Police surveillance video of Zimmerman may show head injury (photo)

when was the last time a black person killing a black person was a national story?

what the press does is irrelevant to a dead boy

agreed, but what's your point?

a man followed and shot an unarmed boy that had committed no crime and he should be brought to trial and he can plead self defense if he likes and be judged by a jury of his peers..what the press does or what color anyone is should be irrelevant
agreed, but what's your point?

a man followed and shot an unarmed boy that had committed no crime and he should be brought to trial and he can plead self defense if he likes and be judged by a jury of his peers..what the press does or what color anyone is should be irrelevant

You don't know that.

I dont know zimmerman does not molest children..but I do know the boy was not caught in the act of committing any kind of crime and there is zero evidence he had any intention of committing a crime... perhaps we should preemptively kill off youth because we dont know if they have or may commit a crime one day
but I do know the boy was not caught in the act of committing any kind of crime and there is zero evidence he had any intention of committing a crime... perhaps we should preemptively kill off youth because we dont know if they have or may commit a crime one day

Breaking someone's nose and slamming their head into the ground is a forcible felony.

Thus no arrest.
but I do know the boy was not caught in the act of committing any kind of crime and there is zero evidence he had any intention of committing a crime... perhaps we should preemptively kill off youth because we dont know if they have or may commit a crime one day

Breaking someone's nose and slamming their head into the ground is a forcible felony.

Thus no arrest.
Zimm better damn well hope the medical records back that up.

He was only treated for a couple minutes by an EMT before he was carted off, lookin' all Sunday-best in his unbloody duds.
In addition, the lead homicide detective wanted to arrest Zimmerman that night.

I'd say he has more information than you or I.
but I do know the boy was not caught in the act of committing any kind of crime and there is zero evidence he had any intention of committing a crime... perhaps we should preemptively kill off youth because we dont know if they have or may commit a crime one day

Breaking someone's nose and slamming their head into the ground is a forcible felony.

Thus no arrest.
Zimm better damn well hope the medical records back that up.

He was only treated for a couple minutes by an EMT before he was carted off, lookin' all Sunday-best in his unbloody duds.

And if he does ?
In addition, the lead homicide detective wanted to arrest Zimmerman that night.

I'd say he has more information than you or I.

That is great and highly professional. It shows no malice on the part of Sanford Police and that is why an affidavit was filed that night.

You want investigators to be forthright in presenting opinions and evidence in cases to administration and the state for final determination.
This is only a national story because nutters staked out a position that defies all common sense and reason. If the nutter talking heads had simply agreed that Zimmerman ought to have his fate decided by a court of law......which is a completely reasonable and sane point of view to take, then there would be no fodder for this national debate.

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Your nutter entertainers HAD to come down on the side of the shooter......and begin to invent one elaborate "what if" after another in the face of 911 call evidence and the facts of the case. The discussion is ongoing because YOU WANT IT THAT WAY.


not to mention they acted like Zimmerman was a caucasian...dishonesty at its core.

Hey! Did you hear? Zimmerman is a DEMOCRAT!!!
a man followed and shot an unarmed boy that had committed no crime and he should be brought to trial and he can plead self defense if he likes and be judged by a jury of his peers..what the press does or what color anyone is should be irrelevant

You don't know that.

I dont know zimmerman does not molest children..but I do know the boy was not caught in the act of committing any kind of crime and there is zero evidence he had any intention of committing a crime... perhaps we should preemptively kill off youth because we dont know if they have or may commit a crime one day

You certainly have to wonder if that idea hasn't crossed a few minds.
but I do know the boy was not caught in the act of committing any kind of crime and there is zero evidence he had any intention of committing a crime... perhaps we should preemptively kill off youth because we dont know if they have or may commit a crime one day

Breaking someone's nose and slamming their head into the ground is a forcible felony.

Thus no arrest.

not if they chase you, approach you with a gun and try to detain or threaten you in anyway
Breaking someone's nose and slamming their head into the ground is a forcible felony.

Thus no arrest.
Zimm better damn well hope the medical records back that up.

He was only treated for a couple minutes by an EMT before he was carted off, lookin' all Sunday-best in his unbloody duds.

