the man who shot and killed the Florida teen.

Richard Kurtz of Roy Mizell and Kurtz Funeral Home in Fort Lauderdale said there appeared to be a gunshot wound in Martin’s upper chest area, but he received the body after the autopsy was completed so it was difficult to tell whether he had other injuries. He also could not determine the bullet’s entry or exit point.

“As for his hands and knuckles, I didn’t see any evidence he had been fighting anybody,” Kurtz said.
The media are trying to crawfish out of this. They all pegged him as "white". In their typical punk ass moves these days, everyone in the media ran to be first with this story.
Then it gets worse for the media.

And they all fucked up. Dude's hispanic. And to boot his dad is apparently a former magistrate and he has every color of the United Nations in his family.

Now it turns out to be this bizzare" race a freaking thon" for the bully pulpit from the WH.

What's going on here? People get murdered every day?

One hispanic killed a black kid in Florida? And we turn this into a national discussion?
Hell's bells something is really wrong with this picture.

We're getting our chains jerked by this.

Why is this being driven so hard? The media is going wild with this story.

Why? Trayvon might have been the nicest young man on the planet. Zimmerman could be the nicest young man on the planet.

It's a tragedy of errors however this went down. Both of them were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

This situation is FUBAR. And it's a dog and pony show.

Disclaimer: I have no intent to diminish the loss of someone's baby. But this has turned into a 3 ring circus.
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Why is Nancy Grace doing this?

If Trayvon was really "murdered" by Zimmerman she could end up tainting a jury with this report.

This isn't fair to either the young man who was shot or to to the young man who pulled the trigger if he has to stand trial now for murder.
Martins hands, knuckles would have marks if he was beating Zimmerman the way the family claims. Surely the police have photographs of his bruised hands and nuckles right?


Funeral director: No injuries on Trayvon

The funeral director who prepared Trayvon Martin’s body for burial told HLN’s Nancy Grace Wednesday that he did not see any cuts or bruises on the teen’s hands that would have been indicative of a struggle with George Zimmerman, the man who shot and killed the Florida teen.

Richard Kurtz of Roy Mizell and Kurtz Funeral Home in Fort Lauderdale said there appeared to be a gunshot wound in Martin’s upper chest area, but he received the body after the autopsy was completed so it was difficult to tell whether he had other injuries. He also could not determine the bullet’s entry or exit point.

“As for his hands and knuckles, I didn’t see any evidence he had been fighting anybody,” Kurtz said.

Okay had to back and revisit your post. So the autopsy was done. But where's the report.

A coroner would know and would state body injuries.

This is not rocket science here.

Funeral director: No injuries on Trayvon

The funeral director who prepared Trayvon Martin’s body for burial told HLN’s Nancy Grace Wednesday that he did not see any cuts or bruises on the teen’s hands that would have been indicative of a struggle with George Zimmerman, the man who shot and killed the Florida teen.

Richard Kurtz of Roy Mizell and Kurtz Funeral Home in Fort Lauderdale said there appeared to be a gunshot wound in Martin’s upper chest area, but he received the body after the autopsy was completed so it was difficult to tell whether he had other injuries. He also could not determine the bullet’s entry or exit point.

“As for his hands and knuckles, I didn’t see any evidence he had been fighting anybody,” Kurtz said.

Okay had to back and revisit your post. So the autopsy was done. But where's the report.

A coroner would know and would state body injuries.

This is not rocket science here.

STILL confidential:

EXCLUSIVE: Trayvon Martin Autopsy Status Discussed By Florida Officials - International Business Times
Funeral director: No injuries on Trayvon

The funeral director who prepared Trayvon Martin’s body for burial told HLN’s Nancy Grace Wednesday that he did not see any cuts or bruises on the teen’s hands that would have been indicative of a struggle with George Zimmerman, the man who shot and killed the Florida teen.

Richard Kurtz of Roy Mizell and Kurtz Funeral Home in Fort Lauderdale said there appeared to be a gunshot wound in Martin’s upper chest area, but he received the body after the autopsy was completed so it was difficult to tell whether he had other injuries. He also could not determine the bullet’s entry or exit point.

“As for his hands and knuckles, I didn’t see any evidence he had been fighting anybody,” Kurtz said.

Okay had to back and revisit your post. So the autopsy was done. But where's the report.

A coroner would know and would state body injuries.

This is not rocket science here.

STILL confidential:

EXCLUSIVE: Trayvon Martin Autopsy Status Discussed By Florida Officials - International Business Times

Thanks for that. Appreciated.
This is only a national story because nutters staked out a position that defies all common sense and reason. If the nutter talking heads had simply agreed that Zimmerman ought to have his fate decided by a court of law......which is a completely reasonable and sane point of view to take, then there would be no fodder for this national debate.

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Your nutter entertainers HAD to come down on the side of the shooter......and begin to invent one elaborate "what if" after another in the face of 911 call evidence and the facts of the case. The discussion is ongoing because YOU WANT IT THAT WAY.

This is only a national story because nutters staked out a position that defies all common sense and reason. If the nutter talking heads had simply agreed that Zimmerman ought to have his fate decided by a court of law......which is a completely reasonable and sane point of view to take, then there would be no fodder for this national debate.