And if he does ?

he needs to show he was not the instigator and by the fact he was paranoid and following the other person it seems unlikely he was not
if a paranoid man with a gun had not chased a young man with ice tea and candy no one would of died that night
Right. Who cares about the evidence? You just know he's guilty. How could he be innocent when he has a white name like "Zimmerman?"

Would you describe yourself as a "liberal" or just a bigot who convicts people before you know the facts?

No, check that. You just admitted you don't even care about the facts.

I listed the facts the rest is a smoke screen and child who had committed no crime walking with ice tea and candy was followed by a man with a gun against 911 instructions and he then shot and killed him

You listed nothing but the prejudices of a bigot. You don't know what happened. You weren't there. But you are eager to convict the man.

That is so beautifully liberal!

Joe Scarborough is so danged liberal.

Joe Scarborough On Trayvon Martin: Conservatives Are 'Fools' For Taking Political Stance (VIDEO)

On Friday, he excoriated some conservative websites for defending Zimmerman and questioning Martin's innocence. He said that he found their behavior "disgusting."

"Why is it that some on the right are actually taking this up as a cause?" Scarborough asked. "As National Review said almost immediately after it happened, this has nothing to do with gun rights, this has nothing to do with the Second Amendment, this has nothing to do with stand your ground laws, this has nothing to do with the NRA. This has everything to do with a guy that's trying to play security cop, who is unhinged, who chased down and shot a 17-year-old kid armed with Skittles and iced tea.'"

Scarborough warned that conservative sites should follow the National Review and "not take this up as a cause." He took issue with their portrayal of Martin in particular.

He said, "some racist websites, but also sadly some fairly mainstream websites are actually going into Trayvon Martin’s social media pages, be it Twitter or MySpace, and they're trying to find ominous looking pictures while skipping over pictures of him holding up a birthday cake smiling, him fishing with his dad, him standing outside proudly of his home dressed in a tux ready to go to prom."
because he sounds like a paranoid drama queen on his 911 call with no specific reason given for his concerns then follows the person down the street ,he had the gun... the boy had candy...his story makes no sense...but a paranoid wanna be cop freaking a kid out stalking him and grabbing him and the kid thinking he is being assaulted and in danger and fighting back and the paranoid panicking wannabe pulling his gun and shooting ,makes perfect sense...he should be arrested and charged and a court decide his guilt or innocence not just let go

The police and FBI have thus far concluded there isn't enough evidence to conclude he's guilty of murder. I'm going to trust their judgment. Contrary to what some people think, a dead body doesn't mean someone should be arrested for murder.

When they have record of a 911 call where the dispatcher told him after he reali ed the boy was being chased, "I Do Not Want You To Chase Him"

Are you kidding me
Who cares he followed some kid out on to the street who had committed no crime armed only with ice tea and candy and shot him dead ..the guys a screwball

Right. Who cares about the evidence? You just know he's guilty. How could he be innocent when he has a white name like "Zimmerman?"

Would you describe yourself as a "liberal" or just a bigot who convicts people before you know the facts?

No, check that. You just admitted you don't even care about the facts.

I listed the facts the rest is a smoke screen and child who had committed no crime walking with ice tea and candy was followed by a man with a gun against 911 instructions and he then shot and killed him

Child....... really? You don't believe in a concealed weapon permit? You assume the race baiters assumptions are true, that makes you an imbecile...... a bald imbecile with a really silly facial hair cut.
Right. Who cares about the evidence? You just know he's guilty. How could he be innocent when he has a white name like "Zimmerman?"

Would you describe yourself as a "liberal" or just a bigot who convicts people before you know the facts?

No, check that. You just admitted you don't even care about the facts.

I listed the facts the rest is a smoke screen and child who had committed no crime walking with ice tea and candy was followed by a man with a gun against 911 instructions and he then shot and killed him

Child....... really? You don't believe in a concealed weapon permit? You assume the race baiters assumptions are true, that makes you an imbecile...... a bald imbecile with a really silly facial hair cut.
Those who believe that a grown 200 pound man needs a gun to take care of himself physically against an unarmed teen ager are the ones who need some reality.

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