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Your nutter entertainers HAD to come down on the side of the shooter......and begin to invent one elaborate "what if" after another in the face of 911 call evidence and the facts of the case. The discussion is ongoing because YOU WANT IT THAT WAY.


not to mention they acted like Zimmerman was a caucasian...dishonesty at its core.
This is only a national story because nutters staked out a position that defies all common sense and reason. If the nutter talking heads had simply agreed that Zimmerman ought to have his fate decided by a court of law......which is a completely reasonable and sane point of view to take, then there would be no fodder for this national debate.

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Your nutter entertainers HAD to come down on the side of the shooter......and begin to invent one elaborate "what if" after another in the face of 911 call evidence and the facts of the case. The discussion is ongoing because YOU WANT IT THAT WAY.


not to mention they acted like Zimmerman was a caucasian...dishonesty at its core.

Who gives a shit?

Anyway, they were not being dishonest. They were mistaken. There is a difference. That you are stuck on that detail is odd considering that a fucking kid was shot.
This is only a national story because nutters staked out a position that defies all common sense and reason. If the nutter talking heads had simply agreed that Zimmerman ought to have his fate decided by a court of law......which is a completely reasonable and sane point of view to take, then there would be no fodder for this national debate.

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Your nutter entertainers HAD to come down on the side of the shooter......and begin to invent one elaborate "what if" after another in the face of 911 call evidence and the facts of the case. The discussion is ongoing because YOU WANT IT THAT WAY.


not to mention they acted like Zimmerman was a caucasian...dishonesty at its core.

Who gives a shit?

Anyway, they were not being dishonest. They were mistaken. There is a difference. That you are stuck on that detail is odd considering that a fucking kid was shot.

Zimmerman's ethnicity has no true bearing on the reality of what happened that night.

I just find it telling that many people propped him up as a caucasian instead of hispanic in order to forward their racial agendas and bigoted stereotypes.
not to mention they acted like Zimmerman was a caucasian...dishonesty at its core.

Who gives a shit?

Anyway, they were not being dishonest. They were mistaken. There is a difference. That you are stuck on that detail is odd considering that a fucking kid was shot.

Zimmerman's ethnicity has no true bearing on the reality of what happened that night.

I just find it telling that many people propped him up as a caucasian instead of hispanic in order to forward their racial agendas and bigoted stereotypes.

Nobody did that. That is your imagination. People thought he was white......based on the dude's name. If you were honest, you'd admit to thinking the same thing. Then it was made known that he is bi-racial. End of conspiracy.
Who gives a shit?

Anyway, they were not being dishonest. They were mistaken. There is a difference. That you are stuck on that detail is odd considering that a fucking kid was shot.

Zimmerman's ethnicity has no true bearing on the reality of what happened that night.

I just find it telling that many people propped him up as a caucasian instead of hispanic in order to forward their racial agendas and bigoted stereotypes.

Nobody did that. That is your imagination. People thought he was white......based on the dude's name. If you were honest, you'd admit to thinking the same thing. Then it was made known that he is bi-racial. End of conspiracy.

Hispanic does NOT denote a race:

Starting with Census 2000, the OMB requires Federal agencies to use a minimum of five race categories:

• White;
• Black or African American;
• American Indian or Alaska Native;
• Asian; and
• Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

Overview of Race and Hispanic Origin
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Who gives a shit?

Anyway, they were not being dishonest. They were mistaken. There is a difference. That you are stuck on that detail is odd considering that a fucking kid was shot.

Zimmerman's ethnicity has no true bearing on the reality of what happened that night.

I just find it telling that many people propped him up as a caucasian instead of hispanic in order to forward their racial agendas and bigoted stereotypes.

Nobody did that. That is your imagination. People thought he was white......based on the dude's name. If you were honest, you'd admit to thinking the same thing. Then it was made known that he is bi-racial. End of conspiracy.

I thought he was white because that is what the media was telling me, then I saw his picture and thought he was hispanic.

Just like when I see obama he looks black, not half black. When I saw zimmerman he looked hispanic, not half hispanic.

Its not a conspiracy it is true, people were saying White on Black violence needs to end......which any violence based off of racial differences should.....but it was dishonest to prop him up that way.
Isn't it interesting how the boy's BODY was found no where near the road.

It's interesing how you don't know all the facts, but you want someone tried for murder. Actually it isn't, it's tired and predictable already.
I don't know the facts? Ok, tell us EXACTLY where the "thug's" body was in relation to the road and Zimmerman's car.

I'm posting this so people may get some perspective onthe layout of the actual scene:

This information is supplied by someone who went to the scene not long after the shooting:

This map shows the route Trayvon Martin took when he returned.



Straight ahead, between the two perpendicular rows of buildings, is the sidewalk Trayvon took to escape Zimmerman. It was the way back to where he was staying.




This is the path Trayvon took, looking south. Scott is on the left. Both are from a Japanese media organization. Facing me is the direction Trayvon took. Zimmerman parked his truck somewhere near the red car and pursued on foot.


This is the spot where Trayvon died, just to the left of the small tree.


This is the scene looking south. The shooting took place on the sidewalk to the left.


This is what Trayvon last saw as he tried to make it back to safety, although it was dark.


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